The Astral Pulse

2012 and The Transition of the Ages => Welcome to 2012 and The Transition of the Ages => Topic started by: Adrian on September 30, 2006, 07:33:30

Title: Welcome to the 2012 discussions
Post by: Adrian on September 30, 2006, 07:33:30
Hello everyone,

One subject I receive many emails about, especially as we near the potential events, is 2012, initially brought to prominence as the so called "end of the Mayan calendar".

In fact the Mayan calendar is only one integral part of considerably larger and independent evidence from multiple sources of absolutely crucial events for all mankind around the central date 11:11 GMT, 21 December, 2012.

We do not yet know exactly what will happen or indeed if anything will happen, but with the increasing evidence it will, and the absolutely massive implications for mankind and the planet Earth, now would be a good time to start these discussions.

I will be adding recommended books, sites and other resources very soon, but to start things off below is a copy of my newsletter of some weeks ago on the subject of 2012.

This is a very serious issue so please can we keep it serious. While conspiracies, ET's, channeling and other factors all have their part to play, they must be kept in perspective.

This subject is extremely relevant to the Astral Pulse because as we near 2012 such experiences as spontaneous Out of Body Experiences, Astral Projection, Lucid Dreams etc. could well become increasingly prevalent; and we need to discuss them here.

Also, the most likely outcome, if there is one, will be a "stripping away" of time and space and a merging with the 4th Density; i.e. the Astral worlds; again, one of our main topics of discussion. here.

With a calm, balanced, knowledgable resource, we can approach 2012 with joy rather than any negative emotion, because if 2012 does happen it will be a cause for great joy.

-----The 2012 Prophecies-----

One question that frequently arises is that of the year 2012.

Many people will have heard that December 21 2012 is a day of great
significance, mostly in the context of that date being the very end
of the Mayan calendar and everything that implies.

The big question on the minds of most people is "what is the
significance of this date"? What will happen to Earth? What will
happen to all of us?

This is a huge subject, and one that goes way beyond the scope of
this newsletter. However, it is also an extremely important
subject, and one that I will be focusing on through various
resources in the future. Today however we will take a look at some
of the basics surrounding 2012.

What is the real significance of December 21 2012?

The reason this date has become so well-known is because it is the
date that represents the "end of the Mayan calendar".

Why is this so important?

It is important because the Mayan's, like many of the ancient races
of millennial ago, were in fact extremely advanced in many areas. By
"advanced" we do not necessarily mean in terms of "technology",
which in itself does not mean advancement at all, but as
astronomers, mathematicians and builders; among other things.

Like the ancient Egyptians, to whom they were almost certainly
related at some time, probably linked through the legendary
continent of Atlantis, which is not actually a legend, the Mayans
built the most amazing structures that defy explanation; being
beyond beyond the capabilities of so called "modern man.

The Mayans were also incredible observers, mathematicians, and
keepers of ancient and sacred knowledge. Using these abilities they
were able to construct calendars which not only chart time, but
also charted the cosmos, and forthcoming great world events.

We know that such an event, perhaps even the final event, is to
take place on December 21 2012. The big question is what?

This is a question that will be addressed in the future both here
and through other resources which will be announced in due course.
Only be endeavoring to fully understand 2012 and putting it into
the right context can we be fully prepared for this event.

In fact; there are three major issues that we need to consider and
to face in the next few years. These are:

1. December 21 2012
2. Earth planetary changes
3. The agenda of terrestrial and extra-terrestrial factions

Although at first glance these might seem separate, they are in
fact linked in various ways.

But today let us take a look at some of the very basics of 2012.

The ancient Mayans had many advanced abilities and most
importantly ancient knowledge, probably originating from sources
that are not immediately apparent at this time. Among these
abilities were mathematics, astronomy, and prophecy based upon past
world and astronomical events.

The Mayans knew that nothing ever happens by "chance" in the
Universe, even though it often seems like it from a narrow human,
temporal experiential perspective. The Mayans knew that everything
happens in cycles of varying lengths, cycles that correspond
precisely to past and future cosmic and world events.

Many of these events are the result of the one factor common to
everything in the Universe without exception; Energy, which can
manifest at any level from the Universal to the individual.

This is why Astrology, and I do not mean the "horoscopes" of the
tabloids, I mean genuine astrology, is so significant, charting as
it does the effects of a confluence of Energy being prevalent at the
time of arrival on Earth, and which has so much influence over our
physical life. Energy is everything!

The ancient Maya knew this, and were able to observe the effects of
these confluences and events, and thus, with their seemingly
amazing mathematical abilities, track future events.

The Maya had several calendars of varying lengths, the most
significant of which were the "Short Count" and the "Long Count".

The Short Count is compiled by combining the "tzolkin cycle" with
the solar year and the Venus cycle of 584 days, thus generating
short periods of 13, 52 and 104 years.

It is however the "Long Count" cycle that is of the most interest,
the end of which is also the end of all Mayan calendars.

The Long Count is derived from nested cycles of days multiplied at
each level by the key Mayan number, 20, resulting in the
following periods:

1 Kin which is a day
20 Uinal
360 Tun
7200 Katun
144000 Baktun

The only deviation to multiplying by 20 is the tun level
where the uinal period is instead multiplied by 18 for the 360 day

The Maya used this counting system to track an unbroken sequence of
days from the time it was inaugurated.

Long Count dates are separated by dots. For example:
equals 6 baktuns, 19 katuns, 19 tuns, 0 uinals and 0 days. Each
baktun has 144000 days, each katun has 7200 days, and so on.

If we add up all the values, indicates a total of
1007640 days have elapsed since the Zero Date of The
much discussed 13-baktun cycle is completed 1872000 days, 13
baktuns, after This period of time is the Mayan "Great
Cycle" of the Long Count.

Each Baktun has corresponded with a major cycle on Earth,
which are too extensive and complex to go into here. Suffice it to
say that The 13 baktuns and 20 katuns collectively represent a
perfect fractal of the 260 unit 4th dimensional timing matrix
spread out as a chronotopology that we simply call "history".

Each katun represents one of 260 kin. The baktuns represent a set
of morphogenetic fields, each with 20 lesser waves rising in a
pitch of climax during the 13th and final baktun 1620 CE to 2012 CE.

This final baktun represents the time where, driven my the ego,
materialism and money, "history" and therefore mankind has reached
a saturation point, where "history" simply has nowhere else to go.
And it is this event that was always charted precisely by the Mayan
Long Count calendar to coincide with the end of this great cycle.

Historically it can be demonstrated that every quarter of the long
cycle, approximately every 6400 years, there has been a major
catastrophic Earth event for the last three such quarters. These
include great floods, earthquakes, and other global events. Such
events are documented as the "great flood", the destruction of
Atlantis, etc.. The final quarter is December 21, 2012.

It should also be mentioned that other mathematical systems,
notably the Chinese I-Ching, which was also once used as a
calendrical system, also point to the year 2012, as do other lesser
known systems it seems.

So these are the calendrical and mathematical considerations, but
there are other considerations.

On December 21, 2012 there will be a galactic alignment of the
"galactic equator", and what the Mayans refer to as "The Sacred
Tree", with our star, the Sun, at the very centre of this alignment.

This in itself is no coincidence. This alignment has on our solar
system astrological, astronomical and Universal considerations, and
in particular the corresponding Energy effects both on Earth and
indeed the entire solar system.

So that, in extremely basic terms in the interest of keeping it
simple for now is the basics of the math and associated events from
a historical and chronological perspective relative to the Earth
space-time continuum.

The question is; what does it all really mean for us?

The honest answer is we do not really know at this stage at least
in the process, although I and others are very much tracking it.

There is however too much data and historical evidence to conclude
that nothing will happen. The only question is in what form will it
take; the possibilities including physical, Energy or Spiritual, or
indeed a combination of of all of these.

If we look at solid evidence we can observe the following factors:

Schumann Cavity Resonance: The Schumann Resonance can be likened to
the "heartbeat" of Earth. Scientifically it is due to the space
between the surface of the Earth and the conductive ionosphere
acting as a waveguide. The limited dimensions of the earth cause
this waveguide to act as a resonant cavity for electromagnetic
waves in the extra low frequency ELF band.

Historically the Schumann Resonance has held steady at a frequency
of around 7.83Hz, however in recent years Schumann Resonance has
increased to as high as 12Hz, the highest possible believed to be

Earth Magnetic Field: The magnetic field of the earth gives rise to
the magnetic poles as used for navigation purposes. This magnetic
effect is caused by Earth behaving like a giant elecro-magnet
caused by the molten iron core and the rotation of the Earth.

The magnetic field of Earth has been progressively reducing over the
years, and in fact appear to be doing so proportional to Schumann
Resonance although they may not be directly connected.

Evidence of this can be seen by the fact that some sea mammals such
as dolphins, porpoises an whales use the magnetic poles for
navigation purposes, and there has been a large increase in these
creatures going off-course and beaching themselves.

Finally, extinctions of species on Earth is 100 to 1000 times
higher than the historical average, being greater than at any time
in fact since the last dinosaur extinction 65 million years ago.

So what does the future hold for us?

The truth is we still do not know. Everything I have summarised
today could be a series of coincidences or they could all converge
to point to some major world event. We just do not know and there
is certainly no value in speculation.

It would be totally inappropriate to state for example, as some
are, that "the world will end in 2012". The entire scenario is far
too complex to make sweeping, dogmatic statements of that nature.

Although some event seems likely, we do not know the scale of such
an event, how it will manifest or how it will affect the planet,
humans and all life, or how long the entire process will take.

One thing we do know beyond all doubt is that everyone will survive
and be the better for the experience; the only question is in what
physical, Astral or Spiritual.

One thing is clear however, everyone has a window of opportunity to
change for the better. The next few years could be spent evaluating
your life, your relationship with fellow man, animals and the
planet, and then taking the appropriate steps to become as aligned
and prepared as possible for any coming events.

Earth has been a major learning opportunity, an opportunity to
evolve. if, and I do say if the physical planet is to come to an
end, then what happens next on an individual level will depend
entirely on where you are Spiritually at that precise time.
Consequently there has never been a better time to place yourself
in the best possible light in preparation for whatever is to come.

This is one of the major reason I wrote Our Ultimate Reality, which
sets out these vital steps.

Again though, and this is most important,every single person
will survive. We are all immortal, Divine Beings, aspects of the
Supreme Being, and our true destiny is far greater than the
temporal learning experience of this planet we call "Earth", our
lives upon which are as the blink of an eye in comparison to all

Everyone, sooner or later, regardless of this Earth event we call
"2012" will move on to sphere of life and reality that are glorious
beyond the remotest comprehension of Earthly man, and that is the
true destiny and objective of everyone on the sacred path back to
The Source, The Prime Creator, some simply call "God".

In Peace, Light and Truth,

Title: Re: Welcome to the 2012 discussions
Post by: BG43214@YAHOO.COM on September 26, 2009, 10:34:42
2012!!!!!!! It's all over the place!!!!! and all because of the Mayan calendar......I have a problem with all the doomsayers.......after all, it's a calender that comes to an end....just like our own does, every 12/31st!!!......

2012 is the end of a year, or era, if you prefer....and I do not feel it means the 'end' of anything....we have had planetary alignments before and nothing out of the ordinary happened!!

Even the 'web bot' thing is a little screwy....perhaps at first it had some validity as to the stock market, but as I've read many times elsewhere, when many people start jabbering on the internet, of course something will come up.....remember the old example of putting a monkey at a piano keyboard and he'll come up with a sonata? or a monkey at a keyboard and he'll compose a beautiful poem, etc.? 

I know that example is stretching it, but you get my drift!!

One of the main things that predicted our present economic mess is financial astrology - laugh if you want, but check Ray Merriman's site, and you will see that he and other financial astrologers saw all this coming back in the 1990's..........

Anyway, I've gone on long enough!!

Another way of putting it - 'WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT YOU BRING ABOUT".....

I know that's not a perfect answer, but it helps!!!
Title: Re: Welcome to the 2012 discussions
Post by: unknownymous on November 17, 2009, 21:26:18
true or not one must prepear ., but one must not rely to much on this events no one knows
Title: Re: Welcome to the 2012 discussions
Post by: slapbasser1121 on January 24, 2010, 13:38:33
Even if 2012 is the end, i don't see it as a bad thing. Maybe the masters need us to return back to the homeland for an event. If we were all to die on December 21st 2012 i would see any bad in this. The worst part of death is grief but if everyone died, nobody would grieve. Its not all that bad. At least we would all die together and with are families it is really not a the worst thing that can happen to humankind.
Title: Re: Welcome to the 2012 discussions
Post by: kurtykurt42 on January 24, 2010, 14:13:42
2012 isn't the end... It's the beginning.
Title: Re: Welcome to the 2012 discussions
Post by: mj on February 16, 2010, 17:22:29
What if the Mayan "scribe" whose job it was to keep track of the calendar simply got writer's cramp--I mean, perhaps he just quit writing, and it happened to be on the year 2012.  Maybe we are over-thinking the significance of this date.  Also, did not the Mayans practice ritual human sacrifice to "appease" their gods?  Somehow, it doesn't seem to fit the bill of an advanced civilization, at least not in my book.   
Title: Re: Welcome to the 2012 discussions
Post by: kurtykurt42 on February 16, 2010, 17:28:00
2012 is based on their entire calneder system not the writings of a scribe.

And oh yea, welcome to the forum.  :-D
Title: Re: Welcome to the 2012 discussions
Post by: CFTraveler on February 16, 2010, 22:44:56
Actually, the whole 2012 mythos is not based on the calendar system, because the calendar it does not end in 2012,  an era ends in 2012.  The whole 'death and destruction'  end of the world scenario constantly publicized came from a series of books called Los libros de Chilam Balam, a series of books that retold all their myths and histories, and was written under the sponsorship of christian priests (sacerdotes) who mixed ancient mythology with christian mythology.  Some of the books are prophetic and reflect the christian influence (after all, were put into paper by christian priests and/or monks) which come from the book of revelation.  Others simply retell old indigenous myths, or what was left of them after the conquistadors invalidated their culture.
Title: Re: Welcome to the 2012 discussions
Post by: kurtykurt42 on February 16, 2010, 22:57:44
2012 mythos? I was talking about the beginning of the new age starting in 2012, which is what the Mayan's seem to have known about.
Title: Re: Welcome to the 2012 discussions
Post by: Dalandar on April 14, 2011, 09:45:48

I'm in no position to try and make any conclusions about what will or will not happen in 2012 but one thing for sure is that i realy realy hope with all my hearth that something will happen. To be hoest, i've never realy been attracted by the way we (humans) live . I have no interest for power or money or any kind of luxury, i have no desire of making a family of my own. I don't like shopping , i hate working for someone else etc...

I'm only 28 years old and i feel like a person who's seen everything he had to see and lived everything he had to live and have no desire to go on in a world like this one. 

I'm realy attracted by the beauty of this planet , including plant life, animal life and even insects but i seem to be only one of the very few people to have any interest in these things. Everyone i meet talks about luxury and so on . 

I wish our world was the same as we see in movies like Avatar, Lord of the rings, Harry potter or Eragon. A world filled with magic and mythical creatures. A world that has not been completly conquered by one single race . A world where the laws of nature are still very present. I know this may seem very childish and maybe i'm still just a kid inside but when i compare the world we live in and the worlds i see in these movies, our world makes me want to vomit.

We ( humans) think we simply own everything . I know alot of people will disagree with my next statement but i could compare our race as a virus or desease. We expand very quickly, we harvest resources without bothering with the consequences, we destroy the wild life around us for our own good without caring at all for the other living orgarnisms that were there before us . Everything we do is hurting our planet and yet we continue to do it .

So as i said at the begining of my post, i realy wish that something happens and no matter what it is , i don't care if i survive it or not because my own life and the survival of humanity has no value to my eyes.

The only way that i could actualy enjoy living here is if humans were NOT the major power on the planet .

Although i'm very interested and attracted to anything paranormal or supernatural, i was never able to astral travel or to use telekinesis and god knows i've tried . I know some people can do those things as easily as saying hi and i do beleive that those things are totally possible but no matter how hard i try, i've seen NO progress whatsoever . I've also wanted to see or comunicate with ghosts or spirits for a very long time and i've never been able to even by using a Ouiji board.

I've heard stories of people who actualy regret the day that they used a Ouiji board because their house is now haunted by shadows and mean spirits but for me even that doesn't work. So since my life is as boring as it can possibly get, i'll say it again , I realy realy hope with all my hearth that 2012 will change things but just to make sure that you don't all think i'm some kinda of freak, i do not wish any bad things to happen to anyone. I'm not necessarily evil, i'm just bored to death.


Title: Re: Welcome to the 2012 discussions
Post by: personalreality on April 14, 2011, 10:46:45
Quote from: mj on February 16, 2010, 17:22:29
What if the Mayan "scribe" whose job it was to keep track of the calendar simply got writer's cramp--I mean, perhaps he just quit writing, and it happened to be on the year 2012.  Maybe we are over-thinking the significance of this date.  Also, did not the Mayans practice ritual human sacrifice to "appease" their gods?  Somehow, it doesn't seem to fit the bill of an advanced civilization, at least not in my book.   

The "new" mayans did, we don't know about what the original Mayans did.  Some people believe that the original mayan civilization wasn't even the same race and modern mayans or 'indians' (the indigenous people of mexico, central and south america).  It was the Aztecs who were really into human sacrifice.  Some authors even propose that the original mayan people were not of this world.
Title: Re: Welcome to the 2012 discussions
Post by: Stookie on April 14, 2011, 11:55:51
QuoteSo since my life is as boring as it can possibly get, i'll say it again , I realy realy hope with all my hearth that 2012 will change things

To me, this explains 2012 right here: people aren't happy with their lives and want something outside themselves to make life better. "2012" fills this void and puts the responsibility on an outside force, rather than improving our lives through our own will. And the more that humanity loses it's will to improve and take responsibility for ourselves, the crappier life will be. Basically, "2012" is giving up, and that's why the world keeps getting worse. We're born into a society that makes our decisions for us and we don't hardly know what making true, willful decisions is even about. And it's sad because it's the only freedom we really have.

So think about the life you would choose to live, and live it. A common response is: "I can't do that without a million dollars". But that's societies will, not yours.
Title: Re: Welcome to the 2012 discussions
Post by: Lionheart on August 15, 2011, 19:17:21
 A friend of mine sent me this link recently.This is a definite must see video!
Title: Re: Welcome to the 2012 discussions
Post by: Lionheart on August 20, 2011, 21:09:47
 Sorry to double post, but another friend of mine sent me this video. I thought it was a bunch of garbage until I went to Google Sky and found my own proof. Conspiracy aside, I find a number of these guys have the right info but don't agree with all the results they have. If there is nothing to be seen in infrared specter there, than why the black box? Even if this guy doesn't know what he's talking about, the black box should create some questions. I guess if he's correct we will find out pretty soon! Here's the link
For anyone that doesn't wish to see the video but is curious about the black box. Go Google Sky, then hit the constellation button option there. After that go to Leo, then hit the infrared option in the top right hand corner of the page. Now you will see the supposed "Winged Planet". After this go to the Virgo tab and hit the infrared tab in the top corner, now you will see a box hiding something? But why? What is it? It's quite obvious there is something behind it.
Title: Re: Welcome to the 2012 discussions
Post by: Fresco on January 09, 2012, 12:24:07
2012 will be Y2K 2.0
Title: Re: Welcome to the 2012 discussions
Post by: Lionheart on February 09, 2012, 01:22:19
 Here is an excellent interview with Chris Bourne on Ascension. He answers questions that I'm sure we have all had on the subject. Very well done and in depth. Enjoy, I did. After you watch this there is a movie he made named 5 Gateways documentary.!
Title: Re: Welcome to the 2012 discussions
Post by: Karas on February 09, 2012, 04:45:24
There's something odd I just realized with theses 2012 videos, why does it all come from a channeled being? I don't know any scripture that talks about spirit guides or channeling other beings from space and tbh we should get something in scriptures that talks about theses guys but they don't. What all scriptures do talk about is connecting to your inner being which is 100% you. Not a separate being but your inner self who is all knowing.
So what's going on here? 
How come all the sages and buddha's never talk about aliens and channeled being?
Our true goal is Self knowledge and liberation.   

Title: Re: Welcome to the 2012 discussions
Post by: Stookie_ on February 09, 2012, 11:37:54
QuoteThere's something odd I just realized with theses 2012 videos, why does it all come from a channeled being? I don't know any scripture that talks about spirit guides or channeling other beings from space and tbh we should get something in scriptures that talks about theses guys but they don't. What all scriptures do talk about is connecting to your inner being which is 100% you. Not a separate being but your inner self who is all knowing.
So what's going on here?
How come all the sages and buddha's never talk about aliens and channeled being?
Our true goal is Self knowledge and liberation.

I agree - it's common for channeled information to be whatever the person wants to hear. I've had the suspicion that most channeled information, including things like ouija boards and automatic writing, are actually communications with lower-astral beings/fallen elementals who want us to give up our will. They do this by telling us whatever we want to hear, and focusing our attention to material things. For some, this is passing themselves off as aliens, and even claiming to be the creator of humanity and evolution. They are influencing through deception and depend on our lack of will.

So why do they do this? Because they are way off their path (which was originally intended to help facilitate evolution) and now desire more than anything to exist in the physical, but they can't, so their closest opportunity is to participate in the world through humans. When we stop using our will to facilitate our own evolution, they will have taken over. I don't see that as a possibility, but I'm sure at some level they would love for us to believe it.

(When I talk about "fallen elementals", I'm referring more to an influencing "force" behind things than an image of little goblins or evil beings, so don't take it literally)
Title: Re: Welcome to the 2012 discussions
Post by: CFTraveler on February 09, 2012, 13:49:33
Coincidentally, (or are there any) this link has something to say about certain phenomena:

It's part of Maya, baby.
Title: Re: Welcome to the 2012 discussions
Post by: Killa Rican on February 09, 2012, 13:51:16
Quote from: Stookie_ on February 09, 2012, 11:37:54
I agree - it's common for channeled information to be whatever the person wants to hear. I've had the suspicion that most channeled information, including things like ouija boards and automatic writing, are actually communications with lower-astral beings/fallen elementals who want us to give up our will. They do this by telling us whatever we want to hear, and focusing our attention to material things. For some, this is passing themselves off as aliens, and even claiming to be the creator of humanity and evolution. They are influencing through deception and depend on our lack of will.

So why do they do this? Because they are way off their path (which was originally intended to help facilitate evolution) and now desire more than anything to exist in the physical, but they can't, so their closest opportunity is to participate in the world through humans. When we stop using our will to facilitate our own evolution, they will have taken over. I don't see that as a possibility, but I'm sure at some level they would love for us to believe it.

(When I talk about "fallen elementals", I'm referring more to an influencing "force" behind things than an image of little goblins or evil beings, so don't take it literally)

Title: Re: Welcome to the 2012 discussions
Post by: Karas on February 09, 2012, 15:58:22
Wasn't there a quote by the Buddha when he said something like "if you see me, kill me" or "if you see the Buddha, kill him" the reason behind it was cause the person is your manifestation and stuff. Dogen (zen master) fell into that maya too I think. I saw a movie based on him and In his meditation he met the Buddha and gave him a new doctrine and he went teaching it. The buddist at that time hated him which is understandable since the Buddha already left his teachings before he left.
It's only a movie but it should be based on facts so I'm guessing that's how dogen's enlightenment went.
Title: Re: Welcome to the 2012 discussions
Post by: Lionheart on February 09, 2012, 18:30:19
 Was the Bible written by a channeled being? Think about that one. They have already proven that the  Ancient Sanskit texts were. They even have rock carvings and writings pertaining to "Vimanas" which are flying craft, aka burning bushes from above. It's all in the way it's deciphered.
Title: Re: Welcome to the 2012 discussions
Post by: Killa Rican on February 09, 2012, 19:20:11
A lot of religious ancient texts are the works of channeled beings. Heck I can even make a religion myself of something I'm channeling and what it tells me, then spread awareness about it. The being would have more power as the collective thoughts and beliefs of people is directed towards it.

That's Why I agree most of the EFFED up religions are not actually the work of "Creator" gods, but beings who are taking "credit" for creating the universe...for some reason. It's so easy, so so easy for us humans to be at a disadvantage to the unseen world, and most dont even realize it. =/
Title: Re: Welcome to the 2012 discussions
Post by: Karas on February 10, 2012, 04:01:26
(before you read any further I just wana say that I really do wana belive in this event but I want faith not a a belief)

The writers were enlightend not channeled. In all religions there is a powerful energy which has many names (gnosis,wisdom,brahma,shiva,atman,
christ,Buddha,Krishna etc)

In the bible in proverbs it urges all readers to attain wisdom which the new testement calls Sophia or gnosis.

The Upanishads also urges readers to attain this powerful force which is within.

In the bhagavad Gita it also urges readers to attain the supreme goal called Krishna and Brahman.

The Buddha also urges all to become Buddha's.

Gnostic's same thing.

Tao te ching is saying the same thing.

All theses teachings and concepts explains what this energy does which is to set us free and attain total liberation.

Please watch this docmentory
(It has Bashar and others answering questions)

Tuning in Part 1

What they are saying doesn't match the scriptures. They are not talking about karma and they are saying (as an analogy) that when hitler died he had a party cause life is like a stage.

Now where does it say we go to heaven no matter what we do in life? Nowhere... No scripture supports this concept, it urges all to let go of the ego cause the ego can never enter the higher realms and attain self knowledge.

Matt 19:17

"And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments."

This verse has a deeper meaning. In all scriptures is a map for us to follow and  following the spiritual path leads to liberation, but, you must keep the commandments I recomend the bhagavad Gita since its pure spiritual or Buddha's books.

But what that verse is saying is this "I am here because I am not good, if I was good I wouldn't be here." were in a prision planet and we will keep comming back till we learn to follow the commandments and awaken ourselfs.

If you want to be free then go back to the scriptures and follow the path they setted up for you. Don't put beliefs on new age'ers who are full of pride and ego.

I have a question for the ones who 100% belive in this event.

Have you attained spiritual knowledge? Are you teaching others how to attain it like the ancient sages and Buddhas? 

Or are you just relying on channeled messages and just waiting for the evolution to happen? 

Title: Re: Welcome to the 2012 discussions
Post by: Lionheart on February 10, 2012, 05:24:25
 If they had as many debunkers as we now have now the Ancient Sages and Buddahas wouldn't have gotten anywhere. Unfortunately that is the truth. People will not let one person or ideology stand up right now.
Title: Re: Welcome to the 2012 discussions
Post by: Karas on February 10, 2012, 06:01:33
I'm sorry lionheart, I wish I can belive this but we gotta put the dots together and my findings are differnt then the new age beliefs. I have belived in so many things in the past such as 2012 shift and many conspiracys but theses are not spiritual experience.

I think I'm gona stop posting on theses 2012 post cause I don't wana break peoples spirituality and beliefs. It's like a black magician taking peoples energy away from them.    

Quote from: Killa Rican on February 09, 2012, 19:20:11
A lot of religious ancient texts are the works of channeled beings. Heck I can even make a religion myself of something I'm channeling and what it tells me, then spread awareness about it. The being would have more power as the collective thoughts and beliefs of people is directed towards it.

That's Why I agree most of the EFFED up religions are not actually the work of "Creator" gods, but beings who are taking "credit" for creating the universe...for some reason. It's so easy, so so easy for us humans to be at a disadvantage to the unseen world, and most dont even realize it. =/

that's a scary thought... What's your ideal of liberation?
Title: Re: Welcome to the 2012 discussions
Post by: Killa Rican on February 10, 2012, 17:22:50
QuoteI'm sorry lionheart, I wish I can belive this but we gotta put the dots together and my findings are differnt then the new age beliefs. I have belived in so many things in the past such as 2012 shift and many conspiracys but theses are not spiritual experience.

I think I'm gona stop posting on theses 2012 post cause I don't wana break peoples spirituality and beliefs. It's like a black magician taking peoples energy away from them.    

Apologys, for I may have been lost in the discussion coming here late, but what is it specifically that you dont agree with? As for the 2012 thing, I think you should express your opinions and views, maybe even make another thread for it if you feel. Lurkers can benefit being exposed to both sides of the discussion. I understand what your trying to convey, but what else would a forum be for?

that's a scary thought... What's your ideal of liberation?
Liberation from? You mean as in a spiritual "awakening" of any sort?
Title: Re: Welcome to the 2012 discussions
Post by: Lionheart on February 10, 2012, 18:09:59
 Karas, are you under the opinion that change is a "bad thing"? I would never take hope away from anyone. I am a true believer that we control our own destinies. Mother Nature does what Mother Nature does, I saw a video recently that talked about Tsunami's etc. occurring and they basically took the opine that all you need to do is get out of the way. Earthquakes happen, Tsunami's, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Solar Flares etc., but we are still here. Everytime you see a major disaster you see people show their best sides. You see people band together as one to rebuild, to help each other. Unfortunately it takes something like a major disaster to show the best of humanity.
Title: Re: Welcome to the 2012 discussions
Post by: Karas on February 11, 2012, 04:05:04
Hi krilla ^^

QuoteLiberation from? You mean as in a spiritual "awakening" of any sort?

Yea and that knowing that your spiritually liberated from karma etc.

Hi lionheart ^^

the first reason of my worry was sent in PM. Here's my second reason:

Maby I am afraid of change or perhaps my ego is to comforable in what I'm doing now that it doesn't want anything to get in it's way (you know how ego is =D )

My goal is to kill it pretty much so it can leave me alone -_- that's why it seems I'm contradicting myself in post, one minute I support a topic and give reasons for it then later I reject the idea and give a reason for that.
So I have have little issue within myself. hence the only reason why I post is cause of the ego wants to have it's say, ither good or bad.

After listening of hours and hours of lectures I now understand what I need to work on.  

Title: Re: Welcome to the 2012 discussions
Post by: Killa Rican on February 11, 2012, 19:51:09
QuoteHi krilla ^^

Yea and that knowing that your spiritually liberated from karma etc.

It's tricky because from personal experience I have reasons to strongly suspect the "spirit" and the "soul" to be separate, but yet connected. So it wont be simple to make an argument on the standpoint of engaging them separately when it comes to "Karma" or "awakening" depending on which your inferring.

I think we humans chose to be put here on this earth to Learn, Love, and Experience for our ulterior spiritual motive. But that in no way makes the universe and reality (In all forms) unconditionally loving as "new age" puts it. The same way we are predators to lesser life forms on this earth, is the same way we are the prey and victims to many unseen entity's that exist along side us. We share this Earth with them to. Every action and thought from us can affect there planes, and vice versa towards us. Not enough people are "AWAKE" to this because they cling too much to religion, materialism, and new age to care about what is really going on... most people dont know the reason why they think or react let alone whats hidden under the surface of their own ravenous mind..

"Awakening" in MY Opinion is the realization for the majority of humans to collectively accept and acknowledge the meta-physical and ALL that is around them, while abandoning the nihilistic world view of materialism.

Karma..I'm not sure..That's just a matter of subjective belief/interpretation as I am aware there's even some non-human entitys that support the ideal of karma while other groups dont accept it.