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i'm 90% sure i just did it.

i was laying in bed. i rolled over and closed my eyes. i'm not too sure what i seen...but it was something

i was either looking out a car window as i went by something. or i was watching something go by on a bike. it was smooth and swift. i opened my eyes with a "what the hell?" sense. i know i wasn't dreaming because i had JUST closed my eyes.



I had something like that happen. I woke up early by accident, and when I closed my eyes, I saw this outside scene like it was right there in front of me. No feeling of mental haze like in a dream.
Gotta learn how that works


I think I know what you are talking about- sometimes when I go to sleep, or when I am waking up slowly from a long sleep, I get these random flashes of very vivid scenes or images- they usually last from a half second on up to about 5 seconds most. I am pretty sure the experience is what is referred to as "hypnogaugic imagery". This phenomenon is associated with the subconscious, and is thought of as a precursor to possible OBE-type experiences.

Remote viewing usually involves taking the kind of information about real-world places that can later be verifed by others, such numbers in other locations, or events happening in another city.

The experience which you had sounds like something hypnogaugic; the neat thing, though, is that this does not rule out that you were having an image of actual physical reality (remote viewing)- the only thing is that unplanned experiences like that are difficult to pin to any particular physical situation.

Just some thought  :-D
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic



I've found that the phrase 'hypnogaugic imagery' was invented by a few wacky belief systems. They just want to say all unusual mental abilities are hoaxes and conspiracies and whatnot. They aren't very intelligent people


Hey Zareste, I agree partially, but I guess I have to clarify what I mean.

It is certainly true that the term "hypnogaugic imagery" derives from modern psychological tradition, and that modern psychology is increasingly materialist based (perhaps to a very dangerous extent, as modern pharmaceuticals attest). I think it is worth pointing out that psychology is on board with materialism because the perceived advances in science appear to support materialism as an explanation for the structure of the universe, to those whom choose to view it that way. Those who would coin new terms like "hypnogaugic imagery" in a materialist framework are not doing so in order to be antagonistic to other viewpoints, but I think it is also safe to say that they are not particulary open to them either.

My reason for using the term is that I feel "spiritual experiences" have a a reality on both neurological level, as well as on a higher-consciousness level. The term "hypnogaugic imagery" reflects the fact that our experiences partially have something to do with events occurring in our brain, but I feel that the place the brain holds is probably that of a transducer- it is the organ which our bodies use to translate and interface with other layers of consciousness.

To me, it is not illogical to use language derived from materialism to describe to "physical" aspect of the experience, and to do so is hardly to deny other levels- in fact, I feel it better interprets the full range of data, as to do so acknowledges that we know both physical (mri scans, neural stimulation) and non-physical things (subjective 1st person experience, qualia, gathering of information is an extra-sensory manner) about mental experiences.

I think we are probably on the same page- this is just a really subtle distinction, but I wanted to clarify my intention :wink:

"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


"Hypnagogic" is a common reference used by people on this forum and serves as terminology to describe a relaxed body and mental state where the attention is focused inward and when we start to notice flashes of picturesque dream-scapes, faces, abstract designs, and sounds.

As we sink deeper into this lucid trance state we can experience the beginning of the phasing experience and have fully immersive vivid 3d visions of earth like terrains that appear to be sensed by remote viewing.

Some internet searches will define hypnagogic imagery as a hallucination state and the meaning is a matter of context depending on how you use it.

I miss the old Astral Pulse spell checker that used to define "hypnagogic" as "spongecake" (this is true, I'm not making this up)   :-D