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I admit it, I'm a GAMER,..are you?

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Thanks for the eye candy!!  ^^ I'm a Gamer too, as is my bf.  Yay for magic glowing boxes!!


This is a fun topic, isn't it!?  You know when I read your post it reminded me of one more reason I play, it's a very effective form of escapism... and it's much less dangerous than other forms of escapism I employed in the past as a reckless youth.  Nevertheless, it is worth mentioning that many people, especially children, waste dangerous amounts of time playing games and watching t.v. and suffer physical, emotional and mental consequences.  Setting limits in all things is a must.
We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot
fides quaerens intellectum


You mean like a frag limit, right? [;)]

Yeah it can be at times too easy for an individual to get "sucked in" to a game, or just games in general.  I think the biggest
responsability for parents is to make sure that thier kids
realize that it is just a game, it's not real life, and there
are other tings to do.

However I also look at gaming as an good way for people to
let go of thier more "socially unaceptable" thoughts and
behaviors.  That is one of the reasons I like games like
Grand Theft Auto, Carmageddon, Postal, and a slew of others
that have been attacked for being "too violent".  I see very
little harm in games like that as long as the person knows
where the line is.  And it is not up to the gaming industry
to teach that.  That's the parents job.

I am not a violent person either but I like games where I
can hurt, maim, destroy, steal, lie, cheat, and do all those
other things I would never do or can not do in real life.


Hello! I´m a gamer too, and i´m starting to get crazy if i don´t see in the nest weeks "UFO: Aftermath". I´m a XCOManiac[:P]. That´s the best game ever!
I love you!


The song "Too Much Time on my Hands" is running through my head now.  Where do you guys/gals find the TIME for all this?  Ah, youth.

But then again, I think of all that time I spend shoe shopping.  Over 100 pair, and fancy italian ones at that. All in their own fancy boxes with little labels on them. In other words, I guess everyone needs a hobby!



I have to agree that Zelda is a great game. It is my favorite NES game. I wish I knew where my original NES is. I am in the mood to play it. I guess I will have to settle for the game boy Zelda.

I wish I had time, Tisha. I rarely get to play any games. I barely have any time for meditation and energy work.
Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.


Fond memories:

Takin' it back a bit further:

Anyone here ever a Castlevania fan like I was?:

We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot
fides quaerens intellectum


CONTRA (how could have I forgotten!?)

Check out this review from
that I found on the web:
2 Player

Everyone has played Contra; it turned out to be the kind of game that was permanently attached to the NES name. Contra was the kind of game that did everything right, or close to it. This is the game that set a standard that hasn't been fully matched to this day.

Aliens are invading the Earth, and it's up to two soldiers to infiltrate their base and destroy the alien heart. What this translates into is unadulterated action where quick thinking and an itchy trigger finger are the skills you'll need to survive.

The Contra plays like any other side-scrolling game with bullets, expect here the bullet count reaches Robotron portions. In Contra, there really isn't a reason to stop shooting (especially with turbo fire). Kill enemies, overcome obstacles, collector power-ups, and beat the level boss; that's really all there is to it. In looking back, that's all there needed to be to it.

The power-ups provide great assistance throughout the game. You start with a standard rifle, and can acquire machine guns, flamethrowers, and lasers. The weapons all have their own distinct advantages to match the player's style. Smart bombs and invincibility power-ups are also available.

In between side-scrolling levels, players will have to shoot there way through enemy bases from a behind-the-character view. This mode is an interesting diversion from the rest of the game, though is arguably not as enthralling as the side-scrolling portions. Players must hit certain targets to blow open security doors while avoiding enemy fire, bombs, and rolling canisters. This mode involves ducking fire, waiting for the right moment, and attacking. It's unique, but not as mindless as the rest of Contra.

Contra's graphics are definitely top-notch. The beautifully rendered surroundings breath personality, and characters and enemies animate well. Save for some flicker and the occasional plain boss, the graphics are perfect.

The game's sound is everything a game should strive for. Weapon effects are all unique and sound great, and all of the other effects (explosions, mostly) bring the game together. The music is highly memorable, with every track well composed and appropriate for each situation. This is the pinnacle of NES music.

The controls perform very well. Shooting and jumping are all has to be worried about. The heroes can shoot in seven directions while standing, six while running, and eight while jumping; the options are vast and flexible. The only hiccup is the base levels, where more deaths result than necessary due to the sometimes-finicky controls.

Deaths, of course, are common in any case. Contra is a challenging game, with three lives, a handful of continues, and one-hit kills on your side, guarantee ample resistance. Unless you use the Konami Code, this Contra will put up a tough fight.

Like all NES children of the eighties, I played Contra whenever I got the chance. I purchased a copy of my own a few years back for six dollars, a price that still holds today. I can't imagine all of the hours this game would have eaten up if I owned it when I was younger.

......BOTTOM LINE: Contra is phenomenal fun that can't be overestimated. It's one of the best NES games and a testament to the NES library. A must-have masterpiece.

-The Collector

We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot
fides quaerens intellectum


Hey Peaceful...


Know what that is?  :D  I OWN contra.  I RULE the game.  YAAAAAAAA!!!

Thanks for the nostalgia :D



Anyone ever played the old Infocom text adventure games such as Zork I-III, Planetfall, Infidel etc? No graphics, only the description of a room and your imagination and memory.

Now that I've thought about them, I'll have to dig them up and see if I can still complete them.

2cents & L&L

Links Shadow

Dear PeacefulWarrior,

I agree Contra is an awesome game.  I don't own the original Castlevania but I do have the second one called Simon's Quest.  I still have to say Duck Hunt is my favorite game.  I love that stupid dog that fetchs the birds.  Especially when he cries when you fail.


Hey Squeek,

They make T-shirts with that on there with the caption,
"The Ultimate Code"

Actually they are starting to make a lot of shirts with various old school gamer stuff on them.  There pretty cool.


My favourite games are all DIABLO games, all ZELDA games, Final Fantasy 3, Final Fight, Street Fighter, then Dark Age of Camelot (MMORPG), Max Payne, Counter-Strike.
But my favourite virtual world is my own made [;)]


SQUEEK- you know what's funny, everybody says "BABA select start" but I always did ABAB select I wonder if you can do it either way or just bb or aa[?]

And for you LINKS SHADOW:

We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot
fides quaerens intellectum


A king. A legend. A god. A dog. One of the most famous figures from the NES era, 'the hunting dog', is both beloved and notoriously annoying. Bullets can't hurt him, oh no, nothing can kill this dog. Go ahead, try it, he still springs up from behind the tall grass like always. Well, what would you expect from a Nintendo-made game? Did you think that by shooting the dog with a large orange plastic gun would then lead to it quietly falling to the ground in less death? Nope, you can only do that to the birds (silly!).

Context tells us that this dog is on our side, and happily holds up recently killed birds by their necks, then burrows below the grass again. But what exactly does this hunting dog do with all of these dead birds? Some NES experts say he saves your hunt for later, potential trophy displays. However, skeptics disagree, saying that the hunting trip never ends because the dog has another use of these ducks.. that of an evil use. These Nintendo cults believe that the dog is really associated with a witchcraft,devil figure that uses the infinite amount of ducks for sacrifical ways thus granting it IMMORTALITY!!!! Which

We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot
fides quaerens intellectum


by Ryan Fulton and Josh Byra

The last known photo of "that damn dog."
SHREVEPORT, LOUISIANA--Bruce Shamson was questioned today about the fatal shooting of a dog near a duck pond. He had told his friends that he had "finally shot that gosh darn dog." The body was never found, however.

Actually, Shamson had not shot a real dog, rather, he had cracked a code in his Game Genie that allowed him to shoot the laughing dog in the NES game, Duck Hunt.

"I been playin' that game fer nearly 14 years now, and I finally had enough of its friggin' laughin' every time I missed. I figgered out the code last week, when I started mixin' up the letters in my Game Genie. I didn't think anything was gonna happen, but when I missed that last time, and he popped up from them bushes, I put a bullet right between his friggin' eyes," Shamson boasted. "Now that I got the code, the damn dog don't laugh so friggin' hard anymore, cause it know I mean bidness."

We asked him what the code was, so that other players could finally take out their aggressions on "that gosh darn dog," but he refused to tell us, saying, "I figgered it out, and I ain't givin' it to nobody! If you wants it, you gonna have to pay for it just like everbody else. I kin make up to $200 dollars a day lettin' my friends pick that sumbitch off when he laughs at em'. They willin' to pay 75 cents for every round they get to shoot his butt."

"Next week, I am gonna try to get the code that will let me tie his fuzzy butt up and load him into that clay pigeon machine. That way, not only can I blow him to bits as he is howlin' through the air at 50 miles an hour, but if I miss then he's gonna be some busted up. Guess who gonna be laughin now!"

Animal rights activist Laura Spitzer, Shamson's neighbor, says that she thinks that it is cruel and inhumane for him to shoot the dog repeatedly.

"Even though it is not a real dog, electronic pets need love and care too! That's why I went and bought out the entire shelf of Gigapets at our local Toys R' Us. They looked lonely and hungry on the shelf there, and I couldn't bear to see them hurt no more," Spitzer said.

When asked about Ms. Spitzer, Shamson remarked, "Stupid grump."

The Mushroom is still looking into the possibility of inbreeding in both the Spitzer and Shamson bloodlines.
I had no idea this dog is so popular!:

We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot
fides quaerens intellectum

Links Shadow

That is hilarious PeacefulWarrior, I have never seen that before.  God I wish I had that code.  Oh well, I can still kill him in my lucid dreams. Hehe, that'll show him.


LOL!!! I Have 5 copies of Super Mario Bros / Duck Hunt :D

The ultimate code? how sad is that?  :p  Remember those little boxes?  The "S", "L", "M", "F", "B"?  Spread, Laser, Machine Gun, Flamethrower, ????  what did the B stand for?!! LoL

Ohh put peaceful, I'm afraid you forgot the best game of all time.  It's a shame. They're gonna put this thing on the GBA.  Are you ready?  READY???!!

:D :D :D



Links Shadow

Oh man how could I ever forget about Bubble Bobble.  Such a great game, and it goes on forever, almost.  I love the fat final boss.  Oh man this topic has caused me to put my gamecube on the shelf and pull out my NES.  I have been playing my NES for the last 3 days, good times.


hehe now i remeber Bubble Bobble, i played it on my first computer - Commodore 128 [:D]


I'm gonna make this short,
Neverwinter Nights FOREVER!



Oh man....yeah I am a gamer....and PROUD of it!!! quake 2.....

I've done some mapping too in the last year, which is pretty sweet. If there are any quakers out there: (no weapons there, cos we always play action all weaps)
and (bwahahahaha)
the last leet jump maps. Like tony hawkes 2 only with all the action weapons, bigger and MUCH cooler.
Here's some shots from the first, more serious map,

getting air time (love leet jumping.....maps built around being l337!!)

damn you x-boxers......stealing Halo off the PC!!! And I am STILL waiting for it.....grrrrrrr.......
So yeah, love gaming, but its mildly worrying when I'm sniping people in my dreams, and its like real life....hmmm....
(!!!Formerly known as Inguma!!!)
You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are vaster than the universe and more powerful than a flaring supernova. You are truly incredible!!


How about Return to Castle Wolfenstein?

This game kept me busy for a while. I had to get rid of all those bad Nazis.

"What lies before us, and what lies behind us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us...." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


BubbleBobble was/is an amazing game, I remember staying up till all hours of the night and day playing that thing...and then, of course, came Bust-a-Move from the same company and with the same little dino characters, it was the game in which you shot bubbles and if you line up three they burst, that is also a great game.

Attention all you gamers, go to:
All the upcoming games...
By the way, scroll down to Vivendi's titles and click on "Half-Life 2 E3 2k3" and let me know what you think (those of you with 56k are in for a wait, but it's WELL worth it!)
We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot
fides quaerens intellectum


15 - DAY WARNING!!!!

The best game of the year, SOUL CALIBUR 2, Comes out in America on August 27th... 15 days from today.  PICS!!!



LOOK! It's KILIK!! Whoooooooooooooooooo..


Buy this game.  For any system, it's on all 3.
