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I Think We Are Missing Something

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I think I definitely missed something. What did I miss?


Laughed out loud Casey. I'm so sorry, you didn't miss anything. I was starting a topic when I got interrupted last night so just threw that in as a place holder. Haven't had time to get my thoughts back in order again. Soons I do I'll come back and pick this up. If I can't find my thoughts (as thoughts sometimes go awhol permanently) I'll delete it. LOL


Ooooohh . . :) makes perfect sense, hope you get it all back - always here and listening.


 Missing something .... like perhaps Members here both old and new?  :? I thought that might just possibly be your thinking as well Nameless! It was mine!  
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


I've grown a lot over the years. I have made connections and linked old thoughts with new thoughts. Braided ideas from one side to ideas on the other. Disentangled a lot of threads that had gotten clipped but never removed. I reckon that is what we are supposed to do and that most people do this throughout life.

But there is this one thought that always stands out for me. It has no loose threads so can't be weaved and reshaped. That thought is so simple and yet it stands there like a calling card saying "well, you gonna pay attention?"

We are after the same thing <--- that's the thought.

On life's journey you may be ahead or behind me or walking somewhere even down the line. But in those reflective searching moments we all want answers. We all seek unity with the truth.

Who am I, Where am I, What is my purpose, Is there a God, What is the controlling power of all that is? Did I make this up, is it all virtual only existing in my head? Just who or what is responsible for all this and how much control do I have. Do I want control, Do I want someone/thing else to control it all?
The church seeks answers in the search for an Almighty God. New agers seek answers in the search for alignment with all creation (or something like that). Astral travelers seek answers from within and without.

And we are all missing the point.
What brought this topic to mind is something I have noticed again and again. This forum for example explores subconscious exploration but we often discount and hesitate to talk about GOD ,<-- notice that is big GOD as apposed to the little God or the littler god.

I don't know what term new agers use to signify GOD. I don't know what term atheists use to signify GOD. I don't know all the terms used by people across the world to signify GOD. But it is the Big GOD we seek.

I personally like using GOD, just goes naturally with my upbringing and background. But I like this little three letter word for another reason. When the word GOD is mentioned absolutely everyone knows who/what you refer too. Doesn't really matter how you describe it you know.

If we all could get onboard and use one term to signify our farthest goal I do think our understanding would increase exponentially.
So why even bring this up if we are all on the same page?

There is one answer no matter where you fall on the spectrum, that answer is fear. Here I will speak personally, I am afraid to mention GOD here as he simply seems to have no place here despite there being a lot of talk of spirituality, moving higher and connecting to higher and higher frequencies. I am afraid to mention GOD in many places where there are religious individuals because someone always starts preaching and quoting bible verses. I have been afraid to mention GOD in secular forums for fear of being labeled a bible thumper and/or religious nut. I am afraid to mention GOD in scientific areas because the language is over my head and leads to head spinning mathematics or lofty theoretical discussions I can't follow.

But in truth GOD is our ultimate prize no matter what language we speak, we only need to recognize that. I know this is getting long, if you are still reading, thank you.

The point of all this is that we, mankind are all reaching upwards. Ever stretching ourselves to understand, to ascend, to be saved...

I will stop here and give over the floor to anyone wanting to add their input. Thank you for reading and thanks in advance for you input. Hugs and love to all.


Unfortunately, due to severe perception limitations while being in character, throughout history people have known that there is something bigger, but because of these limitations were not able to understand completely what it is. Then through the lenses of their own perception, they created various possible god characters. I can see though how limiting all of these perceptions are, therefore I do not associate myself with any religion, because each of them simply cannot describe God in its true form, nor they way God interacts with us. I have my own understanding of GOD through several AP experiences that I had posted here throughout the years. To me simply GOD is All That Is, but it has a core where unimaginable power is concentrated and where if you merge with it, you feel one with everything and everyone. This is a very rare feeling. I felt it just once during observation of this core, being there during one on my APs. Now, I try to recall that feeling, but it just cant get submerged into it, because I am now in character. However, at least I know that it exists and I remember my experience. And yes, Nameless, you are absolutely right, this is it our biggest prize. GOD is in the front line of my life/existence, as everything was created by its core power. When I ask questions, or ask for healing, or ask for world peace, or anything, I always imagine that core as the source of power that impowers me as an individual to be able to create. We have discussed here before that we all are gods. That is true in a way, but without the core power, we would not exists. Our power to create comes from the core power of the original creator of everything- GOD. We are parts of it all. We are not separate from it, but as individual spirits we are not all of it, we don't have that type of power.  Therefore the more we strive towards oneness, togetherness ( not only in our thoughts, but in our daily actions in physicals life) only then we can draw bigger strength to create, because we are merging with more and more parts of the whole and expand. When our ego separates us from others, because we think we are better than others, that isolates us in a way and we can never expand. In one life we play the villains  and in another we play the saviors. It would be arrogant to think that we have always been the good guys and those who are bad are the scum of the universe. This is not how it goes. We have all been many things and should have respect to all souls regardless of their role in a given reality. If we have that understanding, then the ego will not stand in our way to separate us. The whole existence and the purpose of existence of individualized spirits is for ALL THAT IS to continue expanding and ever growing, to set up events and challenges through which more knowledge is born. Everything has a purpose and every event has a purpose whether we as characters understand it or or not. 

So, I do talk about GOD, but not in excess and I choose when and where to speak of it because simply most people do not know of what am I speaking of, as my perception of GOD is different.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: LightBeam on March 09, 2021, 10:01:54
So, I do talk about GOD, but not in excess and I choose when and where to speak of it because simply most people do not know of what am I speaking of, as my perception of GOD is different.
Outside of this Forum I can see that people may not know what you are speaking about, but here on "this" Forum, there are likely many people that do. I know I am one those for sure!  :-) I have found that many people don't have a clue when it comes to things that we discuss here on this Forum. For the longest time I believed that many other people were "in the know". But through the years, I have found that to not be true.

Great topic Nameless!  :-) You and Lightbeam have covered the bases so thoroughly that all that's left to be said is "I agree"!
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Thank you both for your input. Interestingly I found a preacher who does speak our language. Robin D. Bullock.
I was rather shocked.


Agreed with all prior points; it is difficult to improve on what both Nameless and LightBeam have written. I will add my own personal perspective, hopefully without tripping too much over my own thoughts.

I am currently of the GOD Is All That Is perspective, always have been and I have been considering this question since about age four. Luckily, I avoided formalized religion and could consider the question fairly openly. Still, it is a daunting task and one I am still at an incomplete point on. If I had to choose a particular discipline, it would likely be Tibetan Buddhism, Taoism or some hybrid form, giving due credit to Hinduism for the Energy Bodies theory which I think shows itself in OBE and its expression.

With that said, regarding the question of GOD, I am kind of left at the point of the Tibetan Buddhists, who are working to clear their minds and experiences of all polluting ideas in order to reach a state of The Body of Clear Light, that affords them the opportunity to venture into the next after-death states as 'clear' as possible. And having a little alcohol issue, that is my personal battle and stoppage...nonetheless, my point is that I have no further reason at the moment, nor for the last fifty years, to 'understand GOD' at the immediate moment. Don't get me wrong, it is a reasonable idea to consider. But it also strikes me in the sense of many metaphors- How much energy should a 2nd grader expend wondering about his/her PHD Dissertation some 17 years in a possible future? A baseball team in the first inning, concerned about the ninth? I'm not talking about the exception, the genius 2nd grader or the triple grand slams in the first inning...I'm talking about the rest of us, the majority.

Accepting the idea that Enlightenment can happen for an individual in the next instant, the fact is that it probably doesn't and won't. So the rest of us are left to work at it, in very difficult circumstances and likely over many lifetimes, trying to carry the memories of our successes forward.

So personally, I see my advancement towards GOD or this GOD-State as a series of stages; like a 26 mile marathon, or better a triathalon with multiple conditions (swimming, biking, running)...and I have to run it in stages...I have to focus on completing stages. I might have the end result in mind- the finish line (GOD); but I have to break it down into stages to have any hope of achieving it.

Many of us on the Pulse have had a taste of the Formless States, or near to them, where we get an absolutely undeniable moment of that closer relation to what may be something of that GOD-State. It is Pure Love and a few moments of Bliss...we quickly realize that words and language cannot describe it properly. That also tells me that it is 'next level' and still far beyond our comprehension...and ability...but we are given the glimpse.

I still consider a kind of hierarchy to be involved, so years ago I actually quit thinking about GOD and started to pay more attention to the humans closer to me...Mother Theresa, MLK, Gandhi, Rumi, Jesus, Buddha...and many others... I may not be right about any or all of them, but they make me think...and maybe that is part of what I need to make progress.

And short of those great people, I guess my best personal efforts are just to slow down, observe and be a better, kinder person in my most immediate relationships. Sometimes I find little magical moments hidden within there.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Quote from: Nameless on March 09, 2021, 07:09:46

We are after the same thing <--- that's the thought.


What brought this topic to mind is something I have noticed again and again. This forum for example explores subconscious exploration but we often discount and hesitate to talk about GOD ,<-- notice that is big GOD as apposed to the little God or the littler god.

I don't know what term new agers use to signify GOD. I don't know what term atheists use to signify GOD. I don't know all the terms used by people across the world to signify GOD. But it is the Big GOD we seek.

I personally like using GOD . .


No matter the language,

We are ALL always talking about it - experiencing it - exploring it.



Thank you Casey for that chart, you are right this does consume us and it doesn't matter if you are the people who visit this forum or you are of a religious faith or some other mind-set. Seems we all struggle in the same mud hole where various techniques will all work to get us out but we spend too much time brawling to focus on working our plan.

And might add, we all want a saviour.


You are welcome.

I put this together a decade back when I was trying to work my way through something.

We truly ARE all saying the same thing, no matter the language used. You can see how this structure has easily been found through all the schools of thought.

It is the template we all exist within.. I call it the kaleidoscope, some call it the dimensional existence, some others 'reality'.

I think we all want an Example, a Graduate to exemplify that making our way through this structure is possible.

But - for myself - a savior? nooo.. I genuinely want to graduate myself. myself and others.

Peace be.


I have moved beyond the needing a saviour point myself but it is still a sticking point for many. I'm happy to see that some are moving beyond that need.

I think we have had a LOT of graduates throughout history. Only now more people are beginning to recognize them for what they were.


May the FORCE be with you  :-P   Sorry, I couldn't resist for the Star Wars fans.

As far as the savior thing goes, because we have individualized ourselves through our unique characters, we view and feel ourselves as singular. However, we are not singular, because whether we realize it or not, we are already a part of ALL THAT IS, therefore we are already saved and protected, we just don't know it. Or maybe we know if theoretically but cant truly feel it. By not feeling it, we create the illusion that we are weak and we create circumstances that create the need. Feeling it though, means that we realize that we are a part of everything and everyone, and that mental merge actually reinforces and materializes the connection to the ultimate power and we never feel alone no matter what our characters' circumstances may be in life. But just knowing like in theory may not be enough. One has to believe with no doubt, then the inner power, feeling saved, protected and at peace will follow. At least this is how I feel. At one point of my life, I thought I myself was very powerful and it came from me only. Until life taught me a lesson and I was seeking desperately help. I could not change my challenge, I could not save myself, but not because I did not believe in myself, but because I believed in myself ONLY as the originator of that power, my ego had separated me, and the lesson showed me that the power was not ONLY my own. It was far greater and I had to realize what was its source and what was my place in the whole multiverse picture. Then I experienced the oneness and truly understood how arrogant I was before to let my ego dominate. Now, I am just the opposite, accepting every point of consciousness as equal and drawing power from the collective consciousness.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow