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Word of the Week! "OBE"

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Ok, it's not quite a WORD... it's more of a phrase!

OBE!  Tell everyone what your definition of OBE is!

Remember to use whatever context as you wish, and as before, no negative banter please.  :)


OBE (Out of body experience)
1) You feel a shift in your awareness which you do not project into.
2) You raise your awareness upward until you get one of the two types of vibrations.
3) You feel an actual separation.
4) You find yourself in an environment which is an energetic blueprint for the physical world.

IBE (Inner body experience)
1) You feel a shift in your awareness which you project into.
2) You don't feel an actual separation.
3) You find yourself in an environment which does not resemble the physical world.

Killa Rican

Honestly, for the sum total of my intense phasing experiences, I have no clue what the heck an "Out Of Body" experience is. I dont think written words can even do it justice lol.

For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not, none will suffice. ~Joseph Dunninger


For me, it's when I go to Bradley's Bar-B-Que and take my first bite of their "Big Tex" with homemade hot sauce. I momentarily pause and tell the people at my table, "I just had an out of body experience".


Shifting focus from behind your eyes to what "seems" like outside your body but always inside your mind



My definition of an Out of Body Experience is when the consciousness (also called soul, spirit, astral body and/or ethereal body) separates and exists outside and apart from the physical body.
I believe that an OBE is different from a lucid dream because the consciousness does not separate from the physical body during a LD. However sometimes the line between an OBE and a LD becomes blurred to the point as to be unable to distinguish one experience from another.

Truly  8-)


My own experiences are extremely limited in the sense of OBE. But I
make some assumptions:

1. There exists some kind of 3-dimensional universe. I can't say for sure that
the 3-dimensionality exists, but I will have to make the assumption that the
3-dimensionality exists based on observations in my physical reality,
regardless of how weak such an assumption is.

2. I make the assumption that there is a difference between awareness
and consciousness
. By awareness, I in a fuzzy context mean that there
is some kind of focus and "actability" in a person. Actability implies that
the person can act, think and reason in a critical way.

Having only consciousness may not result in the same critical thinking,
for example Oliver Fox makes the distinction between dream consciousness -
"Ohh, this girl has four eyes. Cute.", and awareness - "Oh, this girl has four
eyes, that can't be real, perhaps I'm dreaming, yes I am."

3. Somehow our minds consists of several parts, which can be somewhat separated,
while still being connected to each others in the 3-dimensional physical reality. This
connection must work somehow, but I don't know how. If there was no connection,
and I manage to go OBE I would leave Earth rather quickly, going out into space,
because I'm not affected by gravity, and Earth constantly moves away from the
direction of a straight line.

The connection probably works in several ways, for example S Muldoon noticed that
the connection is much stronger within "cord range activity" which is between
8 to 15 feet from the physical body during an OBE.

With these assumptions, I can stand on the shoulders of gigants like Muldoon, Monroe
and others.

I thereby define (but don't limit) an OBE to be a "something" where you keep your awareness,
including ability to perceive and move around, which is separated from your physical body in
the 3-dimensional reality. I would guess that's about the same definition as many others,
much more skilled, OBEers already have made.

I also think the existance of the mind-split effect is likely, in the way it first was described by
Frederik van Eeden (and others, also R Bruce), as I assume that some part of our mind
still resides inside the physical body during the OBE. It is thus possible for us to have not
only bi-location of our awareness (see Monroe and others), but also to have two separate
awarenesses (mind-split) at the same time (but still connected at a level unknown to us).

I further assume that the observations by S Muldoon, Buhlman and Monroe, that we have
some kind of non-physical body which separates only a small distance from the physical
body during sleep (and OBE), sometimes only an inch (see Buhlman), but often as much
as 1-3 feet (according to Muldoon, Monroe and others), is correct.

I further assume that the observation by Monroe and others, that we have a third non-physical
body or something similar, which are more mobile and can move farther distances (not only in
the physical) during an OBE, is correct.

My only own observations are that when I wake up in SP, I can only move in a straight line
with about constant speed from my physical body, much like Muldoon's initial movement.
But then in my OBE, as I hit a physical wall an enter it, I lose my eye sight and I very
quickly go back into sleep in an LD or semi-LD and eventually regular dream (but with
better memory recall than from my usual dreams).

This tends to make my best OBE no longer than perhaps 2-3 seconds, but during that short time
my mind is crisp clear, much more clear than it have ever been in any LD. So in my opinion
there is a clear difference between an OBE and an LD.

This definition of an OBE may be weak, but I think it can be strengthened and some of the
circular definitions can be removed. But it can still not be completely strong, as science has
no good way of defining exactly what "consciousness" is, so I will not dwell on this matter
too much. :)

Former PauliEffect (got lost on server crash),


Quote from: Pauli2 on June 15, 2012, 08:27:52

2. I make the assumption that there is a difference between awareness
and consciousness
. By awareness, I in a fuzzy context mean that there
is some kind of focus and "actability" in a person. Actability implies that
the person can act, think and reason in a critical way.

Having only consciousness may not result in the same critical thinking,
for example Oliver Fox makes the distinction between dream consciousness -
"Ohh, this girl has four eyes. Cute.", and awareness - "Oh, this girl has four
eyes, that can't be real, perhaps I'm dreaming, yes I am."

I thereby define (but don't limit) an OBE to be a "something" where you keep your awareness,
including ability to perceive and move around, which is separated from your physical body in
the 3-dimensional reality. I would guess that's about the same definition as many others,
much more skilled, OBEers already have made.

This tends to make my best OBE no longer than perhaps 2-3 seconds, but during that short time
my mind is crisp clear, much more clear than it have ever been in any LD. So in my opinion
there is a clear difference between an OBE and an LD.

These are very good points Pauli. I totally agree with you on them. I always strive for awareness in my OBE's.


We OBE in mornings,
We OBE at night,
We OBE for many years,
Some see that astral light.

But OBE experienced,
When decades some have passed,
This OBE phenomena,
Conciousness everlast?

The thinking now starts changing,
Is OBE so real?
Connected times to everything,
This out is word to steal.

Franks view in his later posts,
Thinks out is so unreal.
Followed soon by manys thoughts,
Its innermost we'll feel.

Realised its all internal,
We may just start to shout.
The world aint flat now anymore,
Get this OBE thing out.

Its all in many colours
and placed correct intent,
We really do internalize,
Now OBE's for rent.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


 This "word of the week" concept is really bring the poet out in you Szaxx. Great work, keep them coming!  :-D