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Okay, but what does that have to do with the price of camel spit in Arabia?


Soy milk = Yummy [:P]
Cows milk = Urgh [xx(]


But of course it has to be the right brand.
90% of soy milk is about as tasty as an old mans foot  -as is the idea of gulping down fluid excreted from an udder.
**slight exageration**

I'll pass on the camel spit too


Soy Dream is my favorite brand. Milk is for baby cows not adult humans!!


Soy milk tastes a lot better than dairy milk, but dairy ice cream and cheese is still good. Soy milk and soybean products have something in them which should be considered: phytoestrogens. They are called that because they are found in plants and mimic estrogen.


I personally enjoy soy milk called "so good".It's basically just sweet tasting soy milk.It's strange that a lot of people look at soy milk and say something to the effect of "uugggh! that's gross!".What I find desgusting is drinking a fluid that comes from a cows innards, also laced with chemicals from the dairy corporations.
The musical conciousness is mind beneath the sun.


Has anyone else tried rice milk? It is a bit like soy milk, but thinner and sweeter. It is not bad, but it is not as good as soy milk. Still it is better than dairy milk and there are probably uses which are filled better by rice than soy.


I personally enjoy soy milk called "so good".

That used to be my fav too. But now I always get an organic one called "Australias own" It's heaps nicer [^] But I assume it's only available to us privlleged Australians [8D]

90% of soy milk is about as tasty as an old mans foot

I went a bit overboard with this one [:D] But some types of soy milk that I've tried has tasted really odd. I'm pretty fussy in my selection. I tryed rice milk once... I thought it was ok, but not great.

I've heard that dairy milk is very incompatible with a humans digestive system, and most of the calcium in the milk is used up in the digestive process. Main reason being that cows have 3... urhm..10.. some number of stomachs. This factor makes the milk perfect for other cows, but not for humans.

But of course the dairy industry keep on promoting their products as being the best source of calcium. [}:)]
Green leafy vegetables, and grains (sesame seeds especially) are the way to go.


My wife is lactose intolerant and drinks soy milk.  I swore I would never drink itInsert, but now I like is just fineInsert.  The two brands we like the most are:
1. Silk
2. 8th Continent

I think they are good enough to drink straight...
We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot
fides quaerens intellectum


milk is good.

pizza is good too.  :)



Pacific Soy and Soy Dream (Chocolate and Vanilla) are good.  They are also fortified with extra calcium.  

I've only just discovered how bad cow's milk is to my fussy digestive system.  It's also been a culprit in my bloat and general weight gain.  Not that you want to hear about that.

All I have to say is, if you've got digestive problems or chronic postnasal drip/stuffiness . . . try giving up dairy for just ONE WEEK.  Then eat a slice of pizza with extra cheese, and wait for the results.  EW.



i've found that whole milk tastes damn good around the sell by date.  the day after is pretty good too.

Spirit Raven

To all those who advocate Soy Milk check out this article.
It is based on valid research. Cows milk isn't any good for us humans either but can be less of a danger than soy milk; however, if one MUST have milk then I guess rice milk would be the way to go as it is the safest. I just think it's always best to be as completely informed as possible and then go from there. Does tend to take the fun out of life at times though, eh? Insert I'll just mosey along now.


Milk is good....But beer is better[;)]
