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I have (many) questions. =)

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I read ppl talking about "vibrations" what is that? Is that the sound waves that you find on mp3 files/youtube etc? Or is realy ur body vibrating?

Because if it is youre body, ive already felt that some times, but i was not trying to AP or OBE...i was at work, siting, closing my eyes and i start to fell my body shaking/vibrating at once, my heart beat faster and my body gets warm. but i just wake up or felt a sleep.

Even a few minutes ago, i was trying (may sound funny since its the first time) to AP or OBE and i i quit and wen i quit...i start to fell those vibrations that heart beat and warm....after 30 40 sec its gone and i open my eyes.

Can any one explane me pls what is that? and why is happening even if im not trying to AP and OBE...those the fact that i may be an indigo adult have something to do with it?

Tks every one=)

PS: Im portugues sry for any grammar errors!


Ola meu!  Como e que vai isso? Olha, eu vou-te ajudar! Ninguem sabe ou certo o que as vibracoes sao.  Da uma olhada no meu link para teres uma idea:

Bem vindo!  :-D