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Frank's virtual classroom

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Benky...been awhile since i've had the pleasure!

man...someones a little cranky. not projecting lately?
anyway...totally missed my point. the fact that c2c "is" a marketing venue, and #1 one on the list for metaphysical, mystic, occult, and paranormal pursuits is exactly why i used it as an example!?! duh-ha...contrary to whatever it is you believe...i do know exactly what "i'm" talking about. on top of that it's free!!! thing don't get on the show with smoke & mirrors & who would honestly want to subject themselves to those kinds of numbers (being the largest talk show audience in the world)...and not really be ready to run the gauntlet?!? couldn't be a printing issue where too many orders were what gives.

yeah i've got a bit of a problem with people that have roughly as much experience in this field as i do, and work to sell it so hard... as has been mentioned promising unlimited wealth, happiness & success. talking the talk is easy, you should know that. anyway...we're obviously very different bcuz i know for a fact that you don't get to the astral by reading books. same as you don't get to hawaii by surfing travel agent sites...but stranger things have been known to happen.

i don't have anything against frank or adrian. why should i?!?
but when someone starts saying they're the leading expert in the world?!?'s easy to fall off that kind of pedestal. i mentioned robert bcuz he takes a totally different approach to his books, his business, etc. he's building a reputation, which i believe is of utmost importance.
but i don't have to tell you that.

If your definition of expertise is an appearance on a talk show(which is purely for advertising purposes in the first place, just listen to how much they want to sell you next time you listen to C2C!) then you are ignorant. RB wants to sell you his books and keep you entertained with silly beliefs. We're just interested in learning, without fighting demons or having scary experiences or any of that stupid bull****. Some people like that, though. Its all preference.

i'm just including the above just for fun.
1) i don't own any of robert's books. (i don't own any books on APing. I don't have to.) :wink:  2) stupid bull***t is relative. and 3) didn't your mother ever teach you about running around with scissors?!?
it's is jumping to conclusions. no wait...that's just irritating.



i think that link you gave BNOG...says it all.

Hans Solo

QuoteThere is one simple rule in my book, if that person has not got a book you can buy from and has a ISBN no, he's not a credible author.

Yikes!  The coolest things I have learned in recent years have been from ebooks.  Many times publishers have their own agendas, and ebooks give the common man the ability to easily publish their ideas with out many of the hassles of self publishing,etc.  But hey, that is your preference and may be the best for you.

QuoteWell to be honest, I have to look at it from this point of view. The scam artists that do use that layout, use it for a reason. That reason is probably being that it works Razz It would make no sense for said person to use a layout that gives them nothing instead. (Don't take this as saying I think your site is a scam, more like your format does most likely work)

Right on.  This format is EXTREMELY powerful.  So powerful that both scam artist and people with great ideas and skills both use it.  A scam "idea" to one person may be the Holy Grail to another.  

QuoteHe had hundreds of people paying for his services, maybe his partner ran away with the money and now he's ashamed to contact you.

How do you know hundreds of people were paying for this?  100X30 a month =3000 a month.  It went on for 3 months, so a total gain of 9000-10000 dollars.  Some people prepaid so lets make that number 15000 dollars.  I believe this number to be "astronomically" high, but it is irrelevant to the argument.

Now, here is how a REAL scam artist would work.  First he would help this first group for a while in order to get enough money to expand his service and computer support network (in order to handle more people).  Even if he was only nominally helping them none of them would really put up a fuss, most of them would blame themselves for their lack of dedication, commitment, etc.

Then he would release his book which would garner more support for his private classroom.  Most of us here know that Frank was a prolific writer.  Take a look at the volumes he wrote in his archives in the past couple of years, so any ideas that he was never in the process of writing an book can be quickly dismissed.  This book was much anticipated, so why in the WORLD would he not release it?  Only an idiot scam artist of the highest order would not release this book.

Next, because of the hype of book he would take on more virtual classroom customers.  Although, this time due to the large response he would be "forced" to increase the price and ask people to prepay for the number of months.  So lets say each new customer would have to pony up 500-600 dollars.  He would start his own forum where he could moderate without impunity, and unsatisfied customers that posted here would immediately be thought of as expecting a miracle, or astral travel by "osmosis", and would be summarily dismissed.  He would do this until the negative response was more than he could deal with and then "poof", no more scam artist.

Scam artist tend to bleed the most out of things and would NEVER run before critical mass was hit.  Only a crack head scam artist would think like this.

On the other hand, Frank was like a cat when it came to the "trans-dimensional" areas of consciousness.  He was so curious by these areas that I expect that he attempted to explore them to the detriment to his health.  Remember, Frank said that it would take him a little more than an hour to orient himself with C1 (the physical) after being in focus 4 for an extended amount of time.  I hope he can pull through this and my heart and blessing go out to him in this time of need.  He is truly an explorer of the highest magnitude that came here to spend untold hours selflessly sharing his ideas and techniques.  I think we should give him the benefit of the doubt and instead focus on sending him our prayers.

Quote" Now can anyone one person here point me to a modern book on Phasing techniques available on ebay/amazon published withing 5 years? "

What is this question even driving at?  Bruce Moen does a modern phasing techniqe, oh and lets not forget that little writer.....whats WAS his name....oh yea, Robert Monroe! (although, he was after your 5 year time constraint)   Franks scientific approach to astral projection is probably NOT what Llewlayan was looking for in their many books on fantasy land. Hell, how many here have astrally projected using Robert Bruces NEW ENERGY?  Not many, however I know many here on this forum have benefited from phasing.  I am one of those memebers.  Robert Peterson is no unique master, his ebooks read the same as every other OBE author.  In his book he just dilly dalles in the RTZ, how BORING!  Just because your published, doesn't mean your a master.

Quote. i mentioned robert bcuz he takes a totally different approach to his books, his business, etc. he's building a reputation, which i believe is of utmost importance.
but i don't have to tell you that.

I agree.  If that reputation is wearing around tin foil hats, surrounding your bed in a moat of running water, chanting to various deities all in the name of protection from "NEGS".  (just at the mention of negs Han runs around foaming at the mouth looking for crystals to protect himself).  Or, not projecting because you are unable to spend 2 hrs a night doing energy work.  Although, he obviously believes in what he teaches so I can't give him too much flak.  The definition of a scam artist is one that KNOWS what he is teaching is full of SH** but continues to do so becasue of the pay off.  Does this sound like either Robert Bruce or Frank.  NO.  

Han solo[/quote]
"Man, I just sprinted a mile and my heart chakra is going crazy!"

"Women only want me for my Focus 4"


I would just like to commend our Corellian friend Hans for severing some foots and inserting them in their respective mouths. It's about time someone talked some sense in this masturbatory, mistake of a conversation. I agree with all of his points, and am especially indebted for the laughs received upon imagining some crazy mystic's bed surrounded by a small crocodile infested body of water.

I would like to add this to his criticisms: it makes no sense to claim that phasing is somehow a lesser theory just because it has a less extensive body of literature. The reason we can't write a book about it is that we don't understand it, not that it isn't true. Copernicus also wrote a book; it contained this crazy astronomical idea that the sun is actually the center of the solar system, and our earth is a measly planet! What a nut! Frank, as Hans said, is a pioneer. If anything, I'd say the reason for his absence is more likely due to that fact than any scam. If you float too close to the sun, your astral wings are likely to melt...

So, in my opinion, if anyone has anything else to say on the matter, it had better be REALLY worth it, or they'll only look like an idiot. That means YOU, whoever is reading this with a red face.

In closing, the immortal words of those Christian evangelists who so readily resemble our favorite mystical shysters (and by the same token remind us nothing of our friend Frank):

"Let us prey".
"We should invert our eyes and practice a sublime astronomy in the infinitude of our hearts..."

-Léon Bloy, 1894


Quote from: BillionNamesofGod
But there is one neat little fact everyone has overlooked.

Frank has no book available, through publishers or through his own sales site, as his own self-published e-book.


Hence, I close this debate, until he has this book he's been claiming to write, and it's available - he has no credibility, no matter how rubbish the book is, the act of writing and getting it published gives you credibility, no matter what format the book arrives.

er why does everyone ignore this sentence here:

" Now can anyone one person here point me to a modern book on Phasing techniques available on ebay/amazon published withing 5 years? "

I somehow think you missed the point of the thread. But anyway.....Did anybody ever claim the phasing-approche has more credibilty then Roberts approche? Frank made the impression that he pretty much developped the phasing-approche with the 4 FoC on his own, so is it any wonder then that there is no book published 5 years ago about phasing? Thats what you would expect when somebody comes up with something new, that is isn't allright published, right?

I'm trying to understand were you are coming from but I have problems doing so:
If a Yogi living in a cave somehow came up with the perfect OBE-technique and you would learn about his technique, would you simply ignore it because he didn't felt like going to some damn Radio-show or publishing it?!

Soul: your snappy,cynic posts are kind of sexy, keep going....

Right on Hans you wrote what I thought but couldn't put in words due to my lack of english at least as far as Frank is concerned.
I believe Frank was to become the next Robert Monroe so to speak, Now, isn't it kind of shabby to put him down now that he can't respond?
" In order to arrive at a place you do not know you must go by a way you do not know "

-St John of the Cross


Everyone take five, take a deep breath, hold ...and relax.  :D

Quite a few people may have lost out financially, that's true, me included.
But what's the point here?

Have we really all only come this far?
After all that we have all learnt about Reality, Life, After-life, Before-life, God, Universe, Creator.  Is giving vent to anger and criticism the only way?

How about compassion, whether or not we see or understand what's behind the problem.  How about Love?

Everyone's had a chance to let off steam now (and I had my go as well, numerous pm's and unanswered emails since July),  but let's put some perspective on this and send some positive energies out. Someone who's invested a lot of effort and time in helping people in this community is sick and in trouble.

what ever the problem may be, he deserves a little support and then maybe he'll have the ability to come back and sort out the mess later.
until then, lets drop the criticism and amp up the love.

we are not defined by what happens to us, so much as how we choose to respond to those things. Let's choose to be different this time.

Blessings to you all


All of this discussion is getting way away from the original debate.

The question was and still is:  

1)   Is Frank honest and in such a bad health that he cannot, nor any of his friends and/or partner inform the members who paid for his Virtual Classroom.

2)   Is Frank a con artist.

It is not about phasing, E-book etc...

I read all the posts here about this and in the meanwhile I did a little investigation.

I just received and answer from City Hall of Salernes in France which Frank gave as his personal address. I asked them if there was a street called "Grand Rue" in Salernes.


Now if ever Frank comes back, he better have good answers. As far as I am concerned this is becoming more and more the work of a con artist.

Another point is that if you subscribe to his newsletter, with the information on that thread here at the Astral Pulse, you will find that it is still working and sending automatic replies. He stated himself that he wasn't very good in building all of this. This is why he got a partner to set his business up with the payments etc..

Weird that now he is maybe sick and the only one that could reply.

One member of this classroom is supposedly to have sent a new computer to Frank. If that person exist, could she/he tell us if Frank has a valid address.

I wish someone could prove I'm wrong, but I'm beginning to doubt it. I would like Adrian and the other responsable for this site to explain to me why they permitted a personal business to be build on the Astral Pulse without making the necessary investigation to protect their members who considered this site as the most credible on the net.



I shouldnt say this, but due to some things (nothing special) he said to me, in private messages, that he would give me his ebook as soon as he would finish it. I didnt ask for anything, not even suggest! and he made that offer without asking anything in return! And all that i´'ve done was give him some stuff that i found (and i gave it to him not because he asked but as an offer, since i knew it would be useful to him).

He doesnt know me in real life and he was that nice, and he was speaking in a way as if he really want the book to be realeased.

So, after reading all of this posts and from what i know about Frank i get confused. Maybe he is having some serious problems, thats what i think.
I love you!


Quote from: ger
I just received and answer from City Hall of Salernes in France which Frank gave as his personal address. I asked them if there was a street called "Grand Rue" in Salernes.



Hmmm. Interessting. Have you checked if there are several towns called salerenes in France? Have you asked them if a Frank Kepple lives there at all?
" In order to arrive at a place you do not know you must go by a way you do not know "

-St John of the Cross


Hello everyone,

First of all let me say that I haev no idea exactly what has happened to Frank from Frank himself. I have heard various things from other sources, but as I cannot confirm them I do not want to start any rumors.

I would like to suggest however that until we know exactly what his status is, there is not much to be gained by speculation.

If we remain with the facts we know for certain that Frank has been one of this forums greatest contributors over the lat three years or so, and has helped numerous people in various positive ways.

I know for a fact that he has nearly completed his book, and he kept me fully informed about his proposed course which he was very excited about; as of course were those who enrolled on the course.

There is no way he would spend a year or more writing a book only to do something which would go against people wanting to purchase it.

I don't know how much money Frank received for the course, but you can be sure it was not enough to become an exile on :)

I do understand the feelings of you all and can understand your concern, but I do believe the best course of action is to wait and see what transpires.

If Frank has been ill, and that is almost certain, and assuming he makes a full recovery, I am sure he will be back to continue where he left off.

If he has been as ill as seems likely, it is not likely that he would feel well enough to be involving himself in much right now.

I will ensure that as soon as I know anything certain I will let you know.

Best regards,

Vincit Omnia Veritas


Quote from: Tombo
Quote from: ger
I just received and answer from City Hall of Salernes in France which Frank gave as his personal address. I asked them if there was a street called "Grand Rue" in Salernes.



Hmmm. Interessting. Have you checked if there are several towns called salerenes in France? Have you asked them if a Frank Kepple lives there at all?

Yes Tombo I'm still searching. Additional information from Salernes' City Hall is that there is a street called "Grand Rue" in a nearby town called SILLANS-LA-CASCADE, with the same zip code. I am unable to have more information at the present time.

Could it be that Frank has mistaken his town with the nearby Salernes...I don't know.

I just gotten this information and giving it out to be honest about this whole thing.



First, I would like to thank you and tell you that I appreciate very much the way you are handling this whole thing.

Because you did not lock this thread even if you are caught into it somewhat.

Your reactions are not negative, but show an openness and a comprehension to those who have paid for Frank's service.

Boy do I wish that all of this is just a misunderstanding !!!


Quote from: gerCould it be that Frank has mistaken his town with the nearby Salernes...I don't know.
I live in the US and used to work for a Post Office and can tell you around my area there are 3 towns/communities that use the same zip code.  Some times mail would be addressed to no such street in one village but we knew it was in one of the others that had the same zip code.   Just a thought.



Hello Ger,

Thank you for your comments.

There is no question of locking the thread or suppressing any discussion. All those involved have a right to be concerned and I share your concern.

I would like to add that when there is a lack of information it is very easy for speculation to take hold and before you know it we have the equivalent of that party game "Chinese whispers" :)

Unfortunately, it is a general human trait to think the worst in these situations. Now that does concern me because I know for a fact that whatever people focus on becomes reality whether is good or "bad". It is a fact that when people desire good things like new cars, houses, holidays etc. that they often cannot put enough emotion into it to be in the same vibration as that which they wish to attract. Unfortunately, as we have seen, people naturally place emotion into negative things and situations, and that is why negative things and situations more readily manifest into the physical world. Then people start talking about erroneous notions such as "bad luck" etc., when in fact they have created there own reality. It is just as easy to create positive things such as houses, cars and holidays if only people would put the same focus, intent and emotion into these things as the negative things.

I am saying this because I am telling everyone right now that if you focus on "being scammed", "conned" or "misled" etc., that will become the reality and it will not be Frank's fault.

The indications are that Frank has been and still is very ill, and everyone should be focussinf on sending healing Energy and positive thoughts of trust and Unconditional Love. I am sure the Universe will then do the rest.

Anyone as always can contact me directly if they have any concerns or for any other reason for that matter.

Best regards,

Vincit Omnia Veritas


QuoteI am saying this because I am telling everyone right now that if you focus on "being scammed", "conned" or "misled" etc., that will become the reality and it will not be Frank's fault.
:lol:  :shock:  :lol:



Quote from: Souljah333

As Adrian said: If we desire good things they will happen!
Is there anything more attractive then an intelligent Girl that can AP?
...........I'M LOST!!
" In order to arrive at a place you do not know you must go by a way you do not know "

-St John of the Cross


an intelligent girl "with money" that can AP!
(unfortunately that's not me :(


Quote from: Adrian
I am saying this because I am telling everyone right now that if you focus on "being scammed", "conned" or "misled" etc., that will become the reality and it will not be Frank's fault.

I just thought a little about that sentence and it won't go down me throat. Even with a glass of milk.....

If somebody is conned by Frank it is Frank that did something wrong, thats how I see it. If I shoot you I go to jail. Period. Now what you do is turning it around. What you are saying (in way) is that People are not responsible for their action they are a mere cue ball of the energies other send and that the victims are to blame because they had the wrong vibrations. Thats kind of a twisted way to look at things if you ask me.

&SOUL: Roses for you!
" In order to arrive at a place you do not know you must go by a way you do not know "

-St John of the Cross


Quote from: Souljah333an intelligent girl "with money" that can AP!
(unfortunately that's not me :(

True but......You know, I'm a millionair, so.....
" In order to arrive at a place you do not know you must go by a way you do not know "

-St John of the Cross


I love you!


QuoteYou are inteligent and if you are so sexy like your avatar you should give me your contact...(you will be one winning )

This is a good example of making your own reality ... but it does not independent reality make. For all anyone knows, SoulJah is a 56-year-old mountain man living in Arkansas.

You don't let the CT rescue the hostages just because the tag is H0tBab3.

Yes, if you assume you're being scammed and behave as if that is the truth, you will have made that your reality (until proven otherwise). There's nothing so outlandish about that.
A certain degree of neurosis is of inestimable value as a drive, especially to a psychologist - Sigmund Freud


Quote from: hotshotrobotI would just like to commend our Corellian friend Hans for severing some foots and inserting them in their respective mouths. It's about time someone talked some sense in this masturbatory, mistake of a conversation. I agree with all of his points, and am especially indebted for the laughs received upon imagining some crazy mystic's bed surrounded by a small crocodile infested body of water.

I would like to add this to his criticisms: it makes no sense to claim that phasing is somehow a lesser theory just because it has a less extensive body of literature. The reason we can't write a book about it is that we don't understand it, not that it isn't true. Copernicus also wrote a book; it contained this crazy astronomical idea that the sun is actually the center of the solar system, and our earth is a measly planet! What a nut! Frank, as Hans said, is a pioneer. If anything, I'd say the reason for his absence is more likely due to that fact than any scam. If you float too close to the sun, your astral wings are likely to melt...

So, in my opinion, if anyone has anything else to say on the matter, it had better be REALLY worth it, or they'll only look like an idiot. That means YOU, whoever is reading this with a red face.

In closing, the immortal words of those Christian evangelists who so readily resemble our favorite mystical shysters (and by the same token remind us nothing of our friend Frank):

"Let us prey".

Quote from: han solo
" Now can anyone one person here point me to a modern book on Phasing techniques available on ebay/amazon published withing 5 years? "

What is this question even driving at? Bruce Moen does a modern phasing techniqe, oh and lets not forget that little writer.....whats WAS his name....oh yea, Robert Monroe! (although, he was after your 5 year time constraint) Franks scientific approach to astral projection is probably NOT what Llewlayan was looking for in their many books on fantasy land. Hell, how many here have astrally projected using Robert Bruces NEW ENERGY? Not many, however I know many here on this forum have benefited from phasing. I am one of those memebers. Robert Peterson is no unique master, his ebooks read the same as every other OBE author. In his book he just dilly dalles in the RTZ, how BORING! Just because your published, doesn't mean your a master.

I'm really quite disappointed. The fact remains there are no books on phasing in the past 5 years.
I suggested the phasing pros here collaborate and write the first e-book on phasing, but I see you are all talk, and run a mile and ignore those issues.

A lot of people are just all talk and like in a "cult", in blind faith, defending Frank, and jesus the guy hasn't even written a book for christs sake!  

Does everyone Frank Follower have such low intelligence?
He has no book, e-book, or through a publisher and no-one has seen it. And if he's spent 4 years on these forums, they've been a waste of time as me and most other don't understand a word he's saying half the time. If he couldn't pull out a book in 4 years, while he' spent all his time pratting on with this forum, he's not a credible author, and has not even made the first basic step to being a master of any kind. I really don't know why people are defending him.

I've never been negative about phasing what-so-ever.
I want to know more.  I'm just amazed no-one has the balls to write a e-book, even a small one of 50 pages for newbies.

Christ at this rate, I'll be the first person on this planet to write a book on phasing and beat everyone to that starting post and go down in history - while the rest of you are waffling on.
I wish people would stop wasting time on such waffle talk.
There is no book, and that's that, therefore he's not credible.

It's that simple.

I for one would never wish anything bad on any person, or any negative vibes, I'm clearly stating the facts and not entering in the realms of speculation.
I naturally, with all the best for Frank, and hope things are OK with him.

But, I'm still frustrated that there is still *NO BOOK ON PHASING* by anthor let alone Frank who's threatoned to write one for many years.

And why can't people see that is beyond me. If Phasing is the future why can't you explain it to me in an logicial article for newbies Hans Solo? Isn't your time best spent with that, rather than defending a ghost?  

So, please can all the phasing pros stop defending and start writing?


Quote from: BillionNamesofGod
So, please can all the phasing pros stop defending and start writing?

Such an eloquent response, and you assume that these "pros" want to write a book of some sort, or are even scribeworthy to get published. You also ask them to spend their time doing something they may not want to do as well. They defend someone who they respect, and you throw the respect they have for him out the door without their permission.

If you are willing to complain so easily about them defending Frank's Model of Phasing, striking at them like this, claiming you could be the first to write a book on phasing in the past five years [wow such a long gap tsk] and go down in history as our saviour of all things worthy of your literary touch [erm maybe for the next 5 years], then I would happily challenge you to do as you say. However, I doubt your words are as pristine and straightforward as we need, because you do have so much emotional buildup because of this thread. Please do us the favor and start thinking about yourself for once, instead of on what everyone else is saying here.

I will defend Frank until the day he says he decided to stop writing it. Frank has not finished his human growth cycle [that I know of], so most likely he just needs a bit more research time, and may be stuck somewhere where he cannot come back from. When he gets back, if he stays away for however long he did last time, you could already [with minimal effort] have that 50 page ebook written, but if you idle here in this thread you most likely won't.
I come prepared...with COOKIES! No, you can't have one!


My feeling tells my that Frank is really sick, so by that I'll go until proven otherwise. It's not because Im a blind follower it's simple the most likely given all the infos.

Mac: LOL
" In order to arrive at a place you do not know you must go by a way you do not know "

-St John of the Cross