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Unable to see leafless trees

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For the last few years i have been unable to see leafless trees in(winter),
I "know" the trees have no leafs but when i look "my mind" fills in the missing pieces, i see the leaves blowing in the wind always a very vivid green even at night.
i have cherry and beach trees in my back garden which i can see from my bed, once i lay down and look out the window these trees come to life, which can keep me awake for hours just watching, my eyes seem to zoom in to see every detail of the trees and leafs, which seem to breath and exhale a green mist,

I have always been close to nature and have had many strange experiences which at one time in my life would have blown my mind(or as that already happened :|),   
I know our minds are powerful tools and tend to fill in what we think should be there, and there is still much we do not yet completely understand,
I only brought this up after having a very vivid night that went beyond the norm,
I wondered how common this was, and wether it was something that we just dont normally mention to others?


If theres enough light deciduous trees may not lose their leaves. It's normally accountable for the hours of daylight.
In the UK things look normal.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Its warm in my part of the world  ( west of Phoenix ,AZ)   , and the trees are starting to leaf out . Maby you are a.p. ing some   where warmer where the trees are leafing out rite now .  desert rat 


 I would say you have taken your visualization skills to a whole new level!  :wink:


That sounds beautiful... and oh so right!

I have never experienced this but I wish I would. I dislike bare winter trees.

Like Lionheart says... that's next level.  :-)


Thank you, It is a beautifull experience, i recon it is similar to what some here call phaseing, but it happens when i am wide awake, where ever i may be,
I see the world a different way to how i used to, there is so much more beauty than we realise around us, i feel at one with all around me, we all have this ability within us,
I am no longer able to hurt even a blade of grass, everything i now see as a life force and communicates on levels i never used to know ever exsisted.
I think this stems from years of trainning myself to experience this world in different ways using colour and optics, i realise there is so much hidden in plain view.


I hear this happens when you eat a ton of acid



Perhaps others need "drugs" to get to a certain level,

I have not touched anything more than the odd spliff in 20 odd years,

where i am now i would not dare to, i walk a fine line,

My life is like a continous trip, i need nothing to push me to a place i cannot get back from,

I will not put others down those who need the help to see past their limitations, but we all have the capabilities without drugs to move to the next levels of awareness.

Where as others are trying to reach that next level, i use alot of energies keeping myself in a place were i can still relate to those around me, my life exsists between the spaces,