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Astral Chat => Welcome to Astral Chat! => Topic started by: KI Aura on March 24, 2009, 00:57:32

Title: Love, and it's wonders...
Post by: KI Aura on March 24, 2009, 00:57:32
The human mind is full of mystery and wonder, but to me, the greatest is love. How in the world can our "hearts" know so much that our minds do not? Why is it when you meet that one special person, there is more than a connection, there is an actual bond? I know some may say it's chemicals in the brain, or that it's a mental connection, or so on and so forth, but it's more than that don't you think. From the first time I've laid eyes on my love, I knew she was the one. I know what she's thinking even before she knows it. I can look within her eyes and see life. Why is this? Why is it that true love will actually blind you in a lot of ways, but also open your eyes to a completely new world? You see every flaw in a person, yet to you they aren't there, they just make the one that much more, Perfect.

Have any of you all found that one true love? The one even after they leave or have broken your heart, you know they were that person for you; the other puzzle piece that fist perfectly in your life,heart, your everything? If so what kind of experiences did you have? Could through text messages you know when they were hurt, could you close your eyes when they were hundreds of miles away and be next to them, and know every emotion? Could you smile and hear her/his thoughts in your mind? Would you randomly think of a song and she's singing it miles away..Tell me. I'm very interested!!!

I've found my love, I know I have, there is no mistaking this feeling. I've had "love" before, but what I share with her, is more than love, it's more than the word love can comprehend, it's true love. We can spend hours on the phone ever day and it only seems like a minute has gone by. Why? Please share.
Title: Re: Love, and it's wonders...
Post by: Stookie on March 24, 2009, 12:15:31
That's awesome that you were able to find that. I had a girlfriend some years ago who had me convinced she was "the one". I've never been in a relationship like that again and am still rockin it as a bachelor today. Women before or after have never come close to that relationship.
Title: Re: Love, and it's wonders...
Post by: KI Aura on March 24, 2009, 21:43:06
Isn't it just an amazing feeling? Did anything "unnatural" occur?
Title: Re: Love, and it's wonders...
Post by: SnakeDoctor on March 25, 2009, 00:10:17
wow totally read this after i made my post...
Title: Re: Love, and it's wonders...
Post by: Stookie on March 25, 2009, 11:11:03
Quote from: KI Aura on March 24, 2009, 21:43:06
Isn't it just an amazing feeling? Did anything "unnatural" occur?

It was absolutely amazing, to fall in love with someone who makes you happy and are always happy to be around. Devastating when they decide they don't want to be around you anymore.

As far as "unnatural", everyday seemed unnatural, almost like I didn't deserve it. I think I hold my dates in too high a scrutiny these days because of it, at the same time it's hard to see myself with anyone for very long. And no desire for kids. I like my independence and haven't found another woman to make me feel otherwise. I think it's more of a fantasy to assume everyone has that "one" out there, and that you have something wrong if it doesn't turn out like that.

My uncle told me once (after a cousin got a random girl pregnant), "You can fall in love with anyone - be sure it's someone you respect."
Title: Re: Love, and it's wonders...
Post by: KI Aura on March 25, 2009, 15:41:08
Snake Doctor, I read your post "the freaking me out" one. It's very odd to hear that, but hey who knows where it could lead, sorry to hear she was cheatin' on ya man, that's a bummer! Keep toying with the connection with other people, it may turn out to be more than what you think. Maybe through "love" or "lust" you are coming across psychic abilities :).

Stookie, I am doing the same thing anymore, holding my dates to too high a standard, but it's okay right? I mean you miss (at least I do, I'm only assuming you do aswell) what you once had, and you'd like those feelings again, so it's only natural to want "that" again right? It's odd for me, cause lately with Ariel ( the love of my life, whom I've been talkin' about ).. when I miss her, she will text me. When I pray at night for God to give me guidance and for her to have guidance as well, I wake up to a text telling me "omgh freakin' quit it! you're everywhere!!!" When I asked her what she was talking about she informed me she was reading eclipse (one of the twilight series books.. her and I have a connection through the book.. I'll explain if you'd like, just ask) and a lady by the name of Katie Marshall ( my name is Marshall ) came out of know where to ask her a question.
Title: Re: Love, and it's wonders...
Post by: SnakeDoctor on March 25, 2009, 23:36:20
i've always had some sort of lest i believe so.

she didn't cheat on me, we would have to be together for her to cheat on thing i sorta seen coming(mostly becuase of something she said that put up a red flag for me)was that she wasn't legal in the state of missouri(by one year min)...freakin, lied about her age. i was incredibly close to getting in trouble dodged that bullet
Title: Re: Love, and it's wonders...
Post by: KI Aura on March 26, 2009, 00:18:22
I'm sorry, I just assumed you were together since you said you two had agreed to date in your previous reply  :-D my fault. Glad to hear you actually pay attention to what people say, other wise you wouldn't have caught the red flag, it would have hit you right in the face when it was too late! So have you had any other experiences, with love?
Title: Re: Love, and it's wonders...
Post by: SnakeDoctor on March 27, 2009, 01:15:21
word of get engaged to a flakey night you'll both be planning your wedding. the next you'll be left wondering what the hell happened
Title: Re: Love, and it's wonders...
Post by: KI Aura on March 27, 2009, 01:27:41
Note well taken, but that doesn't have anything to do with the strange "factors" love can "produce"  :wink:
Title: Re: Love, and it's wonders...
Post by: volcomstone on March 27, 2009, 13:44:21

1) Don't be nice.  Kindness IS weakness.
2) Take what you want, offer no excuses.
3) All women are flakes, being fickle is an evolutionary trait.
4) All women cheat. Unless you can catch them in the act you can't  mention it.
5) Men are doers, not thinkers.
6) Men are NOT allowed  to show love the same way as a women.
7) Men do things women "hate" because they have to. I don't enjoy culling calves, whale hunting or drowning kittens, but I have to do it. Women secretly love this ruthless ability to be completly vicious.
8) Love is not the end product of existance.  It won't save you.
9) Don't be emotional, thats for girls.
10) If you think that after 6 years of marriage you can finally let your guard down and relay your innermost desires, fears and dreams, YOU'RE WRONG.  Instantly she'll realize she made a mistake. It's all or nothing.
11)  You must win the battle everyday , just because you put in the time, doesn't mean she'll want to be with you tomorrow.
12) Never say sorry.
Title: Re: Love, and it's wonders...
Post by: KI Aura on March 27, 2009, 15:54:18
LOL i liked that, but that still has nothing to do with my topic lol
Title: Re: Love, and it's wonders...
Post by: CFTraveler on March 27, 2009, 19:00:53
Quote from: volcomstone on March 27, 2009, 13:44:21

1) Don't be nice.  Kindness IS weakness.
2) Take what you want, offer no excuses.
3) All women are flakes, being fickle is an evolutionary trait.
4) All women cheat. Unless you can catch them in the act you can't  mention it.
5) Men are doers, not thinkers.
6) Men are NOT allowed  to show love the same way as a women.
7) Men do things women "hate" because they have to. I don't enjoy culling calves, whale hunting or drowning kittens, but I have to do it. Women secretly love this ruthless ability to be completly vicious.
8) Love is not the end product of existance.  It won't save you.
9) Don't be emotional, thats for girls.
10) If you think that after 6 years of marriage you can finally let your guard down and relay your innermost desires, fears and dreams, YOU'RE WRONG.  Instantly she'll realize she made a mistake. It's all or nothing.
11)  You must win the battle everyday , just because you put in the time, doesn't mean she'll want to be with you tomorrow.
12) Never say sorry.

Or, How to Make Sure No one Ever Wants to Spend their Lives with You.   :lol:

Or, Ditching Women for Dummies.