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Sitchin/The 12th Planet fans... CHECK THIS OUT!!

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er, actually, on the article, planet 'V' (as they call nibiru) was said to disturb the orbits of asteroids, pushing them into the orbits of mars and earth, ratherthan actually colliding before being consumed by the sun. i also read an article on a theory that the solar system is binary with 2 stars, one being a red dwarf between 1 and 3 light years away. this could be possible since there is no way we can tell the distance from earth to other stars. but once again, the evidence that is provided for that theory could very easily be applied to the planet nibiru, orbiting periodically outside of pluto before coming in towards the sun.

and even though this isnt directly related to proving nibiru's existance.. sumerian texts have been found that suggest that the sumerians COULD tell the distance of stars from earth, as well as the distance of stars from each other, and they supposively got this information from annunaki, who also told them of planets invisible to the naked human eye (telescopes also were far from being invented as this is thousands of years bc) such as neptune, uranus, and pluto. and once again, there are the texts filled with mathematically equations that we to this day do not understand.

so... just things to think about. im excited... we're nearing the time of the great spiritual event that sitchin has predicted.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


What is the great spiritual event he has predicted?

Thats interesting about the maths equations, are people trying to work out and learn this mathmatics that they cant understand?



sitchin wont say what he thinks the spiritual event will be. nor will he say when he thinks it will be. he's said it will be soon, and very widespread and noticeable.

the spiritual events that happen every 3600 years or so are linked to the planet nibiru passing by earth. these are some of the events of the past that have occured at the time of nibiru's crossings:

annunaki landing on earth,
neanderthals to modern man in an impossible amount of time,
man suddenly jumping from hunting to farming in mere years,
the deluge of the epic of gilgamesh/bible (great flood),
the birth of jesus of nazareth

as for the math.. the texts have been dubbed 'nonsense' by the scientific community last time i heard. they just cant figure them out. sitchin believes they are astronomical calculations for space travel, as the few words on them are related to space flight. of course the sumerians couldnt have been more advanced that us mathematically, we dont even know that much about them :) (sarcastic..)
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


heh... sorry about posting this again or moving it back to the top or whatever... i was just trying out the 'edit topic' button.. [:I]
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


this article came out some time last year (2002!!), and i've just discovered it, so i dont know if any of you have seen it yet, but if you've read Zecharia Sitchin's 'The 12th Planet' i'm sure you were/will be completely thrilled!! (as i am!!)...

the article i found (linked to below) explains how scientists using a supercomputer to trace earth's past back 3.9 billion years discovered that there may have been a FIFTH TERRESTRIAL PLANET (meaning a fifth planet inwards of jupiter!) in the solar system back almost 4 billion years ago, and that it had an eccentric orbit, and that its collision with earth was at the same time life is believed to have started...

here's what sitchin's been saying since the very early 1970's:

there is a fifth terrestrial planet, a very large one that supposively rivals if not surpasses jupiter in size. it's orbit IS eccentric, as it goes out twice as far as pluto and comes back in by the asteroid belt. according to sitchin, this planet's satellites collided with the planet that would later become earth, causing half to fly out into space and become the asteroid belt, and the other half to fly inward towards the sun and take up orbit as earth. sitchin explains that THIS is where the 'life seed' was planted on earth. THIS is why all life on earth makes such great usage of strange and rare elements (potassium, calcium) rather than more common ones, such as nitrogen. THIS is why there is such a huge crater under the pacific ocean, and all the continents formed on the other side of earth (pangea).

the scientific says that the '5th planet' was consumed by the sun. readers of sitchin know better [;)]

modern technology is at last on the fringe of catching up with ancient sumeria!!!

here's the address:
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?