The Astral Pulse

Astral Chat => Welcome to Astral Chat! => Topic started by: noradrenalin on April 26, 2003, 06:23:43

Post by: noradrenalin on April 26, 2003, 06:23:43
I am very sorry!
The tile of my message, BREAKTROUGH TECHNOLOGY,
was misleading.

The start of this technology was in 1972, I think,
when a guy called Gerald Oster found out that when
you send one tone of one frequency into one ear and
another tone of another frequency into another ear
(located on the other side of your head), the brain
starts producing large quantities of brain waves
with a frequency of the difference between the 2
frequencies(210Hz and 200Hz makes 10 Hz). It starts
in the olivary nucleus and spreads so your whole brain

Robert Monroe of the Institute of Applied Science experimented
much with this technology, and I understand it so, that one
thing he did with it, was to get into a deep brain wave pattern
so he could have an OBE. The Centerpointe approach was available
to the public, trough their Holosync-technology(which they
have improved; they have also improoved their litterature)in 1989.
The Centerpointe approach is, as far as i know, uniqe with
their system of lowering carrier frequency. If there exists
other organizations which sells this technology, i would be
happy to know, but Centerpointe was the first that used this
system of lowering the carrier frequency, and I doubt that any
organization has a more professional way of dealing with this
technology, or that the litterature they send you is better,
more informative, more enlightening.

There are alot of sound tecnology out there, but technology
which creates auditory beat patterns in the brain, probably is
the most important.

If you are interested in superlearning or the Tomatis Method,
I can tell you that Centerpointe will send you CD's which
with you can superlearn and enjoy the effects of the Tomatis
Method(high frequency sounds, bla bla).

Once again: I am sorry for calling it breaktrough technology.
I realize that it was a stupid title(though, maybe effective).
But, the important was that you read the message.
I will stop scribling now.
Post by: Nick on April 26, 2003, 10:10:44
To begin, I believe this technology has been around for a number of decades. In any event, I have been using the Wave-1 cds from the Monroe Institute. The cost was $99.00 for the 3 cds in the first set.

It appears that the Wave -1 cds have been sufficient in helping accelerate the process of astral phasing. Of course, that is just me, and everyone is different with respect to what works for them.

I was curious though as to whether your main reason for using Holosync is along spiritual lines, and if so, did you form a reason for picking one company over the other.

Very best,

Post by: sahlyn on April 27, 2003, 23:05:28
I'm using holosync too. It's very expensisve, but I must admit I've noticed alot of positive changes within myself since I started the program (I'm currently on the first custom made level).

I haven't tryed Monroe's hemisync, so I can't compare the two from my own experience, but apparently the big difference between them is that with hemisync, the purpose seems to be directed towards the attainment of  altered states of consciousness... from which one can astral project etc more easily. And the purpose of holosync is primarily to bring about permanent physiological changes in the brain, hence deep-rooted spiritual development (more acurate perception of reality etc).

An easy way to understand it is that with each level your brain is given a stimulas that it cannot handle, and because of this it is forced to reorganise itself at a higher level of functioning. This happens with each level. After being on a level for a certain amount of time (6 months early levels, 1 year for levels thereafter) your brain will have become used to the stimulas, and the CD's will feel weak, so you move on to the next level and it's all strong again, and your brain continues to reorganise itself at a higher level as new neural connections are made.

There's a section at the site that touches on the difference between holosync and hemisync:

So anyway, it is quite expensive, but if you have the money... I do recomend it.
Post by: MJ-12 on April 28, 2003, 01:21:45
Post by: Psypunk on April 28, 2003, 11:27:58
I tried it and I didn't like it.  I like normal meditation better.  
After listening to the sample on the internet my brain felt numb...not stimulated.
Post by: noradrenalin on April 28, 2003, 16:00:20
Acciouly, Centerpointe Research Institute convinced
me of their uniqeness, and I don't know any other company
than Centerpointe and the Monroe Institute that sells this
kind of technology. I shall investigate Monroe's Hemi-sync more
properly, but I doubt their technology can be much better
than the Holosync technology. (Prize might be lower, though.)
Centerpointe uses Silent Subliminal personal affirmations in
their 12 levels following the Awakening Prolog.
  My main reason for purchasing Holosync, was not of spiritual
lines, but because of that I was tired of dysfunctional feelings,
and because I wanted brain-syncronization, better mental
ability and clearity...and stuff like that. I realized though,
that this developes everthing! Bill Harris'(president) litterature
became a window on eastern religions, which I have gotten a
larger interest on now. So much came together with Holosync,
and I am very greatful for finding it. After listening it
in the evening, I feel like a peek-performancer. Thinking gets
very enjoyable.

Holosync is, like Sahlyn said, not for
the meditation-experience, but for the effects of it.
Centerpointe made me believe that the Monroe Institute's programs
are more about the experience. I copied this from
the address Sahlyn wrote:

"We have many ex-Monroe people in our program, and they all tell us what we have is light years beyond what the Monroe Institute is doing. Once you experience it for yourself I think you'll agree, too.

I don't intend any of this to be a put-down of the Monroe Institute, whose tapes are very good. Bob Monroe was a pioneer in this field and we all owe him a lot. We just believe we've taken things to a whole new level."

"they all tell us what we have is light years beyond what the Monroe Institute is doing" Sounds like propaganda, but there must be some
truth to it, reckon?

MJ-12: Yes, your brain improoves, and that a lot.
If the brain just got used to the technology, and nothing
more happend, why create the technology?!
I am not sure if you are asking if I can meditate without
Holosync, or if you can meditate when you are not using it,
so I'll answer them both.
  Not to mention the difficult for beginning meditators
to go deep, I found it very difficult to make meditation
a daily habbit. I just didn't meditate very much with
traditional meditation. But with Holosync, it is almost
to easy, and you also go very deep... I can imagine
traditional meditators being upset that this technology
exists, and that they find it unspiritual or something.
Hard feelings about a technology, which can make
everyone enjoy the benefits of meditation(accelerative
such) is crayzy! They should try Holosync, so that they
no longer have to be prisoned in their envy! :)

"I tried it and I didn't like it. I like normal meditation better.
After listening to the sample on the internet my brain felt numb...not stimulated."
It is not about what you feel under the Holosync-meditation,
but what is happening. Also, how you feel under the meditation
isn't always the same. It doesn't matter how you feel or what
you think: The meditation is caused by the sound-technology,
and not by that you are focusing on you breathing or a mantra
or whatever. If you don't feel deep, it doesn't matter.
If your mind is full of thoughts, it doesn't matter. What
matters is that you use it!
(The headphones can make you feel numb.)

So, it is not about the experience, but about the effects of it.
The experience can be great, though.
Post by: MJ-12 on April 28, 2003, 16:06:55
Post by: noradrenalin on April 28, 2003, 16:14:54
I forgot to answer both of the alternative meanings
of MJ-12's question.

Yes, you can meditate the traditional way, even if you
are listening to Holosync, but don't listen to Holosync
much, or you'll freak out! (Too much input to your brain.)

If you feel like freaking out when using the program, you
can take a break. You have probably alot of other stuff
happening in you life that pushes your brain for what it
can handle. That means both Holosync and life in general
is pushing your brain.
I think I would just let it push me, and observe what
was happening to me. Buddhist calls this
"letting all that arises in experience be as it is,
without grasping or aversion". Bill Harris calls it
The Watcher-perspective. Holosync develops this
super-awareness anyway, but you can speed development
by attaining this Watcher-perspective on things, today.

I have been on the internet for a long time now!
Post by: Nick on April 28, 2003, 16:25:15

Thanks for replying to my question. My interest in your reason(s) is because I wanted to compare it to my reason for using the Monroe wave-1 cd at this time. My only reason is a spiritual one and my use of the cd is limited to kind of get the ball rolling in my astral exploration. After I listen to the cd, I always take the headphones off and continue on my own. Also, I expect that before long I'll wean myself off of the cd completely.

However, if you are finding benefits from your use of holosync then that is what counts. Everyone is different, as I've said above, and everyone has their own opinion of what works and doesn't work for them. The key, I guess, is to do what works for you. Best of luck in your holosync practice.
Post by: noradrenalin on April 28, 2003, 16:39:47
Greetings MJ-12!

I think you wore a little cynical in your last letter! :)

Say you normally get an input of 10(whatever that means).
Let's say that using Awakening Prolog gives you
an accumulated input of 12. Your brain cannot handle
this input, and so must either collapse or reorganize
at a higher level. Then you give it a input of 14.
Again, it must reorganize at a higher level. Say that
using the last level, makes your brain reorganize so it
can handle an input of 36! What happens now? Well, you
stop using Holosync, which gives you an input of 10 again!
You have now an extremely high level for stess, and
dysfunctional feelings will become kinda extinct. You
can still feel feelings like anger and fear, but you
can choose to feel other ways, and you are not controlled
by your feelings, you are just aware that they exist,
as if you are knowing some other person has feelings
of anger of fear.

Yes, the doses are higher and higher. But, you cannot
go for the deeper levels without freaking out! You
have to progress step by step.

I don't meditate without the program, only sleep.
I haven't felt trance with it yet.
Post by: thegenius on April 28, 2003, 19:42:12

I was looking for a place to introduce myself, and this is certainly it!


I have been looking for a dynamic forum, such as this, for some time.
It's a pleasure to be part of the collective [;)]

I must agree that this is nothing new. However, I do vouch for brainwave entrainment's effectiveness.

Moving on, as a contribution to the thread, I invite you all to test-drive my music and entrainmet programs, which use binaural entrainment, as well as something I call fractal entrainment.

I have a site where I offer my work for download. It would be a pleasure to share my work with you all, as well as hear your feedback.

Here's a visual example of fractal entrainment (before I generate the music):
(this animation will take about 2 mins to load, but you'll see what I'm working with)

Have a look, and pardon my serendipitous self-promotion. I look forward to engaging in future topics. Thanks for having me.


Post by: sahlyn on April 28, 2003, 21:15:17
From bits and pieces of what of I've read about Monroe's hemisync, it seems that you will really only get as much out of it as what you put into it. With holosync however, you can be listening to the soundtracks with a million things running through your head, and it doesn't matter... new neural pathways will be developing and you will be benefiting greatly. It's the technology itself that creates the changes.

When I was deciding whether or not to give holosync a go, something that was bothering me was the issue of dependency -as you guys have already touched on. Some people may surrender their development entirely to the technology, but it certainly doesn't have to be that way.

I use holosync for an hour every day, and then forget about it (sometimes when I use it I don't even bother clearing my mind, and just think about random stuff). I also meditate the traditional way, without the use of any technology, and can enter very deep trances (often I drift directly into lucid dreams). I've noticed that reaching a deep trance is a lot easier now than it was before I started using holosync. This of course may have a lot to do with just basic practise, but I know that holosync has played a large part as well. There is certainly no need to worry about becoming dependent on the technology. It's all just a question of lazyness :)

I intend to finish the entire program -which will take another 8 years or so. I'm convinced that it's a great product, and I'm only in the very early stages. But of course while the technology is working its magic, I'll always be working on developing myself naturally as well.

Welcome to the forums thegenius[8D] I haven't had a chance to check out your site yet, but I'll take a look later.
Post by: MJ-12 on April 28, 2003, 21:41:18
Post by: Chanceous on January 08, 2004, 23:32:38
  and clearity...and stuff like that. I realized though,
that this developes everthing! Bill Harris'(president) litterature

Ok, wait a minute.  Take a look at all those spelling mistakes.  I'm supposed to believe that Holosync made noradrenalin's brain work BETTER???  Not bloody likely.  This is a bunch of crap.  When they make that magic sequence of sounds that initiates an automatic OBE, give me a call and maybe I'll spend $19.95 for it.  Until then, ripoff companies like Holosync should be sued into legal oblivion for preying on the rich and stupid.

Post by: Aries on January 09, 2004, 07:36:42
Can you guys post some links for the cheaper quality ones, like the holosync or whatever please..
Post by: Impunity on January 09, 2004, 16:19:00
Ive been Using Brainsync's "brain power" and "deep meditation" cd, the first is supposed to have cumulative effects so I don't know how well it works yet, but the deep meditation cd is freaking amazing.  You can find these cds at and most of them only cost around 15$.

Post by: neo on January 10, 2004, 12:11:21
i meditate alot(some times hours at a time)and i found this cd very relaxing,infact i went into a deep meditation on my first attempt, i felt very relaxed and able to access my energy alot easyer, and if this is on my first try i can wait to see what happens in a few weeks

also for u guys who dont want to spend money(like me) u could(alouth illigle) download it of of a file sharing thingy (*cough kazaa*)