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[:)]Why do you hate them?

Is it because you're scared about what you hear from those alien storys? Besides I dont think all aliens would be like that.

I must admit I'm scared of them too, well, I have had a couple of experiences to put that fear into me of them, but I know the reason I fear them is because I dont understand them, and its something I'll have to work on.

Anyway, I saw the add for that tv show on tonight, and i think its funny, because a couple of them talk about full body paralisis, which is something I deal with a lot when doing energy work and when I leave my body. It'll be interesting to hear what else is described, and what people think they are.



Actually I'm half watching it now, and the entire doco is the argument of real alien abduction vs. sleep paralysis and I think the waking paralysis has the better argument.

It's really interesting because people always see different things, even though a lot of people see the typical alien.

Robert Bruce touched on waking paralysis in his book Practical Psychic Self-Defense, and the symptoms he describes are all on this documentary! It is quite possible that a Neg or two are attacking and they are using your deep fears against you in the most frightening state of sleep known to man - waking paralysis.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

No amount of rigorous training, sitting and doing nothing, and clearing one's mind can help a man who hasn't overcome his doubts.


I've actually had a fear of the idea and appearance of aliens since I was maybe 5 or 6. No idea where or when it came from though. But still, I find them to be very creepy looking.


I've checked out that zetatalk sight. I think it's sort of sketchy. If you read some of the things they say, it sounds like they're only going to save a few people if such a cataclysmic event should occur. I don't know about this whole planet-x thing either. I think the appocolypse is still a few thousand years away.

I believe that aliens do exist. I have had an encounter with a UFO but I don't remember too much about it. It was a small glowing yellow ball and it told my brother and I to open the door of our house. We contemplated this for a few seconds, being only five and my brother being only two, and we told our mother about it, who thought we had let our imaginations run away with us. The next day, sightings describing exactly what we saw were reported on the radio.

I do not have a particular fear of aliens (though I haven't seen an actual alien either, and I am sure if I did, I would be quite frightened), but I think of it this way- When we first learn to astral project, there is a lot of fear in us about what might be out there. As we get more experienced, our confidence is built up and we are able to control our emotions better. Similarly, if one were to have many alien encounters, my guess is that at first they would be scared sh**less, as thoughts such as "what do they want with me? What are they going to do to me? Are they going to hurt me?" would be running through their heads. Then, gradually, that fear would diminish with each encounter, until the aliens become familiar enough to them that they no longer worry about them.


I can believe some abductions are actually sleep paralysis episodes.  I haven't read the site but from what fat turkey said I got the feeling some were saying that.

Its interesting because on another thread I talked about waking up paralyzed with an alien shaped entity next to my bed.  Ive woken up in the state of paralysis many many times so I think I accepted what state I was in, and I thought the alien was some kind of projection of my fear.  However, If i had never woken up in that state and didnt know about OBE and Sleeping paralysis as a phenomenon I might actually think I had been abducted.  

I see no reason at all to hate aliens.  Until I see them shooting up our planet I dont believe they're any more harmful than humans are to one another.  If anything they're curious and one thing we are is curious.  If you take things from movies and make a judgement on "Aliens" you're limiting your perspective.  Its like dogs who live in a lab who are poked and prodded by scientists hating all humans.

It makes me wonder how many abductions are actually sleep paralysis which leads to being able to see projections of our collective unconscious.  Maybe thats why the aliens are always so consistent in appearance.  One reason I thought this was just a projection of my fear is because it was a PERFECT looking alien.  The type I would expect to see in pictures.  It was too perfect to actually scare me though.


sleep paralysis isnt going to debunk the possibility of alien life visiting us by itself. it might explain why so many people feel theyve been abducted, but there are some cases out there that arent sleep paralysis.

there was a more recent case where an alien craft was said to land by a south african elementary school while the kids were outside. the adults there all reported the craft, seeing beings, and being scared and not knowing what they were, being confused or whatever. but the children, though also confused, knew that the aliens were there to tell them that unless mankind changed its destructive ways, there was going to a lot of suffering. all the kids reported something similar to this, though none reported the aliens speaking verbally.

i saw that on the tv show sightings a while ago. of course no one took it seriously, its hard to have people take anything about UFOs seriously since roswell. but since it was during the day, outside a school in broad daylight in south africa, it obviously wasnt sleep paralysis. but i seriously doubt even 95% of all claimed abductions are true. just too many people have claimed to have them.

if i woke up to aliens at the foot of my bed.. id be scared crapless!! i dont think they want to hurt us either, but its just eerie... o.o
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


I agree that it wont debunk UFO's and I actually believe other life exists out there.  Its just the odds thing.. A whole universe just for us to study and see with telescopes?  

I was just saying some of them might be.  I mostly think that because of my Alien entity experience while paralyzed.

It scared me the first time four leaf, but for some reason the fact it looked like an alien made me less afraid than if it was an old lady or a hooded figure.  Especially since it looked like an alien straight out of a movie.  With the big head and big eyes.

I dont think old ladies are scary, but in that state they are. especiallly when you know they're trying to scare you.

I wonder what the old lady thing is about?  old crone or whatever..


I watched the documentary that Turkey  writes about.
I researched the phenomena of alien abduction after finding similarities with strange experiences in my own life .This included lights flitting around in the sky  plus a hairy and scary face at my bedroom window .Also included were a bugler alarm and microwave setting them self's of
Apparently  abductions take place through the generation ,my daughter is totally freaked by the whole thing ,she had lumps on her body puss up and when they bursted little stones came out. A while later I read that meteorite material is used for implants  .My father was totally oppressed by UFOs ,he even constructed a detection devise .
Despite all of this I remain sceptical and would need a lot more evidence before I became a true believer ,until then I retain a open mind on the subject
I have also experienced sleep paralyses , but  not in conjunction with any aliens  .My perception  is that it is a prelude to projection and was even mentioned as such by some of those interviewed.


I would have to say that the worst thing about the bastards(I HATE THEM!) is that they look so eerie. They experiment on us and it's just so traumatising. Plus my friend tells me that some site says that they drain us of our body fluids to feed off of!! And plus they just STARE at you!!! Anything at the foot of my bed staring at me would scare me, but a big headed bug-eyed skinny ALIEN is just blood-curtling scream stuff!!! I HATE IT!! I don't exactly hate THEM, but I hate the fear. I mean you hear stories of people being taken at night - when they're asleep. There are nights where I get freaked by the house creaking and I just keep both lights on in my room and play GBA all night and try my best not to sleep. I need a sword!

I say that if they want something don't be all sneaky and take us away and crap. Talk to us. The big brains you got mean that you're either telepathic or you can do smart stuff (language translation) easily. Both of which would help us communicate better. If they came here to be friends they wouldn't be so sneaky about it - or perhaps the media makes us hate them so much theyre scared of showing themselves? And plus the whole abduction thing - I don't think it's fair to take live specimens for testing, especially without giving us a few samples!!

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

No amount of rigorous training, sitting and doing nothing, and clearing one's mind can help a man who hasn't overcome his doubts.


Originally posted by EnderWiggin

It was a small glowing yellow ball and it told my brother and I to open the door of our house.

Greetings children of Earth, we are aliens with technology thousands if not millions of years in advance of your own, we are capable of faster than light travel and molecular transportation allowing us to take humans through solid matter such as a wall or roof, but we are unable to determine how to open a door to a humans house, please could you assist us as we wish to abduct you and experiment on you, thankyou in advance for the assistance.



I have no idea why they would tell us to open a door. Must have been that antique 80's technology. Or maybe their UFO was their equivalent to our old Chevrolets or a Ford P.O.S.'s. But either way, they DID ask us to open the door. I was on the 2nd story of my house when it happened so it's not like someone was shining a flashlight in the window. And, if I haven't mentioned it already (which I am sure I have), it was seen by others as well, as it was reported on the radio the next day.


i gotta tell ya all............i would love to see an alien...........yes it would probably scare the beejeebees out of me and change my life forever........but at the same time i would love it.
the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing in the face of it.


i think.[8)][8)]
the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing in the face of it.


I used to be really interested in the topic of aliens and alien abduction.  I entertained the idea that aliens were visiting this planet, etc. until I read a book that changed my life, well, in a sense.  It is called:

"Grand Illusions" by Gregory L. Little

This guy, Little, was or I guess still is, a UFOlogist and he concludes (and this is a ROUGH sketch of his conclusions) that most alien abductions, if not all, are actually negative astral entities.  

I must say I agree with him.  I believe wholeheartedy in UFO's and the like, but aliens visiting the earth doesn't make sense to me.  I do indeed believe in "alien" life, in fact I myself am sure there are other intelligent beings outside of our planetary system...but visiting us, like I said, it doesn't make sense.  ANyway, here is some info regarding the book:


Grand Illusions: The Spectral Reality Underlying Sexual UFO Abductions, Crashed Saucers, Afterlife Experiences, Sacred Ancient Sites, and Other Enigmas
by Gregory L. Little

White Buffalo Books, Inc., Memphis, Tennessee, 1994, 271 pp., paperback, $19.95.

Grand Illusions is the culmination of a trilogy of works by one of America's most freethinking ufologists. More blunt but no less provocative than his previous books, this is Gregory Little's finest work to date. Grand Illusions , following People of the Web (1990) and The Archetype Experience (1984), fine-tunes Little's thesis that was ignited by Carl Jung and John Keel--namely that archetypes are intelligent energy forms within the electromagnetic spectrum which can physicalize and account for virtually every anomalous event in ufology.

Little has theorized that there is indeed a mystery, or grand illusion, behind UFOs and related phenomena. He also suggests that many ufologists also harbor their own illusions concerning these phenomena. Words are not minced and punches are not pulled. Little calls for the death of the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH) and, acting like the criminal justice psychologist that he is, points a finger at the rampant hoaxing and paranoia within the ufological fold.

This is strong stuff. For many involved in ufology, the aspect that first got them interested was the tales of real alien beings piloting the saucers (e.g., The Humanoids, Flying Saucer Occupants). A similar sense of interest (and pleasure) is attained, ironically, from reading Little's analysis, and rejection of, these same aliens. Ultimately, we all want to get at "the truth." The proffering of the alien-UFO motif in the media has made alternatives to the ETH all the more rare, especially for American ufology. Thus, the release of any non-extraterrestrial UFO book has become a major event. And a book that can explain the concomitant baggage that has glommed onto ufology is that much more of a treasure.

Little mentions the oft-repeated notion that the evidence for crashed saucers (notably the Roswell case) would prevail in a court of law, and states unequivocally that the case would not win. In this, his thrust is valid; however, what I feel he means to say is that the evidence for crashed saucers is not the "experimental" (scientific) proof required for its veracity. Legal proof is of a different nature, and the case for crashed saucers could probably be "proven" in court. Under the microscope of experimental proof, which requires more tangible evidence, no crashed saucer story holds up.

But even experimental proof is problematic. The scientific method, while powerfully effective, is composed of two elements that are fallible (i.e., both sense data and pure reason can be deceptive). In other words, our perceptions, liable to being erroneous, cannot lead us to conclusions with absolute certitude. This seems to aim at the heart of fortean philosophy, in that the best that can be said in reaching a conclusion is that it is the most accurate possible approximation.

What seems striking in its absence, noting that Little's background is in counseling psychology, is that no mention is made of the benefit to be gained through knowing the mechanism of abduction. If the process is known (do people "tune-in" the grays with the magnetite in their brains?), then the trigger of the experience can be reversed or halted, abductions can be stopped, and the true healing of the abduction syndrome can begin.

Still somewhat mystifying is the process by which the archetype and the percipient attune themselves to each other to "create" a UFO experience or abduction encounter. Specifically, how do these psychoid energy forms adapt their physical shape and behavior to the culture and expectations of the percipient? How, and from where, does this energy gain the knowledge to accomplish this feat?

These are minor quibbles. What is important is that Little has plunged ahead, forging his thought from what he has encountered, rather than ramming the data into preconceived beliefs.

You should add this instant classic to your UFO bookshelf.

Grand Illusions
by Dr. Gregory L. Little
reviewed by S. Miles Lewis

Dr. Little has done it again! Subtitled "The Spectral Reality Underlying Sexual UFO Abductions, Crashed Saucers, Afterlife Experiences, Sacred Ancient Sites, and Other Enigmas," this book covers a lot of ground.
With this book Little has completed a sort of trilogy detailing the mechanisms of manifestation behind UFOs, angels, demons, and other apparitions. Far from debunking these encounters as simply hallucinations of the mind's eye, Little proposes that the witnesses often interact with physically real entities whose origin lies in Carl Jung's conception of the archetypes within humanity's collective unconscious. This is the kind of hypothesis which typically infuriates American UFOlogists because it undermines their hope and expectation for an extraterrestrial origin. But Little goes a long way to show he is not a psychological debunker by detailing his thorough investigations of specific Fortean cases. From apparent falls of worms from the sky to the "mysterious" disappearance of the Mississippi's Iron Mountain tugboat. He points out the shortcomings of purported government documents like the Majestic-12 papers and their researchers.

In Little's first book, The Archetype Experience, he brilliantly and succinctly illustrated how Jung (in Dr. Little's paradigm at least) conceived of archetypes as physical entities of psychic energy which have interacted with humanity for centuries. He also showed how the bulk of UFO reports, the 95% haystack, are intimately linked to Jung's concept of synchronicity which arose from his ideas about archetypes.

In People of the Web, Dr. Little extended his hypothesis into the realms of Native American studies. He examined stone circles, Indian mounds, and the ancient rituals that are linked to these sites. He presented a rich tapestry of Amerindian experience exemplified by the annual Massaum ceremony. It was during this 56 day ceremony that the Indians called down and communed with their gods.

With Grand Illusions, his third and most recent UFO book, Dr. Little has rounded out his theory, which could be called the "GeoPhysical Manifestation of Jungian Archetypes." In his first book he briefly mentioned the geophysical theories put forth by Dr. Michael Persinger and he has continued to reference Persinger's ongoing psychotronics research. Yet Dr. Little has strangely avoided any mention of British research into the Earth Lights Hypothesis.

Little presents a sober hypothesis integrating earth energies, brain chemistry, fairy lore, Jungian psychology, and journalist John Keel's ideas of UFOs as ultraterrestrial shape shifting entities of energy.

He details several American flap areas including the notorious Gulf Breeze hot zone. He astutely suggest that it is the perfect stage for a sociological experiment in civilian reaction to UFOs. A telling proposition considering that areas history of psychotronics/navy communications research. Particularly in light of Vallee's revelation of similarly proposed experiments suggested by the now infamous Battelle University memo he cites in his last book Forbidden Science.

Again Little provides much food for thought in his analysis of the near death experience as it relates to UFOs and the NDE Osiris cults of Egypt. He links the use of the pyramid to out-of-body-experiences induced by the cults' priests as a rite of passage to the Great Pyramid's alignments with Orion.

My only "gripes" about this book are these:

-Firstly, Little holds to John Keel's humorous explanation of the Roswell debris as the remains of a Japanese Fugo balloon. While I admit to having no clue as to the "true" nature of the wreckage I feel safe in keeping the fugo explanation far down on the list of probabilities.

-Little is a big fan of Keel's and references much of Keel's works. Yet when it comes to explaining possible links between unmarked helicopters and the modern UFO myth he writes it off as pure coincidence. It was Keel who proposed that certain phantom aircraft were direct manifestations of the UFO phenomena within his book UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse. And Dennis Stillings has utilized a Jungian perspective in his fantastic articles detailing the powerful symbolism of the helicopter in connection to UFO events.

-Lastly, Greg Little dismisses cattle mutilations as simple misidentification of predator attacks and satanic rituals. While I am convinced by some of his arguments (specifically the documentary/experiment where a surveillance camera caught natural predators "creating" a carcass identical to the typical cattle mute within a 24 hour period) I must wonder why an immanent scientist like Jacques Vallee would spend his valuable time on such misidentifications. And what about pre-modern era accounts of mutilations in connection with paranormal manifestations? Are we dealing with living folklore here as well? Thomas Bearden and Dennis Stillings both wrote fantastic articles about the inherent symbolism of these mutilations and the fear generated within our collective consciousness by these terrors. [see The Anomalist #2 ] I still think the possibility remains that some agency could be perpetrating at least some of these horrific mutilations in order to scare ranchers off their land and out of business, perhaps as part of an AgricCorporate Conspiracy or as an attempt by the government to "discredit the ufo phenomena, instilling doubt as to the beneficence of the aliens."

Despite these remarks I highly recommend Dr. Little's latest book. He is a fine researcher who will open many people's minds to the incredible possibilities that are evident within these strange phenomena.

The book is replete with fancifully shocking artwork by John Michael McCarthy as well as photographs and diagrams that help capture the subject matter detailed within Dr. Little's well written text.

Greg Little can be contacted through the fabulous magazine:

PO Box 9972
Memphis, TN 38190
We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot
fides quaerens intellectum


Hi. There's a documentary tonight on alien abductions and I'm pretty darn sceptical. I don't really think anything cataclysmic really involves aliens (, and not really anything soon. But the idea of those little bastards scares me nonetheless.

Opinions of aliens here just to start off a discussion [|)]


P.S.-sorry bout the swearing, but I HATE them! Even though they might not exist[:P]
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

No amount of rigorous training, sitting and doing nothing, and clearing one's mind can help a man who hasn't overcome his doubts.