Does anyone believe that reiki will be a part of the ascension of 2012

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From all that I have read it seems to be a supposed raising of consciousness to a more spiritual level.


My aunt practices reiki. I believe it's a nice way to steal money from the naive, good quality bovine excrement really. :-D




I find your question a bit strange honestly. It seems to me that you're asking if Reiki is a real deal or not, so I will elaborate a little bit about the Reiki part instead of 2012.
Reikie deals with energy, energy that is all around us and inside us. Personally I believe to accept that Reiki is a power which we all have and can use to help/heal/comfort each other.
It doesn't matter if you call it Reiki, Love, Live Energy..., you can call it whatever you want.

I have received one Reiki treatment in my life (I'm 30). It felt great, of course you can speculate that is psychically and that I wanted to feel good about it and thereby created the feelings myself.
But that's up to each individual to make up for themselves.
I don't like the fact that people ask money for it (I received my treatment from a friend), because I look at it as something that everyone can give and the energy is just there for the taking.
I'm still having doubts about the fact if an initiation is really necessary (one of the ceremonies they do to become initiated in Reiki), because the lineage of passing on this ceremony must stop somewhere in history, so who gave an initiation to the first person anyway? Catch my drift?
Therefore I personally believe that anybody can start Reiki, it all comes from within anyway, your own belief and spiritual state in this aspect of using energy to help others.

I wanna follow a course in Reiki, reason being to learn from it as I still doubt about the necessity for an initiation. The only way at this moment that can clear up that question for me is learning up and making up my mind then.

Anyway, back to your question: Yes I think it's part of it, as energy is what we are and ascension implies for me higher vibrations and energy is a vibration.
Hope this answers from my point of view your question,

Love & Light


Thanks for the response Silent.  I agree in regards to feeling uncomfortable myself about charging people for reiki although I paid for the 1st and 2nd level attunements I do fully accept that they gave me something that wasn't there before the attunements. I didn't have any beliefs regarding spiritual healing as I didn't even have an interest in that area and I took the attunements as a way of working on and hopefully clearing my own personal issues. Just to clarify  I would say my question refers whether there will be a greater interest in spirituality in the general population who currently dismiss or ridicule such things, and will reiki play a part in all that.  And just for the record, I'm in no way a new ager just someone who is open minded :-)