The Astral Pulse

2012 and The Transition of the Ages => Welcome to 2012 and The Transition of the Ages => Topic started by: predatoo on April 20, 2012, 11:57:33

Title: A short rant, a good vent.
Post by: predatoo on April 20, 2012, 11:57:33
What I woke up to this morning was probably the most disgusting thing that has ever happened to me, and probably the most painful too. To live a life feeling helpless, in a world that is at your feet. I feel I am like any other person that is in touch with the world around them. I have grown, worked, studied and travelled amongst many other things which have formed who I am. I have a great network of friends, from all different flavours, who are, essentially, in the exact same shoes as me.
Often, it may feel like you share a point of view with others, perhaps many. Their views may be more or less extreme, but, each to their own, within reason. Why then, does it sometimes feel like you're completely alone? Although I live in a world full of other people, my mind, what I know, is separate from everyone else. You might know my favourite colour is blue or any other subtlety, but could you pick the perfect shade? Only if you really knew me. If you 'really' know me, then chances are I 'really' know you.
Every day, people discuss issues, to one effect or the other. Some people, act on these issues, and some people don't. Of course, the outcome is going to be different for each situation. It could be the issue of having no milk in the fridge, no money in the bank, or boatpeople. Each individual will respond in way that is right for them, taking into account cost/effort, resources that are available, and a variety of other factors.
Take an issue that affects, to some extent, everyone. How often, do you sit with a friend, and discuss that issue? When you don't agree, do you listen, and try to understand each other, working towards an ultimate outcome?
Circumstantially; 'everyone' may be your family, and there is no milk in the fridge. After opening the fridge door and realizing, you may ask; what did I need it for? How urgently? Is dad nearly finished work? No.. Then; is it getting too dark to ride my bike to the store? No? How much cash do I have? None.. Who else is home? . . .You will take all of this into  consideration, and move towards the solution in the most appropriate manner. Perhaps it wasn't urgent after all, and you do nothing.
Perhaps 'everyone' is a country, the entire population, and at some point or other, they will have dealings with an issue. What percentage of the people discussing this issue actually have the resources and the ability to act on this issue? Smaller again is the percentage of people with control over the outcomes of a soultion.
If 'everyone' was your family, (in an ideal environment) wouldn't you be doing your best to please everybody? Wouldn't you at least listen to other suggestions and priorities, and then other courses of action, that can be strung together to reach a desirable solution for everyone, covering multiple aspects!?

Now, I have a problem, and I remember discussing this problem many times with many different people. Even though we may have been affected differently, and wish for different changes in relation to this issue, we have discussed it, gone deeper, put each other in boxes, discussed potential paths of action, yet, here is where it stops. We as two people can't fathom a solution that benefits as many people as possbile. The only way to find this solution is to make decisions at a national level. Then, of course, we take that outcome, and vary it state to state, and locality to locality, in a way that results in you being as comfortable in your surroundings as you can possibly be.  One locality's views may be upside down to those in another state, yet, is it not still relative?

How many times have you been involved with fixing an issue on a local level? From person to person, this is going to change. Perhaps you work in construction, or a cafe, or you play sport. It is inevitable that you will be faced with issues, big and small. Perhaps you are a labourer, and you have just questioned your boss's instructions. He may return a 5 second statement that clarifies the task at hand, or your question may lead to heated a discussion. Perhaps your local scout club raised enough to build a new hall and you didn't give a excrement, so you let them take care of it 'cos at the end of the day it doesn't affect you. If you find yourself in a discussion you will either argue your opinion, accept and yield, or simply not care.

How many times now, have you formed an outcome to an issue that affects your entire country, and then proceeded to act on it? The two or three times perhaps, when you voted at election since your 18th a few years ago? What more can you do? Talk to people? Who will listen? Who listens and helps, or acts and who brushes you off? Are you confident that the people you have elected to make decisions are not only capable but honest and caring enough to be trusted?

"In spite of the increasing evidence that current policies are not achieving their objectives, most policymaking bodies at the national and international level have tended to avoid open scrutiny or debate on alternatives." This quote can be adapted easily to embody the people at a local level.

If there was an issue you felt strongly about, where do you voice your opinion, with any hope of it actually being part of the solution? If you don't care about that issue, would you bother saying anything? Perhaps, if you felt it may affect you sooner or later, or your opinion might help.
Why, in an age where, every day, people waste a cumulative bonk ton of hours shitting around on Facebook, is there not a national forum which can be used to highlight issues, discuss and prioritize them, and then act out the solutions in an appropriate manner? Obviously, we have the template for a body that can be used to 'govern' and act on the outcomes right down to a local level, and the facilities to have open discussion by everyone that cares, and narrow options down to a solution decided by a poll.

Today my mum asked, "even if it is something you feel strongly about, but  you know you can't do anything, then isn't it unhealthy to be obsessed with that issue?" I thought she understood the issue better than that, so I told her "that is ridiculous, trying not to care is what let the problem get out of hand in the first place, and it is that attitude which has dictated why this issue is still a bonking issue!" Mum and dad both nodded, but then dad spoke, practically just rephrasing the question, demonstrating that he hadn't grasped what I had said, again, I was the victim.  

I have never felt so disgusted. Not at my parents, nor at the issue. At the realization that everyone shares easily fixable problems, but, stripped of their voices, they have no courage to, for lack of a better word,  'rebel'. And then pain set in. The hurt inside me, that is me. I am completely isolated, and I am not alone.

I have been feeling very under the weather in regards to this kind of thing for a while now..
Title: Re: A short rant, a good vent.
Post by: predatoo on April 20, 2012, 11:59:04
Maybe it was not so short.. Thanks for reading
Title: Re: A short rant, a good vent.
Post by: silwer on October 06, 2012, 16:10:57
Oh this is an old post but I have to reply anyways, I often feel hopeless when talking to people around me realizing they cant grasp or understand what I'm trying to say.

Though your topic is way bigger then what I have been discussing but I do think that people really need to speak up and express how they truly feel about how things are. I don't think I know a single person who is happy with how they are treated by parts of the government or how things seem to be broken but no one cares to fix them. People know how to improve their lives but are afraid to take the step and act. I really wish everyone treated each other as family and strived to make the best out of every situation. At least that is how I try to do it. But sadly some seem so stuck in their world of helplessness that no matter what you say to them, no matter how many times you help them with their problems.. they just keep running into that same hole ._. That I'm having a hard time to deal with .. and honestly I just want to walk away...  Yet I hope more and more people will bond together and create that "family" like community that will just keep on growing until we have another revolution :D

Now ... I hope I didn't completely miss your point... your post was pretty long and on a subject deeper and more complex then what I could muster in this ^^;
Title: Re: A short rant, a good vent.
Post by: Chaos Mage on October 06, 2012, 19:07:58
Oppression, tyranny, and slavery are what keeps this world intact.  They, the government, the family members, everything that 'likes the world as it is', will supress and destroy you if you speak out against it.  In my country, here in Canada, I'm on a level with 'a dangerous man' a threat to the public, yet they have lied and supressed the truth for thirty years!!  I wasn't human, and what happened to my people?  What happened to the elves and the dwarven, the fae folk and others?  "Oh that's crazy, all of those are just myths, they have no basis in reality".

Well, compared to what you wrote, what I'm saying is worthless.  On the other side of it, I did have a dream once about the future, and it has even repeated itself in different locations.  Basically, in the future, the buildings are huge communal structures where children run and play in freedom, old men don't get old looking or die from it, and everyone tends to get along.  How does that feel?  In your mind, you might have the same residual 'destruction of good hope' that lingers in most of the adult population.  Almost everyone is shifting into a paradigmn where either genocide or something worse is going to happen.  The government will never allow us to live in peace, they have too much technology and too much at stake.

In time, everything will either die, or, it will live forever.  In my situation, they actively persecute me on every grounds that there are, and as long as I'm sitting here feeding info into a computer, I might get to smoke some weed.  But I'm trapped here, BECAUSE OF POLITICS.  Politics isn't the answer to anything.  It's basically like in Mage The Ascension, not that I ever played it but... you have a consensus/pact, and the rest are all outsiders that threaten the power balance.  In my exact moment, this current minute of being, I just want to lay down and die, I haven't have peace in my mind or heart for so long and so full of sugar and destruction hope...  see ya later.  Just remember, ultimately, you are free.  The more you focus this reality and crush your pure hope and destroy it, the less chance you have that you will be free.  There's horrible things that can happen, and often, we feel guilty for being powerless to stop bad things from happening.  Dream Free, hit the astral and never look back, or, absorb all the energy of reality, and just Be without Being In The Deathtrap.
Title: Re: A short rant, a good vent.
Post by: ForrestDean on October 06, 2012, 19:17:12
Rebellion only serves to perpetuate the issue.  It is also the polar opposite of attachment.  All attachments enslave.  Let go of everything you fear to lose.  Just let your fears go.  Let go of all attachments.  Let go of everything.  We cannot change our governments or other institutions anymore than we can change our neighbors.  We cannot change the world.  We cannot change anything we perceive to be outside ourself.  This is impossible.  We can only change ourselves.  The world is a reflection of you.  When you realize you are the world you realize that when you change yourself you change the world.