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My Favorite Video Game

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I never heard of that.

My favorite game is MoH:AA.

battousai the man slayer

my fav games are metalgearsolid and mgs2


i like splinter cell and deus ex.



The entire Legacy of Kain series has a great story.  Most of it connects, and it's planned to span over the course of 6 games.  4 are out, and 1 is coming out fairly soon.

Blood Omen and Blood Omen 2 follow Kain, quite possibly one of the most arrogant video game characters.  The first one follows him as a fledgling vampire as he is used as a pawn for many different things, and presents the first and primary conflict of the series.  To actually explain all of it would require much time of which I do not go find it on the net.  Blood Omen 2 has very little to do with the main story.

Soul Reaver 1 and 2 follow Raziel, one of Kain's vampire lieutenants.  In the first game, Raziel evolves a pair of bat like wings.  Problem is, he evolved before Kain.  So, in a fit of jealousy, Kain rips out his wings and orders him to be thrown into the abyss.  Raziel falls for centuries, only to wake up in the Underworld (or Spectral Realm, still need to figure that out) with one thing on his mind: Revenge.  His bloodthirst has been replaced with a sort of "soul-thirst", requiring souls to feed upon.  He goes on a rampage, killing most of his former bretheren (one we never see, partly because the game is missing a few pieces due to time constraints).  He eventually confronts Kain, but Kain escapes back in time.  Start Soul Reaver 2, picks up here.

Through the course of Soul Reaver, Raziel learns that he was once a Sarafan Warrior, a group of over-zealous fighters determined to end the "Vampire Plague".  He is utterly repulsed by his current form, and through the course of Soul Reaver 2, we see him slowly accept his vampiric "curse".

Legacy of Kain: Defiance comes out soon.  And after that, there should be another one.  Or so I'm told.  But yeah, great series.

[looks back]  Wow, that's a lot.  You can tell I REALLY like this series, no? [:P]


NES: Metroid, Little Nemo the Dream Master, Zelda, Zelda II, Adventure Island 2 and 3, Life Force, and Double Dragon 2.

Game Cube: Super Smash Brothers, Soul Calibur, and just about every other game they've come out with.

Playstation/Playstation 2: All Tony Hawk games, all Twisted Metal games, all Tekken games, Time Splitters, Unreal Tournament (I like it better on PC though).

PC: Unreal Tournament 2003, Dink Smallwood (it's a mock-roleplaying game, free, and humorous), Starcraft/Brood Wars.

Old School Games/Abandonware: Time Bandit (if it worked on my PC), Pac Man, most Atari games, S.T.U.N. Runner.

Other/arcade: Samurai Showdown.


The Longest Journey

It is just pointing and clicking and reading a lot of dialogue.  But it is really great.  It has been a couple years since I played it but the characters still feel like people I have met and connected with.