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Can you see someone's aura...

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Seeing auras is a form of clairvoyance. It is a way of representing the information. Some people get funny tastes in their mouths. Some people have written about seeing their own aura in a mirror. The oddest thing I have read about is people seeing auras around shadows on the ground. If you have a picture of someone even if it is not current it seems reasonable that you might see an aura around it that represents the person currently. Exactly how it would appear to you, I don't know ... too many possibilities to pick from, so you will just have to try it.



I can see peoples auras on TV and in photos, however they are harder for me to see. What is interesting is that there does seem to be a change when the person in the picture dies. If I look at a picture of a deceased person I don't see much at all, when I'm more advanced with auric sight Ill definitely experiment with this more. I do know that if a person is excited their aura in a picture is much easier to see. A long while back as Tom mentioned I posted about being able to see an aura around shadows cast by living things. They are just as easy to see as the actual aura if not easier under a full moon or the right lighting. Empathic ability also developed along with auric sight for myself. I cant yet look at a persons aura and tell you a lot about them from what I see in their aura, but I have developed the ability to deeply understand a person after seeing them and especialy after passing through their aura.




When I look at a picture of someone, I get emotional feedback from what I "don't see." Like today, I saw a picture of someone and wham! I was hit with this vibe. It could have been subtle body language that was captured by the picture, picked up by my subconscious. I don't know. It is strange. I know what you mean when you see a picture of a person who has died. It's eerie. I look at pictures of my great-grandfather who passed away when I was 12. It is strange. Often I can hear the essence of a person (not a voice that tells me about the person, but a noise). There is a certain range of supersonic pitches which are higher than a human ear can hear- but my mind hears it. Each person has their own pitch. I believe this is more proof (at least to me) that everything is a vibration.


Hi Enderwiggin

The first of the egg shaped layers of the aura (which I have only seen a handful of times myself) in simplified terms interacts with the auras of others in ways that create an energy equilibrium between people. The quality of this layer is determined by the general life outlook of that person. So while another part of the aura reflects the current emotional and mental processors of a person this layer shows more the average quality of that person. This layer is also connected to the subconscious mind. An empathic person is more in connection with the energy exchange and communication that goes on between peoples auras, and allows the thinking mind to be tuned in to the interactions of your energy body and perhaps subconscious mind, well as is to my understanding any way. Different people gain mental access to these energy interactions via different means. For some it is straight forward aura seeing and reading, clairaudience as you seem to be developing or as for the majority it is an understanding of unknown origin  triggered by close contact or just laying eyes on a person. Although you might not be seeing the aura with your vision you are still attuned to the processes taking place between parties.  

The involvement of the subconscious mind in this opens up huge possibilities, if one were empathic enough just imagine what they could find out. And then if they had greater control over their contribution to the exchange of energy and information that is always going on between people in close proximity, could they even influence the other persons subconscious mind with suggestion without ever saying a spoken word? Pretty cool stuff huh!  

Oh and btw it is my experience that the more refined an energy vibration is the more difficult it is to pick up on, just an observation that might prove useful to you.

If you never read this thread it might interest you. //

best regards


Yes, I've seen this before (not the subject at hand, but the ghostly white images). I think I might have been barely able to see etheric spheres when I was younger. I would look at the ground when it was dark and see something slowly streaking across the ground, leaving a white trail behind it that stayed for a few seconds after. It was white and just barely visible. I never paid it any mind because I never felt threatened by it. I first thought it was a ghost, maybe of some kind of animal? But the house I was living in was only a couple years old, and was built by my stepdad. I told my uncle about it. He was intrigued. I think I can see auras if I look hard enough. I believe I've seen purple and orange auras out of the corner of my eye, as well as green.


...if you're looking at a picture of them? I figured since the aura is mainly made up of light waves (and a bioelectromagnetic field) not visible to our eyes alone, the film might capture them. I am not yet trained to see auras well enough to make out anything.