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It's Time.

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Hi Mark,

Just wanted to say that I will miss your posts. They are always intelligent and heartfelt. Please consider your moving on an intermission if possible. Leave open the opportunity to return. You will always be welcome here.

Very best,
"What lies before us, and what lies behind us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us...." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


your leaving will be a great loss to the forum! [:(] we'll miss you!  you always speak with much reason and wisdom.  we need that here.  well, i wish you well with all that you do!  come visit us from time to time and tell us any interesting adventures you've had.[:)]

James S

Good luck on your journeys Mark.

You will be missed. Your insights that you shared, and the caring way in which you did so have been a blessing to us all.

Take care,


Hi All,

Well, my Guides came tonight to tell me that it is time to continue on with my Soul journeys, to continue doing one to one work with people who are ready to move on, and to focus more energy on my own transformational process.  So it is time then for me to move away from the forum in order to fulfill my tasks, so that I am more focused and have more time to do it.  

So I leave you with these thoughts.  

If there has to be rules, let 'Keep it Simple' be rule number one.  

If you have to remember anything, let it be to remember that we are all very great and powerful Souls and that everyone is a teacher.  

If you have to know what ways to deal with 'negs' let it be with Love, for that is the most powerful tool you have at your disposal.

If you have to 'kill the messenger' before reading and understanding the message, then look first at your motivations.

If something is written or said that angers you or bothers you in any way then let yourself look at the reason why it has that effect.

If you have to ask outside of yourself for answers to your questions then let yourself see that you are looking in the wrong direction.

Do not blindly accept some things that seem to be able to provide quick growth, there may well be other agendas at work that you are not aware of.

And lastly, always question, question the Guides who speak to you when you have not met them directly for you do not KNOW for sure that they are your guides.  Always Question!

So I am done here, thank you for some very interesting lessons, for the wonderful conversations and for the opportunity to present the simple pearls that I was given to share with you all.  And may each of you find what it is you are seeking.

Love always, Mark.

P.S.If you would like to keep contact with me, e-mail me at home.  Please do not Private Message me.  Thank You.