2012 and the rule of the Enki

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Are any of you familiar with the theory that the Gods of Old are going to rule with the coming of 2012. That's what I believe is going to happen. I know that 666 is refers to the aquarian age and is the date that a lot of people say that the Sumerian god Enki is going to rule again. What do you think,



I think he will have a pretty busy schedule  :roll:.
I am sorry, I am so, for the things you don't know
And as for the things you do, I am sorry for those too


Quote from: steveo233 on December 28, 2012, 18:47:38
Are any of you familiar with the theory that the Gods of Old are going to rule with the coming of 2012. That's what I believe is going to happen. I know that 666 is refers to the aquarian age and is the date that a lot of people say that the Sumerian god Enki is going to rule again. What do you think,

The Sumerian God Enki as per Zecharia Sitchin's books - stories based on
Stitchin's interpretation and conjecture of the ancient Sumerian clay tablets.

-sounds like Astromythology to me, another Reliege-ion anyone?

If any Gods or ETs were to return, it will be us :)

At the end of the age of Pisces and beginning of the Age of Aquarius,
the theme is set:
"Apocalypse" really means "Revelation" - what was hidden will be uncovered.

We will awaken to our own divinity
and interact with more aspect of selves, in other realities/dimensions  :wink:

We are spirit, expressing what we will.
We act out perSONAs on our stage of iMAGEination.
We are both the dreamer & the dream.
I think therefore I am.
I am consciousness & potentiality


666 is talking about Nero. Back then they used codes to identify who the anti-Christ was and used numbers.
You need to start looking into what scholars and historians say on theses subject cause the info's you're getting are disinfo. Look what happened to the 2012 shift thing...
Firmly understand that there is no joy or sorrow in this world. If you believe worldly objects are a source of happiness, in their absence you will feel sorrow. Accept the fact that there is no true happiness in the world.


Quote from: Karas on December 29, 2012, 09:49:40
666 is talking about Nero. Back then they used codes to identify who the anti-Christ was and used numbers.
You need to start looking into what scholars and historians say on theses subject cause the info's you're getting are disinfo. Look what happened to the 2012 shift thing...

Christ, anti-Christ are all based on perceptions, belief systems and self-definitions.

Information, disinformation is subject to the perceiver and believer.

Who is to say one interpretation is more accurate than another, unless one is a witness to the event.
All we have are written words open to interpretation and how well it stayed true to the original version.

For me, 2012 shift is a shift in thinking, a breaking down of belief systems and
realisation of self, I am.

Knowing self, the living word, consciousness, spiritual light being who gives definitions to things-
one accepts all are stories which make up lore, law, myths and legends.

Trust in self is to create your own story, U-in-verse and history.

We are spirit, expressing what we will.
We act out perSONAs on our stage of iMAGEination.
We are both the dreamer & the dream.
I think therefore I am.
I am consciousness & potentiality


The problems is that the group that wrote about the 666 thing were Christians. But because the end didn't come they started turning the number into something else. It's still talking about Nero. And according to my research when I was into the "truth seeking" movement. We should be in the astral world in our own manifestation and the aliens will land In 2013 because they can't land untill the shift takes place. So far I'm not floating around and I have to use a device to write on here =p
It's a nice concept you have but that's not what was originally taught on the 2012 shift.  Even the channeled messages supported this accention and now we all know they have lied. Which means that they have lied about everything else.
Firmly understand that there is no joy or sorrow in this world. If you believe worldly objects are a source of happiness, in their absence you will feel sorrow. Accept the fact that there is no true happiness in the world.


Quote from: Karas on December 29, 2012, 10:50:23
The problems is that the group that wrote about the 666 thing were Christians. But because the end didn't come they started turning the number into something else. It's still talking about Nero. And according to my research when I was into the "truth seeking" movement. We should be in the astral world in our own manifestation and the aliens will land In 2013 because they can't land untill the shift takes place. So far I'm not floating around and I have to use a device to write on here =p
It's a nice concept you have but that's not what was originally taught on the 2012 shift.  Even the channeled messages supported this accention and now we all know they have lied. Which means that they have lied about everything else.

Truth is subject to the perceiver and believer.

What and who originally taught the 2012 shift?
Many groups all claim to that theirs is the only truth, all putting their own perspective, beliefs, spin on things.

The only channeled message I resonate with is Bashar's because my experiences
confirm that I create my own reality with my thoughts, beliefs and actions.

Know thyself and comprehend how one creates realities/dreams,
relate this to your experiences in lucid dreaming, OOBE, phasing -
then one will understand that belief systems are choices not an absolute.

Until we accept who we are, how can we accept our other aspects of self (some refer to as ETs)?
This requires a perceptual shift to know and accept that we are consciousness
co-creating this reality/dream.

We are the eternal light of mind, consciousness, spiritual being.
We are not the ego.
We are having physical human temp-oral (temp=temple=body expression. Oral-word within)
experiences in the context of our story/history/U-in-verse.

The story is not the "I am".
The belief system is not the "I am".
The story sets the themes and stage for Imagination.
The "I am" is role-playing and exploring themes, ideas and characters.
Choose your story, your character and let live ...

We are spirit, expressing what we will.
We act out perSONAs on our stage of iMAGEination.
We are both the dreamer & the dream.
I think therefore I am.
I am consciousness & potentiality


BTW I'm pretty sure the start of the age of Aquarius is 2150...That is why some said "Dawning" of the age of Aquarius...


Quote from: steveo233 on December 28, 2012, 18:47:38
Are any of you familiar with the theory that the Gods of Old are going to rule with the coming of 2012. That's what I believe is going to happen. I know that 666 is refers to the aquarian age and is the date that a lot of people say that the Sumerian god Enki is going to rule again. What do you think,

Susan [member of David Icke forum] has kindly shared her ebook:

on her website:  http://www.metaphysicalmusing.com/
direct link pdf 9MB  http://www.metaphysicalmusing.com/files/Inanna%20Returns.pdf

I prefer Susan's version of the Anunaki-Nibiru Story :
Anu, Enki, Enlil, Ninjursag, Marduk, Sargon, Gilgamesh ....
than Zecharia Sitchin's interpretation & conjectures.
I find this story more liberating, well-balanced, explaining many levels [stories]
to our multi-dimensional selves.
[A play in mind]

Inanna Returns

The radiant Light Being began to speak....

"I am all the expressions that have come from the mind of Prime Creator
through me, and through my beloved Inanna.
Remember who you are, remember who we are, Inanna and I.

"You see matter as vibrating energy, beause that is what it is.
Delete your fear programming, beloved.
Fear and doubt are circuitbreakers, love is a circuit-enhancer, an amplifier.
We are Love, the Love of Prime Creator.
Open to us and let go of your fear.
Your life and its expressions will become expanded beyond any dream you have know.
You were never separate from us, Beloved.

You are in us, and we are in you.
At time many of the multidimensional selves began to remember,
but it is now, in this time and space, that you, Gracie,
are beginning the process of unifying all the experiences
of Inanna's projected selves.
All of the life data from the various selves is coming into you
in this now because you have sought truth, and the time is ripe.
The courage of the passion of all those who are within you
will activate that which is dormant in your gentic codes,
and will radiate out onto the planet in a contagious joy."

from pg. 259 - 261

Some of the Characters in the story include:

Quote from: dreamingod on December 29, 2012, 09:23:17
We will awaken to our own divinity
and interact with more aspect of selves, in other realities/dimensions   :wink:

We are spirit, expressing what we will.
We act out perSONAs on our stage of iMAGEination.
We are both the dreamer & the dream.
I think therefore I am.
I am consciousness & potentiality


The cast of characters and places
I read it and it had an uncertain familiarity.
I can't place where or when either.
Spooky stuff, it almost feels it's a real-ity somehow.
How old is the text?
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


Quote from: Stillwater on June 26, 2013, 15:20:06

This person seemed to think that too.

Maybe you guys all watched the same youtube video, I dunno, lol.  :roll:

Notice that I am emphasizing the higher perspective.

QuoteWe will awaken to our own divinity.
We are the returning Gods of our stories!

We collectively [experiencing the many personas/ characters of the play in mind including man, anunaki, other beings]
are the imaginations of self [consciousness/ spirit/ source].
All these stories are a play in mind. All realities are virtual realities in consciousness.

Now the story of 'man' can do with a scene change [for all those who believes & desires it].
Possible script outline :
Cast: Enlightened man, off-planet beings, inter-dimensional beings
Scene: Terra/ EArth, [outer] space exploration. [inner] space realisation
Story: Drama of man on and off Terra/ EArth interacting with other beings  :-D

After I check out of this [linear story, density experience] reality construct,
I intend to tour and visit/ experience many virtual reality constructs [data streams]  :wink
Having fun is my objective  :-D

We are spirit, expressing what we will.
We act out perSONAs on our stage of iMAGEination.
We are both the dreamer & the dream.
I think therefore I am.
I am consciousness & potentiality