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I agree.  It's ridiculous.  It was just a boob for crying out loud, over half the world's population has them!

People need to get over it.
Non semper ea sunt quae videntur.


i couldnt care less about it, its not important in the slightest.
like you say,  there is violence, sex, drugs all over the airwaves.
maybe the press just want to destroy janet jackson like they did micael,  like they enjoy  tormenting the jacksons, probably not though.

i really  hate the way  we waste  so much energy  on something so unimportant, how things like that and other celebrity happenings  occupy the thoughts of the majority of the people.

i wish it rained acid tabs.


I for one would like to take a stand on this issue and say without reservation that, indeed, I like boobs.

I consider boobs to be lifelong friends, I have no problem with getting smacked around by some boobage every so often.
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I think its Ironic that american tv will show blood and nasty horrible violence

but when the image of a female nipple is plastered on the screen better watch out.
opinions are like kittens, just give 'em away


VS:  A sad irony, indeed.

Cube:  That goes without saying.  [:P]
Non semper ea sunt quae videntur.


Yeah, I thought it was no big deal.  It is a shame that people who do not live in America, think the media is a good example for what most of us think or what we are about.  Just not sucks.[:P]

Funny thing though, whenever the news covers a story down south, I swear they look around for someone who can only speak southern twang, and do that thru only a couple of teeth. Maaaaaaaan, talk about manupulating the masses.  BTW, I have all my teeth, and only say Ya'll..HEHEHEHEHE..[:D]

Nay [;)]


Hi Nagual,

You are absolutely correct in your analysis regarding what occurred verses the insane amount of violence on tv here.

Regarding the thinking of some people here, it is my opinion that they wouldn't think twice about allowing their kids to watch an ultra-violent movie. Sad but true. However, if there is a female breast shown, look out. The same people will be calling the tv stations to complain.

A few years back I went with a friend to see an "action" type movie. It turned out to be ultra-violent. Sitting in front of us was a man with two small children, probably about 7 to 9 years old. He calmly let them watch while all sorts of graphic violence was being portrayed however there was one scene of mild lovemaking with only a side-view of a breast. For this he ceremoniously placed a hand over each childs eyes, as if to show the rest of us what a great parent he was. [xx(] Go figure.
"What lies before us, and what lies behind us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us...." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


Yuck to a woman who would perform a skit which continues to place women in the role of the helpless victim.
Janet for her own purposes of attention-getting (and probably negative aging issues), perpetuates the idea that women want it (by allowing it, or setting the stage)! And after she gets it, she pretends to be surprized and humiliated. Predators of women and children feed on these kinds of spicy dramas. If this was a planned performance, the correct action would be to have taken defensive action against this male aggressor. This ordeal was violent.

Stop these predators! There are women and children who will get the blunt end of these attitudes.


Yes I agree seeing boob is not bad it actully helps people who are depressed. They did do the showing of the boob on purpuse. Just go to and you will see they planned the whole thing.


All I can say is, the American people are lucky I wasn't on stage, if it had been me, I would have blinded someone![:O][:I][;)]  Come on people, its just a tiny little boob, not even a C cup!  Really, it can't hurt anyone.

Besides, surely the Jackson family have bigger reasons to feel shame at the moment!  Micheal must be breathing much easier at the moment, now that the media is interested in his sister's boob and not his slight indiscretion of paedophilia![8)]

As for this giving the green light to predators.  Respectfully, I can't agree with you on that point.  Firstly, the act was performed between adults irrespective of it being a stunt or accident, there were no children involved and the children who would have seen the boob for a split second would have not thought anything of it, not as much as the adults.  Secondly, I feel uncomfortable with the idea that women need to be protected.  If you don't mind, I will protect myself.  I don't need any male or establishment to do it for me.  There are always going to be predators, they exist irrelevant of what you show them.  What are women suppose to do, should women hide in houses, be chaperoned when they leave the house, all in the hope not to attract the predators?

I am not saying this in an aggressive way, I can understand where you are coming from.  I am also sick of seeing women portrayed as victims in the media but I worry more when I see repeated commercials about women who are smart in their cleaning and cooking chores while men are totally hopeless at home.  That is more worrying to me than a bit of flesh that we saw for a second, once.  Well, several times until some other Jackson stuffs up.


Sorry, you lost me when you would consider child molestation a slight indiscretion. There is no such thing! Molestation is no small matter. It is a very big deal!

You must be conditioned to think the male or government as being the rescuers. Read my post again. I didn't say any such thing.

Indeed, women should take care of themselves. That's the point I'm making. It doesn't help the women's cause when a women who has the means of paying for protection, sets other women up as targets. By making herself appear vulnerable contributes to the triggers of predatory types to seek their prey. Stalking and rape is serious. It's okay to violate a women?! This is the message being sent out.What an adult chooses to do is their business. Just don't set up others for a fall.This cheesy performance was a public act of rape.Maybe not to you, but it is to me.

Children need protection. This includes not exposing them to something by force.

Sterotyping men as being inept at housework does not lead to crime and violence. If you consider this a priority over safety of women and children, well... you lost me with your remark of M. Jackson's slight indiscretion (he is innocent until proven guilty here). There should be compassion for the Jackson family at this time, not shame.  

As far as women's dress goes? It's her business isn't it? We create our own reality. I have a child, I am thankful and proud of any man who protects her! And I'm also proud of her for her own capabilities. That goes for me too.


Wisp, the "slight indiscretion" comment of atalanta was ironic...

And again, the "they did it on purpose" / "it was an accident" is a useless argument; like the so many public polls.  The public knows NOTHING about these cases.  Would you judge someone based on hearsay?  I hope not!

The point I was trying to make is the different views between countries/cultures.

And about the predator thing...  Do you really think that predators can only see boobs on superbowl?  I am sorry to tell you that they can see a lot worse very easily!

It's a bit like the religious scarf.  For some people (mostly men), a woman showing her hair is like asking men to rape her...  So, because those men cannot control themselves, women are forced to hide under layers of clothes...  I think it is pretty sad.  And what if they begining to be turned on by women's eyes...?  Will they force women to wear sunglasses?
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?



(sorry, noone else had done it yet so i figured i would add some immature humor [|)]).

personally, i've not seen what happened and after thinking about it i find i don't much care if x celeb and y celeb got caught by the cameras having a little slippage. after all, celebrities are humans just like anyone else, and accidents happen, and sometimes they happen in such a way to suggest something greater than what actually did happen ^_^ .

which reminds me of a picture i've seen a couple of times in my life: the caption was something like "How office rumors get started" and the picture showed a man leaning with his back against a filing cabinet in the filing room, and a women who was crouched down with a filing drawer opened up at her head level (which was the same level as the hip area of the guy) between the camera and the woman which prevented anyone from seeing where her head was in relation to his hips. of course, by the feet you could see that the guy was two cabinets away from the woman, but unless you looked at that you'd think some "extra curricular work" was going on [:P].

but anyway... [exit: stage left]



I agree with Cube. [^]


Nagual thanks for clarifying it.  You got it right.

Wisp, I was being sarcastic when I said 'slight indescretion' in relation to Micheal Jackson and child molestation.  I have actually worked with victims of abuse so believe me I do not take it lightly.  My comment was more in relation to how lightly the media take the situation and how fickle the media and public are.  

As for what Janet did on stage is nothing compared to what is available by the internet, like Nagual said.  What Janet did does not set women up for predatory attacks.  Infact quite the opposite because she is sexy, strong and in control - assuming the episode wasn't an accident.  I think the idea that women are only to be seen in the role of sexual victims is scary to me.  Women portrayed as good housewives to me is more threatening because, I come from a culture where women are primarily housekeepers and where men are the head of the house.  As much as I have fought it and educated myself, I am still unable to completely break from the suffocating role completely.  

I am saying this to you with respect and I do not intend it as patronising.  I get the sense that you are emotionally caught up with what I have written.  I don't know why.  Maybe you have a past which is painful and you feel like you need to be defensive.  If you want to talk, then PM me.  Honestly, I may disagree with you but I won't disrespect your right to your opinion - however, I may debate it to death, we Greeks love our debating.[;)]

James S

One of the funniest takes on the whole deal I saw was in one of the major Melbourne newspapers - our political satire cartoonist had a picture of JJ on stage flashing herself and the entire audience had been flattened as if by some explosion. The caption underneath read "America reveals its latest weapon of mass destruction."

I mentioned before in another thread how funny I thought it was that the day after the superbowl we heard nothing about the score or even who was playing just all all this hype about the outrage JJ caused. The US news services were just bust-ing themselves over it! Still they have to make sure people stay a-breast of the situation.

So the sponsors for the superbowl have banned MTV from having anything more to do with it. A case of tit for tat perhaps?
I bet Janet felt a real boob afterwards. Then again Justin probably felt a real boob too, though one has to ask if it is all real!
They won't be getting over this too soon though. The organisers are bound to have long mammories!

Bit of a storm in a d-cup really!

Sorry, no one had used any of these yet so I thought I'd jump in and get them off my chest[;)]



Seriously, this is being made out to be such a big deal by unknown people ::cough::media::cough::, and it's really not... as an american (hey, i can't help where i was born, hehe), i don't understand any rational reason for them to make big deals out of not-so-big things, except to preoccupy(sp?) the masses while something else is happening we're not supposed to know about... pathetic.... i personally didn't witness the half-time show, but from what i've heard (ie: a lot) it was nothing..


I think what we really saw was just silicone[:D] Just had to get that one off my very real chest.  

I think the objections are really over the whole slimy show with its crotch grabbing male singer, commercials for every male virility drug possible, farting horses -- and just the media in general.

TV has gotten pretty disgusting here in the states with sexualizing everything, including children and violence of all kinds on all the channels.  

Half time shows were always a bit silly, but the usual dancing cheerleaders and marching bands are certainly better than the MTV garbage.  I don't know what the station expected.  MTV was just doing what it does on its own station.  

So to my fellow citizens I say -- just turn it off whenever it disgusts you.  Glad I have a remote to channel flip.


Why even watch television in the first place?  Honestly, I get the weirdest reactions at school when I tell people I stopped watching TV 5 months ago.

By the way, when all my friends asked why I didn't watch the 'bowl, here's how the conversation went down.

Guy: Dude, you watchin' the superbowl?
Me: No.  I gave up on TV.
Guy: But dude, it's the SUPERBOWL.
Me: I hate football anyway.
Guy: It's not about the game, it's about the commercials.

What kind of crap is that?!  People spend around 6 hours on the TV and ALWAYS skip around commercials, EXCEPT for this one occasion.  Wow.

So, in conclusion, TV = bad.  Media free = good.

And uh... I'm sure whatever happened at halftime sucked.  I really don't even know anything about it [|)].  I love being media free.



1st  I can not believe that you did not watch Superbowl. Actually it was quite good.
2nd   We do not use word hate, but preferably "I do not like...", and I hate when somebody   does it. (LOL)
3rd It gave me an idea could every member of this forum concentrate and use their  astral experience and power to help my beloved Bills?

   Re: Janet Jackson Boob
I could not care less. What bothers me is that she , Justin and who ever had something to do with it, have showed total lack of respect for other people. We have to accept the fact that they are peoples and families for who nudity makes them very uncomfortable, for what ever reason.
   We do not say to "beauty challenged" people that they are damn ugly, to people who have problem to comprehend that that are helplessly stupid, we do not tell to our mama that  the diner she made for us with love is total load of s...... and I could continue for ever with better examples.  
   We do not do this unless we want to hurt, offend, humiliate and we have no respect for other human being.


What bothers me is that she , Justin and who ever had something to do with it, have showed total lack of respect for other people.

Once again, on what do you base your assumption that they did it on purpose...?  Don't blindly believe hearsay, rumors or angry mobs.
They have been sued; so a judge will take care of them if they are found to be guilty.
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?


Hi Naqual,

   Yes, you are right it is my assumption and us much I always try to by fair this time I expressed my opinion before I could get every fact of it. Well I should not.
   The reasons which lead me to believe that it was not an accident are these:
I have seen it and I have seen situations where ladies breasts got unveiled by accident and it did not take 5sec to cover them.
   Now, maybe artist are different and the artistic merit is more important than fast covering of unveiled part of the body, but I know it should take less than second to put your hand across your chest and less then second to come back for Justin and cover her.
   Maybe again there is something I do not know.
Personally, the whole think was blown out of proportion and I've got trapped in something what I basically  do not care about. If I  would dedicate my effort with the same  intensity to stuff what I really care about  I would by guru of OBE an AP.
   Conspiracy theory: Whole "accident" has been manipulated by dark forces of porn industry, as we can see US lawmakers are trying to eliminate every sign of human sexuality from TV therefore hordes of young horny males will run to closest sex video rentals and blah, blah, blah....
Please, somebody help me I've stumbled into load of manure !  



I am sure you all have heard about or saw the "wardrobe malfunction" of Janet, and Justin...  While I don't want to enter the "they did it on purpose" / "it was an accident" useless argument, I was just wondering how much the population of other countries had been "offended" to see this... hum... breast...?

In France, it's a mix of laughting [:D] + "these puritans are crazy" [xx(].
Especialy since we see breasts everyday in TV/magazines adds, in "for all age" movies, in summer on the beaches (since a quite high % of women do sunbath topless)...

It's funny how US kids are allowed to watch violence/murders on TV, play video games where you shoot people or run them over with your car... but scream/yell when they got a glimpse of a poor little boob!
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?