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Good vibrations exercise

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In about 2016 I got a bit down looking back into my past which I had previously completely let go. I came up with an exercise to to feel amazingly good every day for 10 minutes to get back on track and I quickly began to heal emotionally. I have been doing this almost every day for 2 years now. I get shivers and feel amazing every time(although off track a bit recently). I just wanted to share what I came up with because I love it and want others to feel the same.

I looked around the internet looking for new and old songs I felt contained a lot of energy, love and positivity. I did this for 2-3 hours and made spotify list. Only really good vibes and lyrics made it onto the list.

Then what I did is I committed myself to for 5-10 minutes a day at least, play a few of those songs that were easy to feel the positive energy in. I had the music on and focused on those positive vibes until the feeling gets stronger(sometimes you feel find it hard to get there, but usually you feel great straight away).

What is also important to do during this time of listening and focusing on this feeling is to visualize a positive place with nature and things you find positive. Visualize in your mind a high vibrant place filled with love in the air, lakes nearby, huge trees with fruit in them. Soft grass on the ground. Maybe some dolphins in the water. Sometimes maybe you invite a celebrity of your choice to come dance with you freely unrestricted by any limitations, maybe you're even flying. You can be alone or add anything you want. Basically daydream but for the sake of only feeling better than you felt before you started this exercise. It is hard to fail when you try to feel better than when you weren't even trying to feel good.

My visualized place originates from the Astral Island people on here keep talking about. A beach in a half circle. There is a bridge a pure blue water and a small island close to it. In the water you will find lovely dolphins greeting you. There is a comfortable chair on the beach in the sand where I sit at dusk. There is a smaller path between jungle from the beach of soft grass leading to a circle inside the jungle with a very big tree. There is a staircase in this huge tree and to the right you will find a similar path to a similar tree. To the left you will find a small lake in the form of a circle which is rather deep. Guess what, dolphins here as well! There is also a steep mountain with a waterfall going down into this small and beautiful lake. Sometimes an extraterrestial may land on a beach surrounding this small lake(extremely small lake, almost like a pool). This place is very detailed, maybe you will see it for yourself if you try to get there or just make your own. Maybe continue on building this place.

My playlist is on spotify: spotify:user:116118775:playlist:4OjlreiWtdO1xvw1sOu727

Please share your results and your mood! :D