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1,000 posts = Leave the site?

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kakkarot left because of that demon thread where people kinda got tired of hearing how he kicked their butts.

Who's at 1,000?  I dont like having as many posts as I have.  People act as if it means I should be saying something more intelligent or I should suddenly be full of wisdom.  Most days it comes from a day off or being restless.

You thinking of going once you finally hit that mark.  (way after me I might add)[;)]


Right now... It's Adrian and PeacefulWarrior...(that are still here and at 1,000) you and cainam are only about 100 posts behind the thousand mark.  (When did you fly so far ahead of me...  :(  )

I feel the same way with that.. "High number! Must mean they're smart!"

In no way am I any better than anyone below me.  All our numbers mean are that we've been here a while, posting like mad everyday.  I think I'm back up to like 3 posts per day now.

No... I'm gonna stay... At least until I pop the ol 2,000 cork.  (And darn you for being so far ahead of me all the sudden...  :P   stupid vacation.)


PS - Tom still comes on AIM pretty frequently.  I don't talk to him, but some people should :)


I miss Tom and Frank. But I can understand why they do not come back much any more. Most of this forum is beginner level and they are beyond that level. All that they probably get out of here is helping other people. A lot of the same questions pop up often asking the same beginner advice. Now to someone more advanced, they are more than happy to help, but after awhile they probably get tired of repeating themselves and feel like being with others at their level to help with their own advancement. So I really cannot blame. Atleast we still have a wealth of information from the posts they have left.

If you see Tom, why do not say hello and ask him how he is doing? I doubt he would take offense.
Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.


Maybe they got tired of having over 1000 posts and maybe they gathered themselves new nicknames...
That's allright... I am OK. This happens every single day... It's all the same... But I am not blind!


Birm : Yea that is a possibility that I had thought of...

fallen: That one works too.

And also.. I don't talk to him just because I don't talk to him.  Whenever he's on I'm almost certain he's doing something important and I don't want to bother him :)



"Squeek, I love you man!"  <---I had to throw that in.

I feel compelled to respond because my name was mentioned.

I have been here for a little over a year and a half now.  In that time I have learned a large amount of things while also only believing more firmly in some of my other beliefs.  However in the time that I have been here I have noticed a circular pattern that could lead to some one leaving.  There is probably about ten topics that seem to rotate through the forums, with one of them always being in full swing.  And in many cases there is not much new information.  I can see how this would cause some people to leave, no matter how many posts they have.  But for the people who have been around longer it is more difficult because they have seen these same 10 topics several times already.

Sadly also the forum like any gathering of people is not with out its societal degridation.  Any body of people simply can not maintain the splendor of its more comfortable beginings.  No matter how tight control is administered conflict and power struggles will eventually creep their way in.  Do not get me wrong the "controlling forces" here hae done an excellent job maintaining and even restoring the forums to thier previous glory, but degridation is inevitable.  It can only be slowed or allowed to run wild, and only when things hit a certain point can rebuilding occur.

Even you were around when we had our dark period and we are only now begining to see the light again.  However with the recent influx of people to the forums I believe we will revert one last time before things become more coherent.  Time and involvement will dictate how much one is effected.  Generally the more one is involved the greater the impact the situation has on them.  Tom, Frank, and Kakkarot were heard by almost every one but very few actually listened.  That in itself can be very trying on a person.

But enough of this.....We need another great thread like the classic "10,000 bottles of bear on the wall"...  That was a great thread.

PeacefulWarrior.....I was secretly looking to reach 1000 before him.  And Adrian came out of no-where, but I expected him to hit it sooner as he is one of the original voices.  

And Squeek..dude.  On a personal note I honestly hope you don't leave.  Your light hearted posting style is a welcome change in even the most serious of threads.  It would be a sad day if you left.

If that last part doesn't placate your ego, well, then your hopeless..[;)]


Cainam, you're right...

...we need a "truly great" thread like 10,000 bottles.

Who will be "the chosen one" to start this new thread ??!
I'll Name You The Flame That Cries



If you get 1000 posts, do you get a Astral Pulse collecters mug or something?



The number of posts a person has does not determine their wisdom- remember that there are many here who just put a quick one down here and there to express their views on various topics or issues, etc. On the contrary, it would almost seem like a person who shuts up and listens to everyone else and sparsely responds would be wiser- that's usually the way it works. The quiet ones who rarely speak are the ones who know things. They quietly go unnoticed. In any case, judging someone as being wise or ignorant based on their number of posts would be biased. There's already enough prejudice in the world. Must we invent more? (mind you I'm not accusing anybody here of doing this, so don't be offended. It's not really a big deal anyway).

By the way, you guys could always look up their email addresses if you wanted to talk to them. It's good to keep contact with people you find interesting or feel you could learn from (or teach).

Personally I really don't care how many posts I may have under my belt. Growth is growth, no matter how slow or fast. If I can keep learning something by what is posted on this site, then I will keep posting. Sometimes I think some of us have moved beyond the need to post here. Maybe some of those who left have become more advanced and are not getting anything out of posting anymore. Anyway, these are just my thoughts.


OH MAN... like 5 people are saying that they don't want me to leave.  It's ruining my joke!

I was gonna make a topic that read "I'm leaving guys... It's too much"

I wanted to see what people thought of me :)

I never have any intention of leaving this wonderful site guys :D  I love this place :)

Just....FYI.  I finally got 800.  Darnit, I rule.


PS - Everybody loves me all the sudden :P FUNKAY.



Squeek attains his 900th post.  All rejoice, then all feel the sudden need to look towards the future and gaze in awe of the fact that

I will soon have 1,000 posts!

Took me exactly 2 weeks to get 100 posts... at this rate, it'll be there before October.  I want to get 1,500 on my anniversary :D

~Squeek (99 more posts on the wall, 99 more poooooosts...)


I say that because the first THREE people to 1,000 suddenly left the site...  For who knows how long.  Tom said he felt as if he was posting too much, so he took a "break".  Nice break so far [:)] Now get over here.  [8)]

Kakkarot... boy I didn't even hear from him when he left.  It was like... post post post post post leave.  Yea. You need to come back too [8D]

And FRANK!  Gahh, we just had him... What happened here?  I didn't get this memo that once you reach 1000 you feel like you posted too much! [xx(]

You two 1,000'ers better not leave...or umm...  Well I can't do anything about it... But seriously.  You two are all we got up there now :)

Anybody else feel this way?
