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Has anyone met this person while obein'?

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I dunno know his name but, I can give a very accurate describition of him. He is black kind of looks like busta the rapper. The dreads and skin tone. Well built but thick, has scares all over several on face one goes down his right side of face. The eye on the right side is dead.  doesn't where a shirt  on chest has several scares and markings on his chest. Cut into it mind you. They are laid open with this white mucus stuff in the marking cuts. He sometimes cares a spear. The tip looks reallt Jagged stained and appears to be made of bone. The shaft looks like old thick cherry woodwith a few knots in the wood. At the knots he has what looks like peices of bone feathers and dried skin. as for one of the markings on the chest think of a a simple drawing of a bird flying real far away. I would draw it but I dunno if I have a art program on here yet. Has anyone seen or met him? I have told someone else about him and told me his name and functions he performs on the otherside. Will tell those what I was told if they ask.


What happens when you see him?  Does he communicate with you? 


Sounds like Karl Jung's idea of a subconscious psychological archetype- in this case, a primitive hunter gatherer-type hero figure.
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


Well, when I seen him. I was having obe as I was sleeping. Is the best way to explain it. In the dream some family members was with me. He was just standing off to the side without the spear. Watching me interact with my family. One of my family members got hurt (impaled by several large jagged items I grabbed them started to cry and yell for help. Then he said enough I seen all that I need to see. Turned his back and started to walk into the darkness I grabbed his shoulder and he spun around with the spear at my throat. Then said you are not worth the effort of my blade. As he spoke I noticed the markings opened a lil more and oozed that stuff. Then he turned and disappeared. I awoke and heard a really high pitch ring was numb and like I had drank a case of beer at once and had to pee like no other.


 I was told he is a servent of the devil or "evil beings". He was once a great african warrior that sold himself for honor glory. That he is the master servent of hells watchers and gatherers and lesser evil entities. I forget his name, but those things I do remeber and the encounter quite well. I have talked to several people about him and one other person (besides the one who knew of him and told me of him) has seen him and was in a similar situation. Now, the person that told me about did not tell me about him before I had the obe dream. Plus, I started to tell the person about the markings and he stopped me then drew them. So, that was proof for me, lol!