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Boron supplement

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Not sure if this is the right place to post this but I'll give it a shot.  If it has to be moved, it's okay..  :)

I'm 65 years old and as I have gotten older, obe's are harder to obtain and sleep (until recently) was very disturbed and light..  


I've been experimenting with a sleep mask and it has drastically improved my sleep quality, which tells me my body is producting plenty of melatonin via my pineal gland since it's dark and completely lightless with the mask on. Which is actually the point of the mask. So the mask works for me.

In case anyone doesn't know, the pineal gland produces melatonin and its production is triggered by darkness.  Anyway, with the mask, I am finally sleeping normally for the first time in about 10 years and actually enjoying sleep vs tossing and turning and being up till 3am.

Prior to the sleep mask, sleeplessness hindered any obe attempt.  I was averaging about 2-3 hrs of restless sleep a night for around 5 days and then I would crash for 12 hrs.. Not conducive to obe attemps.   If I somehow managed to get into a relaxed state, I would fall asleep.  I could not stay coherent with no sleep.  

With all that being said.. I was reading yesterday in a book by Rob Peterson.  Hacking the Out of Body Experience (awesome awesome book).  Specifically chaper 69, which deals with the pineal gland and calcification. Which I find extremely interesting since I have calcium deposits in my heart and in many joints.  I actually had open heart surgery a few years ago to get a calcified aortic value replaced.  Maybe my pineal gland is calcified as well..

Chapter 69 suggests with docs advice to take a boron supplement.  Alledgedly it pulls calcium from the deposits and puts the calcium in your bones where its supposed to be.

Anyway, I ordered some and it will be here tomorrow.  I'm going to take 6mg a day and see what happens.  The one I purchased has three types of boron.  I can't find a study suggesting one is better than the other type.

This is what I ordered.

Has anyone else tried boron for decalificatioin  purposes and if so what were your results?


p.s  Just fyi, I eat good.  Mostly whole foods.  I have a huge garden.  I eat nothing processed and no animal products.  I am not overweight.  I'm 5'3 and weigh around 125-130 depending on what time of day I weigh. I do need to ride my bicycle more.. I don't exercise enough. I have nothing to distract me from obe attemps.  But I will say, my successful conscious obe's were phenomenal.. They drive me to continue. People ask, "how do you know you weren't dreaming?".. Well, you absolutely know when it happens. It will be a defining moment in your life. A dream is NOT a defining moment.    


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


6 mg boron down the hatch...

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'