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Jesus Christ

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Originally posted by Allanon

When Jesus first began to preach most of the "institutional" authority figures rejected and hated Him. This is because He offered a way out that transcended all the previous teachings. He was God in the Flesh and He alone had the power to stop the evil. They did not accept Him then and still it is all too evident from a simple read of the posts here to witness the hearts of man turn from the Light

I think Jesus was rejected, and said to "have a demon" because he was a practicing mystic/magician, doing blessings, cursings and healings.  I like the Bible, but it is not my God.  I have never seen Jesus, but I often wonder why he is often depicted as a long-haired man with an almost feminine face.  The Bible does say that it is a shame for a man to have long hair.  If Jesus ever took on physical human form and revealed himself to me, I would expect him to have short hair and a more rugged face.


suddenly im really confused.. this topic used to be in one of the first three forums, i remember distinctly. how'd it get here? am i insane? o.o... they were right all along??!
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


Do any of you watch the daily show?  They did a hilarious skit that reminds me a lot of That religous persons argument.  It was in that "even steven" part.  It was a christian and a Muslim debating who's religion was the true religion.  By the end they were each praying to their god to smite the other one.  Then at the end they came to some common ground.. their hatred for Jews.  

It was really funny.


Hi, everyone.  I am fascinated by all the ideas here.  Yes, I have had a Christ experience.  Once, I was in prayer with a very mystical Jesuit.  During the prayer session, I got a clear vision of Christ reaching out to me.  What I remember most are his eyes and how compelling they were.  

Yes, I did and do feel a connection with that Christ consciousness.  I believe that he and the Buddha were likely the most evolved or spiritually advanced people to ever been born.  Basically, they both preached respect for life and a philosophy to harm no living thing.

As to what is said about him or the various translations of the Bible, well they are simply that - translations and interpretations by many people.  Certainly, it cannot contain all he said in his years of life.  

I have to agree with those that say we do not have any accurate picture of his life on earth or what really happened to him.  I think that Christianity, like all religions, has been badly manipulated by various power brokers whose agenda was control of people rather than
supporting the betterment of people.  Thankfully, today, most Christians would not kill people of other faiths just because they are of other faiths, although I am sure there are some that would.  

I do feel I must respond to those here who claim faith in Jesus is the only path to heaven.  I think that idea is a mutilation of what he may actually have said.  There may well be as many paths to God as there are of us.  The name of the religion or the diety may be irrelevant if the spirit of the person is a good one.  "Heaven", however you define it, would not be heaven if good people of all faiths, or none at all, were not allowed.  

I prefer to think of Jesus Christ as a consciousness that exists somewhere in every generation as well as an actual person who lived so long ago.  The power of what he was seeps through all the misinterpretations and misrepresentations, even now.  


Hey everyone!! Just another example of Christian stipulations on getting into "heaven." Say you're a christian, and you're married to a jewish person. You love that person to death. When you both die, will heaven be heaven without your cignificant other? Maybe some people think that it wouldn't matter, but to me at least, it would.



Originally posted by goingslow

By the end they were each praying to their god to smite the other one.  Then at the end they came to some common ground.. their hatred for Jews.  

It was really funny.

LOL: Gosh, it just so typifies where a lot of these people are coming from.

Wish I'd seen it.



Was Jesus a Reiki Master?

John 14-12: "I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me, can do the same miracles I have done, and even greater things than these will you do."
One of the outstanding aspects of Jesus' life was the miracles he worked. According to the Bible, Jesus walked on water, fed five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fishes, changed water to wine and raised people from the dead. However, the most meaningful of his miracles were the healings he performed. These healings include: paralysis, lameness, fever, catalepsy, hemorrhage, skin disease, mental disorders, spirit possession, deafness and blindness. Many of these healings were accomplished by the laying on of hands. This is indicated frequently in the New Testament Luke 4:40 states: "When the Sun was setting, the people brought to Jesus all who had various kinds of sickness, and laying his hand on each one, he healed them."
In Matthew 8:14-15, Jesus uses touch to heal Peter's mother-in-law of a fever. In Mark 1:40-42 Jesus uses his hands to heal a man with leprosy. This is also mentioned in Luke 5:12-13. Matthew 20:29-34 describes how Jesus healed two blind men by touching their eyes and in Mark 8:22-25 Jesus uses his hands to heal another blind man. In Mark 7:32 35 he uses touch to heal a man who is deaf and can't speak. In Luke 7:12-15, Jesus raises a dead man by touching his coffin and in Luke 8:49-55 Jesus uses touch to return a dead girl to life.
There are many similarities between the laying on of hands healing Jesus did and the practice of Reiki. One important similarity is the fact that Jesus could pass the power to heal on to others. We read in Luke 9:1-2 that Jesus gave his twelve disciples power to drive out all demons and to cure diseases. We do not know by what process Jesus gave healing power to his disciples, but the fact that he was able to pass it on to them indicates an important similarity with Reiki.
Another aspect of Jesus' healing practice that is similar to Reiki relates to faith. While faith was required for many of the healings he performed, it appears that the healings Jesus did with his hands did not require faith. Mark 6:5-6 states: "He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. And he was amazed at their lack of faith." So, in spite of the fact that they did not believe, Jesus was still able to use laying on of hands to heal. This is one of the important aspects of Reiki: It does not require faith on the part of those receiving a treatment in order for the Reiki to work.
The fact that Jesus had secret teachings he gave only to those who he had given healing power is clearly indicated in Matthew 13:10-11 and Mark 4:10-12 & 34. Secret knowledge is also part of the Reiki teachings in that the symbols as well as the process of doing attunements are secret.
It is not known whether Jesus was born with the ability to heal through touch or if this was something he acquired. His activities between age twelve and thirty are not mentioned in the Bible. It has been suggested by several researchers that during this time Jesus traveled to the East and was schooled in many of the mystical teachings of India, Tibet and China. If this is so, it is possible that Jesus was initiated into Reiki, or a Reiki like practice during this time as Reiki has his origins in India, Tibet and China.
The early followers of Jesus' teachings were made up of several groups. One such group was the Gnostics. They practiced laying on of hands and professed to have a secret knowledge that had been passed on to them by Jesus and his disciples. The Gnostics were made up of many smaller groups some of which were known as the Docetists, the Marcionites, and the Carpocratians. They were united by their core beliefs which included: a personal experience of Jesus or the "kingdom of heaven within," their freedom and lack of rules, guidelines or creeds and their reliance on inspiration and inner guidance. Their existence is attested to by the Gnostic gospels which are part of the Dead Sea Scrolls as well as a letter written in the second century AD by the early Church father, Clement of Alexandria. In Clement's letter, he spoke of a secret gospel of Mark which was based on the normal canonical one but with additions for special followers of Jesus, referred to as "those who were being perfected" and "those who are being initiated into the great mysteries."
When Christianity became organized after the second century, its teachings were centered around faith and the official teachings of the church, rather than healing or "good works" and inner guidance as practiced by the Gnostics. At this time, those promoting the organization of the church began subduing and killing those Gnostics who would not conform with the authority of the newly developing Church. With the elimination of the Gnostics and the establishment of the Christian Church, the practice of laying on of hands by Christians was lost.
Jesus possessed great confidence in his ability and was able to heal in an instantaneous way with spectacular results. It is clear that he had perfected many metaphysical skills and used them in conjunction to get the results he created. Was one of those skills Reiki? Was Jesus a Reiki Master in addition to being a spiritual Master? While it cannot be established in an absolute sense that Jesus was a Reiki Master, the available evidence clearly indicates so many similarities that it is likely the laying on of hands healing Jesus practiced must have been very closely associated with an early form of Reiki. The teachings of Jesus, as well as the example he set are a great inspiration for us. As we continue to perfect our spiritual awareness and allow our inner wisdom to guide us, it is likely that breakthroughs will occur, eventually bringing with them the quality of healing that Jesus had.
We must remember what the Great Master stated as indicated in John 14-12, "I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me, can do the same miracles I have done, and even greater things than these will you do."

I to have the ability to heal useing Reiki but I'm not at the level of Jesus.

Dean my neighbor cut the tips of his finger off while using the lawn mower.  He went to the emergency room and the stiched him up. When he came home that night he was in extrem pain and I treated him with Reiki.

His pain went away with in 30 seconds and I treated him for 45 minutes 3 time that week.  I told him that his fingers will heal in half the time, they won't be swollen and they will be pink in color.

Dean went back to the hospital with his wife.  The doctors told Dean that when they take the bandages off they would be badly swollen and black and blue.

They took the bandages off and were surprized.  Deans finger were not swollen and they were bright pink in color.

Dean told the doctors that I was treating him with Reiki and one of the doctors said he heard about reiki and that I should continue to treat him.

Here is a website to a Reiki. Check it out and find for your self.

Sincerely Frank (hypnotist)


There are two choices.

Satan or Jesus.

That is all. If you are not with One you are with the other.

In the end I urge all of you to be on the Right side of the fence.

The Holy Bible is true and Jesus has all the power of the True Spirit.

Good luck in your lives and WAKE UP!!!!



Goingslow: I am surprised at your reaction to Allanon's obviously fervent your apparent apathy and opposition toward his statement a product of your distrust and disbelief of Christianity in general and as a whole (historically, etc.) or his personal stance?

I ask this simply because I too am a Christian (as most everyone here knows already) and am very interested in why otherwise "spiritual people" dismiss Christianity with what is often.  I am no stranger to the anti-Christian views of the modern secular intellectual as well as non-religous spiritual world, therefore I desire to know what exactly makes you personally dismiss anothers personal experience/belif system.

I guess the most compelling element of your post is that I have yet to see someone as open minded and kind as you respond similarly to a religous/spiritual statement like this one.  

This post is not intended to be inflammatory or anything, I am just sincerely interested to know the answers to the questions I posed above.

PS: I am sure that while Allanon and I agree that Christ is the Lord, we probably don't see eye to eye on a myriad of other issues and doctrines regarding Christ and spirituality, HOWEVER my desire is to find the good/positive/truth in everyone's belief system and I respect everyone's beliefs equally.
We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot
fides quaerens intellectum


I have no problems with christianity and respect a lot of the teachings.  I've stated before I was raised a Christian and I rarely if ever put down the religion.

I wasn't offended by his idea a person should accept Jesus it was the way he phrased it.  Especially using either Satan or Jesus as the only two alternatives.  This thread discussed other religions so by putting that here he was stating if you chose another religion its the same as chosing satan.  

I think you were wondering more if it was his tone or his Christian message i was responding to. It was the "you'll be damned" tone my response was directed at.


I have never met Jesus while projecting. But one time I did have a dream that I was sitting with I guess you would call him Satan and he was making fun of this guy. He was really playing on his fears and insecurities until the guy broke down crying. Then Satan turned to me, gave me this bag full of candy and told me to go into the world and give it the candy. Ok so like the really weird part is soon after this dream I got a job delivering for a pharmacy. Well one of the places I delivered was this house for the mentally ill. Apparently the people that run the place tell the patients that their medicine is candy because they always called me the candy man.

So if Allanon is right, then I think I am in good with the top guy in Hell. I will put in a good word for the rest of us nonChristains. So don't worry guys, I got us covered.

And my favorite close minded bumper sticker:

"If it isn't King James it isn't the Bible"

I have actually seen this on several cars. Cracks me up every time I see it.
Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.



Gongslow: thanks.  I was just wondering.  (Can you tell I'm sometimes hypersenstive about this stuff?  I reread my post last night and I thought to myself, "If I hadn't been in the state of mind I was in last night I might not have written anything")  

We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot
fides quaerens intellectum


I swear that the first time I tried to talk to my spirit guide i thought he said "john the baptist" so that's close. i might have screwed up and maybe that's not what he said, but I am sure I heard those words. Maybe it really is him.


Gandalf, do you know any books sites, etc. that have to do with Jesus and his "Marriage"?....oh and I believe that God will take all the good people of the worl, if they follow their religion's rules and then cast the evil lot away


HAs anyone here had an encounter with JC in an OBE? What do you guys think of him?