The Astral Pulse

Astral Chat => Welcome to Astral Chat! => Topic started by: Newoldsoul on November 23, 2014, 22:51:44

Title: Crazy articles
Post by: Newoldsoul on November 23, 2014, 22:51:44
So i was watching a youtube video a friend sent me dealing with illuminati, satanism yada yada and found in the comments someone who projects and was getting bashed by all these other people, Christians sadly, and so I started skimming through articles and figured I'd post one o them here. Unbelieveable...
Title: Re: Crazy articles
Post by: AAAAAAAA on November 25, 2014, 16:30:19
I honestly wouldn't even pay attention to articles like that. They are all written by people who don't know what they are even saying half the time.
Title: Re: Crazy articles
Post by: Jdeadevil on November 25, 2014, 19:44:19
Quote from: AAAAAAAA on November 25, 2014, 16:30:19
I honestly wouldn't even pay attention to articles like that. They are all written by people who don't know what they are even saying half the time.

They don't know what they're talking about, but because the community is so massive, the bandwagon has brainwashed them into being angry 24/7 about things they're just told exist. Being someone who almost fell into the trap of believing in stuff like that, I can tell you that conspiracy forums are littered with people who you just wouldn't want to meet up with in a bar. I once spoke to someone who wanted to go on a hunt, killing reptilian humanoids, no joke, he was deadly serious.
Title: Re: Crazy articles
Post by: Kzaal on November 25, 2014, 22:41:48
I stopped reading after he said he knew some people very down to earth blah blah blah (e.g. a software designer) lolllllll.

Anything about evil/demons monsters is instantly considered bovine excrement articles to me, evil doesn't exist only desires that push you to do "bad" things or the use of violence to accomplish their goals.

It's unfortunate that people who are naive think this is the truth or part of their reality.
This is why wisdom is important to share. So that people don't get into trouble or worse for gibberish stuff like that.

Edit: BTW guys, I LOVE the language filter hahaha
Title: Re: Crazy articles
Post by: Jdeadevil on November 26, 2014, 10:42:40
Haha, did you try and say B*** S*** by any chance? Because it always converts it to that when I say it. XD
Title: Re: Crazy articles
Post by: Kzaal on November 26, 2014, 12:31:57
Quote from: Jdeadevil on November 26, 2014, 10:42:40
Haha, did you try and say B*** S*** by any chance? Because it always converts it to that when I say it. XD

Lol yeah hahaha
Title: Re: Crazy articles
Post by: Newoldsoul on November 30, 2014, 21:50:26
I know i just thought it was comical the way these people perceive projection etc. as unfortunate as it is, it makes me giggle :)
Title: Re: Crazy articles
Post by: Jdeadevil on November 30, 2014, 22:17:10
It is unfortunate, someone once tried to scare me out of it by telling me they trap my soul and sharing horror stories about how they kept being sucked out of their body. If anything I'd find that a good thing.
Title: Re: Crazy articles
Post by: Newoldsoul on December 01, 2014, 14:10:11
I know what you mean. I read an article once claiming the MJ12 and the reptilians designed a device that could capture your soul in an oobe if you were to be within a certain radius of it lol....and i'm a bit of a conspiracy theorist but dammm lol
Title: Re: Crazy articles
Post by: Xanth on December 01, 2014, 21:37:01
Yes... language filter... ;)   :evil:
Title: Re: Crazy articles
Post by: Jdeadevil on December 01, 2014, 22:07:23
Quote from: Xanth on December 01, 2014, 21:37:01
Yes... language filter... ;)   :evil:

So you're the person changing every instance of BS to BE. :P
Title: Re: Crazy articles
Post by: Xanth on December 02, 2014, 01:55:25
Quote from: Jdeadevil on December 01, 2014, 22:07:23
So you're the person changing every instance of BS to BE. :P
LoL  Nah, I'm not THAT sadistic.  ;)

There actually is a language filter for naughty words.
Title: Re: Crazy articles
Post by: Jdeadevil on December 02, 2014, 04:33:02
Quote from: Xanth on December 02, 2014, 01:55:25
LoL  Nah, I'm not THAT sadistic.  ;)

There actually is a language filter for naughty words.

Lol, I know, I'm just joking. Unless you have the ability to time travel to the exact second my posts are submitted. :P
Title: Re: Crazy articles
Post by: Greytraveller on December 02, 2014, 23:05:51
One of the hardest skills to acquire is separating good info from sketchy info and separating sketchy info from BS. Obviously bs Is a total waste of time. However, sketchy info Can occasionally have that valuable bit of info that is rare and hard to find. (This rare 'find' is usually posted by bloggers who report their own OBEs and other unusual experiences in their blogs.)
Their is no fool proof way to immediately discern sketchy info from total bs. On the face of it the article that Newoldsoul refers to in the original post of this thread Is most likely total bs (though I have not read it).

Regards  :-)
Title: Re: Crazy articles
Post by: volcomstone on January 01, 2015, 06:53:57
Wait, hold on, so the illuminati and reptillians aren't forming a NWO with the freemasons and isreal zionists?

I better recall all of the  hate magazines I printed.

Next thing you'll tell me that the world isn't hollow.
Title: Re: Crazy articles
Post by: Szaxx on January 01, 2015, 16:28:41
Quote from: volcomstone on January 01, 2015, 06:53:57
Wait, hold on, so the illuminati and reptillians aren't forming a NWO with the freemasons and isreal zionists?

I better recall all of the  hate magazines I printed.

Next thing you'll tell me that the world isn't hollow.

Well it's certainly not made of cheese, that's reserved for the Moon. Perhaps it's full port, is no wonder that the Moon hangs around and everyone goes crazy from time to time.
Title: Re: Crazy articles
Post by: desert-rat on January 02, 2015, 02:06:42
I dont know about all sataniests , but guys like Anton LaVey , were more interested in having a good time and pis ing  others off .  Then there is Alister Crowley .  
Title: Re: Crazy articles
Post by: AAAAAAAA on January 02, 2015, 03:54:26
Most freemasons have nothing to even do with the Illuminati. It's only a select few. And yes, people like Anton LaVey like to tinkle people off. I totally agree. I think it's humorous, though. Crowley was just half-crazy IMO. He was in his own world kind of just doing his own thing. Nevertheless, still an interesting person.
Title: Re: Crazy articles
Post by: volcomstone on January 03, 2015, 00:52:35
I heard Crowley was mentioned in the "top 100 britons of all time".

     The guy was a troll hero. Maybe he just liked feeding the archons?  Not sure if I even believe the gnostic texts yet....

    I must admit I enjoy a little troll now and then. (Mostly with a downrigger and anchovy bait).

    It's not hard to polarize folks with a few simple words. It's amazing how many spiritual and balanced "light-workers" get angry fast.  Not on this forum specifically.

Title: Re: Crazy articles
Post by: desert-rat on January 03, 2015, 01:34:45
Iliuminity , free masions, satainests , there in slightly different groups .  Crowley was too much into sex and drugs for me . As one story goes Barbra Bush's mom helped Crowley with a sex ritual . Some think Barbra Bush  is the daughter of Crowley , she does look a bit like him .  George W.Bush the grand son of the beast ?
Title: Re: Crazy articles
Post by: BKR1974 on January 05, 2015, 02:53:20
it makes me feel sad when i see these articles because its from a person with no knowledge convincing people that they speak the truth.
well maybe he speaks the truth and were mocking them for it (probably not) but you never know but it is funny that we are people that are treated as speaking non-sense and spiritualist crap are looking down upon people that speak non-scene about satanist crap. even though there is a big difference between then and us