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a little tired

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Dear Goingslow,

Big cyber hug...if you don't mind.[:I]

Taking anything too seriously I don't think is healthy...for anyone.  Hey, just look at Bob Hope.  Now there is one very old guy in good shape.[:)]  While he probably takes some things seriously, he always sees the humour and the joy in life.

Personally, I think some people take all the joy and humour out of communing with God.  Heck, I sometimes laugh even when I am meditating.  I don't get the whole, I'll beat God from the outside into you, thing. The 'I'll make you understand' thing. Where is the joy in this?

The spirit flows from within outward for me.  Understanding flows from understanding self inside first.  I see very little joy in the forum.  In my mind something is wrong, when there is little joy flowing from within outwards.

Very Respectfully,


Hello Going slow and Timeless
I second those hugs. I understand what you are saying about the forums. We normally have more open discussions without someone judging us then we do anywhere else.


If any of that was directed at me...then I apologize.  If not, well, someone out there is ticked off at me, always.  The time I posted on the 10 commandments topic was the same time that I was talking to my friend about how the system is failing.  He is basically an atheist, but I really don't mind.  I respect other people's choices, and if I came off otherwise, then I apologize again.

I agree with ya timeless (finally [:)]).  What's a world without comedy? ..."All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"...

I wish I could tell that to my dad [|)]


James S

Hi GS,

I have posted what I feel might be my last towards all of this, unless I feel another wave of beligerant defiance come along.[}:)] I think I have said all I can.

In my years as a christian I saw many like this. Funny thing is there are so many scriptures about the difference between words and deeds.

You're right. Most people here have moved on, so such preaching is not falling on deaf ears, but discerning ears.

Though to cut off such diatribe would be against the principals of this site, I too wish for this dark cloud of fanatical dogma to pass.

Time for a few really tasteless religious jokes you think?[}:)]

BTW - Squeek,
Respecting the beliefs of others as you do puts you way ahead in spirit and in wisdom of those who don't.



Hello goingslow!

Yes, I wholeheartedly agree.  As your friend and Christian myself, I COMPLETELY understand what you mean.  While I stand up for what I believe, I have never preached in here nor have I been rude...and you know what, I think (I hope I don't sound prideful here) I have garnished more respect for Christians than Allanon has with all of his incessant and at times idiotic chatter.  

You know, when one is truly kind and loving and desirous to help others it shows how one communicates and shares ones thoughts and feelings.  

I try to talk about truth with people and if I happen to share some insight that reveals that I worship Jesus Christ, so be it...but most of the time I just talk about truth and experiences.  

Anyway, it's late and I'm TIRED too so I better just let this go...but I wanted to let you know that I feel what you're saying.

ps- I decided not to visit any of Allanon's threads, they are just boring and annoying at this point...
We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot
fides quaerens intellectum


If I sounded like I was preaching, I apologize. My comments are my views and were not meant to step on anyone's toes. I don't know everything and am fairly new (about a year) to this spiritual stuff outside mainstream religion. I've always resented anyone trying to shove something down my throat. I totally disagree with Allanon's methods and hope people realize not all Christians force it on others as he/she has tried.
"For the good of the fire in your soul"


Question is... how do we get things back to the way they were a year ago, while still acknowledging the choices people have made in life will come into play here?



aww timeless [8)] of course its okay.. thank you, you too Nita.  Squeek it wasn't directed at you at all.  Although Its a trickle down effect.  Self righteous reformed drug addict allanon comes here spewing crap and taking over the board.

Which btw he can only do due to the huge amount of responses he gets.. so the irritation is there.  If anything I came off harsh in the ten commandments post, but it was partly because of what was already on the board.

PW: I really appreciate the way you share your beliefs and its such a difference than these people who are coming on here seemingly trying to show how wrong we are for being here.  I see that from only a few people though so it shouldnt bug me so much.  But everyone has their days when they need to vent.

Traveler.. same thing I said to squeek.  Normally the ten commandments thread would just be another discussion.  Its because its surrounded by this person who has decided to plaster quotes all over and disrupt the forum that It bothered me.  I appreciate the response though.

Thanks people.  I do feel better reading this thread. Even though the annoyance is still there.  Its probably something I need to work on myself.  Being more tolerant to ignorance and preaching.. I do think it creates an overall atmosphere of annoyance.  But Im not exactly the calmest person.  Which is another "use this to work on yourself" thing.

Again thanks.


BTW James I really liked that skit you put up. Rowan atkinson cracks me up.. at least I think you said it was him that wrote that.
Jokes like that are exactly what's needed [;)]


Dear Goingslow,

A big cyber hug then....really big.[:)]

Dear Peaceful Warrior,

I have always respected how you seek to understand others first.

Much Love to you both,


Im really getting a little tired of all the preaching that is going on.  Im not saying they dont have a right to preach but one thing that is unique about this place is we normally aren't exposed to the BS preaching and force fed christianity we have to see in everyday life.

It is very normal to be approached by a christian.  I was in line the other day in the city I live in and the cashier had a nice convo with the woman in line about the christian band she was buying and how good it is kids like christian music.

People here complain there is an anti christian (am I spelling that wrong?  Im tired).  feel to this place and it isnt that.  Its just they are not as free to force that BS down other's throat because most here have thought it out and moved past it.

There are many christians here who dont preach or complain about all the non christians and label it anti christian.  Just because for once there might be more non christians than christians does not mean you are now a minority and a victim.  

I think highly of christ and am not anti religion in anyway but I feel its getting a little out of control (the preaching).  I mean this is the one place we dont have to hear it.  Where its okay to say "I dont believe in that".  Its just getting under my skin seeing this board plastered with it.

BTW this isn't a call to the mods to do something about it.  Its just me venting.

Thanks people.