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Important medical history

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Confusion separates us...and division teaches us that unity is the only truth.


Confusion separates us...and division teaches us that unity is the only truth.


the first one's a bloody good read aye... SO true. We should spam QuackWatch with it.


Good idea!

Do you know what's hilarious?  I know someone who used Quack watch to find out about health, by reverting everything on the website!  Its so accurate and reliable if you read the opposite of the texts!

Confusion separates us...and division teaches us that unity is the only truth.


Quote from: cavernstoy on December 14, 2007, 17:49:14
This is why I fear the medical industry...

Ask yourself the question, 'Do you mean the physicians who have spent their time in colleges learning about the body and its processes and who take out the tumors and bad things sometimes and patch up wounds and broken bones are the ones to be feared or is it the pharmaceutical industry that sells and dupes the whole world into believing that the chemicals that they invent are better than the doctors?'

I have not even thought about going to the site you mention because you talk about fear.
Well, I did.

The doctors now use plastic sterile gloves for the purpose of changing between patients!

Cow's milk and every other animal that is farmed for the purpose of  feeding the populace are full of Estrogen and other animal vaccines, do y'all understand that?!  Do y'all understand what is in the vaccines that they are giving in schools now?  You talk about terrorism!

The only point that I can get from reading the whole terrorist argument is the chemicals that have been invented have been killing the infant.  Which pharmaceutical company has just yesterday recalled millions of children's cough medications?  I think it was Merck & Co.  But, there is Cialis and all of the other prick treeing drugs that are just going to cause so much problems in later years because that is like concentrated cocaine.

When you say 'medical industry,' you are speaking of the industrial output of medical equipment, i.e. prosthetic devices, artificial limbs, etc.  The Pharmaceutical industry is in charge of the chemical aspect of healing and that takes everybodies mind away from the natural kingdom into the unnatural.

Guns and bombs are not natural, but that is where we are!


Quote from: cavernstoy on December 15, 2007, 06:15:28
Good idea!

Do you know what's hilarious?  I know someone who used Quack watch to find out about health, by reverting everything on the website!  Its so accurate and reliable if you read the opposite of the texts!


Haha you know I had that same thought myself. I think SOME of the stuff on that site is truthful like... yes there are some alternative health scams out there (same goes for anything tho) but theres so much stuff on quackwatch where they say "this is quackery, unsubstantiated claims" when i KNOW it works. They're extremely biased. I really want to find a health site with pure UNBIASED (for or against) information.


Quote from: Mez on December 15, 2007, 20:07:23
Haha you know I had that same thought myself. I think SOME of the stuff on that site is truthful like... yes there are some alternative health scams out there (same goes for anything tho) but theres so much stuff on quackwatch where they say "this is quackery, unsubstantiated claims" when i KNOW it works. They're extremely biased. I really want to find a health site with pure UNBIASED (for or against) information.

The only thing that makes anything a scam is that it promises something and you pay for it and do not get what you pay for. 
What you call a 'quack' is a person who claims to be able to heal you using a technique and the technique is false.  Somebody who claims to be a doctor and is not is just a liar; false representation.
The Pharmaceutical industry is none of the above. 
But, read the writeups on their drugs that they produce, such as those they say have RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome) and use their drug.  They have visible TV commercials that say the same thing.  'When taking this medication, you may fall asleep during regular activities, such as driving yor car.'
And some of the newer drugs that are out on the market have writeups claiming that a known side effect is death.
The whole society is now in a gambling attitude.  Dog tracks, casinos, cruise ships, lottos everwhere.  You gamble when you drive your car down the road.  The odds are in your favor if you are an experienced driver. 
But, you take a drug produced by the Pharmaceutical Industry, the odds are not in your favor.  Your body has to dispose of the drugs you take and some have taken them for years and are walking around the picture of health.  Why?  Has the drug done that?  Maybe the drug has masked the symptoms to allow you to be a poster child, but that drug is a foreign substance to your body and the more of that substance you put in your body, the more your body is going to accept.  And whatever the side effects of that drug are, will start occuring.
They got around that though.  They just produce another drug to counteract the side effects.  More foreign stuff in your body that could have been stopped initially by natural flora; plants of the earth. 
Some of the medications that are on the market now are claiming to be less stressful on the liver and kidneys; organic. 
Well, the Colombine shooting and the most recent mall shooting are really a chain of events that signify what is being done to the children by the parents and the parents are the ones being duped into beleiving that medication like Ritalin and other psychoeffective drugs work.  Yes, they are very effective in destroying lives.
I watched the replay of the interview of the mother of the guy who did the recent mall shooting and it is like society is now numb to the fact that it is deathly ill.  Society is sick and getting sicker and pharmaceutical drugs are masking symptoms to allow continuation of this way of life.
Am I scared of the medical industry?  No, I am here because of doctors and nurses who knew what they were doing saved me.  It is the Pharmaceutical Industry that is the one to be feared.


I agree with you greggkroodsma.  I am mostly talking about the pharmaceutical industry.

med·i·cal (mĕd'ĭ-kəl) pronunciation

   1. Of or relating to the study or practice of medicine. 

I fear conventional medicine.  And I believe that many doctors are brainwashed. 

Confusion separates us...and division teaches us that unity is the only truth.


Quote from: cavernstoy on December 16, 2007, 14:42:36
I agree with you greggkroodsma.  I am mostly talking about the pharmaceutical industry.

I fear conventional medicine.  And I believe that many doctors are brainwashed. 


Well, I guess it's like anything; you have a choice and the choice is usually biased when it comes to your personal health, you hurt you want fast relief, but of course, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  I do not beleve the doctors are brainwashed, they just want to get rid of the whining patients. 
'*Cough, Cough* O Doc, I ache and I can't sleep. '
'O Doc, my baby's runnin' a fever.'
'My tummy hurts.'
Sure, I just off the golf course with a rep from XYZ Druggy and he assures me this pill will work.


most people have grown up trusting that the doctor knows best (and he's prescribing drugs for things) so thats the only way they see things because to them thats what "works". Thus this 'quick fix' mentality that I see everywhere has become common place and it blinds people to what real HEALTH is.

I'd say most of the time people really need to change their diet, thats the FIRST thing. Doctors DO suggest (sometimes) a change in diet as a first line of defense but the people arent interested in that... the quick fix mentality cuts the doctor off and says "where are the drugs?". Thats the biggest problem. Big Pharma would go out of business if no one bought into it.

Another interesting thing in regards to various 'quacks'... Sometimes people market products or services that DO work (in their experience) but actually have no scientific or medical basis but rather work off of the placebo effect (which has TREMENDOUS powers). Anton Mesmer, An 18th - 19th century Austrian physician use magnets to miraculously cure diseases, he later expiremented with bits of glass and metal and then later abondoned them and used just his hands, waving them over the patients body... he attributed this to what he called "animal magnetism"... in actuality it was just the power of the persons subconcious mind who truly believed this man could cure them with his methods that manifested their cure.

Read a book called "The Power Of Your Subconcious Mind" its extremely thought provoking and empowering.


Welcome to the infinant circle of lies               -            AKA PHARMACUDICAL COMPANIES AND THE FDA

Confusion separates us...and division teaches us that unity is the only truth.