The Astral Pulse

Astral Chat => Welcome to Astral Chat! => Topic started by: Nameless on October 05, 2016, 04:11:49

Title: Something I just need to express
Post by: Nameless on October 05, 2016, 04:11:49
I'm experiencing a lot of emotions right now and a part of me really wants to just keep it to myself. But there's another part of me that knows there is someone else out there that feels the same way or has felt this way before. And lots of those people will never have the courage to speak up and some one needs to speak for them till they can find their own voice.

I'm giddy one moment and depressed the next. Not in a clinical way just that normal way we find ourselves sometimes when we make a new discovery about ourselves, about life, just about anything really.

On the one hand I feel giddy to have people I can share my experiences in the NP with. People who 'get it'. People who are kind and walking their own path. People who are willing to be guides as well receive guidance. People are willing to 'put it out there' despite knowing there will be some who deride these experiences as being make-believe (at best) or insanity (at worse). People who will teach and learn. People on all levels of the experiential and spiritual highway.

On the other hand I sometimes find myself depressed at just how much there is to learn and how difficult it is to be human with all our frailties and desires, mixed emotions and extraneous thinking. I get angry sometimes when people point out someone else's faults (yes, I'm guilty of that too). We all have faults and I don't want to hear how stupid people are or how humans are pests upon the Earth. Even pests have their reason for being as each of us have ours. To claim us, the human animal, as nothing more than a pest or a nuisance is to presume our nurturers are as ignorant as we. What an assumption.

At it's deepest level life really is simple. All you have to do is live. You can live happy, sad, angry, any way you want - just live. That's all. There truly is only thing that separates us all all and put us into differing camps of being and that is attitude.

My whole life I have been plagued or blessed with experiences that many others just don't seem to have. People like me and probably you too if you are reading this know exactly what I mean. We all handle that in our own way and in time we learn how to be. And that is why I am here. I learned how to be out here in the world. Now I want to learn how to be in my world.

There's a lot more I want to say but I think this is enough for now as my chest and my inner Muse is getting emotional.

Love to you all - and light, and hugs.
Title: Re: Something I just need to express
Post by: PlasmaAstralProjection on October 05, 2016, 14:41:39
Thanks for sharing that Nameless. Your always welcome here, but if you take drugs we'll disown you. LOL  :-D  No I'm kidding, or am I? Inside joke for those that don't get it. Anyway thanks for sharing that, we all need a place to talk about our thoughts about the spiritual, and our experiences. I consider the pulse here to be my main home for spiritual talk.

As far as being depressed. Well I can certainly relate. I was recently put on a medication for acne and I got really depressed. I thought it would go away, but it didn't. I thought it would go away because I've been on accutane before and was depressed and I was able to get over it. But it only got worse while on minocyline. After I woke up 2 days in a role at 3:30 in the morning I decided enough is enough and I got off of it. And it's taken me months to get back to normal. We all go through our own struggles in different but similar ways. Keep up your good work on your spiritual journey.
Title: Re: Something I just need to express
Post by: Phildan1 on October 05, 2016, 15:33:10
Quote from: PlasmaAstralProjection on October 05, 2016, 14:41:39
Thanks for sharing that Nameless. Your always welcome here, but if you take drugs we'll disown you. LOL  :-D  No I'm kidding, or am I? Inside joke for those that don't get it. Anyway thanks for sharing that, we all need a place to talk about our thoughts about the spiritual, and our experiences. I consider the pulse here to be my main home for spiritual talk.

As far as being depressed. Well I can certainly relate. I was recently put on a medication for acne and I got really depressed. I thought it would go away, but it didn't. I thought it would go away because I've been on accutane before and was depressed and I was able to get over it. But it only got worse while on minocyline. After I woke up 2 days in a role at 3:30 in the morning I decided enough is enough and I got off of it. And it's taken me months to get back to normal. We all go through our own struggles in different but similar ways. Keep up your good work on your spiritual journey.

Dear Plasma! :D Let me ask you, do you have an issue about other people watching you and think certain things about you and this issue bothers you? Like watching your face and you have a negative thinking about what others are thinking about you?
Title: Re: Something I just need to express
Post by: Nameless on October 05, 2016, 16:15:03
Plasma - LOL. Thanks hon. I get the battle with depression. It is something that has plagued various members of my family long as I can remember. It's not easy for those 'with' or for those who love them. You will do fine, you will struggle but you will do fine, you're a fighter.
Title: Re: Something I just need to express
Post by: Nameless on October 05, 2016, 17:36:19
I just read a thread regarding time. It reminded me of a conversation I had with an 'Other'. I asked them to explain time. The 'Other' laughed and said time was an an unfinished project. Apparently we don't understand it either, all sorts of bugs to work out.

LOL, guess I won't be getting a clear understanding from the other side either. :-)
Title: Re: Something I just need to express
Post by: PlasmaAstralProjection on October 05, 2016, 20:12:48
Quote from: Phildan1 on October 05, 2016, 15:33:10
Dear Plasma! :D Let me ask you, do you have an issue about other people watching you and think certain things about you and this issue bothers you? Like watching your face and you have a negative thinking about what others are thinking about you?
LOL No, I was raised a Christian with the belief that we should convert others from ignorance to truth. Now I am no longer a Christian really but I do have a strong belief in helping others see the truth, even if the truth is not politically correct, or if they are resistant to it. You see I honestly believe everything I said in that other thread. I honestly really believe that the things I talked about can be used as a powerful catalyst for spiritual growth. But besides the topic in the other thread. I've done this on other forums too. I have a very strong conviction sometimes that it's my duty to help others see the truth no matter how close minded they are right now, and no matter how un-politically correct I sound.

Things change and you will be surprised at how fast things can change. Just look at marijuana legalization, or gay rights, and right to die. These are all gaining traction, and nobody would have predicted their growth 50 years ago. It was inconceivable back then. That isn't even talking about the amount of racism we've overcome with the first black president being elected. So things change, because the truth trumps everything. No pun intended. LOL

Sometimes I feel like no matter how much I try it won't matter anyway and the only real mover of peoples opinions when it comes to things like this is science and technology. Science and technology has the ability to show the truth in the end no matter what. I am talking about really good science and technology. Science and technology will be the main movers of opinion in the years to come. And there is nothing anyone can do about that. Social change is as inevitable as the earth revolving around the sun. Perhaps all my talking has little to no impact overall. But I will keep trying to bridge the gap between these spiritual technologies, because I still have that conviction that one day all the spiritual technologies can live in harmony, and the light of truth will shine in the darkest areas. Damn I sound like a christian again. Hahaha

I am a very strong believer in the first amendment too.
Title: Re: Something I just need to express
Post by: Xanth on October 05, 2016, 20:21:09
You've heard the phrase, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink," right?
You can't FORCE your truth onto others.  We guide people to the water... it's up to them to drink.  Well, it's even up to them to be guided to the water in the first place.  Some people don't want the water, they want a different water entirely.  It's NOT your job to pull someone kicking and screaming to your water.  You'd do well to remember that.

Also, you're confusing YOUR truth for THE truth.  You do realize that those are two completely different things, right? 
We all have our own truths... although, I highly doubt there's a single individual living on this planet today who has THE truth.

To bring this back to the original post...
I've been a part of many different forums and they've all had their own place in my self-discovery, through the good and the bad times.
The Astral Pulse has been significantly more important to me than the others though.  I love this place.  :)
Title: Re: Something I just need to express
Post by: Phildan1 on October 05, 2016, 20:30:23
Plasma! I just wanted to point out simply, what causes acne. :) thats all. It is a manifestation on the body (face).
Title: Re: Something I just need to express
Post by: PlasmaAstralProjection on October 05, 2016, 20:50:40
Quote from: Xanth on October 05, 2016, 20:21:09
You've heard the phrase, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink," right?
You can't FORCE your truth onto others.  We guide people to the water... it's up to them to drink.  Well, it's even up to them to be guided to the water in the first place.  Some people don't want the water, they want a different water entirely.  It's NOT your job to pull someone kicking and screaming to your water.  You'd do well to remember that.
But did I really force anything? We're all in the comfort of our own home. We're just talking, no swear words we're used, I didn't even get into specifics. IDK Xanth. But I get the general idea right. You don't want to hear what I believe is the truth. Like I said if what I have talked about is true there is nothing anyone here can do to change it. If it's the truth, nobody can stop it. The million dollar question is "is it my truth or is it the truth?" To which there is no consensus yet. But considering I know in depth about almost all spiritual technologies, even a kid will tell you I would be more apt to know the truth of this matter.  :-D

Quote from: Xanth on October 05, 2016, 20:21:09
Also, you're confusing YOUR truth for THE truth.  You do realize that those are two completely different things, right? 
We all have our own truths... although, I highly doubt there's a single individual living on this planet today who has THE truth.
I already covered that. I know the difference.

Quote from: Xanth on October 05, 2016, 20:21:09
To bring this back to the original post...
I've been a part of many different forums and they've all had their own place in my self-discovery, through the good and the bad times.
The Astral Pulse has been significantly more important to me than the others though.  I love this place.  :)
And what is that exactly? LOL I can agree with that though, personally being on this forum has benefited me probably more than any other forum, because I was tormented by thoughts of hell, I didn't think I deserved anything more at certain times in my life. It's only through understanding the NP that I lost my fear of hell. And Szaxx was the main one that helped in that regard. Thanks man I still appreciate it, if your reading this.
Title: Re: Something I just need to express
Post by: PlasmaAstralProjection on October 05, 2016, 20:57:31
Quote from: Phildan1 on October 05, 2016, 20:30:23
Plasma! I just wanted to point out simply, what causes acne. :) thats all. It is a manifestation on the body (face).
I think that is obvious. Am I missing anything?
Title: Re: Something I just need to express
Post by: LightBeam on October 05, 2016, 21:09:13
Quote from: Nameless on October 05, 2016, 04:11:49
I'm experiencing a lot of emotions right now and a part of me really wants to just keep it to myself. But there's another part of me that knows there is someone else out there that feels the same way or has felt this way before. And lots of those people will never have the courage to speak up and some one needs to speak for them till they can find their own voice.

I'm giddy one moment and depressed the next. Not in a clinical way just that normal way we find ourselves sometimes when we make a new discovery about ourselves, about life, just about anything really.

On the one hand I feel giddy to have people I can share my experiences in the NP with. People who 'get it'. People who are kind and walking their own path. People who are willing to be guides as well receive guidance. People are willing to 'put it out there' despite knowing there will be some who deride these experiences as being make-believe (at best) or insanity (at worse). People who will teach and learn. People on all levels of the experiential and spiritual highway.

On the other hand I sometimes find myself depressed at just how much there is to learn and how difficult it is to be human with all our frailties and desires, mixed emotions and extraneous thinking. I get angry sometimes when people point out someone else's faults (yes, I'm guilty of that too). We all have faults and I don't want to hear how stupid people are or how humans are pests upon the Earth. Even pests have their reason for being as each of us have ours. To claim us, the human animal, as nothing more than a pest or a nuisance is to presume our nurturers are as ignorant as we. What an assumption.

At it's deepest level life really is simple. All you have to do is live. You can live happy, sad, angry, any way you want - just live. That's all. There truly is only thing that separates us all all and put us into differing camps of being and that is attitude.

My whole life I have been plagued or blessed with experiences that many others just don't seem to have. People like me and probably you too if you are reading this know exactly what I mean. We all handle that in our own way and in time we learn how to be. And that is why I am here. I learned how to be out here in the world. Now I want to learn how to be in my world.

There's a lot more I want to say but I think this is enough for now as my chest and my inner Muse is getting emotional.

Love to you all - and light, and hugs.

You are not alone, Nameless. For me, the hardest time of my life so far was when my dad passed away. I was so devastated and the pain was unbearable, that I started shouting questions to whoever was in charge of everything in the universe why is such extreme cruelty and suffering necessary. I could not understand. And honestly sometimes when I read horrific stories on the news, my mind goes numb and I start questioning the design of this world. I understand challenges and difficulties, but when it comes to extreme horrifying events, I question are they necessary.
Title: Re: Something I just need to express
Post by: Lumaza on October 05, 2016, 21:17:28
Quote from: PlasmaAstralProjection on October 05, 2016, 20:50:40
 But considering I know in depth about almost all spiritual technologies, even a kid will tell you I would be more apt to know the truth of this matter.  :-D
First off Nameless, I apologize for the interruption to your meaningful and heartfelt thread here! My "Tests, Quests and Challenges" thread tells you my thoughts on the basis of this thread.

Plasma, there's that phrase again "Spiritual Technology". A "Bing" search on that brings me to "The Church of Spiritual Technology",  also known as "Scientology" and you don't want to get me started on that. I know and have worked for "Scientologists" in the past and no, just no.

If people need a "Nanobot" or some other techno device to "force" them in being "spiritual", using your term Plasma, then they don't know the real meaning of the word period. It comes from within, not from a device. It comes from personally experiencing life in general and deciding what is and what isn't, not something that is triggered by a "stimulant" to the brain.
The movie "Wally" is coming back to my mind quite a bit lately with all of the talk I hear everywhere on Transhumanism. Google/Microsoft and other companies in the Silicone Valley are working feverishly on making this a reality. Hmm, I wonder why. could it be "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"?
Title: Re: Something I just need to express
Post by: Nameless on October 05, 2016, 21:36:35
LightBeam - Thanks for chiming in. I know that scene well. It's not like we don't 'know' or can't figure out the why's (mostly) it's just our oh so very human nature to want to fix things and make them right. And the frustration of it all. Hugs hon.

Lumaza - No problem. I'm willing to let this thread go where it does. When it comes to nano-technology I'm just feeling like we (meaning not me) (lol) are just reinventing the wheel. It's been done already and look where we are, right here me thinks. Same ole humans/humanoids looking for that secret to the soul. Plasma is right though, it is coming. But just like the iPhone - not everyone will want one. And the tech will be misunderstood and before you know it we will have it just like we got the internet - still in Beta. Haha!

Plasma - all those fancy techie tools will certainly enhance the brain, the body and possible the mind but they won't help the spirit one bit.
Title: Re: Something I just need to express
Post by: Lumaza on October 05, 2016, 21:47:21
Quote from: Nameless on October 05, 2016, 21:36:35
Lumaza - No problem. I'm willing to let this thread go where it does. When it comes to nano-technology I'm just feeling like we (meaning not me) (lol) are just reinventing the wheel. It's been done already and look where we are, right here me thinks. Same ole humans/humanoids looking for that secret to the soul. Plasma is right though, it is coming. But just like the iPhone - not everyone will want one. And the tech will be misunderstood and before you know it we will have it just like we got the internet - still in Beta. Haha!
Then there's the question of "what happens when it gets hacked"? We have already seen that every new tech made is hackable because it uses the same "algorithms". If it can be programmed, it can be hacked. The new "driverless car" was a reality check for these "Transhumanists". They also state quite publicly that when a device such as a "implant" or Nanobot is used, that the company that owns the device also owns "YOU". They say to that that, that people still be will lining up nevertheless.  :roll: :-o :-P
Title: Re: Something I just need to express
Post by: Nameless on October 05, 2016, 21:52:28
Quote from: Lumaza on October 05, 2016, 21:47:21
..people still be will lining up nevertheless.  :roll: :-o :-)

Yep, and it will give a new name to Off-Grid!! Time to buy some copper wire and move to Alaska folks.
Title: Re: Something I just need to express
Post by: PlasmaAstralProjection on October 05, 2016, 22:14:08
Quote from: Lumaza on October 05, 2016, 21:17:28
Plasma, there's that phrase again "Spiritual Technology". A "Bing" search on that brings me to "The Church of Spiritual Technology",  also known as "Scientology" and you don't want to get me started on that. I know and have worked for "Scientologists" in the past and no, just no.
LOL I don't consider Scientology to have real spiritual tools. I've heard of the things they promote. And it seems much more like a marketing scheme than spiritual.

Quote from: Lumaza on October 05, 2016, 21:17:28
If people need a "Nanobot" or some other techno device to "force" them in being "spiritual", using your term Plasma, then they don't know the real meaning of the word period. It comes from within, not from a device. It comes from personally experiencing life in general and deciding what is and what isn't, not something that is triggered by a "stimulant" to the brain.
:-) Like I said science and technology will prove I am right in it's own timing, and this will happen in my lifetime probably. So just next time you see articles in the coming months, years, and decades about the things I've talked about remember what I said.

Quote from: Lumaza on October 05, 2016, 21:17:28
The movie "Wally" is coming back to my mind quite a bit lately with all of the talk I hear everywhere on Transhumanism. Google/Microsoft and other companies in the Silicone Valley are working feverishly on making this a reality. Hmm, I wonder why. could it be "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"?
Yeah sure they are doing it for money. But as long as they make it work then I don't care. The price should go down once these technologies are streamlined.
Title: Re: Something I just need to express
Post by: Lumaza on October 05, 2016, 22:23:43
Quote from: PlasmaAstralProjection on October 05, 2016, 22:14:08
Like I said science and technology will prove I am right in it's own timing, and this will happen in my lifetime probably. So just next time you see articles in the coming months, years, and decades about the things I've talked about remember what I said.
When Science starts to look at answers that come from "subjective" research (which they don't do) as in Paranormal studies, then and only then can Science begin to merge into the "spiritual" realm. Until that time, no progress ever will be made with this.
Title: Re: Something I just need to express
Post by: PlasmaAstralProjection on October 05, 2016, 22:33:13
Quote from: Lumaza on October 05, 2016, 22:23:43
When Science starts to look at answers that come from "subjective" research (which they don't do) as in Paranormal studies, then and only then can Science begin to merge into the "spiritual" realm. Until that time, no progress ever will be made with this.
This is how it's likely going to go. We will get full immersion virtual reality because of all the gamers. Then all the lucid dreams will be like "hey you can modify this technology to have lucid dreams on demand." Then the astral projection enthusiast will be like "hey that's not far off from astral projection, let's modify it to help us learn to astral project whenever we want." See how the evolution of technology works. It's very unlikely companies would ever put money into making a device to see the spiritual word with a camera. It's really our evolving demand in the market that will determine how we reach and eventually merge spirituality with technology and science. This is my prediction anyway.
Title: Re: Something I just need to express
Post by: Xanth on October 05, 2016, 22:35:25
Quote from: PlasmaAstralProjection on October 05, 2016, 20:50:40
I already covered that. I know the difference.
You just made my point EXACTLY... you do not understand the difference.  Your reply explains why you do not... in fact, ALL of your replies on this forum scream out why you don't get it.  
I could try to force the point on you by repeatedly explaining why, but you'll never get it UNTIL you figure it out for yourself.  I can only nudge you in that direction and you can only accept the nudge if you want it.  

Why do you think I hardly ever continue discussions with you beyond a certain point?  
Because it's both a waste of YOUR time reading what I have to say and a waste of MY time typing it.
And if I do respond to something you have to say after that point, it's not usually in your interest... it's in the interest of other people who are more open and receptive to what's being said.

Quote from: Lumaza on October 05, 2016, 21:17:28
If people need a "Nanobot" or some other techno device to "force" them in being "spiritual", using your term Plasma, then they don't know the real meaning of the word period.
EXACTLY!  I think a lot of people here lose focus on what "spirituality" means.
Title: Re: Something I just need to express
Post by: PlasmaAstralProjection on October 05, 2016, 22:53:46
Quote from: Xanth on October 05, 2016, 22:35:25
You just made my point EXACTLY... you do not understand the difference.  Your reply explains why you do not... in fact, ALL of your replies on this forum scream out why you don't get it.  
I could try to force the point on you by repeatedly explaining why, but you'll never get it UNTIL you figure it out for yourself.  I can only nudge you in that direction and you can only accept the nudge if you want it.

Well my definition of "your truth" or "my truth," these are just beliefs basically. Personal beliefs that guide our life. As far as "the truth." The truth is a bit harder to define. But "the truth" is universal and is always true no matter what age or place we're at. And a good way to gauge that is thinking what would a perfect world accept and not accept. This is a good gauge as to what is likely "the truth." So you don't want me to talk about what I think is a universal right and privilege. But we don't know if it's a universal truth yet. So that's understandable. But like I said I will be vindicated when studies comes out in the coming decades.

If you and me disagree on this it's not because I am a horse that can't go to the water and drink. LOL It's because we need to define what exactly we are talking about. So what is your definition of "the truth"?

Why do you think I hardly ever continue discussions with you beyond a certain point?  
Because it's both a waste of YOUR time reading what I have to say and a waste of MY time typing it.
And if I do respond to something you have to say after that point, it's not usually in your interest... it's in the interest of other people who are more open and receptive to what's being said.
[/quote]Well my definition of "your truth" or "my truth," these are just beliefs basically. Personal beliefs that guide our life.
Title: Re: Something I just need to express
Post by: Lumaza on October 05, 2016, 23:21:02
 Plasma, Your debate with Xanth reminds me of this popular movie. Guess what part you are playing?

Plasma, you should read what Xanth said, then read it again and again. There is a important message to be found in there. His post speaks for many here that have attempted to enlighten you in the past and are still "feverishly" trying to today.

I am not saying you are bad person. I am just saying that at this current time your "mindset" seems to be different then most people that come to this Forum are. They come here for information, to learn, to understand, but also to use what they are learning and understanding to help them to have their own "shift in consciousness". You have stated in the past that you don't actively practice for a number of different reasons. Yet you make a thread such as this based on something that you yourself say you have no interest in doing, with the reason being you lack the time now because of "School".

All the time you spend here is ample time that you could be attempting. that's if you really wanted and had the desire to. You need to overcome whatever fear that is harbored in you that prevents you from actively engaging in this practice. Only then will you be able to answer the number of questions that you have asked here through the years. "Seeing" and experiencing it for yourself will enlighten you and will also aid you in other areas of your life. So, now it's up to you.
Title: Re: Something I just need to express
Post by: PlasmaAstralProjection on October 06, 2016, 01:16:44
Quote from: Lumaza on October 05, 2016, 23:21:02
Plasma, Your debate with Xanth reminds me of this popular movie. Guess what part you are playing?
Pfff I feel insulted. Or perhaps I should feel sorry that you still don't get what I am saying.

Quote from: Lumaza on October 05, 2016, 23:21:02
Plasma, you should read what Xanth said, then read it again and again. There is a important message to be found in there. His post speaks for many here that have attempted to enlighten you in the past and are still "feverishly" trying to today.
I don't want to get into this unless your willing to really work with me and define exactly what we're talking about. And I don't think your willing to do that.

Quote from: Lumaza on October 05, 2016, 23:21:02
You have stated in the past that you don't actively practice for a number of different reasons. Yet you make a thread such as this based on something that you yourself say you have no interest in doing, with the reason being you lack the time now because of "School".
If you fully read my last post you would see that Szaxx got me into astral projecting again. He has been there for me more than anyone else. So I feel I owe it to him to keep trying. So yeah I am practicing again. But I don't think I have to. I want to enjoy myself doing it.

Quote from: Lumaza on October 05, 2016, 23:21:02
All the time you spend here is ample time that you could be attempting. that's if you really wanted and had the desire to. You need to overcome whatever fear that is harbored in you that prevents you from actively engaging in this practice. Only then will you be able to answer the number of questions that you have asked here through the years. "Seeing" and experiencing it for yourself will enlighten you and will also aid you in other areas of your life. So, now it's up to you.
Thanks for the encouragement, I'll keep fighting the good fight.
Title: Re: Something I just need to express
Post by: funfire on October 06, 2016, 03:00:04
With the understanding of consciousness really the only thought I can get depressed about is all the people who are going to get lost in hallow heavens, personal hell's and other reality's without really understanding what they are and who they are.  :-(

However it's only a matter of time tell they can come to that realization or by the help of another.

Besides that I'm happy to live and I'm glad that all my experiences made me who I am. There is not one experience I regret that has led me to this point. Life definitely feels planned sometimes and it feels nice.  :-)