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Strange Happenings every morning 2

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This is case 5 it was 3.30am once again and me and my partner where awoken by our dog amber a small active dog going on in age was growling at the computer which was making sounds as in two people having a conversation but we were unable to make out the conversation.

Then my dog Amber had a strange fit in front of the computer as if something had pinned it to the ground and holding it on its back this morning we took Amber to the vet and the veterinarian pointed out a bruise around the throat as if being strangled.

This is the first time this has ever happened and freaked both me and my partner out.

Please any advice or help
Would be appreciated.

Thank You


Oh my!

 Really, one of the  only thing I can think of is she could've gone into convulsions or something and hit a nearby object. Maybe a small seizure?
 Sorry that wasn't much help.


If you know someone that's a psychic, or if you have a priest or a minister or guru or some sort of cleric ask them to go bless your house!
Just a thought. :shock:


In my opinion priest will not solve this problem.
at the computer which was making sounds as in two people having a conversation but we were unable to make out the conversation.
This is a very common problem with active speakers. Such kind of speakers contain built in simple amplifier, and when the computer is turned off and the speakers are still on, the speakers start acting like a radio receiver for some reason.


Quote from: CaCoDeMoNIn my opinion priest will not solve this problem.
This is a very common problem with active speakers. Such kind of speakers contain built in simple amplifier, and when the computer is turned off and the speakers are still on, the speakers start acting like a radio receiver for some reason.
Happens with washing machines and old TV sets too, when they're unplugged, but only very quietly. It's hilarious listening to radio 4 on a washing machine (a very boring washing machine..). I think its something to do with the dish resonating in time with the radio frequency..
Perhaps the dog heard it and tried to attack it?


That may be so but how it is possible when the computer and Speaker's are all turned off and just happen to turn on at 3.30 every morning and then we only get a responce every so often.

And now my partner has claimed to see a large black aura or shapeless figure with red eyes floating in the air around the computer now to me i think he is going a little crazy i mean a ghost is what he is more-less saying so yeah

Any help please

Thank you


Sounds like a haunting to me, but if you don't want to wake up hearing voices coming from your computer you should unplug it and the speakers, not just turn them off. Most computers don't actually turn off when you shut them down, so there's still a little current flowing around the circuits. I don't know about your speakers, but unplugging them will certainly make it harder for your poltergeist to turn them on!
Try communicating with it.. See what it has to say. EVP?