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Astral Pulse False Alarm!

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Edit:  Obviously, this didn't happen.  :)  Just keeping it here for posterities sake.  Locking. 

I received an email from Adrian this morning with some bad news.
Unfortunately, due to the aging software which is unable to be updated without wiping out the site completely and the amount of money Adrian has been having to dump into the server and the hosting company for it, he's decided to shut down the Astral Pulse.

He said that the forum will shut down on or around August 27th.

So, please save whatever you want to save, because after that, it'll be down permanently.

I've been here for almost 15 years and it's been my home.
It was a pleasure administering forum for the last several years. 

If you'd like to reach out to me, you can email me at
You can also find me on my own website (, my subreddit r/AstralAcademy ( and I frequent the r/AstralProjection sub as well.


 Does anyone else know of any Astral related Forums that we can all continue on? One that preferably has the owner of the Forum as an active contributor as well. Throughout the years, I have sent PMs to Adrian based on Astral related insight and NEVER received a single response from him, even when I was a Moderator here.
I have enjoyed the years I was a member here. I feel bad that all the great info, experiences shared and aid to others that were searching for answers, will be lost forever.
Thank you to all here for being a part of this tremendous community. Many a great friendship has begun here on this Forum. It will definitely be sorely missed!  :-(
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Very sad to hear that this place is closing but certainly not unexpected.  I would like to say Thank you to all who have contributed to the conversations and who have helped me out in my own personal journey through the great advice and insights!  I hope that we can find another meeting place.

Terry (T-Man)
The Adventure Continues...


Quote from: Lumaza on August 17, 2023, 12:45:37
Does anyone else know of any Astral related Forums that we can all continue on? One that preferably has the owner of the Forum as an active contributor as well. Throughout the years, I have sent PMs to Adrian based on Astral related insight and NEVER received a single response from him, even when I was a Moderator here.
I have enjoyed the years I was a member here. I feel bad that all the great info, experiences shared and aid to others that were searching for answers, will be lost forever.
Thank you to all here for being a part of this tremendous community. Many a great friendship has begun here on this Forum. It will definitely be sorely missed!  :-(
I'll also be looking for a new forum to call home.  :/

There's so much info here, I'm at least glad that I was able to scrape Frank's posts.

I had shut down the forums on my own website cause they were just dying a slow death.  LoL
I'm having a good time helping people on reddit at least.


Sorry to see this news. I have found a home here and been quite happy. I just want to thank all the members current and past who served to mentor me .

Lu, I'm lost too.


I'm a new member here but was beginning to find an appreciation for the Astral Pulse. It's understandable things close down, especially if one person is the majority financial backer.

Not sure how Casey or everyone feels about this but I've found her forum hospitable and she is an active member there of course, as well as a handful of other members... We usually record our dreams, there's a section for members to create their own journals- they can be astral projection journals surely.

There's all kinds of things there:

It is probably the most suitable, or at least has been for me.

I'm also a member of, where there is a section on astral projection.

I am also a member of 1111MB which isn't that active but focuses more on UB and a concept of midwayers,

And I am hesitant to share this because it has a lot of political arguments but I have been a member of, too.

I don't expect these last two to call to anyone, I think omcasey's forum is most suitable. Spritualportal has a similar format as this one but with the advertisements. SMF for free, whatever it is.

One thing is certain, whether you agree or disagree with the content or members there- all of these places have welcomed diverse opinions.

Best of luck all, maybe I will see you in one of these places too. = )

Kind regards ~


Quote from: Lumaza on August 17, 2023, 12:45:37
Does anyone else know of any Astral related Forums that we can all continue on? One that preferably has the owner of the Forum as an active contributor as well.
We do have this, Lumaza, and you have forgotten or do you delete old PMs? :wink:

I remember we also had talked back then in short about it via PM or at least I mentioned it and gave you the links. You even registered there, man.  8-)

I created this 'cheap' forum 5 years ago, also when the Pulse was down for long and I wasn't sure if it comes back, so I just did it in case when I had a little time over, iirc ...

It is so far not used at all apart from the initial and preparatory posts by me (the topic structure) and some occasional ones by members. As said, it is a bit 'cheap' (no costs for me and even registering was done anonymously via a gmail account by me). Nevertheless I discovered that it is functional and 'good enough' for discussions of this kind. I don't want to blow my own trumpet too loud but I think I created a really cool structure for it (and it is all even tri-lingual!).

I have done nothing there though for years though and am not an IT expert, but it is all easy enough to handle as an Admin (ARENIS = Sinera backwards if you haven't noticed  :wink: ).

We can bring it to life any time if you want to. So this would be my offer.

A handful of people I know or knew already had registered years ago - e.g. CFTraveler (no longer active here but a mod at the Astraldynamics forum) and also you Lumaza, as Lumaza, you might have forgotten it, back then I gave you and CF even moderator rights with me as Admin and also a mod account "Sinera".  Here is the mod's list:

CFtraveler wanted to do a Spanish forum part there but as the rest it never took off. But maybe one day its time will come? :wink:

So ... we can do this. ... You Pulsers are ALL welcome to register there! It is not as good as this one and it is loaded with some ads but it can still fulfill its purpose.

Note that during registering there is an anti-spam process in place where you write on your motivation for registering, this hopefully keeps away bots and spammers, so you need to write a few words to be accepted.

Anyone indicating to have come from the Pulse will of course be admitted asap.Of course it will be helpful if you keep using your old name then too.

However please be patient, it may take some time for me to give you access as I am not online every day and currently my time is limited for things like this. If it should really 'take off' a little I have to say as things look now for me I might not have so much time or motivation for moderating (Admin is enough). So if anyone of the 'old' experienced Astral Pulse mods then would want to step up, you are welcome.

Lumaza (already a 'mod'), EscapeVelocity, Szaxx, Lightbeam, Xanth, Nameless, etc .... I will give you mod rights if you want to. Maybe I would soon also re-contact 'mod' CFT for this activity now.

If trouble with registering here is also my email I used for this forum as well as the OBEboards although I do not use it nowadays but I will login in there (just checked, it still works, lol) and check regularly from now on again:

Also if anyone wants to do the work of "copy-paste over" some of the valuable Pulse stickies that can be done too by someone. Again I need to say I will not have the time to do this work, so I would suggest someone saves the texts til the 27th into a document locally and later pastes them in the right thread on the '(not-so-)new' forum.
(Update: I've just seen browsing my site that I had done this in 2019 with one thread already: ).

So ... ?

EscapeVelocity watching the Library at Alexandria burn...all that knowledge gone.

Anything that can be archived, saved, exported, Xanth? Other than Volgerle's cut & paste idea?

Thank you to all the members, it was a great 17 years for me! I learned so much through everyone's shared experiences.

My best wishes to you all!

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


 After a great telephone conversation with Nameless and EV, I can say, we will see you over at your Forum Volgerle!  :-) Any other members, new or old are more than welcome to join us there!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Xanth on August 17, 2023, 09:02:28
I received an email from Adrian this morning with some bad news.
Unfortunately, due to the aging software which is unable to be updated without wiping out the site completely and the amount of money Adrian has been having to dump into the server and the hosting company for it, he's decided to shut down the Astral Pulse.

He said that the forum will shut down on or around August 27th.

So, please save whatever you want to save, because after that, it'll be down permanently.

This is very sad news to hear, so many of the old forum boards I have frequented are now closing down. This place will sadly be missed.

It is like a backbone and to think of it gone is almost unimaginable.

I felt the same way the Law of One boards recently closed. I could not help but to reach out a hand.

QuoteDoes anyone else know of any Astral related Forums that we can all continue on? One that preferably has the owner of the Forum as an active contributor as well.

I will tell you what I did for the the LoO group. I created an entire, fully functioning sub-forum ( with all their own sub-sub-forums ) for them all of their own. Like their own board embedded into mine. I transferred their key forums over, with their existing titles, and it stands there today readily available to be occupied. Roughly 2 dozen of their members came over and integrated into it. Just a few post regularly. Their original board was left online in a read only format ( what a godsend! ) so at least they still had that as well, it can still be used for research and study. One of their members also opened another board that is less navigable and some of the members went there. If it ever goes down they will have a back-up home where they can all reach one another at my place. I am happy to do the same for The Astral Pulse. You can have a look at the board I created for the LoO people, to get a feel for what I am happy to do for Pulse members as well: You can even have all your own moderators.

Just to be proactive, as there is not much time between now and August 27, I will begin to build it for you.

Then it will be for you to decide on whether to use it as a new habitat.

Do we know if Adrian will be archiving the existing Pulse board in a read-only format that can be linked back to?

This would be a best case scenario, not to mention incredibly helpful.



Quote from: Lumaza on August 17, 2023, 17:08:29
After a great telephone conversation with Nameless and EV, I can say, we will see you over at your Forum Volgerle!  :-) Any other members, new or old are more than welcome to join us there!  :-)

Oh this is great! good news!

I posted before reading Vogerie's post, I had a look at the board, VERY thorough and in the same format as here.

Soooooo wonderful. <3


Quote from: omcasey on August 17, 2023, 18:34:58
Do we know if Adrian will be archiving the existing Pulse board in a read-only format that can be linked back to?
Hi Casey, that's a great idea and I've made such a suggestion to Adrian just now via email.
We can only hope.  At least with the forum in read-only mode, there would be little to no chance of it breaking.  :)

I'll advise what happens with that. 


This is a sad day...  I have been a member since 2002.  It was just always here for learning, reading... laughing...
I saw that it wasn't very active any longer but that doesn't mean the friendships you guys have shared with each other will be lost. 

My first thought was also Adrian archiving the contents in a read-only mode.  That would be awesome!

Myself, I have just now joined Volgerle's blog.  It looks amazing! Totally organized, just like AP. Volgerle did a great job! I was 45 when I joined this forum and now I'm fixing to be 66. So much time for a mere earthling but in the grand scheme of things, it is just a dot in time...


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


I have a question also.  If I choose to remove banner ads on Volgerle's forum, will that remove ads for everyone or just me? It's pretty cheap.  $21.00 for 200,000 views.  Also, if it's forum wide - if more than one person does this, does it compound the views?

On the first of the month, if this is where you guys end up, I'll pledge $21 a month.  I waste much more than that on just "junk of life"...

Maybe ask Adrian, 'What is the most monthly page-views AP had in its heyday...' The top number...
And he might also know about "compounding views".. meaning if two people did the same, would that be 400,000 views? Three people, 600,000 views etc...  These are page-views, and not just logging on.



"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


One other thought..  I don't have the room here on my computers, but it is not impossible to download/export the entire astral pulse forum in text format only, and stick it in the new forum under some AP archive topic.  Depends on how much space the new forum can handle.

Think of it as when you save your bookmarks and import them on a new computer (or if like me, you have dual operating systems) and you want to access your bookmarks, they will be on the bookmarks bar in their own folder for access.

Just a thought. 

It all comes down to space. I have 430 free gig.  I'll check this out and see what transpires.  Yall are my teachers and I don't want to lose this information.  Surely text won't be that much..

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Yesterday was a sad day, words were dry in my throat and at my fingertips.

This place has been a home for a little over the last ten years for me, I told someone I was hoping to go onto the 20 years streak. It is beyond words the sentimental meaning I have attached to it over the years. I think I can safely say I have visited here everyday for at least ten years, maybe I've missed a day and can't remember but definitely never two.

The content and experiences of people here have helped me to grow in ways I would have never imagined possible. I am but merely an onlooker, an spectator, an observer and witness and also a stalker and a lurker to the outstanding, out of this world quality of the ones posting on this site. Some stories should outright to be turned into grand tales, the attention to the wisdom-granting self-reflection in each experience that they have shared is as exquisite as the most fragrant wine you could only wish you could get a taste of, and when you do manage to catch a drift of it, it just stays with you as one of the sweetest memories.

As others have posted here, I will move where the tides drift you all, with a heavy heart but a cheerful look knowing that things don't cease but just take onto another form. This site and its knowledge in a myriad posts shouldn't be lost. I would love to contribute to the saving of it in any way possible. As per someones suggestion I'm looking at this    Of course if it all stays in an offline read-only mode that would be superb as well.

Blossom - I think your idea is great, I offered to contribute with some to keep this site running if possible for a bit more, if there really is no other way then at least until all the information is saved and secured. As of now I can contribute with 20$ to support this or other site on a monthly basis. I will PM you right away and then there's only left to see what they say.


Quote from: Rakkso on August 18, 2023, 14:41:04
Yesterday was a sad day, words were dry in my throat and at my fingertips.

This place has been a home for a little over the last ten years for me, I told someone I was hoping to go onto the 20 years streak. It is beyond words the sentimental meaning I have attached to it over the years. I think I can safely say I have visited here everyday for at least ten years, maybe I've missed a day and can't remember but definitely never two.

The content and experiences of people here have helped me to grow in ways I would have never imagined possible. I am but merely an onlooker, an spectator, an observer and witness and also a stalker and a lurker to the outstanding, out of this world quality of the ones posting on this site. Some stories should outright to be turned into grand tales, the attention to the wisdom-granting self-reflection in each experience that they have shared is as exquisite as the most fragrant wine you could only wish you could get a taste of, and when you do manage to catch a drift of it, it just stays with you as one of the sweetest memories.

As others have posted here, I will move where the tides drift you all, with a heavy heart but a cheerful look knowing that things don't cease but just take onto another form. This site and its knowledge in a myriad posts shouldn't be lost. I would love to contribute to the saving of it in any way possible. As per someones suggestion I'm looking at this    Of course if it all stays in an offline read-only mode that would be superb as well.

Blossom - I think your idea is great, I offered to contribute with some to keep this site running if possible for a bit more, if there really is no other way then at least until all the information is saved and secured. As of now I can contribute with 20$ to support this or other site on a monthly basis. I will PM you right away and then there's only left to see what they say.

Here's a snapshot by "big brother" taken in April 2021.  Not sure how complete it is.  I'll try to find 2021-2023 or download with those parameters.

Rakkso  -- Don't contribute anything yet.  We need to know where it needs to go.. But that would be awesome to keep us ad free on the new site. I think that will be 400,000 page views between the two of us on the new site, which I think is at  I feel the same way you do.  I don't want to lose this information.

Quotethere's only left to see what they say.

Yes.. I agree..

I gotta get back in my garden.. I'll be back in a bit..


p.s.  I just looked at some of the pages.  It goes back to 2002!!  oh yeah!!
Takes off a lot of years to download.  Volgerle could link the page. I feel so relieved.  I'll be back in a few hours.  Got outside work to do and the day is getting hot.  It is already 85 outside.

Hey Rakkso, that is synchronicity.  When you posted that, I was already on that site. 

Also, to donate to Volgerle's site regarding ads, if that's where it ends up being, you register first and then click the link at the very bottom of the board after registering about removing banners.  That way it is linked to the correct board with your name on it. You don't even have to be approved yet to do this.


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Quote from: Volgerle on August 17, 2023, 14:14:49

I created this 'cheap' forum 5 years ago, also when the Pulse was down for long and I wasn't sure if it comes back, so I just did it in case when I had a little time over, iirc ...

It is so far not used at all apart from the initial and preparatory posts by me (the topic structure) and some occasional ones by members. As said, it is a bit 'cheap' (no costs for me and even registering was done anonymously via a gmail account by me). Nevertheless I discovered that it is functional and 'good enough' for discussions of this kind. I don't want to blow my own trumpet too loud but I think I created a really cool structure for it (and it is all even tri-lingual!).

Hi, Volgerie

I created an account yesterday, today it looks like it has been approved because it takes me to the login screen but once I do this the board is not reading me as logged in. I mean, wow, this is hard to say. If I go to login again it takes me to sign up and at the top of the screen it says "welcome omcasey" but the board index itself is not reading me. It does not show me at the bottom in the online users area nor can I post, I get the message to login or register. Can you help??


I just joined Volgerle's forum.  Hope to see others there!  :-)
The Adventure Continues...


Quote from: omcasey on August 18, 2023, 15:40:48
Hi, Volgerie

I created an account yesterday, today it looks like it has been approved because it takes me to the login screen but once I do this the board is not reading me as logged in. I mean, wow, this is hard to say. If I go to login again it takes me to sign up and at the top of the screen it says "welcome omcasey" but the board index itself is not reading me. It does not show me at the bottom in the online users area nor can I post, I get the message to login or register. Can you help??
Casey, from what I see, you still need to be approved. I PMed Volgerle here at the Pulse and over at his Forum to see how I can help expedite the process. I know it will be an overload of work for him, since so many people are attempting to join all at the same time. You are not showing up there as a member as of right now. I think that when you first apply, it returns back to the log-in screen when you are done.

On the Ad banner question. I have never seen an Ad there at all. It could be just in the "welcome to the Forum" stage. I could be wrong, but like I said, I have never seen an Ad there myself, as of yet! :| :?
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: T-Man on August 18, 2023, 17:31:21
I just joined Volgerle's forum.  Hope to see others there!  :-)
Cool, the more the merrier. Be patient with the initial sign up process though, Like I said above, I am working on finding a way to speed it up. I just need to talk with Volgerle/ARENIS first.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Im waiting to be approved too..

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Yes, new registrations are 'Pending'.

No worries about expediting approval.  I'm sure there will be many requests.  
The Adventure Continues...


 It sounds like everyone here wants to help make this move successful. I commend you all for that. That really shows that we truly are surrounded by good natured, like-minded individuals here and I "THANK" you all for that!  :-)

We could use this thread here for the next 9 days to brainstorm ideas on how we can make this all happen. The "Stickies" are kind of the "nucleus" of this Forum. Sure there are thousands upon thousands of great threads and posts here, but the Stickies are filled with fantastic techniques and all kinds of helpful tips and info that has been shared through the years by the many valued past and present members here. If any past member wishes that we not use their Sticky, we will immediately omit/delete it from the Forum.

If there are any threads that are near and dear to you, you can always download them yourself in PDF form and bring them over to the new Forum or keep them for yourself.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Great ideas all around everyone. I suggest people get busy saving anything they want to save. Just put it in a file on your computer till you know what to do with it. V will have to let us know whether he wants it transfered there.

And yes, I'm all for a small membership fee or whatever to keep it add free.