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Star Seeds and ETs ?

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Alright so I'm not sure if this is posted in the right section, I apologize if it's not.
So I want to hear from you guys, your thoughts and opinions on star seeds and ETs.
Do you guys believe in star seeds ? If so do you think there are different types of star seeds that come for different purposes ? If anyone has a website about star seeds that they believe to be legit please post a link. I've read a couple different sites about star seeds, most of them have different information on them and portray them differently.
I'm very sure ETs exist as the universe is quiet vast, and does expand everyday but do you guys think they're out to help or out to deceive ? I read about the Galactic Federation and how there are supposedly other races that live in the universe but most of them are here to help and aid Earth in this time of transition, but there are some races that are here to deceive and mislead us. I've also heard that their are the races but within the races there are still the ones that want to create more negativity. I never really resonated with that. What are your guys' thoughts on that ?

My thoughts, I do kind of believe in star seeds but at the same time I feel like the info I've seen is just BS to misguide us from the actual truth and maybe even keep us at a lower vibration.


love is energy and hate is energy

it is the same energy, all things are the same energy they are just at a different frequency

because the universe is vast so are the different frequency ranges of different races, normally if they are negative its because that's the frequency they are used to processing not because they are good or evil, they just have not evolved in the same energy band as us

some beings only have 1 primary energy center for example, they would seem perverse or angry even when they are trying to be nice, they just cant process the higher vibes



There's definitely no doubt of other civilizations throughout the Universe, of this you can be absolutely sure.  There's no need to wait for any of them to help or to deceive, or to do anything for that matter.  I feel the more appropriate question would be: Are We out to help or to deceive?

As far as "star seeds" are concerned, well I don't find much relevance in the term.  There are no beings greater than any other.  It doesn't matter what, if any, star we came from.  We are all here to experience life so that we can learn from that experience.  We should all be helping, supporting, and guiding each other selflessly - within this world and beyond.  This is not limited to "spiritually advanced" beings.


I never thought of it that way kailaurius. But if a soul came from another planet wouldn't they be more prone to being awakened and gaining knowledge faster due to the fact they've already been "enlightened" (giving that the planet they come from is living in peace and harmony) and have just took on the role to incarnate on Earth and help raise the vibrations and awaken humanity quicker. Wouldn't that technically make them a little bit of a greater being, for now at least ?

I've only recently been awakened, for about 2 years after I moved to EP, TX (one of the safest cities in the world yet engulfed in ignorance and negativity due to the border and drug cartels) and over those 2 years I've gained much knowledge and abilities (very clear telepathy with two of my friends who actually awakened me, but I believe they come from another star system as well) that people say takes awhile to develop. There must be a reason why I've gained all this in such a short period of time.

Thanks for the responses, I enjoy seeing others thoughts :-D


For me personally, it's a work in progress now. I have received some clear hints that I am ET / starseed. I always felt alien here anyway and recent projections, a "vision" in the astral, and plenty of dreams hint to an ET origin and also to a kind of 'mission' here. Still, I try to uphold healthy skepticism as to this. As said, the research and data gathering is ongoing now. One must keep in mind that many things experienced can also be symbolical / metaphorical for other things (e.g. for non-pyhsical life in general, which is in a way always 'extraterrestial', too). I'm still on the fence, but I am inclined to let the starseed hypothesis gain acceptance for me, also since it explains a lot of things more neatly.  :|


Volgerle, your comment made me feel good like im not the only one.
I too feel like a starseed/et on a mission, I do believe I've had a dream that was a sign kind of to stray me but at the same time strengthen my belief. and a physical sign.
I remember one night I was driving home with my friend and I began thinking if I really am a star seed or if Im just going through a stage of progression/learning and then all of a sudden I see on the skyline in the city lights 3 BRIGHT white lights (clearly you could distinguish them from the dark orange-ish city lights) in the shape of a triangle. a building covers them up and all of a sudden the white lights are gone, it felt as if they were trying to show me and I do have a strong belief that I am a starseed but then theres always that voice in my head thats scared to really believe that. I yet have anything to be seen in AP/OBEs but i hope soon I can receive signs threw AP/OBE. Keep in touch, I'd feel much more comfortable talking and sharing my experiences with someone that believes they are a star seed as well.  :-D


"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


I got this link from another forum member at the now closed Pavlina forum   I downloaded the p.d.f book , it was interesting .  desert rat 


Very interesting indeed. And very true, the moral and message anyway, I'm sure there's a lot of distorted info in their tho.

Keep watching the forums, I will be posting our history so more of us can awaken. Once the truth is heard, that's when people begin to awaken and realize somethings not right.


Quote from: desert-rat on May 23, 2012, 13:09:31
I got this link from another forum member at the now closed Pavlina forum   I downloaded the p.d.f book , it was interesting .  desert rat 
I've come across this before and now read the first pages and to me it seems a lot of fear mongery, even if the authors (which are humans, after all, pretending to communicate via 'channelling') state more then once that it is not so. But that's the trick: 'don't be worried, the world's gonna end, but don't be afraid, have a nice cup of tea and a cake in the meantime...'.

On a first look (as said, just read the first pages) it is interesting that there is also a strong contradiction between their 'channeling' and other statements that were derived from deep regressive hypnosis. So here is from the first pages of this book:
Quote"You live in a part of the galaxy that is quite inhabited. Not all parts of the galaxy are so inhabited. There are great unexplored regions. There are many hidden races. Trade and commerce between worlds are only carried on in certain areas. The environment that you will emerge into is a very competitive one."

Here's what I found, in contrast, in one of the books of past life regression. This person speaks what he knows from his higher ("ET") self. I quoted from this interesting book already in another thread, it is almost on the same pages as the last quote. Note the difference to the quote above:
Quote"Your world evolution is such that it was necessary for this planet to be isolated for the lessons to be learned. Many people are born in this world who live a life of loneliness and of alone characters in order to learn these lessons.
And it is simply the same on a planetary level for each civilization has its own lessons to learn. Your lessons as a civilization are to learn the lessons of the loner and then to step into the real world, so to say, and to use these lessons of being a loner. The Earth is in the backwash of the universe, not in the mainstream at all. This is no coincidence, this is intentional. It is intentional that this race is in this backwash, not that this is a backwash.
We mean no offense. We would ask that you not see this in a derogatory manner. We simply meant to say that there is not much happening around here. This race was placed here in isolation for its own progression. You see because we, I speak "we" now because I am with you. We, the human race here, is a neighbor or a race which is growing. It is not the only race. It is a race, whose destiny is to evolve on this isolated planet in order to become a universal neighbor, which is eminent."

- D. Cannon / Keepers Of the Garden

That's almost a direct contradiction. Mainstream or backwash. Furthermore I remember from the same book that the galactic environment is not "competitive" at all but rather very cooperative, as most races are spiritually advanced and have left such 'competitive' struggles (for life?) behind them. There is 'trade' but is more of an exchange of goods and/or knowledge rather than of making any profit.

So what and who is right? Yeah, of course we cannot tell for sure. Maybe both are wrong.  :lol:

Anyway, intution is telling me that there is a little more 'truth' in the latter. I've also read other books on alien past life regression and the accounts are similar. Aliens (even those doing abductions) are more benign or at least neutral. First it's hard to grasp, but it even makes sense somehow.

It seems illogical and almost outrageous to me to apply anthropomorphism without second thoughts here. ET civilisations are not humans. You cannot expect them to behave like us. It's not the automatic assumption that they come here to exploit, invade, destroy us, in a way this is often argued for by making comparisons to human history (e.g. the Europeans in the Americas). Yeah, and Hollywood movies thrive from it, too.  :roll:

Of course, we cannot tell for sure what's going on 'behind the scenes'. Anyway, as regards 'starseeds' I recommend to read D. Cannon's past life regression book "The three waves" where she has literal protocols of many regressed "ETs". It's a mindbender. And it's very surprising for many feeling 'victimised' by "evil ETs".

Quote from: Stillwater on May 21, 2012, 17:19:40
This person seemed to think she was a "star seed".

I've skimmed through it a little and it seems also to deal with all of that "shift / ascension to 5D" myth and the ET civilistations as mainly (but not solely) spiritual entities trying to help us and to save us from ourselves.

E.g. here is a webpage on the 5-D-myth. D. Cannon is also referred to very often as some of her regressed clients report similar things (don't know if 5d is mentioned literally in her books though). Here's some quotes about vibrational raise:

Still, although I believe in ETs to be more benign, I remain skeptical of the whole 'shift' business. Maybe it is a cultural 'meme' created and then manifesting in society (esp. among new agers) by repetition? Just like the Maya-2012 BS? And that's why so many report it this way even in regressions and channellings? Probably 'mis-hearing' what is genuinely said (if sth is said and the entity talking is real)?
But then, this could be said of many other things (e.g. greys, abductions) too. It is confusing and I admit that it is hard for me to make up my mind. Still, one thing is sure: I do not fall for the "alien = evil invader myth" anymore. It's stupid. It's backward. Ok, It's "human" after all. Anyway, I leave this to the moviegoers.

Btw, the 5-D myth may have already been started in the 70ies by Hurtak's "Keys Of Enoch". It is an interesting book but difficult to read even for English readers - and I'm not even a native speaker. I only started it and the put it aside a year or so ago. I remember it was talked about a change of dimension into 5D too, with some elaborate holy geometry given to explain the 'technical process'.

But alas, who really knows ... maybe the new agers are all getting duped and there are neither shifts nor aliens but it's rather the god old :evil: deceiving us with everything. Same ol' story.  :roll:

Last thing: I noted after browsing the net for starseeds that there is a whole 'scene' out there, wow. E.g. here:

I especially like this female starseed:
I think I wanna marry her and we'll (star)seed some more of 'em  :wink: :


I was just passing along the link , my mind is still open .   Or to para phrase Carl Sagan  , show me the proof . desert rat 


I've gotten contradictions on the abundance of life in the galaxy too. I'm leaning toward the 'life is very abundant' concept based on the abundance of life in our solar system alone. There are lots of settlements all over the place here.

From what I gather, there really is a quarantine placed on Earth by criminals who take hostile action against outsiders who try to land here. It's similar to the quarantine on Iraq - the cults that invaded Iraq didn't want anyone to get in and discover all the crimes they're committing. When a news reporter goes to Iraq and is killed, their death is blamed on the Iraqis. When an outside craft comes near Earth and is fired at, it's blamed on humans.

As for cooperation: In any ecosystem, you'll have cooperative groups and competitive groups. The galactic ecosystem is not extremely different from Earth's. You've got lots of wars and lots of friends.


There is more than one issue hear .    It is a big cosmos .  It is said there are more stars in the universe than  grains of sand on all the beaches and deserts on the earth , and we may be part of a mutli verse . There must be other life through the universe , it may be so different from our selvs we dont see it as life . The big questions are , would they be interested in us , our world , to help or exploit us ? I thought the idea of a star seed was some one that incarnated as human from a much  more advanced civilation . desert rat   


there is no 'they'. You're talking about every life form in the universe outside of Earth


QuoteI thought the idea of a star seed was some one that incarnated as human from a much  more advanced civilation

Thats what I thought to, but my thoughts on that have quickly change.


I dont think starseeds exist. No scriptures support the idea of beings comming to earth in human form to help humanity evolve into super humans. What most scriptures do say though Is that some guy will come to bring all humanity together and unite in peace but that's all. The star seeds and light workers and others alike are being told lies on who the host is and making them feel they are a part of a huge plan and they must "wake" others and get them to channel there own "guide". 

The scriptures also warns of lieing spirits and I belive this is them trying to suduce us with there fancy words of peace. "you will become like gods =D" same thing. 

We are to dumbed down and are to open minded to anything that comes to us and this is why the ancients has giving us a guide like a map to warn us and help us till this guy comes to unite us all. 

Nothing wrong with role playing, just  don't take it to serious =p

Firmly understand that there is no joy or sorrow in this world. If you believe worldly objects are a source of happiness, in their absence you will feel sorrow. Accept the fact that there is no true happiness in the world.


why should we believe in any scriptures instead? there are other obvious reasons (one main actually) why we are 'warned' constantly of other spirits, gods, sons of god, etc. (or whatever comes our way) and only to believe in their (the scripture writers.) sole truth/god etc ... it's obvious... smells more 'fishy' to me as some of the new age alien channellings if you ask me, but maybe both are  :|

btw, scriptures are a matter of interpretation, there are more levels of interpretation ranging form the sheer fundamental / literal / exoteric to the orthodox to the the highly mystic or esoteric, and then you get a different picture from each one


(just so you know I'm open minded and all. I'm also being very careful what I take as fact and false.)

I just don't buy it... If my mum doesn't believe I'm a Jedi Mage who can change time and space, then why should I believe someone is a light worker or a star seed? What makes my Jedi'ness so diffrnt to the new age beliefs?

Jokes aside (though I am really a Jedi Mage...)
What we need is evidence, but all we have is claims and theroys. We have tons of books that are full of ideas and spiritual concepts that will make people so convinced that they take it as facts.

Where is this galatic fedaration of light?

There's just so many questions that no scripture in the world talks about. 
We get propaganda on aliens like ancient aliens and shows to stimulate our minds to a possability of aliens and stuff... There's an intresting verse in Islam and it says:

"His right eye will be punctured, and his left eye would be raised to his forehead and will be sparkling like a star. Only the believers will be able to read the word 'Kufr' [disbelief], inscribed in bold letters, on his forehead. There will be big mountains of smoke at both front and backsides of his caravan. People will anticipate food within those mountains, during the severe famine.All rivers, falling in his way, will become dry and he will call upon people in aloud voice, "O my friends come to me! I am your lord who has made your limbs and given you sustenance."

And what is the new age belief? They say that aliens made them even the ancient aliens show are saying that. We get theses new agers telling us some group of Anunnaki race came and created us as slaves >_> 

Anyway that verse I quoted and my interpretation of it, is telling us that some space alien will come and claim to be the creator. It's all propaganda to make it easyer for this guy to trap the gulliable new agers.      
Firmly understand that there is no joy or sorrow in this world. If you believe worldly objects are a source of happiness, in their absence you will feel sorrow. Accept the fact that there is no true happiness in the world.


On star seeds and scriptures , books like the Bible are more of a moral code that keeps our civulation togher . The idea of a star seed was a little beyond the understanding of the men who wrote it . A person like Jesus might be thought of as a star seed , whoes words were changed to fit the political ideas of the writters of the Bible . As to wether a person is a star seed , or is on a specal mission , theycan do a self hypnosis , ask there higher self/guides/masters , ect .   On the t.v. show bablaon 5 one race was at war with the earth .  When they captured this guy , regressed him to a past life , found out he was one of there own people , they stoped the war and made pice . desert rat 


QuoteI dont think starseeds exist. No scriptures support the idea of beings comming to earth in human form to help humanity evolve into super humans. What most scriptures do say though Is that some guy will come to bring all humanity together and unite in peace but that's all. The star seeds and light workers and others alike are being told lies on who the host is and making them feel they are a part of a huge plan and they must "wake" others and get them to channel there own "guide".

Yaa, thats how I feel now. They just want you to believe your part of a bigger plan to hopefully stray you off path enough to make you end up thinking something that shouldn't be thought of really, on your part. Just to have one less, smart intelligent person in the world to make a difference for the better. They're here to keep things the same, an endless cycle of life/death so of course they want us to believe that some of us our better then others, when in fact, WE have that twisted. If they mean some of us are "better" then others because we're old souls that have been here doing this already and are getting tired of this life/death cycle hoping we complete OUR mission and tend to learn and be enlightened faster because of that, then people have their idea of 'better' distorted big time.

QuoteA person like Jesus might be thought of as a star seed , whoes words were changed to fit the political ideas of the writters of the Bible

I believe Jesus was more of an 'energy worker' sent by The LORD Creator to spread the new age ideas through-out his time and put 'Revelations' into motion. Along with all his disciples that he taught, including Mary Magdalene.


Quote from: WiZe on May 26, 2012, 11:31:02
Yaa, thats how I feel now.
Such a fast u-turn. What will be your opinon tomorrow, then?  :wink:


Btw, the Paleo-Seti theorists see in the bible (and other scriptures) lots of 'evidence' of aliens (including the DNA planting theory).

e.g. Angels are re-interpreted to have been aliens; or e.g. UFOs such as Ezekiel's wheel, etc.

Just watch Ancient Aliens on YT or read Sitchen's / Däniken's works and you knwo what I'm talking about.


Quote from: Volgerle on May 26, 2012, 13:10:57
Btw, the Paleo-Seti theorists see in the bible (and other scriptures) lots of 'evidence' of aliens (including the DNA planting theory).

e.g. Angels are re-interpreted to have been aliens; or e.g. UFOs such as Ezekiel's wheel, etc.

Just watch Ancient Aliens on YT or read Sitchen's / Däniken's works and you knwo what I'm talking about.

I know what your talking about and I've seen them all and belived in them at one point (last year) but the scriptures are telling us to keep the commandments that was giving and not to follow worldy people. The bible and Quran has setted up laws on what we can and can't do and  how to worship the creator. while all the others (Hindu,buddhist,taoist ect) are to help improve our health and spirituality. 

What theses "aliens" are doing is teaching truth with falsehood as a Christain cult would.  they are advanced in knowledge and they use that to take advantage on us. And using the scriptures to support ufo's and aliens doesn't mean it's true. People created storys of there fav gods and chariots as there way of comming from the sky, because they think God is a person >_> and to take someone to heaven you would need to use God's chariot. Only people who went to heaven with no ship was Jesus and mohammad (though he was on a horse but I think he astral projected there) 

Mind you, for all we know theses people who went up on a chariot could very well of been an astral exspirance.    
Firmly understand that there is no joy or sorrow in this world. If you believe worldly objects are a source of happiness, in their absence you will feel sorrow. Accept the fact that there is no true happiness in the world.


QuoteSuch a fast u-turn. What will be your opinon tomorrow, then?  wink

Yaa, ikno right. But I have many reasons why.
The main reason is because my friends dad is a Free Mason(hes around 40) and he talks to me and him about things sometimes, my friend has asked him if he ever believed or heard of starseeds and he told him about my beliefs of me being from another planet just here to help and how i use to think my time was coming to an end around the summer soltice (which is why I believe my ideas change quickly because they're leading me to far off path and if I don't find the truth I might end up having a major set back in my life). But his Dad just said that thats funny because he use to think the exact same thing once in his time. Which leads me to believe (as i kind of already suspected) that believing in starseeds is just a phase in awakening or something.


People who have more significant impact on the world, or help to rise the energy level and awareness don't necessarily have to be reincarnated from another planet. If extra terrestrials want to help, they can easily disguise themselves temporary into human forms and interact when needed and where needed. Write books, invent things, tech other humans who layer contribute, or telepathically suggest information to us.
However, those who feel like they are far advanced in knowledge, wisdom, and naturally help the world's progress are usually more developed spirits, learned through many reincarnations. We all are in different stages of development and here in the physical reality with each life we choose which quality to be expressed, and learn what we lack through interactions with others who possess it.
There are also some exceptionally wise and enlightened individuals, who could have been born for the sole purpose to teach. They may be advanced spirits already out of the reincarnation cycle, but voluntarily enter this reality to assist. 
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow