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Everything is Possible!

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Yes, URGO, everything is possible, including the possibility of being locked off the Forums if you don't watch your mouth.

Your sexualized posts have been deleted.  You're welcome to contribute to the Forums so long as you observe the rules of conduct. Thank you!

PS:  It would be wise to learn the proper way to address a lady.  It will keep you out of trouble.


Whoah!  Take it easy, heh. Twas a joke. Twas Not meant to offend a beautiful lady like Thyself. Yeah, but if you Thou sayest, then it shall be done for ya! Heh. Cause Urgo will do anytink for da Ladies. Heh. DA UrgoSpam shall ease down then. But hey, sometimes Da World goes dull without some UrgoSpam. Anyways, I be stayin on topic now cause Urgo wants it that way.

Back to DA topic! Yeah, Everytink is possible! Why? Cause we as Humans are explorers!
Yeah. Tis the part of da Human desire. That's true! WE got free will. Heck, if there were limits to life, this means that all those seemingly "impossible things" that we can imagine are beyond our will, then this would mean no free will! You see, the fact that peeps have freewill is substantial proof that there are no limitations to life. Cause Urgo wants it that way!

Oh and Tisha, you are Right! You got every right to Ban Urgo's butt. Shame on Urgo!
Urgo asks for thy mercy. Give me a chance to reform. I won't talk dirty. Don't believe me? That's ok. I'll prove it to ya and the rest of the community. But hey, it may take sometime. I may make some UrgoSpamtastic mistakes again. But be patient! Patience tis the key to understanding. Ye, I got a naughty Third Eye. But hey, Urgo will try! But the rest must believe in the power of URGO!


Hum- I live in an area where ebonics are present.  You are not from uruguay.  You are a fraud, and most of all you are very rude.  Take your comments else where, and treat people the way you want to be treated.  Just remember that what ever you place on society, societ places twice as hard on you.

-my words in a paragraph.


"The most interesting people in the world are those you do not understand" -Me


Originally posted by Tenacious

Hum- I live in an area where ebonics are present.  You are not from uruguay.  You are a fraud, and most of all you are very rude.  Take your comments else where, and treat people the way you want to be treated.  Just remember that what ever you place on society, societ places twice as hard on you.

-my words in a paragraph.




IM startin to think like beavis, i feel URGO has the same rudeness as Xvirus, maybe its kibeginnernightmare i dont know but whoever you are URGO i really think you should be banned ad locked for good, im staring to get mad because all these rude people coming in and posting unnesessary things, and very vulgar laguange. GO, RUN, RUN AWAY AND NEVER RETURN URGO.

"Only those who have dared to let go can dare to reenter." - Meister Eckhart


James S


Regarding your interpretations of Einsteinian physics, the relationships between matter and energy and what Stephen Hawking as written, you might want to go back and learn the basics before you start spouting the kind of rubbish you've posted so far. You've taken little bits from here and there and mixed them up into some kind of theoretical mush that makes no sense at all.

Why don't you take a few months away from this web site, or better yet a few years, and brush up on your physics. While you're away, think seriously about an attitude alignment and also a bit of psychological self examination, coz DOOD, YOU'VE GOT PROBLEMS!!



Originally posted by James S


Regarding your interpretations of Einsteinian physics, the relationships between matter and energy and what Stephen Hawking as written, you might want to go back and learn the basics before you start spouting the kind of rubbish you've posted so far. You've taken little bits from here and there and mixed them up into some kind of theoretical mush that makes no sense at all.

Why don't you take a few months away from this web site, or better yet a few years, and brush up on your physics. While you're away, think seriously about an attitude alignment and also a bit of psychological self examination, coz DOOD, YOU'VE GOT PROBLEMS!!




Maybe there should be a warning before members sign up.  Like so:

Warning New User:

You may try to harass the users of this web site, however, no matter what you try to push on us, we will ignore and then ban you.  Thanks for you time.

just a thought ;)


"The most interesting people in the world are those you do not understand" -Me

James S


It is my thought that your thought is good![^]



Brings the comfort of fresh buttered toast on a bright and sunny winter morning, in a house full of love and happiness.


By the way, I look down upon inappropriate remarks towards women- especially sexual remarks, (it's just rude and offensive, and there's really no need for it), but I also know Tisha can hold her own[:)]. So if you are offending a woman this way, chances are I will also not take kindly to such remarks (I'm a man, by the way). I believe in gender equality.


Didn't I read somewhere in here that one sentence replies just to fluff up a topic weren't allowed? Might have been another message forum, not sure.

Urgo/Xvirus whoever you are...are you having fun? Yeah? Good, you can stop the stupidity now. Do you have something to actually discuss? No? Then go away little child. I can stomach many things, but silly immature postings that are designed to irritate isn't one of them. GROW UP. Go back to school and do more than smoke crack and play in the bathroom.


Anything is possible! How about Jesus and those miracle workers throughout history? Yeah, Jesus meditated and made bread out of nothing. Yeah, so this means that the bread he made was out of thought! Yeah, and how did that thought come to be? Well, he imagined it. So this means that the things that he
imagined came from the "Imagination Realm". Isn't the Imagination Realm a kind of astral plane. Ofcourse it is. I'm very open minded and I believe that all things are possible.
You ever hear of "Apportation"? It's when you materialize physical objects as well as people out of nothing. Yeah, this is consistent with Einstein's rule, that is Energy can be Converted to Matter and Vice Versa! Yeah, cause all things are really forms of energy and light. Photons, Protons, Electrons, Atoms, that kind of stuff appear out of the blue all the time [isn't this called dark matter or Dark energy", the stuff that makes our Universe? Yeah, so if life has limits, then that would suck cause if we reach life's limit, we got nowhere else to go! So dis means that life would be meaningless! What's the point if life had limits? So therefore, dudes, I think Life has NO limits! Means, anything is possible, HELLO!

Yeah, and "Matter" is actually a term used by scientists which really means Highly Dense Energy Form composed of extremely attracted atoms. Yeah, and atoms are even more dense than molecules. Basically the smaller things get, the denser they become. Heh, atoms are xtremely dense ana are even made up of tinier particles. Heh, that explains why splitting an atom releases so much energy in the form of a nuclear explosion! Heh, imagine splitting the tinier particles of that atom, then that would be real devasting.
Remember Einstein's law , Energy can be converted to matter and Vice versa [E=MC2].
DAng, even Stepehn Hawking confirmed this. Heh, you know Nasa scientists along wiht Michigan profs converted energy into matter in a lab. How? Well, they got 2 photons
and collided them to each other using a particle accelerator. Yeah, and the energy that came out of that collision created super tiny particles [in scientifi terms, these small
particles are called "Fermions", basically means particles that make matter or become matter] This was a test to see if the "Dark Matter and Dark Energy theory" of the Universe was credible. Yeah, and the "String Theory " as well positively supports the
idea of Apportation [convertion from energy to matter and vice versa]. Hehe! BOOYAH!