The Astral Pulse

Astral Chat => Welcome to Astral Chat! => Topic started by: PlasmaAstralProjection on October 01, 2013, 15:40:57

Title: Negative imaginings and mind stuff, what about when I die or in the astral?
Post by: PlasmaAstralProjection on October 01, 2013, 15:40:57
Hey guys I have been dealing with negative type images that come to my mind. And even imaginings that I don't like. They can be disturbing, and evil, gross at times. And I just want to know if this will or can pose a problem in the astral. I try to stay away from it, but it's almost impossible to totally do that. In the past I have dealt with severe schizophrenic type thoughts for a month, though I am mostly past all that. But I want to improve this. And I figure now is the best time to deal with this before I die. I know some of you that AP don't think anything happens when you die. But that does not really matter. As long as you can help me understand the ramifications of this in the astral and how I can prevent and heal it then that is all I need.

Title: Re: Negative imaginings and mind stuff, what about when I die or in the astral?
Post by: CFTraveler on October 01, 2013, 17:10:27
You may want to look into Tibetan Buddhists, they seem to have built a whole religion about it (or incorporated the beliefs associated with this anyway).  They are called the Bardo states.
Title: Re: Negative imaginings and mind stuff, what about when I die or in the astral?
Post by: Krishanna on October 01, 2013, 17:13:40
Are you on any meds?
Title: Re: Negative imaginings and mind stuff, what about when I die or in the astral?
Post by: PlasmaAstralProjection on October 01, 2013, 17:21:41
Yeah, I am on some a small dose of some meds. Don't get me wrong, my mind is pretty stable now. The imaginings are more like the aftermath of the negative stuff that has happened. It's not bad, but my past has taught me that it could get worse. The feelings and emotions are not bad, it's more what the images mean that cases concern. But the images don't have a strong feeling of emotion behind them. Though subconsciously they might have more of a stronger undertone that what I realize. i don't know.

Title: Re: Negative imaginings and mind stuff, what about when I die or in the astral?
Post by: PlasmaAstralProjection on October 01, 2013, 17:23:24
And yes I have read about the Bardo states. Do you guys subscribe to that kind of stuff? I thought you guys might stay away from stuff like that.

Title: Re: Negative imaginings and mind stuff, what about when I die or in the astral?
Post by: CFTraveler on October 01, 2013, 17:26:18
The Bardo is the state where creation is immediate- to know this is to conquer it.  I can't imagine why I would stay away from this, if it's true, it's invaluable knowledge.  Who wants to believe all of it is happening outside of themselves?  To know it's a self created illusion is to be free from it.
Title: Re: Negative imaginings and mind stuff, what about when I die or in the astral?
Post by: PlasmaAstralProjection on October 01, 2013, 17:44:31
Quote from: CFTraveler on October 01, 2013, 17:26:18
The Bardo is the state where creation is immediate- to know this is to conquer it.  I can't imagine why I would stay away from this, if it's true, it's invaluable knowledge.  Who wants to believe all of it is happening outside of themselves?  To know it's a self created illusion is to be free from it.

When you say "to know it's self created illusion is to be free from it." Is that something that might take time to fully grasp in the astral; even though as of now I fully believe and understand it as an illusion mostly?

But I just don't know if I fully trust my subconscious to let go of the illusions if I am put under pressure with different emotions and thoughts. Having had a past episode of creating my own inner hell. I know exactly what it's like now to create your own hell through your beliefs being twisted for evil. I have lived it. Luckily I received the life blood of higher truths and reality by true spiritual seekers, and critical thinkers. some of whom are you guys. And lets not forget medical science.

Title: Re: Negative imaginings and mind stuff, what about when I die or in the astral?
Post by: soarin12 on October 01, 2013, 18:00:07
Yes, those type of thoughts definitely have ramifications in the astral.  Any type of thought, positive or negative can manifest.  You can change your thinking just by resolving to do so and believing that you can.  You won't be able to stop negative thoughts from popping into your head, but you can stop yourself from dwelling on them.  As soon as one pops into your head, immediately turn your mind away from it and think of something beautiful that gives you peace.  Practice thinking about loving, peaceful, and comforting things.  (and also practice being love, peace, and comfort to others)  The more you think on these things, the more your whole being will 'become' them, and the negative will just drop away, not having any place to reside in your mind or life.  Remember, if a negative thought comes to you, it's your job to change it.  You do have control of this.  I love this quote about negative thoughts:  You can't stop the birds from flying over your head, but you CAN stop them from making a nest in your hair!  :)   I know you mentioned schizophrenia and just want you to know I'm not saying you shouldn't get doctor's help and meds. if you need it.  :)
Title: Re: Negative imaginings and mind stuff, what about when I die or in the astral?
Post by: PlasmaAstralProjection on October 01, 2013, 19:05:51
Quote from: soarin12 on October 01, 2013, 18:00:07
Yes, those type of thoughts definitely have ramifications in the astral.  Any type of thought, positive or negative can manifest.  You can change your thinking just by resolving to do so and believing that you can.  You won't be able to stop negative thoughts from popping into your head, but you can stop yourself from dwelling on them.  As soon as one pops into your head, immediately turn your mind away from it and think of something beautiful that gives you peace.  Practice thinking about loving, peaceful, and comforting things.  (and also practice being love, peace, and comfort to others)  The more you think on these things, the more your whole being will 'become' them, and the negative will just drop away, not having any place to reside in your mind or life.  Remember, if a negative thought comes to you, it's your job to change it.  You do have control of this.  I love this quote about negative thoughts:  You can't stop the birds from flying over your head, but you CAN stop them from making a nest in your hair!  :)   I know you mentioned schizophrenia and just want you to know I'm not saying you shouldn't get doctor's help and meds. if you need it.  :)
Just to give some clarification, I have been mentally stable most of my life. IDK if it's something that can be changed easily or not. Is it something that could put me at danger in the astral? Is there such a thing as danger ever? And what would danger mean in a place like the astral?
Title: Re: Negative imaginings and mind stuff, what about when I die or in the astral?
Post by: PlasmaAstralProjection on October 01, 2013, 23:51:35
It just got quite all of the sudden. I swear anytime someone mentions danger or suffering or pain in the astral people usually shy away from talking about it.
Title: Re: Negative imaginings and mind stuff, what about when I die or in the astral?
Post by: PlasmaAstralProjection on October 02, 2013, 00:22:50
Do you guys recommend me thinking about it these negative things when they come up, but trying to detach from it while trying to categorize and understand it for what it is? I think that can have some benefit. I know Buddhists say to just ignore all of it and meditate or something like that. But I don't meditate all day.

Title: Re: Negative imaginings and mind stuff, what about when I die or in the astral?
Post by: soarin12 on October 02, 2013, 01:38:17
Quote from: astralprojectee on October 01, 2013, 19:05:51
Just to give some clarification, I have been mentally stable most of my life. IDK if it's something that can be changed easily or not. Is it something that could put me at danger in the astral? Is there such a thing as danger ever? And what would danger mean in a place like the astral?
No physical danger, it's just that if you have negative thoughts that run wild in your mind and you don't have the ability to control them (in the physical) then the same is going to happen in the astral only it's scarier because your're now in the same room with the thing (whatever it is) and your interacting with it.  Not fun!  That's why people say you should be mentally and emotionally stable to AP. 
Title: Re: Negative imaginings and mind stuff, what about when I die or in the astral?
Post by: soarin12 on October 02, 2013, 02:09:14
Quote from: astralprojectee on October 01, 2013, 23:51:35
It just got quite all of the sudden. I swear anytime someone mentions danger or suffering or pain in the astral people usually shy away from talking about it.

Only got quiet on my end cuz I got kicked off the computer by my daughter.  Ha-Ha!  I've been Aping 2 years and from my experience, your own fear is your only enemy out there.  The people on here that have been doing it all their lives say the same thing.  If you have the ability to leave your fear behind then you'll have great experiences.
Title: Re: Negative imaginings and mind stuff, what about when I die or in the astral?
Post by: soarin12 on October 02, 2013, 02:59:20
Quote from: astralprojectee on October 02, 2013, 00:22:50
Do you guys recommend me thinking about it these negative things when they come up, but trying to detach from it while trying to categorize and understand it for what it is? I think that can have some benefit. I know Buddhists say to just ignore all of it and meditate or something like that. But I don't meditate all day.

IMO, no way.  You've already categorized and understood the thoughts to be disturbing, evil and gross.  Any time I have ever indulged/ pondered thoughts like that for any length of time, they just took on more life and became more a part of me.  When they pop into your mind and you think about them a few seconds, that's fine and no harm done.  But when you allow yourself to continue to dwell on them I think you are headed down a path that is not good.  You don't have to meditate to think good thoughts do you?  Just think about something that makes you happy.  Or how about a movie, book or person that really inspires you towards love or a greater purpose?  You will have to work at this a bit in the beginning, but soon positive thoughts will be the new norm for you and the negs. will not bother you at all any more.
Title: Re: Negative imaginings and mind stuff, what about when I die or in the astral?
Post by: CFTraveler on October 02, 2013, 12:46:34
Quote from: apWhen you say "to know it's self created illusion is to be free from it." Is that something that might take time to fully grasp in the astral; even though as of now I fully believe and understand it as an illusion mostly?
That's hard to say, as we're all different.  I do think that it's easier said than done, (which is why Tibetan Buddhists go through all the prayers and chants, etc. to remind the deceased about this) but I do think 'knowing' this to be true gives one an advantage over someone who believes that their experiences are 'really' happening (what retrievals are all about) or worse, that they are forever.  So I do think knowing this is good and advantageous, in the long run.
Title: Re: Negative imaginings and mind stuff, what about when I die or in the astral?
Post by: PlasmaAstralProjection on October 02, 2013, 13:19:14
Quote from: CFTraveler on October 02, 2013, 12:46:34
That's hard to say, as we're all different.  I do think that it's easier said than done, (which is why Tibetan Buddhists go through all the prayers and chants, etc. to remind the deceased about this) but I do think 'knowing' this to be true gives one an advantage over someone who believes that their experiences are 'really' happening (what retrievals are all about) or worse, that they are forever.  So I do think knowing this is good and advantageous, in the long run.

Do you guys run into that a lot in retrievals where the person you are trying to retrieve are so caught up in the idea that this is truly real and it's forever? LOL I can only imagine that could have been me if I died a couple of years ago without knowing what I know now.
Title: Re: Negative imaginings and mind stuff, what about when I die or in the astral?
Post by: Szaxx on October 02, 2013, 14:21:28
Some are caught up in their own belief. They know it's.forever and the.scene repeats itself over and over.
Look for 'souly.for.retrievals' and have a read. Lionheart has a perfect example of this.
There are others too.
Title: Re: Negative imaginings and mind stuff, what about when I die or in the astral?
Post by: CFTraveler on October 02, 2013, 14:43:37
Quote from: astralprojectee on October 02, 2013, 13:19:14
Do you guys run into that a lot in retrievals where the person you are trying to retrieve are so caught up in the idea that this is truly real and it's forever? LOL I can only imagine that could have been me if I died a couple of years ago without knowing what I know now.
I've only done it twice and the people in it snapped out of it.  I don't know everyone else, but I don't believe it goes on 'forever'.
Title: Re: Negative imaginings and mind stuff, what about when I die or in the astral?
Post by: Szaxx on October 02, 2013, 15:47:34
I'd say the same too. These loops can last a long time.
My most recent was a group of people trying to cross a border. They were being chased by a few 4x4   vehicles. I helped them and they escaped. Gunshots being fitred towards them after they crossed. They dissapeared and this time I didn't get shot.
From WW2. That's almost forever if you are in the loop.
Title: Re: Negative imaginings and mind stuff, what about when I die or in the astral?
Post by: PlasmaAstralProjection on October 06, 2013, 01:21:06
Thanks guys let me also add that I can constantly hear music in my head. And most of the time it's like stuff you listen to in the movies that is epic but in a sad way. Something you might hear in starwars with a negative undertone. I try to ignore it but it just keeps on going. It's there all the time. Plus I have tinnitus that is constantly distracting me. I should have mentioned that.

Anyway, i was wondering what you guys think. Would this be a great hindrance in the astral when I die? And how much so? I know you can only give me your best educated guess.

Luckily I have found things to help it somewhat. Sometimes it can get pretty loud considering I am trying to not pay attention to it.

Edit: Please note I have hallucinated with this audio stuff before while I was schizophrenic and it lead to things that I never want to experience again. I will probably have these problems my whole life, unless there is a huge cure for people with stuff like this.  Also note that this audio many times seems to be linked to negative feelings underneath. A good example is that a modified version of James Bond music keeps on playing in my mind with an emphasis on the negative parts playing over and over.

Title: Re: Negative imaginings and mind stuff, what about when I die or in the astral?
Post by: CFTraveler on October 06, 2013, 14:23:51
Since the tinnitus and (to some extent) the music playing are physical issues (brain-based), I can't imagine why it would follow you into the afterlife, unless you believe it is real.  I can see how it could persist, but if you know what's going on (that you no longer have a body and you don't have to listen to it) then it should wear off, especially if there once was a time you didn't hear this music.

Title: Re: Negative imaginings and mind stuff, what about when I die or in the astral?
Post by: PlasmaAstralProjection on October 06, 2013, 15:15:43
Quote from: CFTraveler on October 06, 2013, 14:23:51
Since the tinnitus and (to some extent) the music playing are physical issues (brain-based), I can't imagine why it would follow you into the afterlife, unless you believe it is real.  I can see how it could persist, but if you know what's going on (that you no longer have a body and you don't have to listen to it) then it should wear off, especially if there once was a time you didn't hear this music.
Ummm that makes sense I guess but these delusions/imaginings that lead to negative things that are based on some real underlying beliefs of mine. But these beliefs are mostly from the past, so IDk. Even to this day I still believe a lot of the stuff. There has been a lot more that has gone on mentally other than that which I have said.

Title: Re: Negative imaginings and mind stuff, what about when I die or in the astral?
Post by: Astralzombie on October 06, 2013, 17:09:49
Astralprojectee, no offense, but I think you have some issues that are far more important than AP right now.

Perhaps it would make sense if you put it on the back burner until you can better understand other things.

That's just my opinion though, and if you feel that AP can help you, then I believe it will. Just be sure that you are not digressing in other areas. :-)
Title: Re: Negative imaginings and mind stuff, what about when I die or in the astral?
Post by: PlasmaAstralProjection on October 06, 2013, 18:22:56
Quote from: Astralzombie on October 06, 2013, 17:09:49
Astralprojectee, no offense, but I think you have some issues that are far more important than AP right now.

Perhaps it would make sense if you put it on the back burner until you can better understand other things.

That's just my opinion though, and if you feel that AP can help you, then I believe it will. Just be sure that you are not digressing in other areas. :-)
Oh far from it, I am very much interested in all kinds, of things and can think extremely abstractly for certain things. I have one of the most open mindsets you will ever meet. From political, to spiritual, to health, to medicine, to science. I am very much open minded, and have studied, and understand many other things. I am like the jack of all trades when it comes to beliefs. LOL And am very accepting of others beliefs, and where they are at. Besides I pretty much gave up trying to AP some time ago. I just use AP teachings to help me understand everything on a more deeper level. Though I can't rule out that I will never attempt to do it again. But probably not anytime soon.

I am generally pretty stable. But I do have my underlying mental weaknesses.

Title: Re: Negative imaginings and mind stuff, what about when I die or in the astral?
Post by: CFTraveler on October 07, 2013, 19:15:15
Quote from: Astralzombie on October 06, 2013, 17:09:49
Astralprojectee, no offense, but I think you have some issues that are far more important than AP right now.

Perhaps it would make sense if you put it on the back burner until you can better understand other things.

That's just my opinion though, and if you feel that AP can help you, then I believe it will. Just be sure that you are not digressing in other areas. :-)
I have to agree here.
Title: Re: Negative imaginings and mind stuff, what about when I die or in the astral?
Post by: PlasmaAstralProjection on October 07, 2013, 19:36:07
Quote from: CFTraveler on October 07, 2013, 19:15:15
I have to agree here.
I already said I don't want to AP now. But if it just naturally happens, I'm not going to fight it. You don't have to rub it in. I just generally don't like to think that I am really limited to overcoming in general. Though i do have other avenues for what I think I can really succeed at.

None of this should have any bearing on your ability to help me understand the astral or astral projection at all. As I said in my original post when I die. So none of this was about me trying to astral project right now. It was about me trying to understand what I would/might face when I die.
