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Bumper stickers

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Looooooool!! very funny! thanks Nay! Still being funny as usual....keep the good mood!
I love you!


ROFL!  Great stuff!  [:D]
Non semper ea sunt quae videntur.


[:D][8D] Very funny bumper stickers Nay! Every now and then I'll see a car with these 'bumper' stickers plastered all over. There will be stickers not only on the bumper, but the entire rear section, often it's of an extreme religious or political viewpoint. Then, what's really strange, is when I look at the driver and they meet my expectations of what they must look like. [xx(]
"What lies before us, and what lies behind us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us...." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

James S

LOL!!! Thanks for the good laugh Nay. [:D]
A few of the more memorable ones I've seen over the years:

You've possibly seen the Hot 4 or street machine with  -
Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!

The alternative was seen on an old bomb -
Get out, stand up, shut up and push!

On the back of another old rust bucket -
0 - 100kph in oh...about 2 minutes!

On the back of a 4WD, printed upside down -
If you can read this, please roll me over.



My favorite is:

God is too big to squeeze inside one religion.

Kerri - Uncovering the Divine Within - World Awakened - World Awakened Talk Radio - InnerCircle Publishing

Terry B

I know I went over board, but they were so many.. I hope you get a laugh out of them like I did.

I like this best.[:D]


LOL..OOPS! [:I] THERE were so many..[:P]


I was just reading some and thought them to be hilarious, and wanted to share.

Religious Bumper Stickers

God gave man 2 heads and only enough blood to use one at a time.

God loves you! And I'm really trying.

Heading in the wrong direction? God allows U-turns.

Heaven doesn't want me, and Hell is afraid I'll take over.

If God dropped acid, would he see people?

Lord give me patience... But Hurry!

Never drive faster than your Guardian Angel can fly.


An honest politician is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought.

Balance the Budget. Declare Politicians as Game and sell Hunting Stamps.

Don't be stupid. We have politicians for that

Grow your own dope! Plant a politician!

I don't approve of political jokes...I've seen too many of them get elected.

If Clinton is the answer, it must have been a stupid question.

If Democrats and Republicans could read they would be Libertarians.

Nothing political is correct.

Power corrupts, and absolute power is kinda neat.


Did the aliens forget to remove your anal probe?

Hey jerk! You are driving a car, not a phone booth

Instant idiot. Just add alcohol.

It's men like you that make women gay

My other ride is your mom

Save Your Breath. You'll need it to blow up your date!

They call it 'PMS' because 'Mad Cow Disease' was already taken.


5 days a week my body is a temple. The other two, it's an amusement park.

Ankh if you love ISIS.

Back Off, I'm a Goddess.

Sorry I missed church, I was busy practicing witchcraft

The Goddess loves you. Everyone else thinks you're a jerk

My wife says if I go fishing one more time, she's going to leave me. Gosh, I'm going to miss her.

Never play leap frog with a unicorn.

Honk if your horn is broken

I'm not speeding, I'm qualifying

I say "no" to drugs but they just won't listen!

How many men does it take to change a roll of toilet paper? We don't know... it has never happened.

took an IQ test and the results were negative.

I used to be a schizophrenic but we're okay now

Gun control is being able to hit your target

Hell yes I'm drunk! what do you think I am, a stunt driver?

I know I went over board, but they were so many.. I hope you get a laugh out of them like I did. [:D]

Smiles~ Nay