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Dec 2012 looms... but no planet Niburu!!

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So armageddon looms and it seems that there is no giant planet passing through our solar system... or indeed that the world is going to end! So what do we do? How do we help those who wanted it so much, to transgress past the point they thought there was no return from?

I think we should set up a website to accept all the very unhappy people that put their time and effort into making 2012 websites and Youtube videos. They will surely feel very embarrassed and a few may become severely depressed when they wake up the morning of the 22nd... then the 23rd... and so on.

We should call it Post Non-Apocalypse syndrome. Surely it's their worlds that will have truly ended... not ours.


I feel like making it my endeavour to track down every 2012 Armageddon commentator and to give them a big hug... then offer to wipe the egg off their face.  :-D

Seriously... what is going to happen to all the videos and websites?

If all of them were cancelled after the 21st... it would leave a huge gap in YouTube and the internet in general.

I heard recently that the hardcorists are saying that when looked at... the Mayan date is wrong.. .and that it's 2013. Would you believe it? lol


The problem is that now something has to happen.
There's been too much energy (wasted energy) put into this for nothing to happen.

And that means that if something natural doesn't happen... someone will make something happen, or something minor will happen and everyone will point to it and be like, "TOLD YA SO!!"

It's a self fulfilling prophecy at this point.  As sad as that is.

We really do create our own reality... and we've created this.


Quote from: Bedeekin on November 20, 2012, 19:20:06
Seriously... what is going to happen to all the videos and websites?

Oh no! Maybe such a void would rip away all the cat videos with it!

Honestly, I've heard stuff, but I haven't been affected by it. I do like the idea of PNAS. Wow... and don't read that like a word. I hope no one is too disappointed if the same thing happens with all the other predictions... the world moves on, people try to save what face then can, then it's forgotten about.

It'll be interesting to see what comes of it :)

About a planet coming and hitting Earth... You start calling Pluto an asteroid and it suddenly starts acting like one. ;) Revenge of Pluto!
Take to the sky, feeling so alive! Past the clouds to the Milky Way, share our secrets with the starry brigade. The stars surround us like a million fireflies. For once I see infinity... it's in your eyes.


Things can still happen... people expect there to be a big leadup or something, like God is working up to his more expensive fireworks later; might just be that a giant solar flare comes out of nowhere and wipes out civilization on that day.

But it isn't my bet, lol... the date is sort of artificial, and only significant because people made it so.
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


Quote from: ChopstickFox on November 20, 2012, 21:25:21
About a planet coming and hitting Earth... You start calling Pluto an asteroid and it suddenly starts acting like one. ;) Revenge of Pluto!


There is as much chance of Mickey Mouse hitting the planet. It would take a couple of years for pluto to reach here from its current orbit. I know it was a joke.

True Xanth... but I'm talking about planet Niburu really or rather 'the end of the world as we know it'. As in something significant. not an earthquake in Ko Pha Ngan or a group of jihadists blowing up a city etc.

I would imagine if anything significant happens it would have to reach some sort of 'world' acknowledgement otherwise it's a dead squib.

"well there may be something personal to an area of the world that does change their world as they know it" you might say

That's still grasping.

The beauty is this thread will still be here to post in on the 22nd of December... so we shall see.  :-)


If anything, I believe that this supposed "shift" is occuring in a longer timeframe over, lets say, 100 - 200 years, and that its about evolving consciousness.
Its deffinatelly not about Nibiru hitting Earth :)
Some psychics have hinted though, that there will eb nuclear war in the near future. If that has to do with the Mayans and their calendar I have no clue.


If there is a nuclear war june of next year... and not in 2012... then it has nothing to do with the Mayan calendar.

Come on AteBits... be more sure of your opinions... you do have a clue.  :-)


Haha well... I suppose I do. I guess I have a hard time dealing with beeing missinterpreted if I write certain things on forums lik this.
So if I write that again:
The nuclear wars that I don't know if they will come in the future has nothing to do with the mayan Calendar imo.


Enjoy your life. We have only 1 month now and hope for the best.


I believe I have my whole life left, and thats more than one month :)


Bedeekin I agree. Besides I'm the kind of guy who would take the jimmy Stuart approach and just like at something disastrous with a positive outlook."well I guess were gonna have ourselves a nuclear holocaust  :-o..... Look at that mushroom cloud... :-D hey everybody come on over to the window!! :-D

Jk lol. But what's gonna happen is someone or some media thing... Idk will make another doomsday theory. I stopped worrying about this stuff a long time ago.

Ps: sorry for my grammar I'm on my mobile lol.


Hear is the 2012 web site     If I had not already lived though a whole bunch of " the end of the world days "  I might take this serious .  The first that I lived through was 7/7/77 , all the big planets were lining up and it was said there gravity would tear the earth apart .  In the mid 90s there were maps of most of North America flooded .  On 1/1/2000 all the computers were to quite .  Then 5/5/2000, something ( my 43 birth day )  A few "end of the world days " made by different preachers came and went .  Now we have 12/21/2012 and Niburu . There are Mayan cal. that go beyond that date .  On Niburu , and some kind of people living on it ?  Its in deep space for most of its orbit . It would take a large power source to keep any thing going there .  Unless they like it at 3 deg K ( -263 c ) desert rat 


The "niburu" people were just one group in the whole 2012 thing. I don't think the mayans said anything about a returning planet/spaceship... that was Sitchin's (mis)interpretation, along with people who are trying to connect things that have no relationship to each other.

So even without niburu, 2012 will live on. There is way too much invested in it now. People will claim it was a peak in a slow shift we passed through and we're on the other side now, and find a way to connect it to future prophecies made up from ancient civilizations. 100 years from now someone will be preaching about the shift we went through back in 2012. It's never ending until the world really ends. And then someone will have gotten it right for once.


Well the Mayan's are basically laughing at everyone else... They aren't expecting an end of the world scenario. They do say in the histories that Quetzalcoatl (a god) will return... but this is thought to have already happened when the invading conquistadors landed on the shores... they managed to overcome the Mayans easy enough because they thought they were their returning gods - interestingly enough some say that the original Quetzalcoatl was a survivor of Atlantis... but that's another topic altogether.

Also... it is just the end of their current 13th Baktun (144,000 days)... and on to the 14th on the 22nd... and this is based on GMT timing... not on their tropical calendar... nor does it take into account that the Mayan calendar was based on a 360 yearly cycle and the fact we have leap years.

When worked out properly the actual true mayan baktun ended in 2007.


Quote from: Bedeekin on November 21, 2012, 12:34:02When worked out properly the actual true mayan baktun ended in 2007.
so we've all been dead already for 5 years now, suspended in an astral Earth copy, and no one noticed ...



naah.. just a new constrained reality divergence.


Quote from: Bedeekin on November 21, 2012, 12:34:02
Well the Mayan's are basically laughing at everyone else... They aren't expecting an end of the world scenario. They do say in the histories that Quetzalcoatl (a god) will return... but this is thought to have already happened when the invading conquistadors landed on the shores... they managed to overcome the Mayans easy enough because they thought they were their returning gods - interestingly enough some say that the original Quetzalcoatl was a survivor of Atlantis... but that's another topic altogether.

Very bad poor joke, but if he does come back, I vote it should be as a dinosaur.
Take to the sky, feeling so alive! Past the clouds to the Milky Way, share our secrets with the starry brigade. The stars surround us like a million fireflies. For once I see infinity... it's in your eyes.


The fact that Francisco Vásquez de Coronado the conquistador 'converter' was mistaken for Quetzalcoatl confuses the scholars... because it goes a long way into showing that a 'white' man with knowledge well in advance of their 'tribal' ways who showed them building, large scale farming, social and economic structure turned up almost 4,000 years before he should have.

They are laughing at the 2012ers because of how ridiculous it is... as I am.

Dinosaurs is a good idea though... as long as it's not a procompsognathus dinosaur.  :-D



The Mayans made that cal. like 1000 years ago. I think they ran out of rock and planed to add to it later, but did not get the chance .  As I understand the translation of the date 12/21/2012 it goes a time of great change , or interesting times , not the end of the world .  On Niburu , I think Sitchin took some of what the Russian guy Celkouski  ( not sure how to  spell the name )  said on the planet Venus and the earths moon .  As I remember he said Jupiter spat out Venus , when it went by the Earth the first time it created the floods at the time of Noah . The second pass parted the red sea for Moses . Then it assumed its present orbit . His story , not mine .  desert rat


If you are really wanting to seriously understand the Maya... instead of relying on 3rd party interpretation these are some great books...

'Breaking the Maya Code' by Michael D. Coe

"Quest for Decipherment:A Historical and Biographical Survey of Maya Hieroglyphic Decipherment" George E. Stuart

and for a clear understanding of their religious and symbolic nature of their history...

"Cycles of the Sun, Mysteries of the Moon: The Calendar in Mesoamerican Civilisation" Vincent H. Malmström

"The Gods and Symbols of Ancient Mexico and the Maya: An Illustrated Dictionary of Mesoamerican Religion"

"Ancient Maya: The Rise and Fall of a Rainforest Civilization."

Nearly all the stuff written about the Maya that involve the 2012 prophecy is a load of rubbish... it really is.


I was thinking more along the lines of this :) :

For some shiggles I checked out some of the websites mentioned... It will be interesting to see what comes of this. Probably much like the election. Crazy ballistic complaining, people claiming to leave the country (ironically to Canada) then after the temper tantrum, move on to something else to complain about.
Take to the sky, feeling so alive! Past the clouds to the Milky Way, share our secrets with the starry brigade. The stars surround us like a million fireflies. For once I see infinity... it's in your eyes.