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Nameless - yes I agree with all this.

At the same time, there are those who ARE ready to assert themselves into a practice daily.

I myself did it as a consciousness experiment, to see if could, to see what would happen if I did, the curiosity was just there and I began. I used the impetus to inspire others into logging and logging openly as a way to advance their own discipline.expansion.growing open process. The thing about logging daily when going after data such as what you were here, is that it takes, as you have said, a lot of data to capture even a bit that is associated with what is being gone after. So logging anything less than daily only decreases the likelihood for capturing relevant content. When people wonder why threads, curiosities, experiments such as this one fade away before ever having a chance of becoming something, this is why. No-one is capturing much content. Nothing to report. Attention goes off another way. There has to be someone whose job it is to hold the space. There has to be someone, preferably more than one someone who is practicing and logging content daily. As a reminder, and impetus to the others of the group. It works! but participants of all practice levels need to be present.

Just my 2cents, for potential future endeavors.


I really do think the future, the next level of what we are each doing relative to exploring consciousness revolves around group experience.


 Nameless, we could start any group activities that we want. The problem seems to be "staying power". As Omcasey says this "staying power" comes from "discipline", "self discipline". The problem lies in the fact with what is the "return" for said discipline? 

I have over 4 Dream journals full of entries. I used to log in them religiously when I was first new to this practice. Somewhere along the line I lost that motivation. I think it was due to the fact that LDing and APing had just become "consciously" natural to me. I did many of the things I do here in the physical. I still log those "unique" experiences. Once in awhile I go back and peruse my old Journals. But it was never my goal to write a book. I guess after awhile I lost interest in logging the same ole same ole time and time again.

I see that many of our old members here have moved on to new horizons, new challenges. They likely don't actively practice anymore because they already received what they were searching for or they just lost interest period and "life" consumed their focus again. For some reason or reasons I have already stated here, it is very difficult to maintain a strict discipline in this practice. I still do a Phase session almost everyday and do have LDs almost every night. But like I said, it had become a "normal" part of day/night. That didn't come easy though. It took a lot of mental discipline to achieve!
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: omcasey on March 12, 2021, 22:47:40
I really do think the future, the next level of what we are each doing relative to exploring consciousness revolves around group experience.
I do as well. But I also don't see that we are ready for that quite yet. Perhaps one day when we don't have as many "distractions". But not now!
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla