What is supposed to happen?

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And how should I prepare for it. I'm 14 and unsure what this scare is all about, I need a kid friendly summary please. If no one knows, please say what they belive is going to happen thanks


I believe we have a "surprise" coming to us and no one can predict what exactly it's going to be, or what combination of things it's going to be.

I believe a lot of people are going to die from various causes, though, and that the surface of the Earth may be so plagued with disasters that very few people survive.  I'm actually not a pessimist, but a realist, and things along these lines are necessary for a number of reasons I shouldn't have to go into.

The best thing you can do is make yourself as spiritually aware as you can, develop your energy body as much as you can, and seek guidance from the universe to whatever extent you can, to figure out what you should do to prepare for these times.  People will survive these times, especially spiritual people, and these will be the ones left over to rebuild again, not unlike times in the past.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


Hey there.

At 14 years old you don't have much to worry about. What I mean is the people who should be dealing with their issues are older people, 25+ theres alot of programing that happens when you get older, its a good time to let go of things and to de-program.
In saying that nobody should be worrying about 'their not ready' or 'global natural diasters. From a different perspective whatever happens in the near future will happen how its ment to, that includes every one of us.

In simple terms, whats happening is a 'shift or change' in human beings consciousness due to alot of uncontrolable factors.
You know how a country and the people who live in that country share a common psyche of who they are, like they all know phrases and lingo thats only taught by living there in the enviroment it makes an imprint on us.. Well on that basis what human beings have known fundamentally to things like just being alive and having a physical body and mind, people will and already are starting to notice changes slightly. 2008 marked a huge noticable change in 'energy' the energy i'm talking about is how the planets seem to impact our moods/emotions, in 2008 this change in energy happened. People started finding themselfs trying to hold onto things that where being departed from them. What I call 2008 is the beginning, if a person wasn't ready before 2008 they would have a very hard time dealing with their issues because the energy 2008 brought was very destructive, which ultimately is apart of the process of change. That is just an example of whats happening, it can be a very hard thing to understand and hard to explain.

Over all don't pay attention to 'doom sayers' these people are afraid and do not don't understand a larger picture. Theres alot of movies coming out that dictate some kind of dooms day in 2012. Those movies do nothing but create a seed of potional worry in peoples minds.

Be who you are, be true to yourself, you can't go wrong.


If it's not something you can confirm for yourself, don't assume anything. Believing in someone else's prophecy is for religion.


Agree with the above reples :)

Also to add what I believe will happen....there will be some kind of global upheaval, but not necassarily end of the world stuff. A lot of people believe it will be natural disasters that bring us to the brink of extinction....others that it will be man made disasters such as war, plague and famine. Then there are alien invasions, collisions with a roaming planetary body, etc etc.

The fact is no-one knows for sure...there is just this feeling that Noxangelus so brilliantly describes. The human race has reached a point where we are on the brink of a spiritual and/or intellectual transformation that will bring about a whole new way of life, of being, a whole new world. Our next evolutionary jump perhaps. There is definitely a shift in the frequency that we all vibrate to, and it is felt by many.

I feel hopeful and optimistic for it...honoured and blessed to be a part of it as we all are...everyone will play thier part, and your own role will become clearer as we get closer.

Just dont try and force anything, and dont be afraid. Live your life, enjoy these last few years of your adolescence, and keep an open mind...your path will find you when you are ready :)


I think that a new era will start.Just a continue of time.Human being passed on a lot of eras.
In the darkest place the littlest light is the brightest.~vladjackguy


Quote from: allskillage on May 21, 2009, 21:50:59
And how should I prepare for it. I'm 14 and unsure what this scare is all about, I need a kid friendly summary please. If no one knows, please say what they belive is going to happen thanks

People have been surmising, predicting, and preparing for something that is going to happen in 2012.  From what I have learned, something is going to happen in that year that you may have learned in your science class maybe, but it is the beginning of another solar cycle.  One solar cycle ended in about the year 2001 and the world experienced some violent upheaval.  Now that everybody is tuned into the fact that gravitational forces can affect the psyche in your day to day activities, they have started emphasizing meditation, sound therapy, etc. to be better prepared for what is to come.  Do they know what is to come?  Perhaps.  They know that that is the end of a solar cycle.  The Mayan calendar points that out.  That's why it ends on Dec. 21, 2012.
What is going to happen is the same thing that happens every 11 years.  It is nothing to be afraid of, first of all.  But, if you do not know how to handle what is coming toward you, you may have a little trouble catching up.
What is going to happen is the sun is going to reverse its magnetic poles.  And I can only look into the past to see what has happened when the sun does its thing.  Look back into 2001 and before; 1990, 1979, 1968, 1957, 1946, 1935, 1924, 1913, 1902, and so on. 
It is said that the earth will reverse its magnetic poles in 2010, but I don't know.  We'll all see when the time is here.  But, in the meantime do not worry, do not be scared, and do not let fear cloud you decisions.  Study to show yourself approved.


Thanks guys, I'll just keep trying to project (haven't done successfuly yet) and just see what happens to the world.


Thanks, I'll keep trying to project ( haven't done sucessfuly yet ) and go with the flow

majour ka

Just like the year 2000...we woke up the next day and guess what nothing had changed...so a calander runs out soooo??? the energies are slowly and surely changing and thats more more what it will mark a change in the energies, but will anyone notice..? doubt it


I've heard loads of theories concerning 2012. I am 14 years old too, btw. =D

The first theory I heard was the coming of the Age of Aquarius which is the age of technology meaning that we would come to some sort of technalogical advancement.

The second theory I heard was the Planet X / Nibiru thing. People saying that a Brown Dwarf which is larger than Jupiter and smaller than the sun will come through our Galaxy, passing closely to the sun which will result in this Brown Dwarf and the Sun "battling" for control. The presence of this "dead star" would disrupt our orbit or w.e and cause the natural disasters that people are talking about but would pass once Planet X had returned to the edge of the Galaxy where it belongs. An alien invasion is also connected to this theory.

The third theory I heard is that the Thought realm or Spiritual realm, whichever one the creatures and beings that we think up and create in our heads are stored, will merge with our own plane of existence.

Personally, I think that nothing will happen.


Going back to the question as originally written....
"What is supposed to happen"?
Well, nothing is supposed to happen.

Yes, there are many predictions about what someone's prophecies about the end-times could be if we messed up their heritage, and because this prophet was of mayan ascent (but not a mayan per se, that is he was an indigenous christian in early colonial times) it was attributed later to have something to do with the last date in one of the cycles of the Mayan calendar, which is conveniently not too far away.

Since almost all religious traditions have end-time prophecies, (just as they have creation stories), it has been assumed by a series of groups that it must mean that all those prophecies must have something in common, therefore the date has been fixed to be in 2012.  However, I'm sure that if 2012 rolls around and no terrible disaster happens, someone will conveniently have a next date from some other religious tradition.  Just because we're not focusing on any other date doesn't mean there won't be one.

But I'm digressing.
What's supposed to happen?

Well, it depends on who's talking.
I'm sure some people would like there to be a revolution in which there is a lot of bloodshed, but I'm afraid it wouldn't be general enough for it to be considered 'the end times'.
I'm sure others are just chomping at the bit for some really cool natural disaster that will wipe out civilization.  We've already had some of this, but much to some people's chagrin, it hasn't destroyed civilization as we know it.  We've had tsunamis, we've had hurricanes and earthquakes.  If you ask any of the people who lost loved ones and property they'll tell you that at that time it was the end times for them.  However, this is not enough for some folks.

But that's not 'what's supposed to happen', that's 'what some would like to see happen'.

What's supposed to happen is that we realize we are messing up the planet and take steps to make it better.
What's supposed to happen is that we stop being greedy and try to improve the economy of the planet without destroying its natural resources, and if possible use our ingenuity to improve the ecosystem while we provide what everyone needs.  We can do it, it's just that we're indoctrinated not to.
What's supposed to happen is that we learn to treat each other like the precious lifeforms that each and every one of us is.

Now, what would you like to see happen?
Or, what do you think is supposed to happen?



Howdy folks my name is rusty and heres my predictions.

#1 The return of Jesus. a spiritual teacher of his caliber will surely return. I believe his body has been kept and preserved all these years. He can't be reborn as a baby no one will believe its him.

#2 A great war between good and evil (one reason we need Jesus back)

#3 Poles reversing (causing unrest and possible anarchy)

#4 cataclysms

Don't know what else will happen but its an exiting time to be alive i hope i am still here to see it all.


My prediction:

Humanity will continue to exist.
Plus or minus a few billion.  :)

...what happens to me personally, it matters not.


I have done quite a bit of research on this. I use to do remote viewing under the instruction of Major Ed Dames A.K.A. Doctor Doom. He and his students and many others he worked with believed the world will suffer econimical crysis (already happeneing), natural disaters and a large spread of diseases. He went into vivid detail of bodies stacked hundreds of feet tall being burned.

Quote from: Rusty on July 13, 2009, 15:01:38
Howdy folks my name is rusty and heres my predictions.

#1 The return of Jesus. a spiritual teacher of his caliber will surely return. I believe his body has been kept and preserved all these years. He can't be reborn as a baby no one will believe its him.

#2 A great war between good and evil (one reason we need Jesus back)

#3 Poles reversing (causing unrest and possible anarchy)

#4 cataclysms

Don't know what else will happen but its an exiting time to be alive i hope i am still here to see it all.

Those are some pretty unique predictions. If someone calling themselves Jesus where to appear I really don't know what would happen. If his "miracles" are based on advanced technology, which i would have to assume they are, then he might be labeled as a fraud.

In the end i really don't think anything will happen. We will all look back on these posts in 2013 and end up making predictions for 2016.  :-)


And for 2026, and for 2050, or for any other year that sounds catchy or has any connection to any type of ancient cosmology.


People have been forecasting doomsday for centuries and centuries has it ever happened? No will the human population eventually die out yes if the sun blowing up does not get us the collision of us and the nearest galaxy will. I am more concerned about how the Olympic games are gonna do than some prediction which may or may not come true. If it does happen then oh well at least I know that there must be some spiritual nature to the Universe and if it doesn't we'll likely have another doomsday coming up within 10 years they always find another date to scare us with.


If something big does happen we should consider ourselves lucky for it to happen in our lifetime.


Quote from: kurtykurt42 on July 30, 2009, 23:07:19
If something big does happen we should consider ourselves lucky for it to happen in our lifetime.
Well, that's actually part of the speculation of why some of us chose to be born during this particular time-frame.
That those of us who chose this specific time for the reason to experience whatever is supposed to happen.


OK so what is the current status of planet X? I have not heard anything in quite some time.


Quote from: phxsun on August 03, 2009, 19:39:08
OK so what is the current status of planet X? I have not heard anything in quite some time.

There is no planet X.


There seem to be quite a few distinguished scientists who beg to differ.

Planet X


Quote from: kurtykurt42 on August 03, 2009, 20:38:09
There seem to be quite a few distinguished scientists who beg to differ.

Planet X
It's tossed in the same bucket as all the other "possible" stuff.



Wasn't Planet X supposed to be here in 2003?