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nitrous oxide?

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well.. so I have had that feeling since long that I'm somewhat "trapped in physical reality", I've never experienced any "altered state of consciousness" and I feel I need a little "kick" so I can have even a little experience out of this "reality"
So would N2O from e.g. a spray cream container be any dangerous if I don't take much of it? or should I avoid anything like this?



It's not what you're looking for as far as altered states of consciousness. You won't find it to be an escape from being "trapped in physical reality". It will just be a 60 second novelty. You'll probably laugh really hard. States of consciousness produced by drugs can't be compared to a projection.



I'm not to sure if I should suggest anything to you, but I would say no to nitrous oxide...


No, it won't be dangerous but it won't be a real spiritual awakening, either.  [EDITED OUT BY MODERATOR]

Whippits will only make you laugh.  You won't be disconnected from the physical, you won't ascend, you won't go anywhere other than happy-town for 15 seconds.
The end is nigh: 12/21/2012

11:11: What's it mean to you?

"When you look into the Abyss, the Abyss looks into you." -Nietzsche


Down with the clown 'till I'm dead in the ground.

Feeling eternal, all this pain is an illusion.


[EDITED OUT BY MODERATOR] I doubt anything man made will help you. This isn't something I recommend, but if you are gonna do it anyways try something that won't totally destroy you. (don't know much about shrooms they might be worst)


I'm somewhat appauled by the responses to this post, especially the dust-off remark. 

  IF YOU WANT BRAIN DAMAGE, then follow those posts.  Mushrooms are a POISON make no mistake you WILL BE POISONED If you ingest magic mushrooms.

  Nitrous oxide can cause respiratory failure, although there isn't enough in one can to do it, IT CAN PUT YOU INTO A COMATOSE STATE. (you also risk choking to death on your own vomit).


The only legal alternative I can recommend is SALVIA DIVORNIUM.  However this stuff is also DANGEROUS.   It is legal everywhere in canada, but I have heard that places in gthe the states are trying to outlaw it, it is ILLEGAL in australia.

opinions are like kittens, just give 'em away


Quote from: volcomstone on February 15, 2008, 19:03:56
I'm somewhat appauled by the responses to this post, especially the dust-off remark. 

  IF YOU WANT BRAIN DAMAGE, then follow those posts.  Mushrooms are a POISON make no mistake you WILL BE POISONED If you ingest magic mushrooms.

  Nitrous oxide can cause respiratory failure, although there isn't enough in one can to do it, IT CAN PUT YOU INTO A COMATOSE STATE. (you also risk choking to death on your own vomit).


The only legal alternative I can recommend is SALVIA DIVORNIUM.  However this stuff is also DANGEROUS.   It is legal everywhere in canada, but I have heard that places in gthe the states are trying to outlaw it, it is ILLEGAL in australia.

the fact is drugs can make you OBE, but the negative effects are to great. This is why drugs are so appealing("escaping reality"). First they make it so we are not able to OBE (poisoning our water and saying unhealthy things are "health") and experience these types of things and then give you a easy way to do it (which kills you even more). I can not say the same for cannabis though.


Quote from: volcomstone on February 15, 2008, 19:03:56
I'm somewhat appauled by the responses to this post, especially the dust-off remark. 

  IF YOU WANT BRAIN DAMAGE, then follow those posts.  Mushrooms are a POISON make no mistake you WILL BE POISONED If you ingest magic mushrooms.

  Nitrous oxide can cause respiratory failure, although there isn't enough in one can to do it, IT CAN PUT YOU INTO A COMATOSE STATE. (you also risk choking to death on your own vomit).


The only legal alternative I can recommend is SALVIA DIVORNIUM.  However this stuff is also DANGEROUS.   It is legal everywhere in canada, but I have heard that places in gthe the states are trying to outlaw it, it is ILLEGAL in australia.

Actually psilocybin mushrooms (aka. magic mushrooms) are not "poisinus". In fact The National Institute For Occupational Safety And Heath (NIOSH) in the US Psilocybin (641) is rated less toxic than Aspirin (199) and Nicotine (21). So no, you will NOT be poisoned from ingesting psilocybin mushrooms. Most people think that because certain drugs are illegal that they must be more harmful than drugs that ARE legal, and while I believe that this is sometimes true, I don't believe it is always true. Some people are so close minded about drugs, which I find quite comical because most people use drugs on a daily basis, they might not be illegal but some can be more harmful than drugs that are infact, legal. The United States is very dependant on it's pharmaceutical companies, that's no huge secret. Over the counter drugs, prescription drugs, the fact remains the same, they are still drugs. Open your mind (and eyes too, if you like  :-o ) and see that. Accept it. Something else you might not know, but I'm pretty positive that at one point in your life you have taken a drug that is illegal. It might not be illegal in your country, but it's illegal somewhere in the world, because someone somewhere thought that no one should ever take it.If you try crossing the border into Canada and they find a bottle of Aleve on you, they will confiscate it. As an american, that seems strange, but to Canadians, they know that it is illegal, yet many of them use it anyways, whether they bring it in illegally or if they get it by prescription.

Most people know what marijuana is, and they have this preconceived notion that it is just absolutely terrible. What you might not know is that before we had available to us the strong pain killers like morphine and such, people relied on alcohol and/or marijuana if say, they had to get a body part amputated or something like that. It is still used today for some patients with severe cancer or AIDS. For some reason people tend to believe that marijuana smoking leads to lung cancer or emphysema, what's odd though is although marijuana has been smoked widely in Western countries for more than four decades, there have been no reported cases of lung cancer or emphysema attributed to marijuana. As for hallucinogens like psilocybin (aka magic mushrooms, shrooms etc.) and lysergic acid (aka LSD, Acid), they are actually being used to try and treat patients with schizophrenia.( Yes, in the US! as well as other countries.)

You might not know it, but caffeine and cocaine are in fact very similar although cocaine is slightly more toxic (which you will notice below V). Coke-a-Cola was first made with cocaine, however it wasn't killing the people that drank it, and opposed to popular beliefs, the people that drank it weren't running around like crazed lunatics. The effects were very much the same as a normal caffeine high, that people get everyday. In fact in 1914 when cocaine was made illegal, caffeine was right there next to it, however it was removed from the list because they realized all of the products that they would have to ban; popular items such as coffee, tea, and chocolate, which could potentially put a small dent in the economy (there was a lot of paranoia and a lot of ignorance running around at the time.) You also might not know it, but there is a limit to the amount of caffeine put in drinks (65mg of caffeine per 12 liquid ounce), and caffeine can kill you. Now about 10 grams of pure caffeine would kill a human. Around 8 or 9 grams of pure cocaine would kill you. See the toxicity difference? Not too much of a one right? But wait, wait, hold on a minute, you don't often hear of death by caffeine. Why? The reason is because we do not use pure caffeine, and the cocaine that people are buying on the streets is pure, which I'm sure you will agree with me in saying, can potentially be EXTREMELY dangerous because it is so easy for these people buying it to overdose. Some people chose to abuse it. Cocaine just happens to be easier to process into a pure form than caffeine. Don't get me wrong, you can, of course, buy pure caffeine. And you can, of course, shove 10 grams of it up your nose (or whatever method you prefer) and die, because caffeine is legal! It's just such a funny little world we live in.

Now on to whip-its. What a curious thing to watch, people sucking on whip cream bottles and keyboard cleaners (dusters) and such. Now, what this does is cuts off the flow of oxygen to your brain for around 30 seconds. For those of you that do not know, when the oxygen flow to your brain stops, it kills brain cells. Bare with me, on this example it's very basic and in layman's terms: Just for *h*ts and giggles, let's say that your brain cells are a whole bunch of different groups of fish (making up your physical mock "brain") and the aquarium is your "skull". Now the water in the aquarium is the "oxygen". Well, if you suck all of the water out of the aquarium for 30 seconds what's going to happen to the fish? Some of them will die! But some fish can "hold their breath" longer than other fish, so you put the water back in the tank and voila! Some fish are dead, some are not. Now it used to be thought that brain cells could not reproduce, and that if you lost brain cells that they were gone forever. The one's you were born with are the ones that you die with. However now it has been discovered that brain cells can, and do reproduce (divide), creating new brain cells. Now just because they can reproduce, I personally would still like to have as many brain cells as possible up there in the good ol' noggin.

There are positive and negative aspects to all drugs. The problem with most drugs is not the drug itself, but the people and the doses that they chose to take. They do not use them wisely, and that sometimes results in death. Then people get scared that someone else will end up dead (which is very just thinking, because they are probably correct) and they do all in their power to get them banned. This whole business about banning things is all just a control issue. We are human beings! If we didn't know how to protect our own selves, then there wouldn't be so many of us around, if any! We would have all killed ourselves or died somehow. Give yourself some credit, you are a pretty intelligent being. Humans were alive and thriving long before we invented government and the notion of "controlling others" and banning things. If someone takes a pill and then keels over and dies, would you go pick up the bottle and take one? No! (unless you wanted to kill yourself, which i won't get into because it's a whole other control issue that i could go on and on about.) If I seem a little biased, I apologize. I'm not a big fan of having things banned from me. I don't like people telling me what I can or cannot read, or watch or put into my body. Especially because everything comes from the earth, and we are all a part of the earth, it belongs to all of us, not just a few select people. Now, I'm not a "druggie" per se. I chose not to smoke (anything), or drink. However that is just my personal decision. I have tried various forms of alcohol, and i just don't like it, so I don't drink it. I've tried cigarettes, and they just didn't appeal to me. I've smoked reefer, ok cool. I didn't see how it could better my life, so I didn't do it again. However, if I ever get AIDS or cancer, you can bet I will be one of the little medical pot-heads, because it definitely would take my mind off of the pain! I've tried duster as well. Alright, ok cool sound, laugh-laugh-giggle-giggle for about not even 30 seconds. Well what was the point in that? I can think of better ways to have fun, then doing this over and over. I think the reason so many people do drugs is because they are told not to. People try and impose their own views onto other people, and that's what's causes rebellion. Plain and simple.

Anyways, sorry for the rambling! To galaxy_storm (or anyone else reading & interested) I hope the info will help you out at least a little bit. If you think that trying a whip-it will "phase" you back to reality (whatever "reality" means) I have no right to tell you no! It would definitely be one hell of a shock, that's for sure. Who knows if that's what you need or not? No one. If someone were to want to try shrooms, I could tell them that they would not be poisoned if they ingested them, as someone previously misinformed you. You would have better luck being poisoned by drinking 60 cups of coffee. However, I don't believe that shrooms will give you the reality check that I think you are looking for. If anything, they will just separate you even more so from reality. Ultimately it is your decision, and yours alone. I hope you find this information helpful, or I at least hope it was a good, informative read and you learned something new from it.

Keep your minds open!

(P.S. For inquiring minds, I had to do quite a large amount of research and write a lot of papers concerning legal vs. illegal drugs for debate and law studies, so there is a reason behind my madness  :-D )
You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. Perhaps some day you'll join us, and the world will live as one.


Thank you for posting that (I'm to lazy). So ya I do not take drugs at all (including ASPIRIN, etc), but I do not consider canibis as a drug.


May I ask why?  Why you would smoke marijuana but not take aspirin.

Why is there a difference between man-made and natural drugs, in your eyes?

The end is nigh: 12/21/2012

11:11: What's it mean to you?

"When you look into the Abyss, the Abyss looks into you." -Nietzsche


Down with the clown 'till I'm dead in the ground.

Feeling eternal, all this pain is an illusion.


I have never heard of a man made drug that didn't do harm and just treat aliments. I also never heard of anything negative about canibis. So until proven guilty I suppose.


Smoking anything is bad on the body.
The end is nigh: 12/21/2012

11:11: What's it mean to you?

"When you look into the Abyss, the Abyss looks into you." -Nietzsche


Down with the clown 'till I'm dead in the ground.

Feeling eternal, all this pain is an illusion.


Quote from: AncientLokiRemains on February 17, 2008, 06:45:35
Smoking anything is bad on the body.

Just about anything these days is bad for your body. Breathing in the air is bad for your body these days. Taking a shower (if you don't have a whole house filtration system) is bad for your body. I don't know if you know how water is treated, but water treatment plants do put chlorine in tap water, which is good and bad. It's good because in about 20 seconds of contact time, it will kill most of the live bacteria in the water, so you still drink the bacteria, most of them are just dead. They don't remove the chlorine. So you still bathe and drink chlorine (which is a poisonous gas, by the way). Actually, bathing in tap water can be more hazardous than drinking it. If you have ever taken chemistry, you might remember that dissolved gases become less soluble when heated, so when you go take a nice warm shower or bath, the dissolved chlorine returns to it's gas state which enters the body as a pollutant, because you do breathe when you take a shower, I'm assuming. Now, exposure to chlorine is known to cause pulmonary edema, and studies have shown that regular exposure to chlorine gas even at low levels such as in normal showering can reduce the oxygen transfer capacity of the lungs. Pulmonary edema is a potentially life-threatening lung condition where the lungs can swell up, and/or acquire a build up of fluid. Both symptoms lead to impaired gas exchange, which can cause respiratory failure. Swimmers and divers are often diagnosed with this disease, but wait a minute! I've never heard of older folks getting this because of showering, and they've been taking showers and baths their whole lives! The reason is because they only started using chlorine to "cleanse" water around 2 decades ago (1990's). When the senior members of our race were growing up, water treatment wasn't really necessary. They could go swimming in most lakes and rivers and think nothing of it. Not too many people do that any more.  As for drinking water, exposure to chlorinated water has shown incidences of bladder, kidney and stomach cancers. It's a direct relationship, chlorinated water and cancers, no one denies that fact, however, at present, it is the cheapest and most efficient way to clean the water. Government officials feel that the sacrifice of a few cases of cancer and other health problems is well worth it, in contrast to no clean water, and I would have to agree. The amount of cancers produced are low. Yes, they are still there but it IS the safest method that's been produced so far.

I'm sorry, I went off rambling again. However, I'm only trying to point out that there really is a risk in everything that you do. As I said in my previous post, I don't smoke, but people have been doing it for centuries, and there are definitely worst things that you can do to your body. I'm not suggesting that you go buy some weed and smoke it, I'm just saying that everything is risky. People risk their lives when they go sky diving, and if something went wrong, you would most definitely die, but that doesn't stop them. They enjoy the rush. Getting in a car is a health hazard, or flying. Walking out your door is a hazard.

QuoteMay I ask why?  Why you would smoke marijuana but not take aspirin.

People were smoking marijuana to help get rid of headaches long before Aspirin came along.

Take a look at the following statistics (procured from the U.S. Surgeon Generals' reports.)

NUMBER OF AMERICAN DEATHS PER YEAR (directly or or primarily related to these substances)

TOBACCO -340,000 to 450,000
ALCOHOL (Not including 50% of all highway deaths and 65% of all murders) -150,000+
ASPIRIN - 1,000+
CAFFEINE (From stress, ulcers, and triggering irregular heartbeats, etc.) - 1,000 to 10,000
"LEGAL" DRUG OVERDOSE (Deliberate or accidental) from legal, prescribed or patent medicines and/or mixing with alcohol - e.g. Valium/alcohol - 14,000 to 27,000
ILLICIT DRUG OVERDOSE (Deliberate or accidental) from all illegal drugs. - 3,800 to 5,200

A a 6 million dollar U.S. funded research done at dozens of American universities and research facilities show that marijuana toxicity does not exist.

I could tell you more of my personal opinions on the topic, but that would make this post even longer and diluted, and that's just a hassle to read, I'm sure.

Anywho, hope you found this somewhat educational or interesting.

Keep your minds open!

You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. Perhaps some day you'll join us, and the world will live as one.


actually I have a post where I say I try to avoid unhealthy things, and yes I know of all of that already(just so you know), but thank you for sharing since many others may not.

I think he has seen this post and that is why he was questioning the things I do and how health they are.


Naw, actually I had no idea that post/thread even existed, and I was responding the the post of yours inside of the thread that I had posted in.

((If ALR was not the "he" you were mentioning, then I am a self-centred wanker, and I apologize.))
The end is nigh: 12/21/2012

11:11: What's it mean to you?

"When you look into the Abyss, the Abyss looks into you." -Nietzsche


Down with the clown 'till I'm dead in the ground.

Feeling eternal, all this pain is an illusion.


Quote from: 369 on February 18, 2008, 01:45:44
actually I have a post where I say I try to avoid unhealthy things, and yes I know of all of that already(just so you know), but thank you for sharing since many others may not.

I think he has seen this post and that is why he was questioning the things I do and how health they are.

Yeah :-), I remember that post. And no problem man. I was just replying to ALR's post.  :-)
You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. Perhaps some day you'll join us, and the world will live as one.


Quote from: AncientLokiRemains on February 18, 2008, 02:24:00
Naw, actually I had no idea that post/thread even existed, and I was responding the the post of yours inside of the thread that I had posted in.

((If ALR was not the "he" you were mentioning, then I am a self-centred wanker, and I apologize.))
Yes I was referring to you when I said "he".