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Afterthought: 2012

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Surely not the old battle of "light and dark" again? That same old record keeps getting played. You'd think after 2000 years they'd wanna listen to something different, ha ha ha.

It got to Number-1 in year 0000 and 2005 years later it's still in the charts, lol. It reminds me of Bridge Over Troubled Water in the '70s. It was in the album charts for like 3 years or something. I thought that was a long time, but the doom-and-gloom boys take the biscuit. :)



Jeez, thanks for the seriousness Frank.... I'm being serious here...

I didn't spend 2 years researching on the powers of light and darkness just to make false assumptions...

Come on... don't you think that we're about to experience an astral war in the next few years?


Ha ha ha, an Astral war!

I've heard it all now. :)



Tell me, where did you happen to do this "research"?
It wasn't the Internet was it?


No! *groans* Not you too...

It began as I was walking in the hallway... in my high school... I was deeply thinking about my life... the things I had done, and the things I had to do, and how I had to do things at that time...

When suddenly, I felt a... well.... I felt... something....

I don't know what it was, but I was "hit" by something that forced me to ask myself, "Who am I?"

For two years I researched about our human believes, histories, and everything about us... I started to see that there was a bigger picture, one our religions haven't anticipated.... That our religions and sciences were connected... and that the fundamental forces of our world and of the divine were keys to understanding the nature of God himself...

I'm not BSing here... I'm dead serious, and if you can't respect that, then don't reply...

Ben K

Ah yes, your 2 years of studying human behavior gave you so much wisdom as oppsoed to Franks decades of research in the astral. Right.


Ha ha ha, an Astral war!

I've heard it all now. :)
:D  Everytime someone mentions astral/demon wars it makes me laugh to tears. It remnids me of an extremely stupid anime called "Nightmare Campus" that I've seen in last year. There was even big amount of "demon war" believers at Astral Pulse...


QuoteI didn't spend 2 years researching on the powers of light and darkness just to make false assumptions...

How would one go about studying the powers of light and darkness exactly?
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?



Remember how we were all saying (those of us who have seen all this before!), how this latest 'prophesy' will be the new big thing until (of course) the date passes?
Those who were so into it will, as usual, struggle to find some suitable explanation as to why nothing happend, but by that time it doesnt really matter because the focus will have moved onto some other random date.. and so it goes on:

Well, looks like some people are already ahead of us:

The singularity or the disintegration of time is not a prophecy, nor a theory, but a reality. It WILL occur in the next 20 to 30 years if nothing major happens in 2012.

It begins!

"It is to Scotland that we look for our idea of civilisation." -- Voltaire.


I don't recall a time in history that was anything like the time we are living in now. Maybe I'm a pessimist for thinking that doomsday is likely to be dawning. If I can put it more appropriately: change is likely.

The consciousness shift that has gained much popularity may occur because the world is changing at an unprecedented speed. People will obviously conclude that we are in a time where things are moving much faster and it means that something big is coming. It doesn't take prophesizing to do, only thinking.

Yes we can say that prophecies always appear out of society that attract people like a magnet only to be disproved completely. It is possible to make suppositions, from this viewpoint, looking back over how history has progressed. We can say the former but we cannot say that humanity has not changed drastically in the last millennium. Hasn't there been a growth in evolution? An improvement in spiritual consciousness? As a humanity we are heading somewhere, certainly, or hopefully we are not stuck in static.

If that place we are heading is a more spiritually conscious state of awareness then it is not a prophecy that one day we will get there. The thought hit me (that caused me to start this topic) that it is up to humanity to make the consciousness shift with a revolution in thinking processes, and 2012 may be the incentive to make the next step in spiritual evolution. 2012 isn't predominately a negative prophecy. If so many people are looking at it as a chance for change, then maybe that motivation for change will bring spiritual transformation to a global level.

I want to be in the energy, not with the enemy
A place for my head



I don't want to sound like I'm jumping on your case, you are welcome to express your opinion here and all that, but aren't you just stating the obvious?

There was never a time in history that was the same as any other time. So what's the difference with now? I mean, it's not as if all of history was all the same and now, suddenly, changes are taking place. Change has ALWAYS taken place! Change has always taken place to the extent where there would only be something worthy of note if change suddenly stopped changing place. Like, we looked back and realised, whoops, hey guys and gals, no change has taken place the past 10 years... oh my... what the heck is going on? Is the world ending or something?

You say that "maybe" you are a pessimist for thinking that doomsday is likely to be dawning. Why the maybe? Is not the very definition of a pessimist someone who harbours feelings that doomsday (of whatever description) is likely to be dawning?

The "world" is changing at an unprecedented speed, yes, because we are changing at an unprecedented speed. What took 50 years before now takes perhaps 10 years. I don't mind that, personally, I love these kinds of changes. Problem is, though, some types of people get "left behind". They get to thinking their world is ending and I suppose it is, in a sense. But then they go and try to impose their existentialist viewpoint and/or their faulty thinking upon all of us.

It's a bit sad really, when I think about it. A group of people all "huddled together" praying and hoping their time will come. It must be very embarrassing making all those public outcries only to become a laughing stock. I suppose in the past they got away with it because communication between us all was not so readily available. Of course, it's much easier these days to get your message across, so to speak. But, then again, it works both ways in that the amount of ridicule that's going to be aimed at these people when 2012 simply comes and goes will be magnified also.

We are already anticipating the "fudge" concepts these people will typically be coming out with. Let's not have the, "Sorry we got our dates wrong" excuse this time, perlease, not that again! That kind of tosh has been churned out for nigh on TWO THOUSAND YEARS! It's time to change the record, surely.

There is going to be no "spiritual transformation". There will, however, be a gradual shift in the basis of our thinking that will begin to escalate over the coming 2 or 3 decades. But that's nothing new. That has been taking place for the past 200 years! We are, in fact, moving away from the traditional notions of spirituality and spiritual transformations. It is our sciences that dominate now, and that continues to the point where all the superstitious tosh just falls away like a 1st-stage booster rocket burning up on re-entry.

You are, however, quite correct to say the up and coming consciousness shift will be caused by a revolution in our thinking process. This is, as I say, quite correct. But then for you to start talking about spiritual prophesies and end-of-the-world doom and gloom. Well, that hardly constitutes a revolution in thinking now does it. That's just the same old pap my ancestors and me have been laughing at for the past 2000 years, lol.




May God have mercy on all of your souls.... for if the path of Unification is complete and humans complete their "spiritual evolution" without any of you...

Well... I'll just feel sorry for the person who has to be in the fallout nuclear blast...

Ben K

unione, enough already, il just shoot you a pm when i feel my soul needs to be saved.


Fine by me... but don't say I didn't warn you...

Ben K

Hah, you think your gonna get off easy? When blown away by that atomic blast and land in heaven, you bet your butt God is gonna hear about it.


I don't recall a time in history that was anything like the time we are living in now. Maybe I'm a pessimist for thinking that doomsday is likely to be dawning. If I can put it more appropriately: change is likely.
Similar changes were prophesied many times in the history. I've read that one of the dates was 1550-1560(not sure about date). Many intelligent people believed that some kind of shift in humanity's consciousness will happen(even a famous Polish writer Kochanowski was one of the believers). Of course nothing happened. This time will be no different.
May God have mercy on all of your souls.... for if the path of Unification is complete and humans complete their "spiritual evolution" without any of you...

Well... I'll just feel sorry for the person who has to be in the fallout nuclear blast...
Why do every belief system has to control believers with fear? When people are afraid they will believe in strangest things(like war on terror - it's BUSHIT :wink: ).
Path of unification?  I'd rather go to hell than participate in such thing.
Fine by me... but don't say I didn't warn you...
Who cares?


As much as I am philosophically aware. I am also politically aware. I for one, based on my understanding of global events today, think Alex's apprehensions are very valid. There is indeed a crisis around the corner that could flare up into something disastrous.

Now, Frank and others attitude of "nothing is wrong" while well intentioned and to keep us from pan icing or thinking negatively, is as good as apathy.

However, the truth is the state of the world today, in all areas, has never been as bad. People are losing their rights everyday on false pretenses of terrorism. Oil prices are in danger of peaking.z I have already felt the effects of this at home. And the war rhetoric is stepping up between all of the major powers. It's a pretty dire state. I am not the type for panicking, but if this keeps up, it could culminate into something catastrophic and this will not be averted by ignoring it or pretending everything is okay.

Also there is an upsurge in natural disasters, volcanic activity and tectonic activity. Global warming is actually a very real phenomena and it's effects are being felt, causing many governments to caution. There are what many are now calling climate changes occurring.

If that is enough the bird flu pandemic threat, cautioned by many scientists and professional bodies, now claiming more than 80 human lives, is now showing signs that it can be transferred from human to human.

So, while panic would be needless worry, but caution of what could happen(probably before 2012) would be advisable.


If I can change something, then I would. If I can't then I can't. Worrying about it is a complete and total waste of time. Same goes for guilt etc...pointless unless the emotion can guide you to a genuine solid worthwhile course of action, and not just a sop to some ideal.
May your [insert choice of deity/higher power etc here] guide you and not deceive you!


QuoteIf I can change something, then I would. If I can't then I can't. Worrying about it is a complete and total waste of time.

The way you're looking at it seems to like someone in a tunnel with a train coming at them at full speed. They can't stop the train, you're right, but they can move to the side and get off the tracks, and hope theres enough room for safety. Same if there was an impending world crisis. You would have time now, if you really wanted, to secure yourself and your loved ones. Whether or not there's an actual risk involved if you do not is another issue. It doesn't seem to hard to look around and pick out potentially major problems, though.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


If I can change something I would, also implies avoidance I would think. It implies that if I can't change the thing, but it would effect me, then if I can change something to make sure it doesn't effect me (and my loved ones) then I would.  If I can see that there's nothing I can do in either way then I'm not going to kill myself with worry about it either.

I'd love to know how many people in the world can genuinely harness real magical/healing power of one kind or another. If there are truly many that do, can that ever be used to begin to alter the future course of history? Now that's something I'd be intrigued to work on-if there was ANY reality to that suggestion there I just made.

Anyway I digress

QuoteYou would have time now, if you really wanted, to secure yourself and your loved ones

Secure them from what exactly? Which crisis should I pick? There are so many to choose from. Ok, I apologise-that was nearly sarcastic :-), and yes there is stuff like the tsunami that happened and other crap will happen too.  However simply living entails some risk, and whilst you can negate the large proportion of various risks, natural disasters are hard to totally avoid if the warnings are too vague time and location wise.
May your [insert choice of deity/higher power etc here] guide you and not deceive you!


QuoteSecure them from what exactly? Which crisis should I pick? There are so many to choose from.

Maybe not much to choose from in the UK besides some random freak weather, yeah. And you're right; that'll happen nonetheless.

Here in the US there's a rising probability of great civil problems that are potentially disastrous to go along with that, though. And at the same time, I basically live on top of the Appalachians, which would be a nice (relatively) safe haven from both weather/climate changes and violent political situations/war. Only real issue would be if Washington was ever nuked, but I'm hoping that would never happen anyway. :)
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?



It is interesting you speak of US civil problems. I have read quite a bit about a possibility of a civil war in US. Share your insight with me :)


That is what is apathy is. It is when nobody does anything about problems. It is very natural for us to do. However, simply ignoring a problem, does not make a problem go away.

A lot of the problems today have been brewing for quite a long time due to the apathy of people. However, it does not mean they are inevitable, if as a society we made a collective effort, we can still avert the dangers of tomorrow.

However, if nothing is done about the world problems today, they will just continue unfettered, like before, and amount into a storm. I guess the biggest problem in the social psyche, is that there is no problem. You deal with that by campaiging for awareness.


Judging by how many problems, crisis and issues there are, it's entirely possible for ones entire consciousness to be consumed by such awareness. Imagine you have the power to help one hungry starving child, and you are taken to meet a thousand of them so that you can choose who to help.  It's a bit like that.  Now I know there are several various answers to that analogy, including trying to get another 1000 people to help which is true. The point

I'm making is however that there are that many issues in the world that one HAS to tune out the vast majority of them virtually. Especially when the information sources are often so difficult to completely trust.  It doesn't mean one likes that fact, however you could make yourself quite paranoid and ill by being immersed in it all-I know, some of the people I have met have actually become the most awful, righteous types of people that repel other nearly because of this.  In a world of 6 billion people-something I've always felt was too many for Earth really (just a feeling and I know no solution)-it's not surprising that the majority have this apathy. What can each of them do? making a roomful of people act in the same direction can be difficult enough, try it with thousands, then millions and finally everyone? Only been known to have partly succeeded in times of severe dogmatic control-Nazis, religion etc.

I'm not advocating a giving up attitude here. I am explaining why I'm not going all out on issues etc. I work on people when asked with healing, I try to perform any magic work I do with a part of it directed towards altering the future in a better way.

If I cast a spell asking for a change, I endeavour to perform a balance, though in this I am a beginner.  However whilst some issues might be helped by individual input there are others that only the whole planet working to gether would alleviate-even then the outcomes are doubtful.
May your [insert choice of deity/higher power etc here] guide you and not deceive you!



The US is currently going through the same kind of changes Germany was in the early 1930s. Our Reichstag was 9/11, and the science supporting that claim is constantly being refined more and more. Even now, the case for 9/11 being an inside job is much stronger than the official government reports, and I'm fairly certain similar events with be manufactured down the road to ensure the federal government more power. I just think there are going to be problems at home before anyone has to invade us, just because of our democratic tradition. It won't be like our last civil war, either; there are no borders between the people and the system.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


Yeah, they do say that empires rot and fall from the core. So maybe it's the beginning of the end.

I suppose that's where all the end of the world talk stems from. If gasoline prices rose tomorrow in the USA to what we in Europe pay anyway, they'd certainly think their world was ending, lol. Roll on 100 USD a barrel I say, better still, make it a hundred and fifty.

I'm not sure where all this talk about a US invasion comes from. Quite what you guys have got that we can't live without I cannot fathom. It's certainly not your cars, ha ha, or your beer...
