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Endorphin addiction

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Well for the past 5 days I've been feeling depressed and heavy anxiety. Why? I discovered it yesterday :idea2: It all started last Wednesday when my life wasn't all dreams and happiness. Before for the past week or more I was practically feeling high like on drugs :sunny: (never tried any) I would smile for no reason(kinda like love only more happier) Then that Wednesday came and my level of endorphins feel down a little bit :sad: I felt high anxiety and felt depressed(thought I had premature kundalini awakening, was under attack because I felt heaviness in my chest and abdomen). Whats my point? Modesty. If you ever feel like I did suppress it.I felt high 24-7 and it wasn't pleasant to get back to being normal. Thanks for reading this and hope someone learns this lesson the easy way(unlike me the hard way :lol: )


what goes up must go down. Although there are some esoteric teachings how to stay on that posiitive curve forever.
"What are you doing here, Nasrudin? his neighbor asks. "I'm looking for a key which I lost
in the wood?" Nasrudin replies. "Why don't you look for it in the wood?" says the neighbor,
wondering at Nasrudin's folly. "Because there is much more light here"


After an experience like this I don't think I would like to repeat something like that although that week was awesome the week after is twice as horrible


baodur, let me see if i got our idea: you were in a high state of mind, with lots of hapyness on your spirit. Then you "fall" down from that state and you are now depressed. And that lowering of level is very bad. Is that it?

Many times happens to time something similar: i am in a very good mood and then i will jump to the other side...but in 2004 i was EVERYDAY and almost every moment, for months in such a very high state of hapyness and energy that nothing could stop me. Even physically i was unstopabble, lol. I was breathing and living live. I was energy.

In the time i was aware that i was almost finding the inner reason for that, near to find the trick that would me make on that state whenever i wanted. But i didnt find the solution, so my energy levels started to go down, and down veryday and i am back to normal (at least depressions are very rare and healed almost...with no medical help, btw).

In this very moment, due to some problems i am in a bad mood. Maybe this is the chance to find how to get back to that state again.

Only when you are drowning you will learn to swim.
I love you!


Yep the lowering is bad because it feels similar to drug addicts(endorphins are a natural drug that cause good feelings) I also felt unstoppable. The only thing I found out that would keep the anxiety away(couldn't stand it,the depression I can since I was before depressed for few years) was listening to music especially that that I listened during my high state. I use it now like heroin shots :lol: because it gets me back to good mood although not same as before. I'm on home rehabilitation now :lol: and are getting better and better every day but it will still take sometime before I start with Ap and all that


Funny, i was depressed too. Maybe this is a phase that depressed people will pass through, while in the healing process.

just for curioisity, what kind of music is that?

For me, high energetic music is: drum and bass, trance and house :)
I love you!


I just happened that I again started listening to coldplay during my high stage but really any music(rock,hard rock,techno)  works that reminds me to smtg else or makes me occupied. I think it's really because I have lost my goal in life(it was all this but now I'm afraid/uncomfortable do it). Also techno/trance just makes me alive,pumped up with adrenalin(good for work out) Oh and another funny thing: This school year(that's from September) everything was better ,thought I was cured(wasn't in depression at all)until now :cry: Oh the irony


depression takes time to go out.

meditating everyday can be a good help
I love you!


That's the problem;I can't meditate now.I tried today but it brought the anxiety back. The depression is more secondary and I feel it just a little bit. But the anxiety is the major problem because it really makes me feel like sh**  so I try to occupy myself and get *music shots* if I can't stand it (or better to say when I feel it :lol: ) I hope you get trough your depression I think it will pass with time and hope mine anxiety passes to. :seeya: