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Alcohol, life, time travel

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PS (pre scriptum):I'm terribly drunk and I apologize for disrupting the forum, if that's what I'm doing. I can't even tell what time it is.

Why am I writing in here? I'm watching Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel (it's ending now, but I've watched it at least a couple times). I've texted old mates, watched a couple or two other movies, felt self-pity, played piano after a long while, felt self-undervalued and self-overvalued... The thing is this forum is where I've least interacted in, but where I feel I'm understood the most. I drafted this post a couple of hours back and I'm now re-watching The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Awesome.

I quit smoking in February and for the first time I'm craving it like never before, but at the same time I've never been so sure I wouldn't even touch another cigarette in my life (why am I talking so much about the smoking? Oh nicotine you b1tch. Tonight I also watched 500 Days of Summer, which makes me think about other "bitches", or maybe *I* was the b1tch, whatever, I'm drunk so I'm entitled to thinking I'm sinless and perfect. Yes? The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind). But what's the real reason for this post (and I do apologize if I'm making you read a damn drunkard who doesn't even know what he's saying)? It's that I often ask myself, and it's never until I get this drunk that I really ask, really hard, myself, what the purpose of our lives is (oh, crap, here comes the cliché). Not in a transcendental sense, but rather in a down-to-earth, almost-30-crisis sense. I don't have a girlfriend (hell, I don't even have a love interest), and I know most people don't either (boyfriend or girlfriend), my job sucks and I struggle to reach end of month with my dirty salary. I'm just like most people. And even if I had a super-10.000 $ (that was a drunk web developer's joke) a month-salary I would not know what to do with it and would probably spend it drinking, drugging myself (never been a huge fan of that) and hookering (is that even a word?).

End of prologue. I'm sure all of you have been as drunk as I am and are now feeling rather embarrassed for me, or feeling what's called Spanish shame (ironically enough, I'm from Spain, and rather educated in obscure English). How is that when we reach this level of drunkenness, that some of us, if not all of us, start wondering how come we have no frakking clue what we are here for? Or even better, how come we start assuming we are here for any reason at all? How come it's always something as beautiful as Zooey Deschanel (or dude equivalent) that gets our minds going about this (with a little, or a lot, of help from alcohol)? Girls, post a dude equivalent and I'll add a link. I really wished anyone could relate to this. In fact, go drink 2 liters of beers and come back. You'll relate to this much better then.

Navigate the mist back there. A perceived beautiful member of the opposite (or not opposite, but preferred) gender is what makes me wonder my place in the world. What the heck? Isn't that supposed to be transcendental stuff that's sprouting from the back of my mind? Well, it's actually the most animal, biological stuff, what's sprouting there. How come? Well, I have no idea. And I feel I losing it, so anyone who wants to, please hijack this thread and make it about whatever you think it's relevant. I'll try to come back when I'm sober and refocus.
My humble OBE and LD diary:


Thanks for the link op, I love her coldness and those deep penetrating ice stares she gives in her movies.
Such a beautiful reckless girl...
She just does not have a f@ck to give. :-D Ever.


I have made a few posts my self after a few cams of beer .  I dont really see the conection to time travel in your post . On why we are hear I see it as to blance karma from past lives .   Not perty like Zooey Deschanel , but he invented a lot of importand things , most people have no idea who he was .


QuoteHow is that when we reach this level of drunkenness, that some of us, if not all of us, start wondering how come we have no frakking clue what we are here for? Or even better, how come we start assuming we are here for any reason at all? How come it's always something as beautiful as Zooey Deschanel (or dude equivalent) that gets our minds going about this (with a little, or a lot, of help from alcohol)? Girls, post a dude equivalent and I'll add a link. I really wished anyone could relate to this. In fact, go drink 2 liters of beers and come back. You'll relate to this much better then.

Because the conquest is pretty much complete at this point.

There is something called proximal separation which psychologists speak about with respect to parent-child relationships. The parent is right next to the kid, but something (emotional instability, talking on the phone, "too busy", etc) places that parent a million miles away, and it frightens the child. They are there, but they are utterly inaccessible.

That is the story of modern man and pretty much anything that matters. The media and the corporatocracy have gotten their control of every ounce of a person's time now. In your car going to work? Here, have some commercials, and some terrible music to buy later so you don't have to think too hard about anything. At work? Good, you are running our machine for us, and getting money to buy our products. At home now? Good, watch this TV so we can tell you about what to buy next, or play with this iCrap, or play these mind-numbing games we made for you to take your mind off thinking, or talk on the phone on one of our super deluxe jumbo saver plans, etc.

At all times the victim is either engaged with advertisements, using the products, or watching some prepackaged don't-think-too hard media tailered to their demographic.

When I wander the neighborhoods around my home for hours on end as I care to at times, I think about how many kids I saw out there enjoying life back when I was a kid myself. Not a single one in sight for hours now, on a miraculously temperate day. We both know why.

For most people, it takes a shock, such as being terribly drunk, or some sort of emotional trauma, to temporarily peak outside that veil, and take a gaze at the things that are real, or the things that matter. Everything important to us is right at hand, but like that absent-minded parent, our techno-daze keeps it all so far away.

The people who noticed it when it was well underway were only the cultural poets:

Now no one speaks about it at all. No one makes art about the basic or the primal, or the human condition. People are too damaged to even have a conversation with another person in front of them, about anything but the superficial.

Bread and circuses.
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


Quote from: desert-rat on May 06, 2014, 03:23:54
I have made a few posts my self after a few cams of beer .  I dont really see the conection to time travel in your post . On why we are hear I see it as to blance karma from past lives .   Not perty like Zooey Deschanel , but he invented a lot of importand things , most people have no idea who he was .

Well, as you can tell, I was incredibly wasted last night. :roll:

Great post Stillwater. I'm a 100% with you on that!
My humble OBE and LD diary:


The One is ALL. And the All are One.


can't help it but I really LOVE the thread title
:-D :wink: