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How Is Everyone?

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Just thought I'd check in to see how everyone has been coping with the coronavirus and just life in general lately?

I live just east of Toronto (Ontario, Canada), everything is going fairly well here.  I mean, we're having a rather anxiety-causing jump in cases... but I guess we're handling it okay.
Personally, I'm a little on the anxious end of things... but I'm managing. 

Everyone doing okay these days?  Holding up okay?  :)


Living the dream!...NOT!  I will be glad when 2020 is over.  Already looking forward to 2021. 

I feel like this year has sucked the energy out of me.  My NP experiences ended in March and Just recently had a couple short LD's here in September.  I am feeling a little rusty after the 6 month hiatus. 

Our cases here in Alberta, Canada are rising as well but hopefully things don't get out of hand as I don't want to see the economy shut down again.  I was fortunate enough to be able to work thru the whole thing but I know others were not as lucky. 

Just need to keep the mental thoughts positive!  :-)
The Adventure Continues...


Seems all the 'pressions are out in full force and have been throughout 2020, oppression, depression, suppression. But holding on and basically waiting it out. One thing I know is nothing stays the same for long although arguably this has been one long year.

The virus doesn't bother me much at all but boy oh boy peoples reactions to it do.


I've been saying the same thing to a friend today. The virus itself does not scare me but how people behave and often also look for fights.

I honestly prefer to stay at home because of that and am lucky enough to live in nature far enough away from masses. In my circle people take pretty good care of each other getting around restrictions, doing shopping for each other and stuff.

I can't deny that I feel anxiety though about what happens next. since around march/april i am constantly working through tensions in my body that just don't want to relax themselves...


Hi all, I'm just observing the world. Noticing clear patterns of mass behavior according to which things are not going to get better soon. I'm sad that I cant go to my annual European vacation, cant go to theme parks, travel, explore. I still find places to go though, because I simply cant stay home all the time. We have botanical gardens open, some outdoor museums. I usually travel for work all over the states and i miss that very much. On the other hand I have more time for self improvement, piano practice, Pilates classes, healthy eating, more meditation, book writing. These changes make me feel happy.

I like to observe people's behavior and I am noticing how different people's perspective really is. For example, my company decided to release our annual merit increase. I called my direct reports to inform them of their percentage. One of them said wow, that's really low, when can we get promotions again? The other one said, I don't really care what's the percentage, I am just thankful to have a job. So, here are two people in the same boat, but one of them sees the glass half empty, the other one sees the glass half full. Guess which one has more happiness and joy in life?
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Thank you for asking and gathering us all together, Xanth.. and thank you to those who have replied, it is good to touch base on this, even regularly right now.

I myself am at a decision point and there is so much change happening all at once. I am moving and having to decide where to move, my job is changing and I am having to decide which way to go with work ( there are options ), even my car, my chariot, my beloved ride and escort of the past 20 years slipped from me and a new car-companion is now/newly here to see me through the coming days, months and years. Everything is up in the air including me. What will the decisions be? It is a stressful time in the midst of the current world state of affairs, I am feeling the stress. I have made my way through this year ( 2020 ) well enough but the ground itself is changing this year and I wonder how the coming span of time will be. It is possible I could fly, it is possible I could fall. The precipice is my only current footing. How exciting, really.

I feel the weight of the many who are agreeing to carry the mainstream narrative, the judgement, anger and frustration manifesting from his radiating through the neural network of the human collective. The volume is intense and I am not wholly certain what to do with it, how to process it - it is so much. Mid afternoons I do not feel well at all. This lower energy and extreme emotion resides even my immediate household, between family members. It is a part of what is detaching me from this place and moving me to another. I will miss being here. I have loved it. I have rarely had the opportunity to spend time with family members. It has renewed me, I do not want to go, but the time for it is surely now.

People scare me much more than viruses too.. I am a health care worker and am not afraid of the sick and ailing. It is my role in this life to care for them. I know, at this point, reality is from the inside out, not the other way around - but those still locked in the 3D frequency, squarely in separation, duality, war constructs are having a very different view of what is happening right now. Fear has so many in attack mode. Many such as myself are being targeted for deletion. Which may be from a household, a job, a relationship, or even the planet. So many are leaving at this time. I feel their absence, I feel it as loss. I feel everything, some of us have to. It is why it can be so overwhelming.

All this said,

I am here. I am exploring all the energy. I am not my more usual self, there are sad and trying elements to the times.

I am navigating this all as best I can.


Gosh, we all need to let this madness out it seems. Thank you all for speaking up and sharing your thoughts and thanks Ryan for asking. I'm impressed Casey you speak of the ground itself. This year is crazy with Mother Earth. I have so many wild plants growing it's downright bizarre. Getting anything to grow here has been nearly impossible for 20 years! BUT all this new growth falls directly in line with where my own instincts have been taking me lately and that is Plant Medicines/Herbalism or for the more mystically inclined witchcraft (lol). I'm learning a lot and getting some guidance on the NP front but not much of anything else there at all.

So you Casey are learning new things about yourself while feeling the stress.
LightBeam is focusing on her own strengths and needs at this time but being very observant to pattern development.
Batgirl seems to be working through some heavy tensions and finding nature is a mighty healing force.
T-Man is working through the low energy crisis that seems to have a hold on most of us if not all while remaining hopeful.
Ryan is feeling the anxiety and looking for relief.

Things are definitely changing. As a group it might be a good idea to surge our energies (what little we feel we have) towards each other. I know I also can not seem to boost my own much at all. Nothing seems to be working right. I was speaking to another member here last night and this came up. Maybe forming or visualizing a circle and passing energy around instead of pulling in. We both agreed it was worth a try and might help so if you guys are on board give it a go or as much of a go as you can maybe. Believe me I know how hard this is when you just don't 'feel' like it. Personally I just haven't 'felt' like doing anything np.

Last night after our conversation I had intended to do exactly this but dang I fell asleep instead without even making an attempt. I'm kind of ashamed to even admit that but that's how bad it's gotten.

Anyway, love you guys so so much!! Hugs!


Great thread Xanth! It's needed, especially now!

Thanks for everyone's replies.

Nameless and I spoke for over two hours last night; much of the convo about this. Everyone is likely feeling the pressure that the pandemic has generated, keeping in mind there were already earlier social and energetic forces at work that are significant to our time. It is apparent to many of us that there is a strong psychic component to the oppressive energy at work now. I will venture the opinion that for many of us at the Pulse, we are somewhat more susceptible to the debilitating effects of this energy, so we really need to recognize that fact and take steps to secure and reinforce our own energies and those close to and important to us.

It doesn't have to be perfect, your simple intention and good will is everything. We have to support each other, our family and our friends. Just with simple prayers and visualizations of sending supportive energy, dedicate just ten minutes a day and send out the good vibes. Start with a simple grounding exercise for your own well-being. Sink your energy into the earth and feel the energy returning; send your energy into the sky above and feel the energy returning; do this three times or more if you want to. Then send that energy around the group. Add breathing to it if you wish. It is actually no more complicated than that.

I have had nearly zero NP experiences for the last six months. The occasional slight lucid dream, and those have become noticeable for their uniqueness. It seems like our energy or the NP itself, has forced an almost total shutdown on experiences for many of us. Maybe it's to force us to conserve our energy or re-direct our focus to what needs closer and more refined attention at this time.

I've discussed this with a few people and the subject of an energy shift to a higher level, from 3 dimension to 4 and 5th dimensional energy may be at work. And these are the 'growing pains'...and many of us are not just feeling the oppressive emotional/psychic energy, but there are attendant physical discomforts many of us are experiencing.

The strangest of many things is that despite the lack of NP experiences I have had some slightly lucid dreams that seem to break new ground. One was last week and as I described it to Nameless last night, she remembered having been part of the same dream. So it appears to be a shared experience, which is especially startling given the current situation. It's an unclear memory and hopefully we will figure it out in the future.

Nonetheless, we have to deal with now. Be strong, send some energy around and hang in there! Good wishes to everyone!
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


 This is a great thread. Sometimes it takes a topic like this to finally make everyone post here again! That in itself is a plus in my books!  :-) See, I found a positive out of all of this chaos we are experiencing.

In another thread, I am going to post the most bizarre "assignment", I guess i have to call it, that I have ever experienced in my life. To give you the short version. About 3 months ago I started having bizarre, very violent Dreams. I became lucid enough in them to carry back a "message" For the next 97 days, I watched the worst of our Human race, via live streaming. I watched people getting shot in the streets. I saw Towns where everyone was turning on each other. The only thing that separated them was a the street in between them. I saw the worst vile, hatred spewing comments directed at people that have never met or don't even know each other. But still I remained "neutral". That seemed to be the directive of the message. I knew what was happening. Once again, like all my life, I was in "Observer" mode. I was seeing everything from the outside in and because of that it was supposed to remove any emotions to what I was witnessing. Supposed to that is. Why? I have no answer to that yet. I feel like I was being used as some kind of "recording device". I was very aware of what a "obsession" is and I kept questioning that, so did the people around me. But I finally turned to them and told them the truth, I said "it" seeked me out. I didn't go looking for it. I then explained the whole thing to them. At the end of the 97 days, the need or have to mentality instantly went away, just as quick as it came in the first place.

Even through the worst of that I could keep positive. Why? Because I know that order returns after chaos rears it's ugly head. This isn't going to end soon and likely will get much worse, before a new form order can be restored. We will get through it though.

 Until another civilization comes to join us here on Earth, we are all one Race and that's the "Human" Race!!! It doesn't matter the color of your skin, your personal and cultural beliefs. etc.. We all bleed red!

The Covid thing has completely shut down our business here. Our entire business depended on the Renaissance Faires, State Fairs and other venues. So, yes, we took a big hit. But there are many others that are in the same boat. We will get through this as well. We are all Survivors. It's part of the Human makeup!
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


I'm glad that everyone seems to be generally trying to make good of a bad situation. 
Perspective is definitely a big chunk of the source of happiness as LB points out below.  :)

Quote from: LightBeam on September 23, 2020, 02:32:18
I like to observe people's behavior and I am noticing how different people's perspective really is. For example, my company decided to release our annual merit increase. I called my direct reports to inform them of their percentage. One of them said wow, that's really low, when can we get promotions again? The other one said, I don't really care what's the percentage, I am just thankful to have a job. So, here are two people in the same boat, but one of them sees the glass half empty, the other one sees the glass half full. Guess which one has more happiness and joy in life?
Oh my!  That really does nail the "perspective" thing on the head! 


Hello All,

In Hungary the disease is getting worse and worse, but I love quarantine. Didn't like the office and this new situation is sort of an opportunity that gives me more time for introspection/practice.
By the way, are there other Hungarians here? I'd love to know :)


Quote from: nofarewell7 on October 28, 2020, 10:14:28
Hello All,

In Hungary the disease is getting worse and worse, but I love quarantine. Didn't like the office and this new situation is sort of an opportunity that gives me more time for introspection/practice.
By the way, are there other Hungarians here? I'd love to know :)
That's a great perspective.  :)

Thread Killer

Quote from: Xanth on September 22, 2020, 17:15:39
Just thought I'd check in to see how everyone has been coping with the coronavirus and just life in general lately?

I live just east of Toronto (Ontario, Canada), everything is going fairly well here.  I mean, we're having a rather anxiety-causing jump in cases... but I guess we're handling it okay.
Personally, I'm a little on the anxious end of things... but I'm managing. 

Everyone doing okay these days?  Holding up okay?  :)

Why anxious? How many people do you know personally who have contracted this stronger strain of flu? Are they dragging wagons filled with the dead through the streets of the GTA? Think this happy thought...Total number of deaths in Canada, DIRECTLY caused by covid versus  the total population of Canada. Me personally, I'm more worried of being injured in an auto accident than contracting covid. But that's me. I don't watch news, as I am the authority of my own life. I trust what I feel, not what some authority tells me I should feel. Best of luck, Xanth. I wish you peace to soothe your restless heart.
Pedant. Pedagogue. Prick.


Anxious, because of the uncertainty going on today.  Now Ontario is being threatened with another lockdown because people don't seem to be taking this as serious as they should be.

That's great that YOU are not worried about this.  But I worry about my friends and family.  I don't want to see anyone get sick.

Whether you don't want to believe or accept that what's going on is real is besides the point.  My sister in law is an emergency room nurse, she's seen covid up close and what it does.

Any other talk of covid being "not dangerous" is going to be moderated. It's misleading and dangerous to spread that and the pulse won't be party to it.


I have many friends and co-workers that had it so far. A few elder and sick lost the battle, others got severe scary symptoms although they are young and healthy, others didn't feel it as much. We just don't know how is this going to affect each of us, so we should take it seriously and be responsible in public. My mom for example will not stand a chance if she gets it due to medical conditions. That's why this year I did not go home so I don't put her at risk. Overall, there is no normal life for anyone, except for those living in the wilderness and isolated (if that has been their lifestyle), that's why we are anxious to have this contained.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow