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astral tacos

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So my big question is what we can actually do on our physi am plane while in the ether. I've tried to get my cigerette light but I was told it doesn't work like that. I've had ghosts phisicly move thing or touch me in good ways. Giggity. But how about some ghost bringing me some tacos astral travel makes me so cold and hungry. If someone could bring me even just a quesadilla that would be dope.


Cheese enchladas , with rice and beans . 


Lol should I go check the fridge? If there is a enchilada in there my head will explode I swear


Its my understanding that its more energy than food on the astral plane . I have heard of people gliding over a wheat field , getting some thing off the wheat .


I think I'm going to stay away from AP for a while it is all getting too wierd. I think I need a girlfriend more than spiritual I got all the answers I wanted but that just leaves me in a weird position as to what now?


Maybe I should become a model $$


Maybe I will see you on the other side. Apologies in advanced if I am mean to you after all I am only sith.


I dont see astral projection as weird my self , as we all go out of body during deep sleep ever night , but dont remember . 


QuoteMaybe I will see you on the other side. Apologies in advanced if I am mean to you after all I am only sith.

I've "eaten" whilist out, I went to a restaurant, and ate a steak, it was like eating it in reality, but better cooked than I could have done.  It was so funny, it was warm, complex flavor profile, etc.  I was impressed.  Normally I don't eat when out, but it can be fun.  As I understand it, it was more like reliving a memory in 3d, or revisiting.  Another thing which was fun, was opening up a book, flying in, and experiencing it, stuff comes out kinda funny that way.
I'm tired of this hostile environment, and aggressive, dogmatic moderation.  I'm taking my 40+years of OBE experience to a forum, where those who can and do project at will can further explore without the imposed limitations spurred from ignorance. Peace.


QuoteI've "eaten" whilist out, I went to a restaurant, and ate a steak, it was like eating it in reality, but better cooked than I could have done.  It was so funny, it was warm, complex flavor profile, etc.  I was impressed.  Normally I don't eat when out, but it can be fun.  As I understand it, it was more like reliving a memory in 3d, or revisiting.  Another thing which was fun, was opening up a book, flying in, and experiencing it, stuff comes out kinda funny that way.

Stay away from the pomegranate seeds.


"Demeter and Zeus had a beautiful daughter named Persephone. Demeter loved Persephone very much and wanted to keep her near always. So one day, while Persephone was out alone picking flowers, Hades came up from the dark Underworld on his great black chariot and stole her away.

Demeter was so upset. She searched everywhere but she couldn't find Persephone. She was so sad that she forbade the trees and plants to grow while her daughter was missing.

But Persephone did not love Hades and to punish him, she decided she would not eat or drink. Hades, who was God of the Underworld, fell in love with Persephone and wanted to marry her, but Demeter refused to allow it. Zeus saw how unhappy this made Demeter and Persephone, so he ruled that Persephone should live with Hades in the dark Underworld for three months of the year and nine months above in the sunlight. Demeter was overjoyed to have Persephone back, but her happiness did not last. Zeus found out that Persephone has sucked on some pomegranate seeds while down in the Underworld.

This meant that Persephone had to go back. Because the plants had all died, people did not have enough food. Therefore Zeus decided that Persephone should come home. There was one condition- she could not have had anything to eat or drink while she was in the Underworld.

Ever after, there was a winter for three months each year."
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


Had tacos yesteday. Too litle spice on it, though. Were it in astral, I could make the spice appear instantly. Now I get the point of eating tacos in astral.