The Astral Pulse

Astral Chat => Welcome to Astral Chat! => Topic started by: heter on June 26, 2005, 00:43:12

Title: Suicide
Post by: heter on June 26, 2005, 00:43:12
Why is it a bad idea to kill yourself? I am f'ing tired of this human existance and I'm f'ing tired of being lied to every day and watching all of my race assist in carrying out the Illuminati Agenda. I know what some will say, "YOu will be thrust back into a similiar situation because the point of existance is learning through reincarnation." Well who says we need to reincarnate? I have seen people discuss the possibility that we are not only manipulated here, but in the spirit world as well. That we are tricked to into the trap of reincarnation. Well what if I just end this physical body and instead of reincarnating become one with everything? I don't see any reason to not commit suicide, I don't have to follow any 'spirit' rules of reincarnation. Because if I do, then is there really any free will/freedom anywhere?
Title: Suicide
Post by: MJ-12 on June 26, 2005, 01:28:05
Who ever said life was going to be easy? Existence isn't easy. Life is struggle and if the illuminati and other like-minded people have grown so powerful, it's only because many people have a selfish, lazy attitude about life.

Turn off your television, log off the Internet and go for a walk in the park. Listen to the children laugh and play. Listen to the sounds of life all around you. Do you want to let all the dark, evil people get their claws on this without a fight?

Aside from that, you may want to seriously consider going to see a doctor about your depression. There are a lot of good people in medicine and psychiatry who know what they're doing. Even a simple 911 call will put you in touch with many kind and caring people who are prepared to help. They're not evil people. They're good people who may find themselves trapped in a corrupt system.
Title: Suicide
Post by: knightlight on June 26, 2005, 01:37:41
there is freedom but free will??? its an illusion.  You have the right to make a choice, but you can only make one.  The illusion is that the other options are open to you.  If you are given 3 options none of them matter but the one you pick and you can not re-pick.
Title: Suicide
Post by: heter on June 26, 2005, 02:14:20
Quote from: MJ-12
Turn off your television, log off the Internet and go for a walk in the park. Listen to the children laugh and play. Listen to the sounds of life all around you. Do you want to let all the dark, evil people get their claws on this without a fight?

Yeah, listen to all the ignorant and conditioned people experiencing what they beleive to be 'fun'. They already have there clawns on all of this.

Quote from: MJ-12Aside from that, you may want to seriously consider going to see a doctor about your depression. There are a lot of good people in medicine and psychiatry who know what they're doing. Even a simple 911 call will put you in touch with many kind and caring people who are prepared to help. They're not evil people. They're good people who may find themselves trapped in a corrupt system

If I did that can you imagine how quickly I would be put in an insane asylum? Not everyone is open to the fact thaat the Government is all a big conspiracy, let alone the fact that they are 4d beings who created us and use brainwashing techniques to keep us all in check.
Title: Suicide
Post by: beavis on June 26, 2005, 03:54:49
QuoteI know what some will say, "YOu will be thrust back into a similiar situation because the point of existance is learning through reincarnation." Well who says we need to reincarnate? I have seen people discuss the possibility that we are not only manipulated here, but in the spirit world as well. That we are tricked to into the trap of reincarnation.

We probably are manipulated by evil spirit-like things, like a farmer grows his animals just to harvest them. And manipulated by others that arent evil. But that should not matter. Do you want to be here OR where the spirit-like things are? People will threaten you with burning in hell, reincarnating as a worm, and other guesses, but you can find religious books that say the opposite. They're both guessing. Its a GAMBLE. Think of all the time, if any, you've been outside your body. Think of how much a newborn baby would understand about our world in the total of all that time, almost nothing. It doesnt know it will have to pay child support for an accident it has 30 years later or any of the other things that suck about this world. Thats how little we know about the other place. You know whats here, and very little about whats there, but you probably think you'd prefer one over the other. Will you gamble your consciousness?
Title: Suicide
Post by: Syke on June 26, 2005, 04:38:40
Yeah I agree, yet again, with beavis.

I also see where you're coming from, 'If it's so great outside why stay inside and do homework?... for a subject i probably will never use again'.. that attitude is the reason I dropped out of highschool.. stupid me :roll:.

But why not try to make your own better world, I'm not sayin change this one completely, but start something. Even if it's a small group of people, things can grow if put into motion properly.

I think this world needs as many people that can see it's being controlled by evil powers as possible. Why not stick around for a while... see what happens.

Title: Suicide
Post by: BOATS on June 26, 2005, 20:48:21
So suicide is what, a permanent solution to a temporary problem?   What MJ-12 said is true that life is basically hard.  I have spent many days sitting and listening to people talk about there problems and regrets.  Many people take the easy step to drink and use drugs to mask the hurt and fear of life.  Alcohol I call liquid sunshine because no matter how dark the day seemed the sun always came out after that first drink.  You have to begin to feel comfortable in your own skin.  Try joining the Boy Scouts or doing volunteer work at a local hospital.  Get a dog and start jogging.  I still have many days where I would like to just get drunk and forget about things but life can be nice also.  I had my best friend commit suicide about three years ago.  The ones left were hurt the most, his daughter and mother and brothers.   As to what happened to him afterwards I can not be certain but have theories that he regretted the decision to end his life.  I read a story once about a young man who was having drug problems and decided to hang himself in his parent's back yard while they were out.  Well he did and exited his body through the top of his head and all his attempts to get back in failed.  He then had to stand and cry in the yard as his parents returned and found him.
Title: Suicide
Post by: Kazbadan on June 27, 2005, 15:44:40
heter, i dont know where did you get that info about illuminatti or conroling people/mind in this world or in the other world.

what the hell do they control? nothing. Even if they exist they can control politics and maybe be the reason for wars but they control our mind. These theorys that USA has secret weapons to control mass population minds are lie. At least, i feel in my deep that they dont control anything. Some guys may counter argue replying that is natural: i dont feel controled because that weapons are so good that we cannot feel the control!

This is such a big f****** lie!!! These are theorys built on nothing! So, iam free and i am able to be happy, no one is controlling me. Even if some secret bastards control politics is that reason for suicide? No!!

In the past i was someone near of the suicide too. Then i realised that i had the power to be happy. Its complex and would take too much time (that i dont have) t explain how did i jumped from a suicide state to a energetic state. Basically i can tell that buddhism helped me a lot, plus some other situations that i was able to deal with in my life. Besides that i used NLP (neural language programming) without knowing that i was using that. Finally (but not less important) doing nice things with your friends its a grea thing. Do you have friends? Oh! dont forget to do some sport or physical exercise because helps a lot.

And search help within a profesisonal help. No one here (i speak for me) is able to give you help. What we are doing its just some tips. YOu need a therapy probably, thats normal.

Hope i could be useful.
Title: Suicide
Post by: OrionsDream on June 27, 2005, 17:17:28
On the off chance you don't have friends (and if you have a lot, just 4get this upcomin suggestion), the best way to have fun is to do something YOU like BYYOURSELF. Dont feel pressured that 'to have fun you have to be with other ppl and share the experience.' It is true, that it's a lot easier to have fun when there are other's to share it with, but if your a 'loner' then i'm sure you have things that are fun for just you (i dont mean drugs and stuff if u do that) but more natural things.

'FUN' is not a control method used by the illuminati to manipulate us all. Some kinds of fun are, but many kinds are not.

If you are doing something 'fun' and just letting go, or loose for a little while, you aren't helping the illuminati. You will never be able to achieve high goals if you aren't interested and excited about achieving them. As in, if you dont have a certain amount of 'fun' in doing them, they will never truly work out.

True life is infinitly long, and what was the point of your spirit having you live here in the first place? To learn lessons. I doubt one of the lessons your spirit wanted you to learn was 'to kill yourself when things dont look good.'

Unlike all the above ppl, i think for you heter, therapy is not gonna help a bit. The 'cure' for your 'depression' is all inside yourself. I think your depression maybe be spawned from self-doubt. You must be sure within yourself, but at the same time be willing to change if the right information is given.
good luck
Title: Suicide
Post by: Kazbadan on June 27, 2005, 17:43:33
Heter, i partially agree with you on the friends matter.

In order to get happy with others, in order to live in society, you must learn how to be happy when you are alone and with yourself, but thats a work that you need to do after your depression/suicidal tendencys get to a point where you can handle with it. Thats what i´ve done in the past. After my depression get lowered i needed some time to be alone and learn to be alone. I got sucess because my mind was focused on that instead of being focus on sadness.

Now, when i speak being with friends i really mean that. Just be with them. Get new friends. Leave for somewhile (if you have them) friends that are computer-dependents or guys that are always speaking on ufos, conspiracy, illuminaty and the like. Most of the time these guys (if you knwo them) have some lack of social abilities.

What you need its some normal friends. Go out and take a coffe and night with them. Go play some soccer, whatever. Go see a movie. Get a girlfriend. You know, even if you have any great spiritual tactic, mind control technique, etc in order to help you with your problem, you need to stop for a while with that.

First stop everything that may be related with conspiracy, ufos, sipiritual evolution, meditatio, etc.

Now, for 2 weeks or so, try to have a normal life. Recharge yourself. When you come back to your spiritual studys (the ones that can set you free- if you have anyone) everything will be more easy because you are fresh and lucid.

If for any reason (for example when i am sick and get home for days) i study to much astral projection, to much meditation (without doing it), to much ufos storys, etc, i get a little tired in my spirit. I get a little..strange (not that word, something different from strange). So, after that time i really need to do "normal" things.

Unless you are really good with your mind (and if you were you would not be thinking on suicide) like a buddhist master or the like, dont dent the power of friendship and normal life.

Riding ib bike with my friends during day, go out at night in clubs and dance, playing squash, going at beach with my friends and meeting some nice girls ;) have done miracles in the past. Now i still dont deny such things (correction: now i do that even more).

Just look for the most emotionally stable guys in the forum: Frank for instance or Hans Solo. Do you know, they are happy. Do you know why? They are Don Juans that go out their with their friends, having lots of fun and chasing girls like any other group of friends! Do they stop studying these things (AP, Ufos, etc)? No!

About profissional help. Well, maybe heter has some reason, but you need to be careful. I was able to get out from my depressive state without help, but not every body its lucky.

If you seek profissional help, be shre that you went into a good doctor.
Title: Suicide
Post by: no_leaf_clover on June 27, 2005, 17:44:36
Yeah man, just try to do some stuff that'll keep you entertained. Maybe you can find a valuable personal goal and fulfill it for the benefit of society. Maybe achieve something in one of the arts or sciences or spirituality even and share it, or start finding a way to apply science to the metaphysical, etc. Or maybe just do stuff that only you will enjoy. It may sound selfish, but given the position you're in, no kind-hearted person could expect otherwise from you.

The world's in a sorry state, and the more you learn about it the more depressing it is, I know, but killing yourself only makes it that much sadder. We need more heroic figures to defy the political and psychological sadism taking place, and be able to still enjoy life and have fun with it despite them.

Kazbadan, there's no 'secret weapon', per se. It's called psychology. Why do you think some Muslims blow themselves up? It certainly doesn't come very natural to human beings to kill themselves and other people and be happy about it (or so we would say, having not been submitting to the same conditioning they have been), but that's what carefully-planted psychology will do. And they don't just do that in the Middle East, either. It's no coincidence that the most powerful figures in the world are almost exclusively from a single bloodline, and even throughout all the revolutions in history, they have never been permanently ousted from power.
Title: Suicide
Post by: Kazbadan on June 27, 2005, 18:05:57
secret weapon? sorry but now i am a little lost. Are you refering to when i said something like "secret way to get you out from depressive state"?

Or are you talking about illuminaty and secret weapons to control the mind? If its the second option i dont believe in illuminatty s***. Really. MAybe there are some masonry guys able to control a small % of politics and money but thats all.

If is the 1st option: i know, its all about your mind. You need to analyse yourself and get some tools (meditation, whatever) in order to get better states of existence (well, these are shorts words for something that its more complex that what i said).


Heter, please i really need to know some answers in order to help you:
1) do you have friends?

2) if yes, are your friends "normal"? I mean, they cannot be freaky, like playing warcraft in PC for 10 hours in a row, or always with fear of the next step of illuminati, etc...

3) do you engage in normal activities daily? like sports, go at clubs, go for a walk with friends, etc

4) do you have any girlfriend, any good emotional relationship?

5) if not, did you ever had anyone?

Think in these questions.
Title: Suicide
Post by: SomeBloke on June 27, 2005, 18:31:21
Heter, I read your post and I guess I'm kinda wary of saying the wrong thing if you feel so disillusioned at the moment.  But maybe a reason for you being really into life is right around the corner - you don't wanna miss it!  :D

Whatever else is going on or has gone on, no matter how weird things appear, you can use your time to make spiritual progress here and now.  Whatever spiritual tradition you are drawn to!  If you do that, in the future things can become better.

Maybe in your last life you thought 'Well what if I just end this physical body and instead of reincarnating become one with everything?' and here you are again.  How long could you be stuck in that rut without things ever improving?
Title: Suicide
Post by: heter on June 28, 2005, 10:30:02
Quote from: Kazbadansecret weapon? sorry but now i am a little lost. Are you refering to when i said something like "secret way to get you out from depressive state"?

Or are you talking about illuminaty and secret weapons to control the mind? If its the second option i dont believe in illuminatty s***. Really. MAybe there are some masonry guys able to control a small % of politics and money but thats all.

If is the 1st option: i know, its all about your mind. You need to analyse yourself and get some tools (meditation, whatever) in order to get better states of existence (well, these are shorts words for something that its more complex that what i said).


Heter, please i really need to know some answers in order to help you:
1) do you have friends?

2) if yes, are your friends "normal"? I mean, they cannot be freaky, like playing warcraft in PC for 10 hours in a row, or always with fear of the next step of illuminati, etc...

3) do you engage in normal activities daily? like sports, go at clubs, go for a walk with friends, etc

4) do you have any girlfriend, any good emotional relationship?

5) if not, did you ever had anyone?

Think in these questions.

1. Well by friends do you mean people I can see and hang out with in real life? Well, I have one friend.

2. No he doesen't beleive me and anything I say about spirituality and the illuminati. He has been brainwashed well. I don't really see him much anymore because of this.

3. No I don't do any of that. I can't go to clubs anyway because I'm 15, not that I'd want to go.

4. No.

5. When I was 13 I use to hang out with these 2 girls. I really liked one of them and ofcourse she did not like me back. But the other girl was 'in love' :roll: with me. So it was a very emotional and dramatic relationship I had with them.

The reason I hate the Illuminati so much is because if they did not exist, we wouldn't have to deal with all this bull shite. We have been spiritually crippled throughout our lives, and only those who awaken ever find true spiritual enlightenment. Had these people never existed we would be in a much more happy and energitic state, basically a  higher energy frequency or 'density' and we would have alot more knowledge about spirituality and the meaning of life. We'd be free and not need to hide and fight through all these barriers they have put up for us.
Title: Suicide
Post by: E3mpirical1 on June 28, 2005, 18:24:50
Look at it this way heter, how do you know that maybe YOU are someone special and the Illuminati are not trying to eradicate you by self-destruction because maybe you have a greater purpose here. Maybe if you can get through this state of mind currently and find out your true reason why your higher self has incarnated you here on this planet you may be surprised.
Title: Suicide
Post by: Kazbadan on June 28, 2005, 18:56:55
do you have a normal family?

are your parents divorced, dead, violent, etc?

tell me more

if you want you can pm me

maybe you feel more confortable like that or in the need of some "breathing"

still bet on profissional help
Title: Suicide
Post by: heter on June 28, 2005, 21:16:54
Quote from: E3mpirical1Look at it this way heter, how do you know that maybe YOU are someone special and the Illuminati are not trying to eradicate you by self-destruction because maybe you have a greater purpose here. Maybe if you can get through this state of mind currently and find out your true reason why your higher self has incarnated you here on this planet you may be surprised.

Ok and how do I do that? Why can't I just merge with my higher self and exist here. Why can't everyone just know all the lessons of life? Why do we need lessons? Why not just be as one?
Title: Suicide
Post by: OrionsDream on June 28, 2005, 21:47:33
If anyone knows the anwsers to pedro's questions.. plz i'd love to hear them.

But as for the only option NOT to take, suicide is the one. By not killing yourself, you arent losing anything... just be patient and learn wat u can.. i'll research this some more.
Title: Suicide
Post by: E3mpirical1 on June 29, 2005, 02:02:31
How heter, well first off killing yourself will not show you how. youll need to get through depression before anything. one of the best things to do for yourself is to WALK or excercise. WHY? because exercise causes the seratonine (which makes you happy) in your brain to release. Your brain will then start to naturally produce more seratonine as you continue exercising daily. SO GET OUT of your chair right now and WALK around your block for atleast 30 minutes JUST DO IT and DO IT DAILY EVERY DAY WALK WALK WALK
Title: Suicide
Post by: Frank on June 29, 2005, 03:30:35

We are all one but we present these difficulties to ourselves in terms of separation.

I would like to explain this to you in person. But I have a hundred other things I must do. This is not to say that your cause is any less or any more important. It's just that we are all in the same boat. We all feel for you, yet at the same time we all have to make progress.

I doubt there is a person alive who hasn't thought about suicide at some stage or other in their lives. Depression is horrid and I would not wish it upon anyone. But you have a part to play. However insignificant you feel, you DO have a part to play. It just takes time, that's all.

I am 46 years of age and I never thought I would last beyond 20. When I became 20 then it was 30, and so on. I cannot imagine myself at 50.

Seriously, I look at myself sometimes and cannot believe I have lived this long. I tell you, the age thing is weird. It hits some people in weird ways, like me. In ten years time you'll be looking back thinking, wow, did I really think that? To you, now, ten years is like an age. It's not, I promise you.

Title: Suicide
Post by: beavis on June 29, 2005, 03:44:01
QuoteSo suicide is what, a permanent solution to a temporary problem?

Not all problems are temporary. But obviously yours are.
Title: Suicide
Post by: Kazbadan on June 29, 2005, 06:48:28
what problems do you have afterall?
Title: Suicide
Post by: OrionsDream on June 29, 2005, 12:50:22
Compared to 'eternal life' this 3d existance is a grain of sand in a desert. Not even that. Not being in the 3d doesnt mean that it will be paradise and great. Do you truly konw, 100% what happens if you kill yourself? I doubt you do, and i doubt many people do... if any...
Like you've said in the past: our spirit put us here for a reason; to learn. I dont think the lesson your spirit wanted you to learn was 'take the easy way out of hard situations' or 'to kill yourself when things dont look good.'

In a generalization, please tell us WHY you are depressed. What causes that feeling that 'oh i'm depressed, i might want to kill myself.'
Is it your total fed-upness with the ignorance of most humans? Is it more, less, different.. what?
Title: Suicide
Post by: heter on June 29, 2005, 13:12:45
It's nothing I'm just being teenager, I will get my things together now.
Title: Suicide
Post by: OrionsDream on June 29, 2005, 13:19:54
Being a teenager??? heh,  i dont think the reason for ur depression is bc ur a teenager... It could happen to any1 at any time in the right circumstances.
Title: Suicide
Post by: no_leaf_clover on June 29, 2005, 13:58:44
I would say the problem is not maintaining a healthy social life. I have the same problems at times. If a person doesn't maintain some friends and go out enough, they'll go insane/manically depressed. Humans are social creatures, after all.
Title: Suicide
Post by: Kazbadan on June 29, 2005, 14:45:05
Read again my tips. Use them. Use what Runlola said to you.

have a pet, pratice exercise, try to have more friends...

Speak with your parents if you have a healthy relationship with them. Maybe one go to the psic. doc. can be good.

About creating friends: try fo find a group a little different from you. Probably you are shy. What you need it sto find an healthy group of happy guys. Guys that pratice sport or that have a great way to deal with things. Your friends must be happy people. Thats the main rule. WIth my friends we are always playing with each other, telling jokes, saying funny things, doing nice things together (beach, soccer, bike, etc)...

Really avoid groups that can make you even sad. I´ve been there in my teen years. It was me and my friend against the world. YOu dont want too be against it, just living it. Its your home.

Why dont you join the scouts or a group/actvities, etc that its always on nature, doing camping? Thats very health too.

Just avoid that state of "i am weak". Dont forget to study some NLP (read my post in this thread on 1st page).

My 2 cents.

Title: Suicide
Post by: OrionsDream on June 29, 2005, 15:13:59
Runlola had the best point i've seen here yet.
Let go, relax, and enjoy nature.

Nature is one thing that has no ties to any illuminati agenda, and there is no conditioning or trap in the chirping of birds.

Walking in the park is not helping the illuminati. You are not walking in one of 'their facilities' by doing that. You are listening to children laugh (so what if they are ignorant, their laugh comes from the heart, without strings attached) and lifting spirits.

Forget about all things bad, just for a short while. Then you will be able to sort out those bad things in a managable way.
Title: Suicide
Post by: Kazbadan on June 29, 2005, 15:51:07
btw, dont drink any alchool, dont smoke and dont use any drugs. That will amplify lots of ties your depression

Eat fruits and vegetables and drink water, lots of water.

Doing all the small tips we gave to you you will be better.
Title: Oh...
Post by: Astir on June 30, 2005, 00:15:20
Until you're an adult you cannot have ultimate control over you're life. And because of that, it's common for teens to feel similar to the way you do. Hormones will distort much, they can be a I remember. Hang in there. Committing suicide is weak. You seem very intelligent for your age, far too intelligent to fall victim to yourself.
Title: Suicide
Post by: Syke on June 30, 2005, 10:50:50
yeah heter dont worry, life can be great.
If you're not in to nature (which it sounds you're not and most teens arent) then create something.

Give yourself a project, like to keep myself busy i write music, work on art and coding for an online multiplayer game im developing, write stories.
Or even physically build something outside, that'll give you something to do, and a sense of achievement when you're done.

The illuminati may control politics, royal families, the media, and just about everything... but they dont control individuals.

Get a small group of individuals together and start something new... anything... open peoples minds to the illuminati (WITHOUT PREACHING!!!!) and just have fun.

Title: Suicide
Post by: Heather B. on June 30, 2005, 11:12:41
I've become something of an unwilling expert on depression, including suicidal thoughts and feelings.  

Right now, I am trying to cope with life's greatest sorrow--I'm a 28-year-old widow.  Until 2 months ago, I was looking forward to a long, bright future with the most wonderful man on Earth, a man I felt was made just for me.  Well, that future is no more.  It has ended before it began.  And now I feel like I have a good 50+ years of "Why the hell am I here, and what the hell do I do now?!" ahead of me.  I feel like I'm stumbling through the dark.  Everything is a big unknown.  I fear life the way most people fear death.

I often think about dying now.  I don't have "active" suicidal tendancies, but I do have "passive" ones.  I drive a bit more recklessly.  I'm tempted not to wear my seatbelt.  I'm not afraid to walk in lightning storms any more.  And if someone confronted me with a gun or a knife, I'd tell them to $@!% themself because they can't hurt me any more than I'm already hurting.  If, Heaven forbid, terrorists ever started something in my city, $@!% them too--I'd chase the bastards down and give them their comeuppances, or else die trying.  I'm not afraid of anything or anyone any more.  In a way, that's good, but in a way, it's also self-destructive.

Honestly, there's only one thing that is sure to keep me alive, and that is the fear that suicide will sentence me to Hell.  And that I will be separated from my beloved for eternity.  

Now, I should say that I don't always feel this low.  It's really a huge roller coaster.  It doesn't head downward forever.  And I think I can say with some authority that it won't keep heading down forever, for you either, nor for any of us.  It has to get better, because no one can live for long with such suffering.

My advice:

1.  See a doctor.  Any doctor.  These days, they all know something about how to treat depression and anxiety.

2.  Spend some time outside.  I know it sounds corny, but it may help more than you think.  For me, it provides an immediate high.  Maybe not a huge high, but enough to help me get through another hour.  

3.  Accept that sometimes, you might have to just take one hour, or even one minute, at a time.  Don't worry about tomorrow, or even all day today.

4.  While you're here in these forums, give your mind something to gnaw on!  Learn how to phase or something!  Life is a lot more bearable when you can experience the universe that is much greater than the here and now.  And you know, you don't have to die in order to do it!

5.  Treat yourself to something special and indulgent.  For me, one evening each week, I eat nothing but sushi and doughtnuts (not together at the same time!).  That may sound gross to some of you, but those are my all-time favorite slightly decadent treats.
Title: Suicide
Post by: .Rachel. on June 30, 2005, 12:54:43
I have suffered from depression in the past, and yes i have had suicidal tendencies. I am happy to say i am largely past this, which i am very thankful for now, i am also thankful i stayed here. When the only option seems to be death its hard to look else where. The advice here is good, absorbing yourself in nature is wonderful and a good thing to do, very grounding indeed and brings life into perspective. If you are angry, then all these replies will bug you even more and probably infuse your mood, i know they would of me, this doesn't demean the advice however. Equally all these assumptions of how you are feeling will undoubtedly get to you, i just did it then. I can't say more constructive advise than the others have said, get involved in nature, take walks, go out, talk to people if you are not very social ( I know it can be hard to strike up conversation) then the Internet is the next best thing, forums and forums full of people, whats better for communication if you are shy? what has been said in the replies here is very sound and will work to your advantage if you choose to take it.
Title: Suicide
Post by: Kazbadan on June 30, 2005, 13:53:55
btw, when i gave my tips they were based on myself experience...not simple theory.

Almost Mrs. Murphy: what happened to you? to your relationship? it just ended with no reason? i feel compassion for you because your pain seems big.
Title: Suicide
Post by: Heather B. on June 30, 2005, 14:36:37
My fiance was killed in a crash 2 months ago.  We were going to get married this August.  We didn't even have 2 whole years together. :(

So, yes... my pain is very great.  It's just astonishing what grief can do to you.  Body, mind, spirit all are affected.  And it lasts a long time for most people.  I can't believe I am having to deal with something many people never have to even think about until they're 2 or 3 times my age.

Fortunately, I have lots of support from family, friends, my doctor, and my church.  Most of them have no idea what I'm going through, but at least I have people I can talk to.

And I'm not exaggerating when I say that this forum, and a few others, are real lifelines!  I'm so glad I found you all!  I can see myself devoting much of my life to pursuing things like astral projection.  Especially if it means being closer to my fiance.
Title: Suicide
Post by: OrionsDream on June 30, 2005, 14:54:40
- Almost Mrs. Murphy: I'm only 15, and male, but I think that the fact you can type inteligent things without acting... idk like crazy or depressed big time (without seeming like that) is amazing, and good for you! If i lost my wife (in the future that is) right before mairrage, i dont know what id do!

Heter does not believe marijuana is bad for the body and person. He says he has seen proof that it is, if anything, good for the body because it raises awarness time thing (as in 'high')

Would someone here give hard proof that he is dead wrong, that marijuana is not good for you.

If no one can, well i'd have to admit hes right. But it just doesnt seem natural to use artificial 'awarness'
Heter- you should listen to her, she has it a lot worse than you, and it looks like she knows what shes talking about. Especially the park part. And indulgining in something you love is in fact good for you, if you do it sparringly, like once a week.
Acting true on your convienence totally defeats the purpose.
Title: Suicide
Post by: Kazbadan on June 30, 2005, 15:49:08
MArijuana & depression = suicide or greater depression.

DOnt smoke that s**

Final tip: find a nice girl and have fun ;) (if the "fun" its more than that, use some protection..u know what i mean).

Mrs. Murphy, i really dont know what to say. I feel really really sorry for your lost.

I think that now the only thing you can do its to learn to live with that pain.

Tips like the ones i gave to Heter may be good but not help so much as to him. Only time will heal you.

When you feel better, you should buy a book called "Who Dies" from Stephen Levine. The best book that i have ever read about how to deal with death (from loved ones or our own death) and pain. Its a book of courage and love. Very beautiful indeed.

I wish the best for you.
Title: Suicide
Post by: OrionsDream on June 30, 2005, 16:07:48
Kazbadan- you dont really know a ton about heter...

i dont think theres a way for him to get a girl if he tried (no offense heter, but its true --- =/ ---)

And i've told him enough times that marijuana is bad for him, but he wont listen because i cant provide enough proof, except natural instinct and true human nature.

Pheraps you have some facts/proof (or anything that will get him to see it true) that marijuana and depression (or just marijuana by itself) is horrible.
Title: Suicide
Post by: no_leaf_clover on June 30, 2005, 17:31:02
QuoteWould someone here give hard proof that he is dead wrong, that marijuana is not good for you.

OrionsDream, the truth is that marijuana is not that bad for you. The tests done on it have been biased and unscientific (ie, pumping lethal amounts of cannibinoids into animals), and there's no evidence that it's really any worse than smoking anything. That's unfortunate for your case, I suppose, but I agree that drugs + depression = bad. I don't know if it's especially true for marijuana, but from what I've read with other psychadelics, it does lead to suicide in some cases. Any drug that feeds off of your emotions will simply amplify whatever you're feeling. Dunno if marijuana is one of those types of drugs, but if you're not sure, then better safe than sorry I would imagine.

I still think the problem is social, and while going out and getting laid might not be a very reliable solution (nice, though, kaz. lol), hanging out with more people in general might do it. Go see a movie, or go eat out somewhere and laugh and have a good time. If getting something like that arranged is a problem in itself, then that'd be the next thing for you to work on I guess. :-/ It really should get your mind off things, though, and get you having some fun.
Title: Suicide
Post by: heter on June 30, 2005, 18:36:48
I've become something of an unwilling expert on depression, including suicidal thoughts and feelings.  

Right now, I am trying to cope with life's greatest sorrow--I'm a 28-year-old widow.  Until 2 months ago, I was looking forward to a long, bright future with the most wonderful man on Earth, a man I felt was made just for me.  Well, that future is no more.  It has ended before it began.  And now I feel like I have a good 50+ years of "Why the hell am I here, and what the hell do I do now?!" ahead of me.  I feel like I'm stumbling through the dark.  Everything is a big unknown.  I fear life the way most people fear death.

I often think about dying now.  I don't have "active" suicidal tendancies, but I do have "passive" ones.  I drive a bit more recklessly.  I'm tempted not to wear my seatbelt.  I'm not afraid to walk in lightning storms any more.  And if someone confronted me with a gun or a knife, I'd tell them to $@!% themself because they can't hurt me any more than I'm already hurting.  If, Heaven forbid, terrorists ever started something in my city, $@!% them too--I'd chase the bastards down and give them their comeuppances, or else die trying.  I'm not afraid of anything or anyone any more.  In a way, that's good, but in a way, it's also self-destructive.

Honestly, there's only one thing that is sure to keep me alive, and that is the fear that suicide will sentence me to Hell.  And that I will be separated from my beloved for eternity.  

Now, I should say that I don't always feel this low.  It's really a huge roller coaster.  It doesn't head downward forever.  And I think I can say with some authority that it won't keep heading down forever, for you either, nor for any of us.  It has to get better, because no one can live for long with such suffering.

What's sad is that the state you and I are in are the illuminatis fault, and we dont do anything about it.

My advice:

1.  See a doctor.  Any doctor.  These days, they all know something about how to treat depression and anxiety.

So I can take anti depressants that turn me into a zombie? Did you know that 95% of school shooters were on an anti depressant like prozac.

2.  Spend some time outside.  I know it sounds corny, but it may help more than you think.  For me, it provides an immediate high.  Maybe not a huge high, but enough to help me get through another hour.  

This would help and I'm doing that in Turkey. But the trade off for that is that I get to see the man my mom betrayed me for and the reason she hasnt beena round for 5 years.

3.  Accept that sometimes, you might have to just take one hour, or even one minute, at a time.  Don't worry about tomorrow, or even all day today.

No, Ive been behind long ebough. I need to start doing things now before I keep convincing myself that I cant do it in the future.

4.  While you're here in these forums, give your mind something to gnaw on!  Learn how to phase or something!  Life is a lot more bearable when you can experience the universe that is much greater than the here and now.  And you know, you don't have to die in order to do it!

I know alot about projection and phasing I just dont practice it because I can't bring myself to dedicate enough time to see results.
Title: Suicide
Post by: heter on June 30, 2005, 18:40:06
Quote from: OrionsDream- Almost Mrs. Murphy: I'm only 15, and male, but I think that the fact you can type inteligent things without acting... idk like crazy or depressed big time (without seeming like that) is amazing, and good for you! If i lost my wife (in the future that is) right before mairrage, i dont know what id do!

Heter does not believe marijuana is bad for the body and person. He says he has seen proof that it is, if anything, good for the body because it raises awarness time thing (as in 'high')

Would someone here give hard proof that he is dead wrong, that marijuana is not good for you.

If no one can, well i'd have to admit hes right. But it just doesnt seem natural to use artificial 'awarness'
Heter- you should listen to her, she has it a lot worse than you, and it looks like she knows what shes talking about. Especially the park part. And indulgining in something you love is in fact good for you, if you do it sparringly, like once a week.
Acting true on your convienence totally defeats the purpose.

Yes and ned you should go bonk yourself. Who the bonk gave you permission to interfere? Don't you have some air to push around or something?
Title: Suicide
Post by: heter on June 30, 2005, 19:27:36
We don't do anything to improve the world. We just sit around here acting wise  while the powers that be have there way with everyone. Why can't we just take control of our planet again? Even if you dont beleive in the reptiles/illuminati, you can't deny that there are things on this planet that certainly need fixing and there are things we could be doing to fix it. Then I here, "We our powerful and we cant be messed with and we are gods etc", but look at the state that we are in. Sounds to me like the christian god who doesen't do shhite  even though people are dying and suffering.
Title: Suicide
Post by: AstralKadabra on June 30, 2005, 19:50:24
YES! i wish we could just push the stupid illuminati out of this stupid world and instead of even ownining it, just move on somewhere better or different! This world is messed up enough already and i dont see why it needs saving
I wish the people who wanted to, could just mooooooooooooove on... but i suppose if that was possible, we would have already  :cry:

buuuut i've felt depressed in the past too... nothin like what you people are feeling i guess... but i'm sorta new to this stuff....

Going to a doctors for depression reasons???? That doesn't seem like such a smart idea... Heter said that they'd just give him anti-depressent pills and make him into a zombie... I dont think they would make him into a zombie, but i doubt they would help much... but psh idk maybe they would, just doesnt seem like medicines would be able to cure 'mental illnesses' as it is deemed

P.S. Hi everyone, name is Dan
Title: Suicide
Post by: OrionsDream on June 30, 2005, 19:59:45
Heter- before, i admitted you were right about marijuana reluctantly. Now i'm admitting it without reluctance, but still many people have said that marijuana is not good to take when your depressed. Remember, this is not one of 'my worthless piece of bits of info.' - its what other ppl have said (not me). I dont know if they're right, or wrong.

Instead of getting into the habit of thinking i'm trying to 'beat you' or 'hurt' you in some way .. bc that wouldnt really make much sense... just accept what i say, and like you said- discard what u dont want and take what u do, instead of mocking me on these forums everytime i give my 2 cents.
Its sort of like something you said before -- something like: "i love how you insult me just to draw attention to yourself on these forums" or something. Your starting to act the way i used to.

Kadabra- medicine might be able to help.. some medicines like change chemicals in the brain or something that really do change emotions.. as weird as that is to believe. Maybe its not true, just what i thought.

anyway, why not 'walk in the park' now? You dont have to wait until you go to Turkey.. Are you afraid people you used to know/still do know will see you? I can understand that, and if thats true a walk in the park will just add more stress...

Please, just consider these comments, and do not dislike them.
- I am not trying to do anything but help you (i dont really see what else i could be doing...) -

and pedro, insulting air magick... dude... if you spent more then 5 min. on trying out fire magick i think you might find it.. useful.....
but i suppose you have enough on your mind now. pheraps after you are not depressed anymore we could work together on this magick.
Title: Suicide
Post by: Heather B. on June 30, 2005, 20:04:53
Heter--Just what do you have in mind that we should be doing, if you don't mind my asking?

I work full-time at a prestigious institution of higher learning where people are always working to improve the world.  As a librarian, my entire profession is about serving others.  It's my gift, and a worthwhile one, I should think.  It may not seem like much, but I do what I can.

Oh dear, you don't want me to start talking about God.  Suffice to say, I feel He has done a great deal for me, whether my life has been good or bad, easy or hard.  My faith has never been greater than it is now.
Title: Suicide
Post by: AstralKadabra on June 30, 2005, 20:43:23
Sucha very good question-

what kind of god are you talking about?
Title: Suicide
Post by: heter on June 30, 2005, 20:57:49
I think the best solution would be constant protesting and recruit recruit recruit. We could have people making speeches and spreading information to everyone. The more people we recruit the harder it would make for them to gain control. What could they do? Use military force? Then it would make our cause even stronger. At some point they would ahve to comment on our motives and they can't blow off such good questions with such large amounts of evidence. We should create anarchy and unite everyone. The war should be targeted ofcourse, almost everyone with 2 and a half brain cells can agree that was a wrong move. I mean come on, they did it on a 'vague' accusation that osam bin laden attacked the twin towers. Did they ever give real proof? I remember the broadcast, "Osama Bin laden has a website up about why america sucks bla blah it must b e him". THen I bet they would try labeling us as terrorists, and that is why we cannot do anything violent. But jesus christ there is just so much evidence out there, if we bring all of that to peoples front door and rub it in there face and they STILL are against our cause, then maybe we don't deserve to to overcome the situation if we are really that ignorant.
Title: Suicide
Post by: heter on June 30, 2005, 21:02:53
Quote from: Almost Mrs. MurphyHeter--Just what do you have in mind that we should be doing, if you don't mind my asking?

I work full-time at a prestigious institution of higher learning where people are always working to improve the world.  As a librarian, my entire profession is about serving others.  It's my gift, and a worthwhile one, I should think.  It may not seem like much, but I do what I can.

Oh dear, you don't want me to start talking about God.  Suffice to say, I feel He has done a great deal for me, whether my life has been good or bad, easy or hard.  My faith has never been greater than it is now.

We need people to realize that we can't work along with the government, we need to eliminate the problem. Target the source of it and end it. There is too much evidence they couldn't give a rats butt about us. they dont want to help us in any way. They only do so when enough people rally to a certain cause and focus on imrpoving and then they get so much crap that they are forced to begin easing up and we begin to win. But we aren't pushing in the right area. It's all the same people, we all need to focus our efforts on one point and then we will begin to see results. All people need to realise is:

* We all have one enemy
* Together we are unstoppable
Title: Suicide
Post by: OrionsDream on June 30, 2005, 21:03:48
That would be a WONDERFUL solution, if it worked. The reason a total revolution has not happend  YET is because the illuminati have been able to stifle every major uprising. Someone speaks out, the next day they get into a 'car crash' or something like that.

Total revolution and uprising can't be an option until the world on a whole has become more aware. Until then, we would be deemed 'whackos'. This might take some time, so until then we must become as strong as possible.
Title: Suicide
Post by: OrionsDream on June 30, 2005, 21:05:44
"here is too much evidence they couldn't give a rats butt about us"

well thats true, from our point of view. If we did this, then the illuminati could base facts on their OWN point of view.
It would be like asking a christian of proof of god, and then hold up the bible... it wont work right now. Until people become more aware, and more open minded all we can do is like u said, recruit those willing, and let the others find out later, pheraps when its too late
Title: Suicide
Post by: heter on June 30, 2005, 21:06:25
Quote from: OrionsDreamThat would be a WONDERFUL solution, if it worked. The reason a total revolution has not happend  YET is because the illuminati have been able to stifle every major uprising. Someone speaks out, the next day they get into a 'car crash' or something like that.

Total revolution and uprising can't be an option until the world on a whole has become more aware. Until then, we would be deemed 'whackos'. This might take some time, so until then we must become as strong as possible.

We've waited billions of years for people to become self aware enough and it has never happened. We need to speed this process up and do it OURSELVES. It is that fear that you speak of that holds us back. We must be fearless if we are to win.
Title: Suicide
Post by: OrionsDream on June 30, 2005, 21:09:26
"Fearless" could mean jumping into a fire to save a child.
It could mean jumping off a cliff to save a child. It could mean dying for a great cause.
I dont like the dying part of that.
I am not afraid to die at the hands of the illuminati, i am afraid though that if we act so 'fearlessly' it will come up on the world to fast. It takes time, and we have time (not a lot) but enough. Humanity has already started to jump start into awarness mode. Every day more ppl become aware. We have to wait until its enough that there is sufficent public approval oh a whole.
otherwise the illuminati will just call us 'crazy whackos' and we will ... not have a bright future in thsi world.
i'm not against your idea, i just dont like the timing

"together we are unstoppable"
for that to work, we need the 'together part'.
Title: Suicide
Post by: no_leaf_clover on June 30, 2005, 21:21:55
QuoteTotal revolution and uprising can't be an option until the world on a whole has become more aware. Until then, we would be deemed 'whackos'. This might take some time, so until then we must become as strong as possible.

That's why we need more people speaking out and providing the evidence of tyranny being run from behind the scenes. It's like they say: people won't revolt if they believe they're already free. We're already seen as whackos, lol.

But don't be mistaken: there is scientific evidence based on solid physics that the Twin Towers came down via demolition, the FBI has admitted having no paper trail at all on Bin Laden despite earlier claims, several of the suspected hijackers have been confirmed still alive in various countries, and to go further, the Bush Admin and those pushing for the EU constitution are beginning to sacrifice our basic rights and privileges for more control over us all, and many western leaders are from strictly maintained bloodlines dating back through hundreds of years of rulers. Needless to say, there are a lot of details to fill in, but this stuff isn't based on faith or fantasy. It's just a matter of educating yourself. In our modern world, psychology is being implemented at a level never before seen in our history, and this is why we're having such a problem getting information out there and getting change today. There is no visible, up-front king or ruling party as there were in the times of the American and French revolutions. Now it's all deception and manipulation from being the scenes.

Heter, when you're depressed and do marijuana, does it actually make you feel any worse, or does it just 'mellow you out', as they say? As far as I've heard, only psychadelics have driven depressed people to suicide.
Title: Suicide
Post by: heter on June 30, 2005, 21:26:24
QuoteHeter, when you're depressed and do marijuana, does it actually make you feel any worse, or does it just 'mellow you out', as they say? As far as I've heard, only psychadelics have driven depressed people to suicide.

Well it is a bit complicated. yesterday when I was high, I cryed which is quite rare for me. I began to realize the scope of the situation of me, and the world. I asked a question and I was brought the answer by myself. I sort of had a very emotional moment of clarity. I beleive I became more independent because of this experience. After that I calmed down and had some more marijuana and just 'spaced out' to relax myself from the ordeal I had just went through. Marijuana high can one of great brain storming and discovery, or a period of relaxation and fun.
Title: Suicide
Post by: OrionsDream on June 30, 2005, 21:41:32
Of course the trade towers were brought down by demolition. I mean look at the video, right before the plane even goes into the tower the opposite corners explode!!! and as for the pentagon, the hole wasn't even as big as a plane!!
And heter, i'm glad you are enjoying your marijuana. Of course you can have great brain storms and relaxation WITHOUT a stimulate, but i suppose it would just be a ton easier to take it, with no consequences... hmph sort of goes against everything i've been tought, but of course thats another conditional trap.

oh yeah, how'd u get the $$ for it?
Title: Suicide
Post by: heter on June 30, 2005, 22:11:55
I've recently been getting alot of money for my trip to london and i used some of it on weed.
Title: Suicide
Post by: no_leaf_clover on June 30, 2005, 22:17:05
Bah, marijuana doesn't sound very dangerous while depressed then. I suspected it would calm you down some but wasn't sure. Psychadelics like acid and shrooms, by comparison, have sent people into deep fits of morbid depression for hours when taken unresponsibly. Those kinds of drugs seem really reflective and deep in nature, which can go any way in terms of emotional experiences.

QuoteI mean look at the video, right before the plane even goes into the tower the opposite corners explode!!! and as for the pentagon, the hole wasn't even as big as a plane!!

I dunno about the building corners exploding, but one of the planes went in a little off from taking such a tight turn and started coming out of the other side of the building, and there were sparks coming from under the fuselages of both planes before impact. What was interesting about the tower attacked lopsidedly is that the core columns were missed almost completely by the plane (upwards of 98% still intact I would say from diagrams), and yet the buildings still came down identically, lol.

You have to be careful with the Pentagon hole, too, because people trying to debunk the 'conspiracy theories' like to put down people who say the hole wasn't big enough. The truth of the matter is that the hole is big enough for a plane, but not a 757. More like a commuter plane, or some large personal jet, etc. From the 45-degree angle of impact, the hole is 13 feet too small horizontally, and some number of feet too small vertically, to be consistent with a 757 impact even when taking into account very questionable parts of the 'hole' (ie, places where the large wings would have allegedly struck, but somehow disappeared after impact). There have been very careful investigations into the photographic evidence from the Pentagon to correctly measure the hole in the facade since it would later collapse, and you can be certain that no 757 jumbo-jet struck it, but neither should you believe that it was all the work of a bomb, etc. Something went into the building nonetheless.
Title: Suicide
Post by: GANAMOHA on June 30, 2005, 22:18:38
Death is something that happens to all but death is a lie at least to beings of greater intelligence. To us many emotions limit us of the capability's we posses but if you end your life to soon the lessons to be taught to you. In our moments of clarity all makes sense but our minds are so used to questioning everything we start to question things that make sense so eventually your sense is nonsense but still are the exact same thing. Lost in an infinity of paradoxes. There is already so much death and pain in the world why ad to it?
Title: Suicide
Post by: heter on June 30, 2005, 22:19:31
Rofl, and not to mention no air plane parts were even found at the 'crash' site.
Title: Suicide
Post by: Froglet on June 30, 2005, 23:43:36
if I may step in... where do you find all of this... is there a website you deem looking out to find such ideas?

Title: Suicide
Post by: no_leaf_clover on July 01, 2005, 00:11:47
As far as the events of 9/11, if that's what you're talking about, check these out:
Title: Suicide
Post by: Froglet on July 01, 2005, 01:43:47
seems like well researched info, could be the trigger for John titor's civil war... but I don't really know just speculation and thinking about something I know little about except 2nd or 3rd hand knowledge.
Title: Suicide
Post by: Kazbadan on July 01, 2005, 07:14:38
Just a few hours out and suddenly lots of posts and new pages on the thread...

Stop talking about suicide...look, there is a beautiful sun outhere. Summer is at door. I am not gonna stay at home. Well, here i go beach!

(if you still are reading this you shouldnt. Stop and click in a place of your computer thats says "shutdown").
Title: Suicide
Post by: OrionsDream on July 01, 2005, 13:01:59
This is an AMAZING site dealing with 9/11-

Haha yeah your right. I dont see why anyone would have something AGAINST going outside and enjoying summer. It's only here 1/4 of the year! If any1 has something against walking in a park or playin in a field or somethin, plz i'd love to hear it. Time to go swimming  :D

Heter- how much $$ did you get for london? How much of that money did you spend on weed?
Was the money for london for air fee and hotel fee, or just spending money?
Title: Suicide
Post by: Syke on July 01, 2005, 13:28:22
well i have seen so many people get totally screwed from pot.
And yes in cases i have seen personally it greatly increases depression, not during the high though... during the high you can feel great.. but coming down and in between hits you feel like excrement.

People say it's not addictive and you can get off it any time, you just dont want to because "there's nothing wrong with it".... riiiight...
How about you try going off it for a month? starting today, if you can't do it then you're addicted.

You can get addicted to any chemical you take in. You can even get addicted to people due to their scent and saliva (for closer relationships), I've experienced this personally with a g/f of 9 months.

Seeing how you dont seem to have many people you can really talk to, i doubt you have anyone that you would listen to that really know the dangers of any drugs including pot.

I'm not a total anti-marijuana preacher either. I have taken it myself a few times, it felt good on the high (nothing too great) but coming down made me so paranoid. It's true that it affects different people in different ways.
I can be slightly (not totally) paranoid most of the time, and it just increased that paranoia for quite some time.
You're depressed, so it therefore is increasing your deppression and the more you take it, the longer it will keep you depressed.

and about getting help... You can go and see a Psychologist, they dont prescribe drugs. Psychiatrists do.
Psychologist help you in different ways, giving you someone to talk to and work through your problems.

If you want true clarity and strength get off marijuana. It's just another weakness that you could do without.

And do you have a job? or go to school?
Title: Suicide
Post by: Kazbadan on July 01, 2005, 14:05:30
i am back.

do you know what i did this afternon? lol, it stupid but me and a group of friends (no girls...) we take a bath completly naked in the river!

you must try that some day, lol :D its a very pleasurable sensation (not talking in a sexual way really).

and no, we did nothing to each other, lol...since i remember i am not gay.
Title: Suicide
Post by: heter on July 01, 2005, 14:23:54
Quote from: Kazbadani am back.

do you know what i did this afternon? lol, it stupid but me and a group of friends (no girls...) we take a bath completly naked in the river!

you must try that some day, lol :D its a very pleasurable sensation (not talking in a sexual way really).

and no, we did nothing to each other, lol...since i remember i am not gay.

Well that's possible, when you have friends  :?
Title: Suicide
Post by: OrionsDream on July 01, 2005, 14:54:12
heter, could you please anwser Syke's questions? Maybe you just haven't gotten to them yet.

A lot of ppl are disagreeing on this stuff about marijuana. I think i've seen enough to believe its not harmful if your not addicted, and not depressed, but you say you are depressed.

Syke- Heter would go see a Psychologist over his dead body... so i think telling him to do that (its not just you, a lot of ppl have) is sort of pointless, although i dont see why he has a problem with it, i would prolly feel the same way if i was in his position.. well idk but i can see how seeing a  Psychologist  does not seem appealing.

Guys (and girls), what heter needs are suggestions that DONT deal with doing things with friends. In his case that's not possible. What else can he do?

again, heter i think Syke asked some good questions, i think everyone here wanta know your opinion on them (including the marijuana one).
Syke gave the best proof possible for it, real life experience. But of course, like Syke said it changes for diff ppl...
u know how u said 95% of school killer ppl were on anti depressents? most were also on marijuana.

Heter- tell them about your school situation. I dont want to say it incase you feel uncomfortable about it. idk.
This is one of the reasons he doesn't have friends. But i suppose its better to be out a of school you hate...
Title: Suicide
Post by: Heather B. on July 01, 2005, 15:52:13
As for getting people to all band together--it won't happen.  You can tell people until you're blue in the face that the government is evil, that they've got us in their iron fist, and that this country is going to crash and burn.  But the majority of people won't care.  

Why?  Because they've got their houses, their SUVs, their designer clothes, their high-definition TVs, more food than they can eat... never mind that they're all in debt up to their eyes--they don't care as long as they're happy, comfortable, and have all the latest status symbols.  

The people who keep them like that are the big corporations.  And who caters to the big corporations?  The government.  That's why, for example, the government doesn't do anything about all the parasitic illegal immigrants--not only do they do nothing to prevent them coming into this country, they give them special treatment--illegal immigrants can get drivers licences and vote in our elections, among other things.  Because the big corporations don't want to have to pay honest money for employees!  They want to keep enough of their profits so they can pay off the government to keep on supporting them.

And while I have great faith in our educational systems--I see great things happening all the time at my school--it's also got its share of corruption by money.  I went to undergrad school at a great private school.  I had to work my butt off to get in there, and my parents and I owe lots of money we borrowed for tuition.  And yet, there were people in some of my classes who literally could not READ.  These were the people who could pay their way.  And they got the same diplomas my honest friends and I got.  Talk about feeling cheapened!

Fortunately, I belong to a profession that doesn't take excrement from anyone.  For example, we would rather delete all our records than let some Fed come in and paw through them under sanction of the "Patriot Act."  In a library, everyone is truly equal.  Most librarians are not in the profession for love of money---although you can bet that government libraries pay 3-5 times more than any other kind of library.  Not because the work is harder or the librarians are better, but because they have to basically bribe librarians to leave their values at the door.
Title: Suicide
Post by: OrionsDream on July 01, 2005, 16:05:18
Quote from: Almost Mrs. MurphyAs for getting people to all band together--it won't happen.  You can tell people until you're blue in the face that the government is evil, that they've got us in their iron fist, and that this country is going to crash and burn.  But the majority of people won't care.  

hmm well if u didnt listen to me, will you listen to her?
I doubt the world is going to come together in a 'uprising of righteousness' kind of thing. Thats another conditioning trap. In all the movies, someone speaks out, and all of a sudden everyone believes them!!
Sadly movies are different from real life.
The populations of the world will never TOTALLY come together, but i think as time progresses more people will awaken, but never all. Hopefully half, but that is a lot to ask for.
If you speak out right now, have fun, because it will be about your last day on this earth. Heter, if your going to commit suicide, please instead of killing yourself, go to a busy mall and say something about the illuminati, and then do it at home, after. Just make your death worth something, something helpful. Psh but what am i'm saying, your not gonna kill urself.

So anyway, Almst Mrs. Murphy is right, and we have proof: common sense.
Title: Suicide
Post by: no_leaf_clover on July 01, 2005, 17:00:07
Those privileges may keep people in line and apathetic for the moment, but a few crude nuclear detonations later, and with some further revoked basic human rights and nation-wide depression, you might start to see a change in peoples' attitudes.

It wouldn't even take all of those things to get enough people ticked. And remember, the people fighting for our independence in the American Revolution were a minority. Almost half of Americans didn't care, and didn't fight for either side at all. It only takes so many people to make a big difference.
Title: Suicide
Post by: OrionsDream on July 01, 2005, 17:09:21
But do you disagree that we are not at that 'stage' or point yet?
I think if we tried this uprising now, it would be crunched immediately.
Like i said, each day comes more and more people seeing this truth for the first time.
Until enough of those days have passed for us to have enough people, i think it is wise to just lay low as we have been for quite some time.
Maybe it'll take 6 months, maybe 5 years. I dont know, but i think once the media starts to give any attention to this at all, we will know its time.
Title: Suicide
Post by: no_leaf_clover on July 01, 2005, 18:28:28
No, we aren't ready yet, but it would be stupid to wait for the last minute before trying to inform everyone of what motivates all these political events we're seeing today. All I'm pushing for at the moment, and Heter from what I understand, is for people to become more educated. That's all we can hope for, anyway.
Title: Suicide
Post by: OrionsDream on July 01, 2005, 18:33:39
I never said to wait until the last minute. .. but i guess u
rnt saying i did...
but yeah u rite
Title: Suicide
Post by: Kazbadan on July 01, 2005, 19:04:22
Runlola: looool!! ya, now i remember, when we 1st met here in the forum we were talking about running naked in the rain!

this afternoon was more or less like that. besides we acted like teens or children. We got all the day doing stupid things.

Anyway, coming back to the topic: Heter, a good doctor can help because if he is really good he will act within your family too. If he is good he wil know how to act.

Now, about the tips: OrionsDream said that you need tips not involving friends because you dont have. Ok, i wil come back to that later.

Now, about doing things alone, you can do all what i´ve said before. Why you dont do this: when you get a little better (you will get, believe me, i was depressed and due to chmestrys in my brain, some days i would wake up better) you will organize your life. Make a list of things that you need to do.

Have a kind of secret diary where you write what you want, what you need, and how to achieve it.

You  must have an objective or something funny to do. Some ideas:

1- Bonsais Trees: thats really relaxing and great. You need intelgence to create one in the right way.

2- If you like cars and electronics, maybe you could try to build a small car, with remote control. Sometimes you can find nice collections for buying.

3- buy LEGOS! Really There are some amazing Legos outhere for adults and i am thinking in buying some: Robots. These legos (from what i read) need some learning on programming. It must be really funny you create your on Robot

4- About Programming: why not create a smal PC game? i start doing that one day but then i got tired quickly (i got tired quickly from everything)

5- Take care of your garden and try to create something new and beautiful on it.

These are some random ideas. You got the idea. Anyway, you really need friends. Do you have neighbours? cousins leaving near? If you have neighbours why dont you speak with them?

Maybe the girl on next door....if you have a girl on next door speak with us, we can give you some tips (ya: seek Hans Solo or Frank here in AP forums ;)).

Anyway, i still dont get the reason of your depression. From what i read, from researches, etc, guys that want to kill themselves at your age have their problem on family. Teenagers are not depressive-suicide-people like you think. All teenagers are very healthy and have normal problems. They only think on suicide with a good reason. Thats not teenager bovine excrement. Some of them (i hoope thats your case) jut speak on suicide (but they will never do it) because they want the attention that they never had.

Others have real bad problems.

In my teen years i was like you but i had problems with my family. Problems enough to take me into a depressive state and later on, that "cancer" was almost make me to commit "seppuku" (suicide).

If you want to expose your problems we will hear them and respect you. If you prefer to speak in PM with us thats ok too. Sometimes, "breathing" in internet its better than having no one in real life for hearing us.

And please, stop complaining that you cannot find friends: grab some of the guys that you know from your shcool and go swim naked to the river :D (kiding)!
Title: Suicide
Post by: OrionsDream on July 01, 2005, 19:32:30
LOL! what is with you and nakedness?? haha i could never imagine doing that with my friends! idk if thats how older ppl act or something! lol jk.

But a good question is heter- why can't you find friends? There are so many oppurtunities in the world today to do that. I know you don't go to school, so that takes a lot out of it, but if you find at least one friend, you can join that friend's little 'group' of friends.

Having fun with friends isnt an illuminati-conditioned trap. Please get that into your head.

I think kaz had an awesome idea with the garden thing. It requires attention and energy, and the more of that u put into it, the more beautiful it will be.
Title: Suicide
Post by: OrionsDream on July 01, 2005, 21:12:24
Title: Suicide
Post by: Syke on July 01, 2005, 23:52:56
Yes I'm sure there aren't too many super attractive people at nudist beaches... I havn't personally been to one, but each to their own.

And OrionsDream, i know you mean well, but telling us all that heter is "fat and "has no friends" isn't very compassionate.
If he wanted us to know that he probably would tell us himself. It's just kinda rude, thats all.
But I do see your good intentions.

I just hope he reads over all that the other members and I have written in this thread. It sure shot up fast in the posts, but it seems, for the most part, helpful for this situation.
Title: Suicide
Post by: Nay on July 02, 2005, 00:09:25
*screeeeeeeching halt*

This has and will always be a very sensitive topic but I just know that the good people of the Astral Pulse can pull it together and not resort to demeaning others.

Using others as stepping stones to feel elevated really isn'

Title: Suicide
Post by: heter on July 02, 2005, 00:24:53
I intend to reply to all posts . Sorry if you even see this post, there will be responses here...
Title: Suicide
Post by: Kazbadan on July 02, 2005, 07:44:46
Quote from: runlolaI think it's really important that you visit the nearest
naked beach, resort, camp, whatever, as soon as possible.

loooooool!!!! :D

Ok, i will do it but only if you come with me ;)
Title: Suicide
Post by: OrionsDream on July 02, 2005, 11:05:04
Sorry, i was overstepping some boundries... He has said so himself though in his opening thread, so i thought if he wanted to keep it secret, he would not have posted it.

"Using others as stepping stones to feel elevated really isn' " is most certaintly not that; thats... evil. If anything, i would be making myself look like a jerk, not a better person.

Heter, would you consider going to a naked beach?
Title: Suicide
Post by: OrionsDream on July 02, 2005, 18:42:32
I know i'd feel just plainly uncomfortable going to a naked beach =/. but i suppose i've never tried it before. But thats what i think i'd feel.
I guess its sort of another conditioning thing or maybe just me.
I think on a whole we've been taught that its really really weird to be naked in public.
Title: Suicide
Post by: AstralKadabra on July 02, 2005, 21:43:06
Haha naked beaches are funnnnn beacause your all in it together!! Its not like your the only one without clothes on! Just let yourself GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Title: Suicide
Post by: Nay on July 02, 2005, 23:47:27
Is there any possibilities that we can stear this away from the naked stuff?  Don't get me wrong I appreciate the obilivious naked person from time to time, but to really go on and on about that really necessary?

I guess what ever floats your boat is the way to go, but.....dang, I'm just thinking.....not.

Title: Suicide
Post by: OrionsDream on July 03, 2005, 12:35:42
What would you like to talk about? Give us another topic then.
Title: Suicide
Post by: heter on July 03, 2005, 13:31:14
QuoteSorry, i was overstepping some boundries... He has said so himself though in his opening thread, so i thought if he wanted to keep it secret, he would not have posted it.

"Using others as stepping stones to feel elevated really isn' " is most certaintly not that; thats... evil. If anything, i would be making myself look like a jerk, not a better person.

Heter, would you consider going to a naked beach?

Not anywhere near this year.

QuotePsh but what am i'm saying, your not gonna kill urself.

Probably not now. I'll wait a bit and see what happens. I'm only 15 anyway and my mindset will probably change as I 'mature'.

QuoteNow, about doing things alone, you can do all what i´ve said before. Why you dont do this: when you get a little better (you will get, believe me, i was depressed and due to chmestrys in my brain, some days i would wake up better) you will organize your life. Make a list of things that you need to do.

Have a kind of secret diary where you write what you want, what you need, and how to achieve it.

You must have an objective or something funny to do. Some ideas:

1- Bonsais Trees: thats really relaxing and great. You need intelgence to create one in the right way.

2- If you like cars and electronics, maybe you could try to build a small car, with remote control. Sometimes you can find nice collections for buying.

3- buy LEGOS! Really There are some amazing Legos outhere for adults and i am thinking in buying some: Robots. These legos (from what i read) need some learning on programming. It must be really funny you create your on Robot

4- About Programming: why not create a smal PC game? i start doing that one day but then i got tired quickly (i got tired quickly from everything)

5- Take care of your garden and try to create something new and beautiful on it.

These are some random ideas. You got the idea. Anyway, you really need friends. Do you have neighbours? cousins leaving near? If you have neighbours why dont you speak with them?

Maybe the girl on next door....if you have a girl on next door speak with us, we can give you some tips (ya: seek Hans Solo or Frank here in AP forums Wink).

Anyway, i still dont get the reason of your depression. From what i read, from researches, etc, guys that want to kill themselves at your age have their problem on family. Teenagers are not depressive-suicide-people like you think. All teenagers are very healthy and have normal problems. They only think on suicide with a good reason. Thats not teenager bovine excrement. Some of them (i hoope thats your case) jut speak on suicide (but they will never do it) because they want the attention that they never had.

Others have real bad problems.

In my teen years i was like you but i had problems with my family. Problems enough to take me into a depressive state and later on, that "cancer" was almost make me to commit "seppuku" (suicide).

If you want to expose your problems we will hear them and respect you. If you prefer to speak in PM with us thats ok too. Sometimes, "breathing" in internet its better than having no one in real life for hearing us.

And please, stop complaining that you cannot find friends: grab some of the guys that you know from your shcool and go swim naked to the river Very Happy (kiding)!

I don't need to distract myself anymore. I need to work to get out of this situation

I'm not going to hang out with people who have a completely different life style than me and completely different mindsets. I don't go to normal school anyway, so I dont see kids. People my age dont understand me and do not want to hang out with me. I ahve tried doing so before, and got severely disrespected and mocked. Also i dont have cousins sisters or brothers living in the area. I live with my grandma. 2 of my sisters live in brazil, 1 in atlanta, 1 in miami, and my mom lives in Turkey. Yes, Turkey  :o

Yes I know that most teenagers problems are ridiculous but I'm pretty sure my own dont fit under that category. I am also offended by the way you underestimate my situation because I am a teenager.

QuoteAnd do you have a job? or go to school?

No, they dont hire anyone under 16 legally here. I am completing an online course so i can get my ridiculous excuse for a 'education'  :roll:.
Title: Suicide
Post by: OrionsDream on July 03, 2005, 14:26:55
Hmm well so far everyone's suggestions have come to naught for Heter. The only idea i thought would work so far is the garden thing, but i suppose that doesn't interest Heter either.

Heter- I'm sure you know we're not trying to offend you.

In what way do you think your situation is being underestimated?
Is it because ppl are suggesting to go to 'naked beaches' and that sort of thing?

I think we are all giving him too much of advice dealing with staying away from his 'problem' or depression or w.e u wanta call it, instead of ideas for fixing it.

Why dont you give us a little more information on the topic you want advice on, and we would not go off on tangets about nudist beaches :P

"Probably not now. I'll wait a bit and see what happens. I'm only 15 anyway and my mindset will probably change as I 'mature'. "
I dont know why, but i sort of disagree with that. I think your, and everyones mind set changes not as they mature because of age, but because of their knowledge stuff. I dont think you mature just because you get older.
Title: Suicide
Post by: Kazbadan on July 03, 2005, 14:32:37
wow! people let me explain one thing: i get out for 1 day and when i came back everybody is speaking on naked stuff. When i suggested that it was more in a funny way. I was almost kiding, not intended to be taken seriously.

Lets stop with that naked bovine excrement, the real intention behind that was to break some ice here in this thread. Suicide its hard stuff, so (i thought) why not throw in some crazy nice thing?

Coming back to the topic: Heter, are you in an online shcool? Why didnt you take the normal shcool?
Title: Suicide
Post by: heter on July 03, 2005, 14:51:25
Quote from: Kazbadanwow! people let me explain one thing: i get out for 1 day and when i came back everybody is speaking on naked stuff. When i suggested that it was more in a funny way. I was almost kiding, not intended to be taken seriously.

Lets stop with that naked bovine excrement, the real intention behind that was to break some ice here in this thread. Suicide its hard stuff, so (i thought) why not throw in some crazy nice thing?

Coming back to the topic: Heter, are you in an online shcool? Why didnt you take the normal shcool?

I few months ago I had to make a decision between military school and this. I had started getting into spiritual things and I knew the education system was crap anyway so i decided to get a high school diploma through the interenet aas opposed of going back to high school or military school. I was really hating high school for the first few motnhs I had done it and I just wanted to get away from all those false people. I am still happy with my decision and I will be getting my diploma soon.

As far as women go I know everythinga bout getting them interested and keeping them there and the rules of the game etc etc. I mastered it all years ago but I am held back by my lack of confidence.
Title: Suicide
Post by: Kazbadan on July 03, 2005, 15:15:30
Confidence comes with experience. Do as i did. Go out and speak to a lot of women. Think on that as something fun, like  a game. The more women you speak the more  you learn. I just love to go out and speak to any girl. They love that too. I just dont know how much they will love that at your age.
Title: Suicide
Post by: heter on July 03, 2005, 15:59:20
Quote from: KazbadanConfidence comes with experience. Do as i did. Go out and speak to a lot of women. Think on that as something fun, like  a game. The more women you speak the more  you learn. I just love to go out and speak to any girl. They love that too. I just dont know how much they will love that at your age.

I have alot to work on before I can do that.
Title: Suicide
Post by: Kazbadan on July 03, 2005, 17:03:06
No, thats the beiggining. You dont loose nothing just by saying hello.

But i agree that before that maybe you should start working your inner game a little.
Title: Suicide
Post by: OrionsDream on July 03, 2005, 17:38:42
Kaz has a point. Why NOT go out and speak to women? Whats the worst that could happen? She say you weird or strange and walk off? So what! Its not like you go to school where every1 will laugh at you the next day! You have more freedom to do that then most ppl today!

Heter, is the only reason you did not go to a regular high school was because you thought you wouldn't learn anything true...?
Or is it because of that, AND the whole social stuff..?
Title: Suicide
Post by: Kazbadan on July 03, 2005, 18:24:50
if you can, profissional hep its better than what we can say
Title: Suicide
Post by: OrionsDream on July 03, 2005, 19:49:25
Am i correct in saying, heter, that you would NEVER go to a get professional help, at least in the near future?

WOW, i dont see how any1 in their right mind would want to go to military school! And heter, why were those your ONLY 2 choices? Military school, or an internet high school?
Title: Suicide
Post by: RTCovenant on July 03, 2005, 23:37:59
Whats with all this government conspiracy with everything from the same bloodline stuff?

Are you guys suggesting Tony Blair, George Bush, John Kerry, Howard Dean, Ken Mehlman, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosefelt, and Ariel Sharon are all somehow related to each other?

As for depression, running really helps. It creates a natural high. Being skeptical of everything you read can also help. Don't believe every single conspiracy theory you've ever read. Barely any of them are based on fact.
Title: Suicide
Post by: no_leaf_clover on July 04, 2005, 02:19:47
RTC - Take out Ariel Sharon, Dean and Mehlman (just for good measure, because I'm not too sure on those guys), and you've got it exactly. Bush and Kerry are actually ninth cousins, twice removed. Another study reportedly found that Kerry is related to all of the royal houses of Europe. As for the rest of them, they all come down from the same European bloodline. The line originated out of Germany some few hundred years ago. I'm not sure where it was before then. But yeah; they're not exactly close family, but they're all related.

Btw, you can look this stuff up on your own if you'd like. The perception that a lot of conspiracy theories are based on total bs is misleading in itself. There is a lot of crap out there, yes, but generally there is also at least some truth to what you hear. It is possible to sift through the garbage and arrive at a clear picture of the happenings of the world if you can manage to find some good sources.
Title: Suicide
Post by: Kazbadan on July 04, 2005, 08:13:20
conspiray its a loss of can only have ideas but not any certain. Please, stop with conspiracy and enjoy life for somewhile.

Conspiracy its now the new word in my dictionary for "bovine excrement"
Title: Suicide
Post by: OrionsDream on July 04, 2005, 11:27:15
Yeah, Heter you seem to be really caught up on being scared, or overly angry at the illuminati and our politics.

Why you wont go in a park: Because you dont want to listen to all the conditioned children's laughter....
You need to take a serious look at your mindset. If children have been conditioned, it doesnt mean that their laughter is 'conditioned' as well.

If you enjoy life, just a little, to get out of this depressive state, I dont think you will be giving the illuminati a victory.
If anything, the illuminati would LOVE to see their enemies depressed and lost.
Title: Suicide
Post by: ashley on July 10, 2005, 22:39:48
Title: Suicide
Post by: OrionsDream on July 11, 2005, 15:26:28
Ashley, that was definetly the best piece of advice i've seen on these forums ever. Not just for heter, but for everyone and anyone. thanks
Title: Suicide
Post by: AM on July 12, 2005, 23:49:06
First, we do not have to be manipulated by anyone, we need to use discernment, and have the confidence to hold our own in this world, as well as in non-physical dimensions.  Just because some people are doing wrong doesn't mean that we all are, however unless you are coherent with the way you think you should act, you will not attract like minded people.
Secondly, we are the number one cause of our surroundings.  If we are unhappy with the world we live in the problem almost always stems from ourselves.  We get what we put out, in other words, what is the level of your thoughts, energy and intentions?  If we constantly feed the negative this is all we will get.  There are problems with the world, but it is here where we can help change these things.  The fact that you recognize the trouble shows that you are already more lucid than many individuals we are living around.  The trick is to remember or at least try to have some intuitions on why you are here.  You must remember who is counting on you? this might seem like nobody but yet there are people waiting in the wings that are counting on you to help.  
Third-  We do not change from one dimension to the next.  Killing yourself will not take away the pain or make you wise.   To be a "Spirit guide" you need to earn this, and the quickest way to better yourself is right here in the physical where we are placed with many people different then us.
Perhaps your goal should be to work more with these Spirit guides by adapting their qualities to yourself such as assistance, serenity, wisdom, ethics, and more.

Wishing you all the best
Title: Suicide
Post by: OrionsDream on July 13, 2005, 14:33:18
ah thats you i take it ashley. yea like i said nice post
Title: Suicide
Post by: Kazbadan on July 13, 2005, 14:43:57
I am reading the new book of Dan Brown about illuminati and it seems that they were real and dont exist anymore. MAybe they still exist but their power it just the power to influence normal and boring politics. MAybe due to them some wars were created and others avoided, but i dont care. They dont influence my personal life, besides what can i do about them? If i am happy and free to think and live, i should only care with illuminati if they are destroying the world (with politics that will grow up the polution in earth; with wars, etc).

Look, its hollidays and its Summer, lets have fun :)
Title: Suicide
Post by: Hans Solo on July 13, 2005, 15:26:44
Hi folks-

Ahh, the conspiracy theorist.  I run into them all the time.    Most of the conspiracy theorist don't know there As* from a hole in the ground, and yes I know ALL of the theories out there.  From Adam Wisecoff starting the Illuminati to skull and bones, CFR, Triladeral commission, Bildabergers, etc.  I have even read some conspiracy theory books and finally decided SO much of it is BUNK.  Does that mean that individuals in places of power don't help each other, no.  The books read like this: Rothschild was in league with Rockefeller to con troll the money through banks because Rockefeller's gardener knew Adam Chipshield, the head accountant for Disney who worked with Blah blah blah.  IT DOESN'T MATTER!!!

IF, and that's a big "if", these conspiracies are true it doesn't help going around and telling people.  Nobody believes these people except 9th grade high school kids and Evangelical hicks.  The funny thing is the Evangelicals Constitutionalists will scream about this, but if you ask them they say that they want it to happen because Jesus is coming back to take them to heaven!

Assuming these conspiracies are true, the solution is and always will be small government.  You can cite specific examples of how government is NEVER the answer and that it never accomplishes anything. With out a big government these groups have NO control.  A big corporation can't enslave you or put you in a gulag.  Which brings me to a point.  Most of these "Constitutional" conspiracy theorist are for building a wall along the border and stopping all the Mexicans from getting in.  What they are too stupid to realize is that a border good enough to keep all the Mexicans out is good enough to keep us all in, and they are the ones screaming about a coming police state! :lol:

When asked what they are going to do about it they say "call talk shows and wake people up", when pressed they say "Nothing I can do about it, it is predicted in the Bible".  What a disempowering belief system!  These people won't even take a stand and say "enough" to the government.  Also, how come you are the only one that is not "brainwashed", and are you so sure you aren't?  Stop listening to Alex Jones and get out of the house and enjoy what freedoms you have, and start supporting those that are trying to increase your freedoms.  This exact discussion happened yesterday on (look at the archives-Tuesdays show)

Also, about the 4D reptilian that David Icke talks about.  You want to commit suicide based on David Ickes testimony and his followers, COME ON!!!!!  Where is the proof, just one picture--besides that stupid picture of Al Gore mad!  Hell, I can look like that when I get mad, I know Alex Jones does. Is he a reptilian?

Government is the problem not the Illuminati.  Thomas Jefferson knew this when he said "The natural order of things is for Government to grow and Liberty to yield."

The answer is to support small government not research conspiracies.

Enjoy life,
Title: Suicide
Post by: Kazbadan on July 13, 2005, 18:45:13
Thats the message that i intended to pass.

Iluminati are very powerful and the storys that you read, like th enew one of Dan Brown (btw, its a copy of DaVinci Code Formula, nothing special, but nice to read).
Title: Suicide
Post by: OrionsDream on July 13, 2005, 19:46:37
I think the illuminati definetly exist. They control our poly-tricks -politics- and government. Of course they dont have any powerful mind controlling tools to control our minds, but i wouldnt brush them off like ants.
Title: Suicide
Post by: Syke on July 15, 2005, 08:25:46
Wow Hans.. Thank god you know the truth and are able to tell us everyone that believes conspiracy theories are 9th grade students or hicks.

I have infact just finished high school and was introduced to this sort of material by a friend.. who has a masters in teaching.. who was given david ickes book by her friend who has been a doctor for the past 15 years.

So I guess your theory is that all conspiracy theorist are crazies.. but be careful how you word it, because if someone doesn't believe you then next thing you know you'll fall in to the same pool.

You only know as much as anyone else in the main-stream public, so don't get all high and mighty and believe you have the right to blatently insult other peoples beliefs just because you believe something else.

I'd like to see you going to a church or any form of place of worship and arguing with the congregation about their belief system.

Quotewhen pressed they say "Nothing I can do about it, it is predicted in the Bible". What a disempowering belief system!
I take it you're anti-religion too? You'd have to be to make the claims you have, on people making predictions based on the bible, as that is pretty much all religion is. One collection of books or scriptures and such, read as (literal) holy words.

Yes I believe a lot of the theories could be true... just as i believe they could be false... just as i believe religion could be true or false.. I don't follow a belief system.. i guess that makes it easier to accept and take an objective but reasonable look on matters.

I agree that it is rediculous to consider suicide over any of the theories presented by anybody. Especially the far fetched ones, such as David Icke's Reptilian Agenda.

So it'd be best to keep an open mind about EVERYTHING!... If you can supply hard evidence to disprove the theories then do so.. but don't just bad mouth theorists by giving your own theory on them. You just end up contradicting yourself.

And heter, get over it. Stop seeking attention from people that can't even see you.
Get out... or don't. Do whatever you want... that's pretty much the thing here, everyone is telling you to want to do some... "if you wanted to go for a walk and you did you'd be happy..... SO GO WALKING!".. doesn't quite work.
Maybe walking doesn't make you happy, maybe all it does is make you sore, tired and sweaty.
We havn't got the answers and even if we did you wouldn't accept them because you're content in whinging and complaining and getting a reaction.
So continue if that's what's gonna stop you from killing yourself, even though it's likely you wouldn't anyway.

Enjoy Stuff
Title: Suicide
Post by: Hans Solo on July 15, 2005, 12:26:46
There is only one conspiracy that I would stake my name on:

QuoteI have infact just finished high school and was introduced to this sort of material by a friend.. who has a masters in teaching.. who was given david ickes book by her friend who has been a doctor for the past 15 years

WOW!!!! I totally retract everything I just said.

QuoteI take it you're anti-religion too? You'd have to be to make the claims you have, on people making predictions based on the bible, as that is pretty much all religion is. One collection of books or scriptures and such, read as (literal) holy words

The early Christians thought the end times were going to happen 100 years after Christ death, then every 100 years after that, then at the start of the new centuries, and now 2012.  Did you know that there were originally 2 end times in the bible but the church only kept the Apocalypse and removed the Apocrypha (good stuff happening).  Research this for yourself at  

Religion is used mainly as control of the masses.  Did you know that in the Dark Ages they kept the bible in the Greek form so the citizens could not read it, and had to rely on the Priest.  When Gutenberg invented the printing press and printed off enough bibles for the common man to have one he almost got arrested.  But then again, that is probably the devil making me type this stuff :roll:

QuoteAnd heter, get over it. Stop seeking attention from people that can't even see you.
Get out... or don't. Do whatever you want... that's pretty much the thing here, everyone is telling you to want to do some... "if you wanted to go for a walk and you did you'd be happy..... SO GO WALKING!".. doesn't quite work.
Maybe walking doesn't make you happy, maybe all it does is make you sore, tired and sweaty.
We havn't got the answers and even if we did you wouldn't accept them because you're content in whinging and complaining and getting a reaction.
So continue if that's what's gonna stop you from killing yourself, even though it's likely you wouldn't anyway


All conspiracies do is make SOME people point to a Wizard of OZ, some all knowing force, that can pull off the  most amazingly intercate schemes without a hitch. Well my friend, this deflects from the very real reality that Government is a bumbling fool that is REALLY taking our rights away at the point of a gun.

In all, I think we both agree most conspiracies are bunk :D

Title: Suicide
Post by: OrionsDream on July 16, 2005, 21:45:55
So very very true. Syke and Han, though I dont totally agree with everything you say, you said some things rightly so, that i think no1 has had the boldness to say.

However, i think heter has stopped griping. Its too bad he did not take at least 1 of our suggestions, but his life, his choice, his mind. I think he will do other ways
Title: Suicide
Post by: no_leaf_clover on July 16, 2005, 23:33:18
Han, I set up a thread a while back on 9/11 that didn't get a whole lot of feedback thaht maybe you can contribute to. I posted it a while ago and have picked up quite a few things since then, if you should want to give the thread a bump.

What we can assume, if that's true, is that all of the following events were planned ahead of time. War in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the general so-called "war on terror," as well as the passing of legislation such as the Patriot Act and other movements limiting freedoms in the name of security were all designed to be put forth after 9/11 here in the US. They simply wouldn't have worked otherwise, without huge civil protest (moreso than now even). That alone is pretty suggestive of some behind-the-scenes agendas. And again, if you should want to re-open that thread as to whether or not 9/11 was an inside job, it's right there.

What I would have to wonder is if this was an isolated event in human history, or a part of a larger pattern. Corruption itself is certainly nothing new to history, and neither is it anything new that the people in power will do things to deceive or manipulate the people en masse.

The burning of Rome and the Reichstag Fire were both designed to manipulate large masses of people (Romans and Germans, respectively). No one suspected it when it happened. Their leaders would never do such a thing! They were too wholesome; too concerned for the common man! Especially with the Reichstag. Those Nazi leaders could never burn their own parliament building and blame communists in order to invade other countries! That's absurd! Let's not forget that corruption and scandals are certainly nothing new to this age of American History even, from Teapot Dome to Watergate to the Iran-Contra Affar to Waco. It's been increasingly worse this whole past century. And all of this is only the corruption that has been exposed.

We take too much of this stuff for granted today, and that's the bottom line of it. Yes, there is a lot of bs out there, but unfortunately also a lot of it is not. It's easy for someone to come out and lay it on people who don't have any facts straight and ready for them. At the same time, anybody with half a brain could research the 2000 election controversy, the 2004 elections and the Diebold corporation, the reasoning and manipulation surrounding the invasion of Iraq, the Downing Street Memo, and even back to the events of 9/11 itself and figure out that there's something amidst here that is not all sweet and simple, black and white, and good vs evil. The people that are the real trouble today are the ones that forget history, submit to the simplistic psychology, and refuse to consider for a second that even some of this may be true. These same people do not deserve to live in a democracy. Quite frankly they ruin it for us all.

Again, the thread's still there. It's been a while since anyone's posted on it, and there's a lot more that I've picked up that would be wonderful to share. :)
Title: Suicide
Post by: Hans Solo on July 18, 2005, 01:05:35

 I agree with most of what you wrote.  Powerful people conspire all the time to acquire and maintain power, and more often than not they use the force of government for this reason.  I have to say that I NEVER believe the government's story of what happened on 9/11, but then again I don't believe Micheal Moore's or Alex Jones's either.

QuoteThat's absurd! Let's not forget that corruption and scandals are certainly nothing new to this age of American History even, from Teapot Dome to Watergate to the Iran-Contra Affar to Waco. It's been increasingly worse this whole past century. And all of this is only the corruption that has been exposed.

Notice how major scandals on tragic events happen with more frequency as the government gets larger.  Big government is a magnet for those that want to increase personal power and control, and thus is nothing new in human history.  Also, some famous person once wrote "War is the health of the State", and there is nothing more accurate.  I think it was a paper called "The project for a New American Century" that best describes the Bush Plan for war.

I agree that people conspire and you'll find most of the control freaks in government, however I just don't buy the whole Cabal of people with the same idealized goal or plot.  I especially don't buy the whole reptilian aliens controlling everything.  

The thing I am trying to get across is that no matter if there is or isn't a conspiracy the solution is still the same.  The solution is small government like our founding fathers in visioned (who by the way were EVIL Masons as some conspiracy people would say)  Without the reigns of government no control freak can commit mass genocide, police state, etc.  

Title: Suicide
Post by: Syke on July 18, 2005, 11:43:19
My bad, Hans i must have misunderstood.. as it appears you do believe in some conspiracies. I thought your first comment was damning those who did by the whole generalised "un-educated hick" comment.

Of course not every theory is correct or even close, but among the mayhem there is a little order.
Like I personally dont believe in the 4D reptilian brotherhood... whereas i do believe in A brotherhood of sorts, working behind the scenes.

and I think the Action-Reaction-Solution theory is pretty spot on... soon we'll see a major event with thousands of people missing or unidentifiable... and bingo! Human Micro-chipping. Because remember, we need it. :roll:

So the governments will cause this big disaster (blaming it on someone else of course).. The public will be in a state of shock and sadness, looking for a solution... the government offers them one that fits what they desire. Mass control.
As far as conspiracy theories go you just have to take what you want from them, and ignore what you dont.

You must also be careful on how much credit you give the more popular theorists. They could in fact be working for the people they're damning.
They often use the excuse "if they shut me up they just back up what ive been saying" when someone asks why they can still say all this stuff without "them" stopping them.
If they really are that powerful and the theorists are so correct then there would be no difficulty in getting rid of them and making it look like nothing... or making them just disappear.

Anyways I'm done now. Catch.
Title: Suicide
Post by: no_leaf_clover on July 18, 2005, 12:54:53
Quote"War is the health of the State"

Yep. Remember how frequent outright war was before the invention of the atomic bomb? Especially in Europe, there were almost always massive wars being waged. The people in charge didn't care as to whether or not people were dying. They just wanted power.

War today is still a huge moneymaker, no question. But what are we fighting now? We can't wage war with any big countries with nukes anymore, so it should come as no surprise as to what we have been fighting: Korea, Vietnam, the so-called "Cold War," and two Iraq wars, a war in Afghanistan and definitely more to come from the new "War on Terror."

Small government will not last anymore without an educated population, that will react when their civil liberties are infringed upon or when corrupt wars are started, and not just sit back dumb and happy until things that actually start directly effecting them go down.

Have you thought about how the Constitution can be changed for next time around, Hans? Personally I was thinking banning corporate/government ties of any sort should be a high priority, also ensuring the media sticks with actual journalism, and loosening the government's chokehold on scholarship via that damned federal funding. Why do you think there has been little to no publicity on long-term alternative energy, despite the work of Tesla and others being in public domain for about a hundred years? Discouragement of the scholarship to persue that field via threats of cutting off funding. And thus we stick with oil, constantly told that it will soon run out and we have to pay more $$ for it. We could probably stand to have an odd number of presidents, too, and should do something in the way of modern political parties.
Title: Suicide
Post by: IC on July 27, 2005, 00:35:41
Mmmm. The only reason I wouldn't commit suicide is because there are people on this planet that love me... Dying and getting stuck on earth would be a good thing in my oppinion :) you get to haunt buildings and get captured on film looking like a green/white blob thing floating in the air :D - and you don't need to eat or sleep...

Also: Why is suicide against the law in some countries? I mean, if you commit suicide, what can the police do?
Title: Suicide
Post by: no_leaf_clover on July 27, 2005, 02:47:11
QuoteAlso: Why is suicide against the law in some countries? I mean, if you commit suicide, what can the police do?

I've wondered that too. I think they can get you on an attempt, and then make you go to some clinic or something for help.
Title: Suicide
Post by: AstralKadabra on August 03, 2005, 15:12:40
I think many people 'think about suicide' but very few actually TRY and do it. Big difference there.
Why was this question asked in the first place?
Title: Suicide
Post by: Kazbadan on August 03, 2005, 15:55:18
there is a differenc between trying and doing it. Psychologists say that some people that try think that they wanna they but in fact they dont want it, they are just calling for help. They try the act and fail it for others to see it and then help them. The worst cases are the people that are really really so bad that they commit suicide and period. No turn back.
Title: Re: Suicide
Post by: Xplorer88 on December 29, 2010, 15:59:48
threads from 2005, read the whole thing, but just curious if the kid killed himself or not(which i doubt he did he sounds too smart for that and he was only 15/16 at the time) ...

its been 5 years, be nice to have an update should be round my age by now :roll:
Title: Re: Suicide
Post by: Naykid on December 29, 2010, 16:15:28
I'm loving the older threads!  It would be interesting to find out what happened.  Can I ask why you used the rolling eyes though?  I don't get it. 
Title: Re: Suicide
Post by: Xplorer88 on December 29, 2010, 19:20:41
Quote from: Naykid on December 29, 2010, 16:15:28
I'm loving the older threads!  It would be interesting to find out what happened.  Can I ask why you used the rolling eyes though?  I don't get it. 
the smileys looking down and then he looks up... cus the kid must of grown...i dunno made sense in my head lol
maybe i shuold o just put a reg smiley :wink:
Title: Re: Suicide
Post by: Xplorer88 on December 29, 2010, 19:22:28
i agree tho i love reading thru all the old threads, they keep me entertained at work
Title: Re: Suicide
Post by: Naykid on December 30, 2010, 11:26:32
Quote from: Xplorer88 on December 29, 2010, 19:20:41
the smileys looking down and then he looks up... cus the kid must of grown...i dunno made sense in my head lol
maybe i shuold o just put a reg smiley :wink:

LOL oh, so it was like you were looking at him growing. I get it now.  I didn't think you were being sarcastic, that's why I asked.  :-D