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Astral Chat => Welcome to Astral Chat! => Topic started by: Bedeekin on April 23, 2013, 23:09:12

Title: I have questions about pseudo-reality.
Post by: Bedeekin on April 23, 2013, 23:09:12
Recently I had a paranoia brake down. Not an emotional one that effected my mental health... but one that caused me to wake up and smell the coffee. Now I know most of you guys and gals call 'waking up' when you see through the wool being pulled over your eyes... in my case it's gone one step further.. where I seem to have stepped back from the paranoid reality bubble we are in and can see people looking through the woollen cover at this perceived problem. The trouble is... I can see a lot of cowering people, worried and paranoid, that have been utterly BOMBARDED with oodles and oodles of contrasting information and multiple iterations of plots and sub-plots, ideas and twists... hundreds of websites fuelling their own minds... just a massive cacophony of paranoid ideas... this extends from demons, illuminati, reptilian aliens controlling the world, FERMA, New World Order (Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg Group.) False Flag operations like Columbine, 9/11, Sandy Hook and recently Boston. The faked Moon Landings, Bases on the moon, Aliens around earth, hollow earth theory. Chem-trails and systematic poisoning of civilians, holographic manipulation of the population or control of them via satellites or HAARP which is also able to control weather that caused Hurricane Katrina and earthquakes. Underground bases. The creation of diseases to test or control population... from killing them to making them do things. Every order of psychological manipulation. Water fluoridation to clog up our pineal glands... The list is endless. Now I'm sure everyone has heard of all or some of these... actually... let me reiterate... everyone here has probably heard of these and a whole lot more. This is the fuel that stokes the fire. While they are very interesting ideas and have a footing in some sort of reality.. somewhere along the way... they all simply can't exist.

Anyway... I recently came online after a short sabbatical full of rage about the Boston bombings. Basically... I have had enough of it all. The conspiracy stuff. Not because it scares me.. quite the opposite. But because it upsets me that people are creating this... bubble... of completely paranoid fear around them which is causing it to interfere with my life. So.. If I can't beat them... I should join them and become paranoid also. Or maybe things can be clarified. I posted on this thread....;topic=41708.0;num_replies=11

Because I went slighty off topic I've brought the conversation over here. So... based on some replies I have questions and reactions to it.

Understand I am only asking this because I do not understand... and because it pervades my everyday moochings (not my actual life) and is something I constantly see online I need to understand before I start to take it seriously. The only evidence I see you must understand is through what people post... not what is visible to me. These are comments made by Stillwater... these aren't far fetched or really conspiracy theorise but they raise questions and comments with me.

"-Money I make every year in taxes is going straight to military contractors to kill civilians in the middle east and elsewhere without end."

Fair enough... this is and has been going on since leaders began taking money off its citizens... before they did this they used to just use civilians as 'military'... this naturally needs to stop. The civilians are collateral damage... while this is abhorrent and isn't an excuse... they aren't systematically on purpose killing civilians... am I right?

'-There is a comprehenive plan of fiscal and military dominance of the worlds resources, to which the public is never privy, and which creative lies are continuously concocted to justify'

Is this just US or every single country? If only USA why is the world allowing it to happen?

-The NSA has built data centers to ultimately collect (by their own admission) every piece of electronic communication that occurs on the planet for evidence storage. I am not ok with the NSA using this data to build a potential case against every connected person in the world. I don't need everythign I say on the phone stored in some giant facility in Utah- and again paid for by me.

Again... this had been going on since time immemorial... it's the digital revolution that is allowing larger data storage and peoples resignation to the technology. As far as storing every single phone conversation and building a case towards every single person online what's the point? Who gathers it? How many people are employed to search through 7 billion people's lives... ok... that's the population of the world. Lets narrow it down to 300 million americans and 62 million brits. To what end are we being monitored for?

"-30,000 drones are flying all overhead, watching everything, and are eventually going to be given clearance to use their armaments against civilians- the talks have been moving in that direction for years."

Proof please. Not a pseudo paranoid conspiracy website but actual proof. The manufacturers. the system used. The written evidence that says that they are going to be turned on their population. Say this is true... to what end.. again... what's the point? Policing?

'-Police forces are being made into a domestic army, with military-grade gear.'

But we are getting unmanned drones.... so this shouldn't last long. What are they going to be used for... and to what end?

'-I have witnessed people casually assaulted by police, who have no fear of repurcussions.'

I have. Police are doing this a lot. There are a LOT of idiots out there though. This should stop... and may stop when the drones take over?

'-The enforced dominance of all commerce by a few sanctioned corporations and banks, which are given special legislative priveliges to lobby for laws which further their own continued dominace'

They already dominate and have done for hundreds of years... but I agree fully with this. It can't last and wont.

-I am told I live in a democracy, but I am given the choice of voting for 2 nearly identical parties for every office

We have three... but really.. .mainly 2. again.. .this is the way it has been for a long time. A change of government is needed.. or they might as well usher in single government in the US... it'll cause a civil war.. but maybe that's what is needed.

Quote from: Stillwater on April 23, 2013, 16:03:51
The list can really go on for pages, but I think you get the idea; I don't think conspiracies are necessary for the government to further its agendas, whatever those might be- it has done and will do plenty which is abhorent in the daylight.

Is it the worst government in the world? No. But it is very quickly becoming one of the very most corrupt.

So... how has this actually effected your life?

When you say 'whatever that may be'... this is the question I ask myself.

Why? what is the end game? why would the government want to run a world that isn't happy? Social status is the reason people want power. What's the point of having a social status without a social system with which to have it in? It's almost like a scorched earth scenario but instead of damaged buildings.. we have a damaged population.

Quote from: its_all_bad on April 23, 2013, 16:18:07
"False Flag" incidents are legit and most people won't refute that, but it is paranoid to think that a government agenda is behind every incident. With that said, I don't think it's paranoia to believe that our gov will exploit this tragedy. I can't say that enough.

In ten years or less, every move we make in the public from the time we step outside, will be recorded either through private or public cameras and gov satellites. We might as well get comfortable with that idea because nothing is gonna stop it. London and Boston are proof now that you will get caught doing these heinous acts and that's too powerful for the gov not to roll with the public surveillance.

If it was an effective deterrent that would make bad dudes not want to do bad things, I could probably buy into it. But it's not. Criminals and terrorists do what they do and the threat of getting caught is not enough because some don't care and others don't think they will get caught.

Meanwhile, we're still no safer but at least we will all be working in the movies.

Again... who is monitoring all of this?

Talking of movies... it's actually a movie plot I see when conspiracies are mentioned.

Quote from: Lionheart on April 23, 2013, 16:34:19
Bad people do bad things. Good people, unfortunately are their targets.

But the damn media just can't let it go.  :-o

They just LOVE to fuel the FEAR MACHINE.

This is true. grrrrr

But... I think the FEAR MACHINE is self perpetuating with some of the utter tripe I've been hearing with the false flag thing.

I got called out as an operative by every 'truth' site and FB page and subsequently got banned.. different people these are... not just one. I got called out as a mole or government operative because I was asking questions and questioning their motives. They were genuinely convinced I was a 'mole'. This doesn't fill me with much confidence about the 'truth movement' motives or their state of mental health.
Title: Re: I have questions about pseudo-reality.
Post by: Wi11iam on April 24, 2013, 00:13:01
Well Ben...

It is very obvious that for every true story there is an opposite and equally true story. :)

What you are venting about here is a product of duality.  The battle against good and evil, which as you say, has been going on for centuries...really since the dawn of societies and what is being witnessed is the techno version of this.

I think that it is all there for the purpose of distraction - which camp will you choose to be of service to, and will it be on the side of good or of evil?

Seriously, do you think the citizens of any civilized country think themselves the evildoers?

To further add to the chaos, the internet is showing clearly that human beings are truly confused, but the motivation of any kind of theory to do with belief has to do with control, influence, money, power...and it is the factions which germinate, perpetuate and cultivate rumor and breath life into it through its following.

The factions are not concerned with unity or harmony but are using fear as a tool in any and all that they might have the chance to turn into mouthpieces for their particular cause, and politics is closely tied into this thing and uses what it can to procure the votes and this thing seems to be a runaway train - how small white lies can becoming raging destructive the detriment of the species.

It is undeniably happening throughout most layers of human society, but it is avoidable to the greater degree although it is understandable that the more this continues, the tighter things are becoming, the less choice one might have to avoid adding ones own energy to it - things truly can get nasty and "they who are not for us are against us' could become a catch cry slogan for the most prolific of groups which are and will continue to emerge and there may well come a time when not being 'for' something will be enough reason to get arrested and incarcerated or even killed.

However, it may just be that what is occurring will have the effect of closing down a lot of the radical groups and the reason they are so vocal is because they know that as the system tightens its hold with its ability to monitor effectively every human being on the planet that their hidden agendas will be revealed and that which has previously been able to parade as some kind of righteous will be fully exposed for the lie that it is and revealed information will destroy their power, or short of that - erode their image sufficiently that their demise is assured.

Personally speaking, I have nothing to hide and no problem with social authority knowing everything about me.  The problem is that a greater percentage of individuals throughout society have things they want to keep hidden and the thought of being exposed is something they are very afraid of and would think nothing of starting rumors of conspiracy or supporting that which spreads the rumors.

Society is ripping itself off by ripping off its neighbor members of same said society and this practice has been so accepted and habitual that anything which threatens it is barraged with all sorts of methodology - from innuendo, lies, infiltration, bullying, slander, murder, mayhem - you name it - there it is.

I don't care for it, have no respect for it, and would like to see it die the death it deserves...which is to say that I would like to see people transform their lives into productive units of loving-kindness with the intent on not taking sides in the human duality drama but stepping out of that and into something far more productive and proactive, but that is perhaps just a dream.

Title: Re: I have questions about pseudo-reality.
Post by: Astralzombie on April 24, 2013, 00:21:08
That's a lot of good points and questions that you brought up. Hopefully I can answer some of them without contributing to your declining hope in mankinds' sanity. :-D

False flag incidents are orchestrated. Germany created one with Poland to justify their invasion. If you choose to believe that the truth can be exposed without a formal admission of guilt, then you will know that the US created an incident in the Gulf of Tonkin to go to war with North Vietnam. I only need one example though to make my original statement true.

There is a fine line between not wanting to be made a fool by someone else and making a fool out of yourself. All we can do is listen to what we're told, research what we can, and compare that to their previous and current actions. The problem is that they can all jive and still be a lie. If it was a lie and you believed it, that doesn't make you a fool. If you knew it was a lie, that doesn't mean you're not paranoid. Both the fool and the paranoid freak are justified for believing what they did.

I just want to be clear on the Boston bombing though. I never once believed that the gov either created the mess or allowed it to happen. I'm just taking the administrations' word for it and believe that they will exploit this incident in some way, a way that may not even be apparent yet. If it wasn't for Sandy Hook, there would not be any hot debating going on concerning the right to own guns, what kind, and how much. It's only now, when many people who would normally be for guns are currently against them or non-committed because of their fears and emotions, that the gov is going after it hot and heavy. Strike while the iron is hot, so to speak.

Even if I can't express the feeling accurately, there is something in me that cringes at the sight of seeing military humvees and armored vehicles rolling down American streets. Not to mention the Blackhawks soaring in the skies. Satellite photos have been released as well where they were recording the terror dude #2 being captured. Call it good police work but something about satellites recording our own citizens annoys me to say the least.

When it comes to camera surveillance, there's little that will slow that trend, much less to stop it. Private businesses need them because of crime. At best they hope it will deter a crime and in the least, they can use it to prosecute one. I doubt there will be someone there to watch every camera at every moment but that's not the point. The point is that they are there and they will record your actions should you break the law. They have proven their weight in gold in that aspect and the gov is taking notice. London is the most surveyed city in the world and I think that's why they are always smiling.

Stillwaters statement about these huge databases are a reality. As fas as I know, no gov has admitted to using one to track their own citizens but companies have admitted to developing the tech to handle that much incoming data and store it. They aren't doing it for no reason. They have either been commissioned or just know that it's coming and see the big pay day. I'll tell you one thing, the US gov is not gonna say no to it once the tech is reliable and in place. It's benefit in prosecution after the fact is too much to pass up if the tech is deemed constitutional. And if not, they will use it anyway to know what's what.

He also said that the US gov has a plan in place to procure the world's resources. That's a fact and they better be. Should the day arise that there is only one reliable source of drinking water in the entire world, I want my gov ready to acquire or defend it, depending on where it is at. Truthfully, on a new personal and spiritual level, I do not see the value in a world like that.

Okay, after all that, I still have this to say. I only pay attention to this stuff and take a note of it. It's all history to me and I love history. I want to get it right is all. Since we can never be sure on some things, I like to look into all the angles. I do believe the worst on a few things and the best on others. But overall, I do not spend my money planning on a doomsday event though I believe some scenarios are possible. Like I said, I do not see the value in that type of world or existence. I will happily go out sharing what I have until I have no more. My home is your home as well as the food and water. I'm not Mother Theresa and I will turn the bad dudes around but that's only if I'm defending someone other than myself.

The fringe types that believe the worse in everything are ust a product of a crazy world and honestly, I don't blame them for it. They are not the ones that keep the crazy ideas flowing, it is the actions of the world govs. Truth be told, it may really be a legit reason on their part for keeping something a top secret but they could choose to dispel any conspiracy theory any time they like. But many times, the "crazy" talk works to their advantage and if it doesn't, they keep that myth alive as well.

Beedeekin, your little "meltdown" is a sane response to an insane world. Anybody with a heart right now, has a broken heart. You're not alone. Politicians do what they do because someone has to. We're not all cut out for it. No one changes the game, the game changes them. Love them or hate them, until we're all ready to love one another, the world would be a lot crazier without most of them.

Reality may be subjective but there's nothing pseudo about it.
Title: Re: I have questions about pseudo-reality.
Post by: Bedeekin on April 24, 2013, 04:10:33
It's the fringe 'truthers' that are probably ruining it for all of us... Has anyone considered that it is them that are part of the 'scheme'? Set out to ridicule the more subtle, realistic truths?  :wink:

Obviously I am joking.. but it's easy to come up with any link... and you can go as deep down the rabbit hole as your paranoid mind can allow.

There are many things that I mentioned above that I don't believe in... not only because of their ridiculous notions but also because they are pseudo-scientific and don't hold up to actual scrutiny.

Also... I wasn't specifically getting at Stillwater.. they were excellent points. I was being devil's advocate. Just to let you know there Stillwater. ;)

There is also a culture of those that WANT there to be a conspiracy... in the same way that there are those that come here and WANT there to be demons. I think it makes their lives more interesting and puts a spin on what they interpret as a pretty mundane existence.

It's evident when someone posts about demons and asks specifically for only those who believe in them to post replies... it's almost like role-play. They need it to feel special. This goes for I think a majority of the Truthers.

I have also noticed that the majority of them aren't successful hard working people, or rather haven't aspired to something. They tend to be out of work or work in menial, unsatisfactory jobs. This gives them too much time on their hands and scheming about how their lives are effected by the BIG MAN probably lifts them out of their humdrum world and gives reason to their strifes. I can say this with confidence... I used to be like this when I was bored and didn't have a clue what I wanted to do with my life. I have been where these people are. If I had the internet when I was in my early 20s I would be lapping this stuff up. I didn't. I was confined to UFO magazines and OOBEs.. those being my actual saving grace as it goes. Sometimes these types are socially retarded or loners who can't relate too much to others. I imagine it's amazing when many of these poor peeps find like minded others on the internet.

As you can see... I don't find these things wholly problems and results of the governments... I find the truther movement a result of too much information, a lack of esteem and quality in life, jealousy of those who do go and get what they want and overpopulation.

The governments of the UK and US are a bunch of power duped cretins, don't get me wrong.. .I just don't think we should blame them for our own ineptitude towards life. They owe us nothing when we are born.... we should find what we want by striving towards it. Not expect them to provide.
Title: Re: I have questions about pseudo-reality.
Post by: sunshaker on April 24, 2013, 05:34:00
There is now so much information on the web, we can now find what ever we "choose" to look for,

You are also right that much of it is fabricated, but i lot is not when you know how to look, and don't just use youtube as your source of information, 
But this does bring me to the subject of are we being "monitored",

I was following something that was going on in America, i'm from England, and i noticed something "strange", i needed some information on a couple of companies in america, for this process i had to put in my post code, which i did, then they asked for my house number, i gave them next doors :-),

Within 15mins i saw blue lights outside my house, IT WAS THE POLICE, they went first to my neighbours whose address i gave, then they came to mine,
They came in to my home all smiles, and told me they had a tip off that i was going to commit suicide that night, all the time stareing at my computer, i asked them where did they get this tip of, but they said they had "no information".

Next day i thought i am not going to let this go, i phoned our police station, after being passed around, i was eventually told the tip came from the other side of the country in kent, but it had been "sorted now" and "i need not worry"? that was all they would tell me.

Yes there is alot of fabricated nonsense out there, But also alot of truth.

Title: Re: I have questions about pseudo-reality.
Post by: Bedeekin on April 24, 2013, 05:52:16
But... looking at it rationally... obviously from my point of view. Why would they specifically pin point you?

On several occasions I have bought Salvia Divinorum for friends in the States using their bank card details and my address as a delivery... also I search a lot online and put my post code in... why don't I have the cops turn up.

Also... why would they call? How many people at that one given time were potentially online putting their address in and why would they target you?

Why would they look at your computer? Do they think you would still have the screen up that you were looking at?

Is that not just a tad paranoid?

If I was online... and I typed in 'how to make a bomb' and the police knocked on my door 15 minutes later then I might get a little suspicious... but only if they asked to see my laptop.

Maybe that's all they knew?

Maybe you had someone on a forum that was messing you about.

I just don't see why you would be targeted when I'm sure their are much more pressing things for the police to be getting on with.
Title: Re: I have questions about pseudo-reality.
Post by: sunshaker on April 24, 2013, 07:17:16
I must admit, i was looking into some very prominent "entities",

It was scarey where it seemed to be leading,

The information was to do with financial records, and at the time i had never had anything to do with "forums".

I understand what you say, i would perhaps say the same,

But i knew i was taking risks with what i was doing, If the police had just turned up to my house, i might have thought it was just a prank, but they went to the neighbours house which i gave the address for, within 15mins of asking for this info.
Why would they first go to this false address looking for me? a strange coincedence?

It is the first time i have had police at my home, and they first go to this false address i gave.

"edit" i never did receive this info.
Title: Re: I have questions about pseudo-reality.
Post by: Bedeekin on April 24, 2013, 08:04:39
I don't know why they would go there and then to yours... Maybe it WAS a prank and they were told that you lived next door by your neighbours after mistakenly going to theirs. Did you ask them (your neighbours) what they wanted?

I can see why you might think 'hang on a minute'... but that would be where my own curiosity would end were it me. I would chalk it up to coincidence because of the mundaneness of the way it panned out. 

If the cops asked you specifically about why you were digging up financial records then that would be scary... can you imagine what happened at their end if it was what you think it was?

'code 7... we have a code 7.. person has given his address after looking up some financial institution info on the internet'

'copy that... How do we proceed on code 7?'

'..... erm... try to gain entry into the room with the computer... and erm... just look at the screen.. don't make it too obvious though'

'do we arrest subject or remove computer to check for the code 7?'

'negative... just linger... maybe... don't know.. say he was a suspected suicide thing'

"b... but'

'Just do it officer... national security depends on it'
Title: Re: I have questions about pseudo-reality.
Post by: Lionheart on April 24, 2013, 15:35:05
 Bedeekin, I just finished a Renaissance Faire in Kansas, where I came across a number of people who were like minded. Each of them was "open and aware" and all of them had the same view points on many things.

They knew what was going on, but didn't harp on it. They understoood and lived their lives the best they could, without having to live in fear or having all the mindless Media fear interrupting them.

They each voiced their opinions on the recent Bombings and not one of them, myself included were speaking about a Conspiracy.

We were however highly bothered by the Media reaction to the event. Especially with the knowing that EVERYTHING happens for a reason.

Whether that reason is too make people more aware, or alter their lives and paths in some way or another.

The Fear Machine I speak of can be found in all forms of Media and Gov't. While in Kansas there was a standoff, whereas a man had killed two people already and he was involved with the Police in a lengthy standoff. They didn't stop the regular scheduled program. There wasn't 72 hour around the clock coverage. All there was was a simple 1 minute tevlevision story on the event.

The Fear Machine can be seen once again in all of the Paranormal shows on TV, movies, radio interviews, almost everything you read and watch can be manipulated. etc.

Sometimes the Fear Machine is created to get the "War Drums" beating ever stronger. To get people angry and make it easier to take advantage of their anger.

You talk about how much you dislike it when people come here speaking of Demons and possession. Well, where do you think this all comes from? I would say it's our conditioning.

I saw President Obama on TV recently with a couple of the families from the Sandy Hook incident. He said "shame on you Congress". He made it look like they voted as they did solely to hurt those poor families. He stood there and said that they don't feal or care about what those families feel. He couldn't see that they made their decisions based on the fact that they felt that having stronger gun laws would not have made a difference. That the shooter would have found a way to kill them regardless of the laws.

I know your feeling on guns and gun laws Bedeekin. Mine, I don't like them, don't care for them. But, I agree with Congress on this issue. If that shooter wanted to harm, he would have found a way to do it.

How far does your Pseudo-reality beef go, all the way to Roswell? Is that fake too.

I agree that every incident these days brings out the nay-sayers, but there is a lot of truth when you read between the lines.

Just remember there is a story from one side, the story from the other side and in the middle of those two lies the truth.

This is likely the reason that when I first started to AP, that I was told to "SEE THROUGH".

That doesn't just hold true in the NPR though!  :wink:

Title: Re: I have questions about pseudo-reality.
Post by: Wi11iam on April 24, 2013, 17:37:40
When one gets to the nitty-gritty, without the CT hoopla and 'he said she said they said' unconfirmed gossip etc...well one can spend a life time very concerned with all that type information and be no more enlightened by that.

What we can do (if we want to) is accept.  Quiet simply the oil industry which fuels the Machine is something every one of us are involved with and alternate cleaner ways of producing energy are slow to come to the fore but everything which keeps me ticking over in this experience in this PMR is connected to Oil some how, and I personally would be the hypocrite if I bitched about it whilst being sustained by it.

Sheeple is a term which describes people who are somehow in denial about what it is which sustains them - denial about the ramifications, those more obvious things like where the Superpowers and their followers choose to focus their helpful attention when involving themselves in the affairs of less powerful countries - for example, the poorest nation in the West could do with some superpower help but there is no real profit to be made in assisting Haiti due to its history - there is nothing of value which can be taken - it has already been taken.

I think the term Sheeple might come from the fact that a lot of the Superpowers are beholden to Christianity and the Great Shepard, but whatever -

As to being accused of being some kind of 'mole' or Government Operative - well what does that mean exactly?  Obviously it is not a term of endearment, but isn't that what all law abiding citizens are?
I mean, if you were to report a robbery, or some such thing to the authorities, you essentially are an operative.

My own understanding on what is unfolding is that it is meant to unfold as it does for a reason and part of that reason is that human beings are lying to each other, ripping each other off, lying about each other, being hypocrites, hiding parts of their lives which are very questionable, - so many things they are doing to each other which are unkind through to atrocious, and this has been the way for a very long time (and has its echos in NPMR) and one of the major reasons why this is such a problem has to do with our ability to hide our agenda from one another, while we also seek out those who are (appear to be) akin to us so we can join together to strengthen the manifestation of those agenda into this PMR.

This causes so many problems on so many levels as can be seen by the evidence.

This is also changing as technology finds ways to prevent the individual from executing personal agenda.

My own understanding is that due to the nature of my own path I gained the attention of what are commonly referred to as 'The Powers That Be' but I have no qualms with being in such a position because I have no thing to hide from 'them' - I am not a threat in any way, and more often than not I am helpful.

I also understand that their is an aspect of humanity which is working together for the Collective Consciousness and that it is this CC which is ultimately the 'Superpower' but recognizes no particular creed, country, religion, politics, culture etc...and that this CC has its 'counterpart' in the NPMR.

There is some disgruntled attitude toward 'Corporations' running Governments - it is my understanding that this is correct assessment and not such a hidden thing either.  Corporations are far more capable of clarity and focus of collective intent than individuals are and they are unified.

The days of old are going going gone.   The best protection you have is your kindness to day even Superpowers will be a thing of the past...a means to an end...or more accurately...a new paradigm.

Title: Re: I have questions about pseudo-reality.
Post by: desert-rat on April 24, 2013, 18:11:48
I just skimmed through this , but I think you forgot the second shooter on the grassy knowll in Dallis in 63 .         I would think you could go back in time to that grassy knowll in Dallis and see who might be there .  I would think one could use a.p. visit the moon and look for the bottom l.e.m. halves .            On 9/11 I think you would need to be on board the hijacked planes . On f.e.m.a. camps you could look for them while out of body , the same with the dulce base in NM .
Title: Re: I have questions about pseudo-reality.
Post by: Astralzombie on April 24, 2013, 21:48:59
I think the ultimate "truther" and most interesting is John Lear but truth be told, he's a nut. He finds a conspiracy under every rock and I'm not talking your everyday mundane conspiracies either.

He's one of those that doesn't speculate because he "knows". :roll:

He claims to have high ranking inside whistle blowers in every branch of the gov but I doubt that. I'm sure most people that high up would just steer clear of him.

My guess is that he really does know a few things about some old stuff that's probably true ( he was a pilot for/with the CIA ). Now he warps everything.
Title: Re: I have questions about pseudo-reality.
Post by: desert-rat on April 24, 2013, 22:08:03
If we are putting John Lear on this list lets put some other names there too . Like Ed Dames , Richard Hogland , Bob Lazar , ect. 
Title: Re: I have questions about pseudo-reality.
Post by: Bedeekin on April 25, 2013, 01:25:59
OK... ok... I just typed 2 long replies... and deleted them. I realise I am actually attacking a belief system. *head slap*

It's akin to going on a christian forum and denouncing the bible. Instead of bible quotes I am getting links and the same old arguments.

I love you all as fellow NPMR explorers... but I'm done with the weird PMR paranoid side of it. It's just not me.

Yes Lionheart.. I know my Roswell thing is a belief... I believe it could be true but I am starting to doubt it because again within the UFO community, the same arguments and things are said time and time again. I'll wait for anything to arise if it does and be happy if it does and happy if it doesn't.
Title: Re: I have questions about pseudo-reality.
Post by: Lionheart on April 25, 2013, 02:15:54
Quote from: Bedeekin on April 25, 2013, 01:25:59
Yes Lionheart.. I know my Roswell thing is a belief... I believe it could be true but I am starting to doubt it because again within the UFO community, the same arguments and things are said time and time again. I'll wait for anything to arise if it does and be happy if it does and happy if it doesn't.
Since when did what other people think begin to make a difference to you Bedeekin?

Believe what you see to be true, believe what's in your heart.

You will never change another person's mind on anything, until they decide they are ready to think anew.

That is what we see over and over again here with this practice.

New members are going to come here and relay their stories as paranormal or Demonic. Why, because that is what it seems to them.

After they read and understand more about Sleep Paralysis in general, (especially due to all the work you did composing those threads on the topic), they will change their mindset, which in turn, changes their reality.

Some will stay stubborn and look for someone to share their fear scenarios with, no matter what we say. But that is Ok, It's their right.

They will change their own mind once they take the time to learn what is really happening.

My recent bouts with night terrors and sleep paralysis, have shown me once again to have empathy for them. Until they know otherwise. Their experiences and perceptions of them are their reality.

The same thing goes for living your life in Conspiracies. One day they wake up and see anew.

Bedeekin I also wasn't targeting you for our belief of Roswell. I just wanted to know what the extent of your meaning was on the Pseudo-Reality in general.

You said you went to other Forums where Conspiracy Theorists frequent. Of course they are going to be saying this or that, they are Conspiracy Theorists.

The UfO community in general is so confused right now. Mostly because of all the false information out there. There is more disinformation, then there is real and true information.

Why is that? Who is doing this? These are great questions, but are also questions that lead back to Conspiracy Theories again.
Title: Re: I have questions about pseudo-reality.
Post by: Astralzombie on April 25, 2013, 02:38:31
QuoteOK... ok... I just typed 2 long replies... and deleted them. I realise I am actually attacking a belief system. *head slap*

Anybody who thinks that every tragedy is fake or that the victims deserved their fate should expect their beliefs to be attacked. It shouldn't matter to them either. They should have some damn good evidence to believe some of the extreme plots they hold true and if not, they shouldn't be posting their nonsense.

However, I don't think that the belief in alien life is extreme in the least. It doesn't mean anything to me just because they haven't come down to say hello on television. It's a mathematical probability if not a certainty.

But I have to say Beedeekin,from what I have come to know of you in the last four months or so, I am surprised that this stuff is getting to you. You know how low some of these guys can get. They can't help themselves.

Personally, I enjoy a good conspiracy theory but I mine usually revolve around reactions and responses instead of the causes and motives. It may be insensitive but it's not as hurtful to those affected.
Title: Re: I have questions about pseudo-reality.
Post by: Bedeekin on April 25, 2013, 02:44:02
"Since when did what other people think begin to make a difference to you Bedeekin?"

When I witnessed this fabricated tirade of conspiracy nonsense directed at real injured and dying people. It just made me step away from entertaining the idea because it finally started to become something that is actually effecting people's rational thought process.

When i realised that there are people who are serious about it to the point their conviction causes them to override any sense of tact and humanity by actually posting memes and strings of theories about why this bombing was faked within a day of it happening.

I know that there are cover ups and underhanded things going on. I am not stupid I don't think. haha but I only see these like I see a plot thread in a story... I don't see it when I lift my head up from my laptop and look at life and the actual real world.

But what the theorists and truther's claim is like a myth or religion... it's an idea that grows and spreads. But it involves reality... and people... and real life.

Also I have just found out that Alex Ross and his website where admired by one of the bombers. This is what I mean about it effecting real lives. It's like one fundamental extremist being led by another fundamental extremist... both are belief systems.. one is a religion... the other is.. I don't know what to call it.

I know you weren't targeting me... I actually thought it deserved an answer because I do have a love of UFOs and you raised a valid point. :) Your question actually made me think.. 'yeah... what about Roswell.. .and the alleged UFO coverup and my belief in it?".

Quote from: Lionheart on April 25, 2013, 02:15:54
The UfO community in general is so confused right now. Mostly because of all the false information out there. There is more disinformation, then there is real and true information.

Why is that? Who is doing this? These are great questions, but are also questions that lead back to Conspiracy Theories again.

I think they are doing it to themselves. I think Stanton Friedman said that all the government has to do if they were massively covering it up.. is to hand the UFO sighting to the UFO community and they will do the work for them.

The term pseudo-reality is meant as a way that people are seeing their reality. The one that exists subjectively... not the one that exists objectively. They believe there is this absolutely humungous mass of truth being hidden and very very dark evil things being actively carried out behind the scenes. Yet... their actual objective world is different. Whatever they do... they wake up... wash... have a relatively free existence.. they can do what they wish (within the law), have families and live life... but meanwhile... there is a dark takeover of the NWO. Do you see what I mean?

Looking at it.. It actually seems to be a condition of the western world... namely the US and maybe to a lesser extent the UK. Those countries that the rest of the world seems to be trying to get into.
Title: Re: I have questions about pseudo-reality.
Post by: Wi11iam on April 25, 2013, 03:19:11
Mention was also made that those with mundane jobs are dissatisfied and spend their time making up stories or at least letting stories of conspiracy germinate and grow in their minds.

It is just as conceivable that there are those who dont need to work who sit around thinking up stories and spreading these around the internet.

On the subject of Extraterrestrials, Roswell etc...there is enough evidence to support that they had something to do with human history, and also with AP - perhaps they are not 'space travelers' but APers?

The one I met happened during altered states - and many stories indicate that this is the more likelly thing which is happening, rather than 'abductions' and space craft etc.

Title: Re: I have questions about pseudo-reality.
Post by: Bedeekin on April 25, 2013, 03:37:51
It is conceivable. they obviously have too much time on their hands or just like doing it... or themselves make a living from it.

I am a believer of UFOs... that's just something I have had an interest in for years. I am involved in the UFO 'community' and frequently communicate with those who are big players... researchers like Stanton Friedman, Roger Leir (who has removed alleged alien implants), Nick Pope and Greer himself.. abductees and witnesses like Whitley Strieber, Travis Walton, Bob Lazar, Larry Warren... all good friends who have influenced my life. I leave them to open the potential can of worms and wait for that to happen.

I have never seen a UFO myself that made me think 'that is definitely a UFO' But i don't instantly disbelieve those that claim to have.

I don't subscribe to them being interstellar or from another planet.
Title: Re: I have questions about pseudo-reality.
Post by: Wi11iam on April 25, 2013, 04:17:43
Quote from: Bedeekin on April 25, 2013, 03:37:51
It is conceivable. they obviously have too much time on their hands or just like doing it... or themselves make a living from it.

I am a believer of UFOs... that's just something I have had an interest in for years. I am involved in the UFO 'community' and frequently communicate with those who are big players... researchers like Stanton Friedman, Roger Leir (who has removed alleged alien implants), Nick Pope and Greer himself.. abductees and witnesses like Whitley Strieber, Travis Walton, Bob Lazar, Larry Warren... all good friends who have influenced my life. I leave them to open the potential can of worms and wait for that to happen.

I have never seen a UFO myself that made me think 'that is definitely a UFO' But i don't instantly disbelieve those that claim to have.

I don't subscribe to them being interstellar or from another planet.

I had an interesting experience re 'lights in the sky' which appeared literally out of nowhere.

It is possible that beings from another planet (other planets) in the Galaxy can build (have built/are building) ships in which to travel interstellar - as I have said in other threads, this seems the natural evolution of Consciousness involved in this PMR.

Physical travel.

The lights I saw happened when I was awake and lucid in this reality.

The interesting thing was, it happened just after I started uploading this video on YT...

On conspiracy, my first encounter with any happened in the early 80s when I used to go to an American type Christian Pentecostal church - I know from personal experience how such info can muck with ya head...but I have to say I learned a lot from having gone through it - letting it go took a lot of years and deep 'soul searching' of which I am very grateful for my communications via Ouija Principle...these helped me in that process perhaps more than anything else.

Title: Re: I have questions about pseudo-reality.
Post by: Astralzombie on April 25, 2013, 04:31:56
QuoteLooking at it.. It actually seems to be a condition of the western world... namely the US and maybe to a lesser extent the UK. Those countries that the rest of the world seems to be trying to get into.

I think you're definitely right about this but there's a logical explanation for this. We have the right to say this stuff without fear of losing our freedoms and lives, which actually points to one of your concerns.

You wonder why some people fear their gov when they live in a country where people have the most freedom to do what they want in the history of any nation. Hopefully, I don't sound like a troll by saying this but you really do have to be an American to fully understand why this is so. We are a country founded on the principles that no government should ever be so strong or too big that it challenges the freedoms of it's people. Our constitution, the Federalist Papers, and many other writings from our Founding Fathers demand us to always openly question our government. Unfortunately, some people take it far past questioning and instead, they openly accuse.

Title: Re: I have questions about pseudo-reality.
Post by: Bedeekin on April 25, 2013, 06:47:42
Troll... lol

It's another word I have been called. I think people get confused as to what a TROLL is. I understand that an internet troll is someone who posts comments designed to infuriate and wind people up. To cause mayhem for the sake of their own glee at being able to cause a reaction. People bandy the word around now to describe anyone who disagrees with their point of view no matter what the provocation.

I've said in the past that I truly love America. Most of my friends are american. I have followed american history and understand the patriotism... only form a learned standpoint you understand. I see myself ending up in the US. My career wouldn't exist if it weren't for the US and every penny that I have lived off in the past 15 years has been from america. So I personally can't see fault in the american people. I do fear for your country though. It's going through a potentially volatile stage. With the gun thing and healthcare... the situation NATO is in... so many things.

You guys really don't need loud mouths like Alex Ross.. who really only cheapens the cause by making it sound ridiculous. Like fundamental christians cheapen christianity... or how fundamental extremists of Islam cheapen and degrade the Muslim faith. Actually.. the same can be said for this subject and UFOlogy. Both have a sober and rather enlightening side... but the extreme belief side keeps it at arms length as far as the larger population goes.

Freedom of speech is actually one of the best tools the government can use to control its population. Especially the noisy ones. ;)

Here in the UK.. we are allowed to moan about our government openly and loudly - as long as it's over a cup of tea and a biscuit - but that's exactly what it is.. moaning. It doesn't achieve anything but to get problems off our chests so that the government can carry on with whatever we are moaning about... "as long as they can have their say... everything will be fine". I can't think of any major change that has taken place because of public debate. The media allows us to do public votes...

"80% of people think that Margaret Thatcher's 10 million pound funeral is a waste of taxpayer's money"

fine.. so? It still happened... and so we move on.. safe in the knowledge that we at least voiced our outrage.

With you guys it's a little different. Your politics isn't based on an old sovereign royal leadership. It was an agreement between a group of very enlightened guys... who realised that like you say.. not to let the government rule... but let the people rule.

But tell me... after that was written... when has that actually been put into practice?
Title: Re: I have questions about pseudo-reality.
Post by: desert-rat on April 25, 2013, 10:10:47
We all create our own reality , consciously , unconsciously , for good and for bad .  If you believe in conspiracies , you can find them , what ever you believe in you will find .  One can make there life a living hell if that is what they believe in . I would never tell some one how to think or what to believe in . Just to know that thoughts become things .     
Title: Re: I have questions about pseudo-reality.
Post by: Xanth on April 27, 2013, 20:29:00
I always try to remind myself that two choices exist (probably many more, but you'll figure them out on your own)... Fear or Love.

The Fear choice takes you back down the mountain... it's giving in to all the negativity surrounding everything in this world.
The Love choice takes you up further up the mountain to the next teetering precipice (yes, there are many of them up the mountain LoL)... it's simply allowing the world to be as it is.

There's a lot of fear in the world today, we saw it boil over a couple weeks ago in Boston.  The fear will always be there. 

It's all meaningless anyway... although, that's not to say that it's not important.  The smallest act such as stepping on an ant is very important to the world, as the world has lost something... however small that loss is, it's now gone forever.  Through focusing on Love, we can help retain the best that the world has and allow it to continue to grow, while we also create a world that is less fertile for Fear grow.  I try not to worry about that which I have very little, or no control over.  I have very little to no control over the actions of others who have given in to Fear...

Giving into Fear is allowing your ship to fill with water and sink.  :)
