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AND they called me crazy

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Risu no Kairu

We don't believe we can fly out of our body. We  believe (or know) that it's possible to shift your consciouness out of your physical body. If you don't believe in this, and you refuse to try and disprove or prove it for yourself, and it makes you angry, I would suggest you not visit this site. That way you won't get angry.
I need a signature that isn't stupid. :/



Advice:  Power = Corruption  I hope that proves a point.  Did you say your dropped out of HS?  Maybe you should get a GED and go to college, better experience if you ask me.


"The most interesting people in the world are those you do not understand" -Me


Originally posted by Xvirus

I just want power my friend

Oh, that's nice.


You want power in what? Your science?

Newsflash - science is behind. These things that we speak of the entire world used to know about it.

If you want power, learn to believe in things.

Hey, I don't believe in God either, but I do believe that anything is possible, and that is why I consider myself a truth-seeker. If you came here to try and mock us, you can't. There's too many of us and we are obviously much more mature and accepting than you. You get angry over our beliefs? Then logout and don't come back.
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

No amount of rigorous training, sitting and doing nothing, and clearing one's mind can help a man who hasn't overcome his doubts.


and we still call you crazy Xvirus lol you need to learn.
"Only those who have dared to let go can dare to reenter." - Meister Eckhart


they called me crazy for not believeing in god/you people are crazy you people are the ones who think you can fly out your body(makes me so mad)

Don't be mad, get Glad! (sorry, just popped into my head)

Sooo, then why are you here "Xvirus"?  If it's just to hang around calling people nuts for having beliefs that do not align with yours, please just save us all the grief and go away little boy.

When you have something intelligent to say, pull up a chair.....

Forgotten Flame 13

Tenacious: You say that power = corruption. But that's not always the case. Sometimes billionaires give money to charities, even if it's just for publicity, they are still giving to the needy. That doesn't strike me as corrupted.

Fat_Turkey: What proof have you that the whole world used to know about all this science, eh? Oh, and

There's too many of us and we are obviously much more mature and accepting than you. You get angry over our beliefs? Then logout and don't come back.

For being so mature and accepting, you don't seem so accepting of this guy.

Xvirus: Grow up, fix your grammar, and believe in something.


How Fat_Turkey knows that the whole world used to know about it? Because it is that way. If you go look through the history of ancient cultures, old manuscripts, etc etc, you will find your proof. As a start point, try the ancient Egyptians. Or simply the Bible; in there you will find thousand and one things that can be related to, for example, Magic. The western world decided that everything that cannot be seen or exactly been calculated with a formula is not true, not real. If you think we, in this age, are the ones who found out about it, you're sadly wrong.
Furthermore, the power that what-its-name is seeking = corruption. He wants, like many others, be able to do destructive things with 'mega ki blasts'.
I would love to write more but I have to go to school. I will continue when I get back.


Xvirus, by saying you WANT power, you are automatically admitting and accepting that you have none. think about it. A.


they called me crazy for not believeing in god/you people are crazy you people are the ones who think you can fly out your body(makes me so mad)[:(!]