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Frank's virtual classroom

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I thought I mentioned on one of these pages (when I was a mod) that we didn't know one thing.  Now that I'm not a mod, I still don't know squat, but have my opinions on the whole ugly mess.

Maybe since I haven't been a mod some info has come into play?


I cant believe this thread is still going but heres my story to add to this (even though I am sure it is in this thread already somewhere).  I paid $128 (I think that was for 4 months... maybe 6???? I dont recall) and from the beginning it was all rather unorganized.  The way the class was conducted was very sloppy and news was spare.  However, during the month and a half I could readily contact frank I talked with him via email every day and he tutored me personally, and after 3 weeks I had made more progress with phasing than I had made in a year.  I had my first and second conscious phases using his advice and he kept me motivated.  Through out this time there where no signs of unwillingness to cooperate with people signed up for the class or any signs of foul play.  

Anyone who has been on this forum for a long time knows that Frank was a fountain of information.  I was granted a brief period where that fountain was at my direct disposal.  Then his computer died.  Supposedly.  I believe it but some may not.  Then when he got his computer fixed he fell ill due to an infection that spread into his jaw and head from a previous motorcycle accident.  He was hospitalized and was near death.  He sent one email to me (and to all members of the class if I remember correctly) stating that he was going to take some time off to recuperate and get back into the class.  Then all lines of communication went silent.  After all this time without any communication I think hes dead personally.

Was anyone else who was in the class that is reading this in contact with him as often as I was?  Did you learn anything???  I dont know anyone elses experience with it, but mine, for the brief time it went on, was pleasant and worth the money (not all of it but had I spent the rest of the time conversing with him every day and making just as much progress it would have been)
Profound Impatience makes the blind struggle in Stupidity.


Hi Tvos

I think you would be perfectly justified in charging a nominal fee to use your website, I definitely wouldn't think any the less of you for it, after all this sort of thing does take time and to be realistic time is money!  I am amazed that people like Bob Peterson and Robert Bruce publish a lot of excellent material on AP for free on the internet.  We all have mortgages to pay.

As for Frank, I have no idea what happened.  I'd be interested to know how many people signed up and what sort of sums were involved.  Is his website still up and running?  I've lost the link and would be interested to re-read the blurb...
The bad news is there's no key to the Universe. The good news is it's not locked. - Swami Beyondananda

David Warner


Thank You for the info. - as for now, I've been getting a little bit of traffic, but if it picks up beyond belief then maybe. For now, I am just having fun with it and nice to share the info. Have you been to the site yet?


That is cool you were able to communicate with Frank, email and been able to assist you. So far the only talk I've heard has been negative and people not receiving their money. Unfortunately, when it comes to money and fountain of information - Frank's image is tarnished...:(

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


QuoteThen when he got his computer fixed he fell ill due to an infection that spread into his jaw and head from a previous motorcycle accident. He was hospitalized and was near death.
Really?  He sent this in the emails to all or just you?  This is the first I'm hearing about the infection..unless I missed it in earier pages.


QuoteAfter all this time without any communication I think hes dead personally.

That would be my guess aswell, or seriously ill.. maybe a coma or something. Really with the information we have it wouldn't be too hard to find him. Maybe ill go searching during the summer, France is just a hop across the channel. I think if he has died he'd want someone to find him so they can rescue his (possibly unfinished) ebook from his computer. It would be a shame if all that hard work and important information went to waste, just think, its likely sat there on an old harddrive in some store room now, potentially never to be read by anyone else.

His site is still up catmeow:

Should it not be taken down though??, DNS admin is still registered as, aka Adrian Cooper from the astralpulse?

Nay, may i ask why your no longer moderator :\.


I wanted to leave a few months ago but was asked to stay.  I stayed to help out Adrian and thought that my feelings would change, they didn't, they got worse.  My feelings were that of a hypocrite.  I could not in all good conscience ask members to abide by certain rules when others got away with breaking the rules.  And when you have mods that can not get along and fight amoungst themselves, well it doesn't take a real genius to figure out to leave.

I am not telling this to hurt others or say that anyone is bad, I'm just telling you my feelings on it.  You asked and I wanted to answer, perhaps just to get things off my chest.  :dont-know:

Of course I love this forum and will continue to visit.  I've learned some valuable lessons here, wanted or not. :lol:

Take Care,


ok so I have kept this info under lock and key (and apparently everyone else has as well) in hopes that things would get back on track.  I am going to release this last email I recieved from frank in hopes of clearing things up and I think everyone here who has been here for a while would probably like to know this stuff.  Everyone in the classroom got this email (I left the adresses out for obvious reasons) and I think it has been long enough where I dont think Frank is coming back or would care if I gave out this info now.

This is the last email I was sent by Frank.


Hello everyone:

I am back in the land of the living, so to speak, and shall resume normal service very soon.

I apologise for the delay in the presentation of the VC service. It has been a rather uncomfortable experience for me; an unfortunate mix of circumstances that I should never want to repeat. Understandably, people lead very busy lives and they do not want to hear of my problems and I have tried not to present them to you but I fear that, in my doing so, I have caused yet further misunderstanding.

As you know, I had rather a difficult time of late with regard to computer issues. I was quite stressed, I had just gotten going with the VC and this should befall me. I was cheesed off, to be honest, very bonking stressed, if the truth be known, because I have wanted to create a little classroom of like-minded individuals for at least a year.

I have an old injury, from the old days of my motorcycle-racing years. It started bothering me, in my jaw. I was stressed and I needed to get the service under way. I was having computer problems and they took priority. But the swelling just kept on happening. Before I knew it, my whole side of my face was easily twice the size of the other side. I didn't care, to be honest, because launching the VC was the only thing on my mind.

When I got the donated computer, I was ecstatic, so much so that I just plugged the flaming thing in. Completely forgetting that the mains supply here is 230 volts and in the US, where the very kindly donated computer came from, is actually 110 volts. Further delay ensued as the power-supply just went bang.

In the meantime, the pain was now so bad from my face I could not sleep. But the only thing on my mind was getting the VC service underway. It was quite a trying time and, I admit, the problems associated with the computer issue held sway.

Unfortunately, the infection that I dearly hoped would go away spread through my jaw, my face, my neck and chest. It got such that I was largely immobile.

Eventually I had to see a doctor and he was totally outraged that I had left it so long. I was in severe pain and could not eat or sleep from the experience. I was put on a course of antibiotics and painkilling tablets that, to be honest, just had me totally "out of it" as it were. And that is how I have been for the past weeks.

I have been staying with a friend of mine, on the coast, just totally away from computers and trying to get myself together. I returned yesterday to my home and logged on and there has been some activity amongst you.

Ha ha, people have been suggesting this is an "elaborate con". You have very overactive imaginations, lol.

Anyone who wishes a refund, then simply ask for a chargeback via PayPal. I will give people an ample 3 weeks to do that while I recover the last few percent. Those that are left, then we shall get down to learning about the Wider Reality.

Funny, I always hoped that in a year or so we would all become good friends. So maybe this has be a natural way of sorting wheat from chaff. I don't mind, I certainly don't need the money. But it would be nice to teach you all the Truth of what goes on. I thought if I could give you guys and gals a little prosperity leg-up, so to speak, you'd donate a percentage to the foundation.

I mean, if we are going to create a whole Foundation, like bricks and mortar between us, then we are going to need quite a lot of money. What better way than for me to teach you that, and each person donate a small percentage.


Profound Impatience makes the blind struggle in Stupidity.

David Warner


A few things I want to point out.

I'm a IT consultant and experienced in the field for the last 20yrs. Power supplies are very simple to swap out and the price are cheap and under $80.00USD depending on brand and wattage.

Another thing that seems like denial is "he doesn't need the money" but a friend donates a computer, or pro-longs his health problem and then finally see's the doctor. Why didn't he just refund everyone money back if he didn't need the money?

Lets just hope that something good comes out of this and everyone will be refunded.

Maybe people on this board who are fluent in OBE's (Ex: Me, Major Tom, Stookie) can create a virtual class, setup a conference and helps those who paid? What about an idea of actually having a meeting, conference by phone?

Just my .2 to help out..

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


well he went through paypal, and paypal is evil.  If we where not in contact with him he could not send the money directly to us, and paypal has a limited time to request your money back.  Or so thats what everyone who actually tried to get their money back said.

I know how easy it is to change a power supply but maybe he didnt... and he lives in bum-**** country bumpkin france, who knows how easy a power supply is to attain there.  I am not saying it is all 100% on the straight and narrow but who knows really... bah.
Profound Impatience makes the blind struggle in Stupidity.


I find this very curious, forgive me.

I'm left wondering why he would not send Adrian this "email" or at least copy it onto the mod forum?  And forgive me again but that email could be something you just wrote out.  I'm not sure WHY you would do this, it doesn't make sense.  

Why, out of all these people on the forums, especially Adrian, would Frank choose you to hold the missing key, why?  And if he sent this same email to ALL of the people in the class, why are we just NOW hearing about it, why aren't  they falling all over themselves to prove Frank's innocence?  

Two and two is just not adding up in my book.  Some weird going ons Ethel..


LOL nay  :razz:  Yes I just decided to randomly forge an email from Frank to impress everyone and try to seem important...   :roll:  

QuoteWhy, out of all these people on the forums, especially Adrian, would Frank choose you to hold the missing key, why? And if he sent this same email to ALL of the people in the class, why are we just NOW hearing about it, why aren't they falling all over themselves to prove Frank's innocence?  

Dont ask me... you want me to post all the email addresses this was sent to?  I dont think the people on the list would be very happy necessarily, and I wouldnt want to devulge anyones email unecessarily.  And as to why your just hearing about it now, who knows, I am surprised no one else on the list of recipients hasnt said anything about it yet.  It truely baffles me.  I am assuming most of them arent members of this forum but those who are have kept there mouth shut for no apparent reason, me included.  I just figured what happened in the class stayed there, and I had held out alot of hope that Frank would magically reappear and begin where we left off and all would be well and he would explain it all.  Well that hasnt happened.  Its been a LONG time since I got that email and I figure whats the harm in releasing it.  As usual nay you go that extra mile and analyze things and  then flesh it out into some grand conspiracy.   :lol:   I love you nay but but you can be stark raving mad sometimes.

QuoteYou have a good heart as usual Dave, but I'm probably as uncomfortable with the whole "teacher" position as being "taught" anything in this particular minefield of experience.

However, I'm available as usual through PM if people do not freak not with no answer now and then (which probably means I have none), or delays, or when I have my mind set on other priorities.

Regarding Frank, it's probably best people move on, and start singing their own song.

Very true Tom, all of it.  I think it would be possible to do a classroom with the people who where supposed to be in the class but how many of them frequent this forum?  I guess we could expand it out to anyone else who wanted in but that could get way out of hand.  I think we do a good job of helping each other out here already but I think a bit more organization would be helpful......  Unfortunately the more experience I gain involving phasing and astral projection the more I realize that there really arent any masters out there, its a never ending lesson and teaching it is a bit hard to say the least.  I also think everyone basically HAS moved on and started to sing their own song, but this was a big event for alot of us who where in the class... a big dissapointment.
Profound Impatience makes the blind struggle in Stupidity.


Quote from: knightlight
When I got the donated computer, I was ecstatic, so much so that I just plugged the flaming thing in. Completely forgetting that the mains supply here is 230 volts and in the US, where the very kindly donated computer came from, is actually 110 volts. Further delay ensued as the power-supply just went bang.


Would a 110 volt plug appear different than an 230 volt plug? Would a 110 volt plug fit into a 230 volt socket?
"Chair-swiveling is an old and honorable avocation for any accomplished and self-respecting villainous personage."
--Ronald D. Moore, March 12, 2005


Yeah it would, there is just a switch on the back of all power supplies (atleast all the ones I have ever seen) that flips the supply from 115 to 230.  Supposedly he was a tard and didnt flip the switch, resulting in meltdown.  :lol:
Profound Impatience makes the blind struggle in Stupidity.


Would it flip from 110 to 230?
"Chair-swiveling is an old and honorable avocation for any accomplished and self-respecting villainous personage."
--Ronald D. Moore, March 12, 2005


QuoteAs usual nay you go that extra mile and analyze things and then flesh it out into some grand conspiracy. Laughing I love you nay but but you can be stark raving mad sometimes.
That is a very strange thing to say to me, I don't even know you. :confused:   Have you and I talked at all??  You seem to act like you know me better than you really do, why is that, Knightlight?  :wink:  And sorry, I don't love you, because I don't KNOW you....

Grand conspiracy?  Stark raving mad?   No, it is called putting things together.  I don't know about you but when I put things together and it doesn't make sense then it is quite obvious that something is amiss.  And I'm beginning to learn more every day that the internet is just not the place to be if you expect honesty from people.   That is my main problem these days.

So, yeah Knightlight, the few years that some of us knew Frank has no bearing on the fact that you come out of no where and have all the answers that you just forgot to share with a very large group of people who had been yelling for answers.  Yeah, your story sounds right on track.  :roll:  

I don't know what your parents taught you about manners, but I would appreciate that you do not call me names anymore and please don't talk to me as if you and I have been friends for a few years.  Thanks.


Quote from: knightlightLOL nay  :razz:  Yes I just decided to randomly forge an email from Frank to impress everyone and try to seem important...   :roll:  

Knightlight, I have posted on this forum for 2 or 3 years now. I have read hundreds of Frank's posts.

The email you claim to have received from Frank is clearly a hoax. I am not sure why you wrote it. To be honest, I do not care.

If you continue to post similar material with the purpose of misleading people, I will simply delete your posts.

I'll Name You The Flame That Cries



Thanks a million for the link.  Frank's website always looked a bit loud and tacky to me and still does.  Looks just like one of those hard-sell sites selling vitamin pills which cure everything from impotence to arthritis....  This always worried me a lot because it is so out of character with the apparent intelligence and maturity of his posts on this forum.  Doesn't really add up to me?

It's also difficult to reconcile the fact that on the one hand Frank is begging a computer and on the other hand he says he doesn't need the money?  Also anyone can pick up a new or even second hand computer for next to nothing these days.  I personally know one young kid who just bought himself a new laptop and he's on state benefits!

Take a look at Bob Peterson's web site ... simple, no hard sell, no outrageous claims, and lots of excellent info for free!  It's a treasure trove. No doubt Bob makes money out of his interest in AP, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with this and he does it the right way.....  <--- LOOK HERE!


I looked at your website when it first appeared in your signature and had a bit of a sniff around.  I liked what I saw but haven't registered yet so haven't done the full tour! I'll do so this weekend.  I actually downloaded a lot of your diaries from your ftp site when you first published these.  I thought you were and are amazingly generous to put this personal info out in this way!  :wink:
The bad news is there's no key to the Universe. The good news is it's not locked. - Swami Beyondananda

David Warner


Thank You for the kind words and also pointing out the misspelling in my link. That's taken care of now! - editing, the editing...!

I would have to agree with Cat-meow on the price of computers these days. The local pc store about 3miles from my home sells used computers. Last time I looked, they were selling 1.5ghz (dell) with 256mb of ram with a decent hard drive for about $150.00. My laptop that I use is a 400mhz with 192mb of ram and ran my wife $5.00 at her office. There are a few small problems with it but for the most part it does the trick.

I first looked at Robert Peterson's web site and couldn't figure out for the life of me the layout, not the most glorious visual site but it gets the job done and very well! In all honestly, when I looked at Frank's web site, it turned me off and advertised 'The OBE Wonder Pill" and buy my fool proof product. Please forgive me on the judgment but this is the way is presented...:(

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


QuoteKnightlight, I have posted on this forum for 2 or 3 years now.
Actually you are up for your 4yr anniversary!   :occasion18:  Congrats Mark!  Thanks for being here for others! :grin:

Take Care,


Wow, drama! It's like the X-Files. Maybe a secret government got Frank and Knightlight is from the Department of Misinformation? Nay could secretly be a Gray ... maybe Gray's mouths can't say "grr" so they pronounce it "Nay" ...
A certain degree of neurosis is of inestimable value as a drive, especially to a psychologist - Sigmund Freud


so much hostility...some bad vibes going on
Tá mo chroí istigh ionat

David Warner

i never watched the x-files... not too much into tv shows, although i do like law and order with lenny...

anyways, we've gotten off the subject and i ask myself "why" should we continue to beat this to death.. lets move on a talk about better things and maybe get a phone/video  conference going where we could meet to discuss how to help one another since we are all in the same boat.

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


Quote from: El-Bortukaliso much hostility...some bad vibes going on

So, create some good ones instead of just complaining about the bad ones. Jayzus Christ con Queso!
"Chair-swiveling is an old and honorable avocation for any accomplished and self-respecting villainous personage."
--Ronald D. Moore, March 12, 2005
