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The Lord sees everything . . .

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HEY! Leggo my EGGO!

*Psst - pass it on [;)]*



Ask a preacher if the lord sees you in the bathroom.


Hey LORD! Yeah YOOO! Urgo Be TALKING to YOO!!  Yeah, Give Urgo THY POWERS!
WHY?? CAuse If Urgo had yer Powers, Urgo would ask for all Da Chicks in Da World!

[offensive material deleted by moderator]


Does misspelling "the" without using any of the original letters make you feel smart?


LOL!  Da = The?  [xx(]

I was hoping we could turn this into random cereal / breakfast food quotes.  SO I'll keep it going [:P]

Silly rabbit...

Trix are for KIDS!



Actually, all the "gangsta" terminology that's being used out there is a very clear flag that whoever is using it is 12 years old or less (or mentally less than 12 ys old)

No offense intended to the INTELLIGENT 12 year old kids that DO speak english. I just think this whole thing with glorifying the gangster way of life is such a waste. Is this ALL that today's youth can think to do with their time? .....sigh..... such a pitiful statement about today's youth, (not to mention the lack of parenting skills and government intrusion into parenting). I think I'm beginning to believe what I was told years ago; that 'a generation was soon to come that would be naught but cannon fodder'.

The time has come I guess....


They're always after me lucky charms! What, why is everybody laughin? They're ALWAYS after me lucky charms!



Good memories of a great movie there.. watch me quote the WHOLE DARN THING!

"Aye. They're always after me lucky charms..."
"What...?  Why does everyone always laught when I say that...?  They ARE after me lucky charms!"
"It's a television commercial...with this cartoon leprechaun...and all of the children are trying to chase him.. 'here leprechaun man leprechaun man! Want to catch the lucky charms!'  Oh, and there's always these little tiny bits of marshmellow just tucked right into the cereal so that when the kids eat them they think 'OOhhh this is candy I'm having fun!'"

Oh man... what can I do to counter that one [8D]

OH! I've got it!

Family Guy - Da Boom.  Day : Dec 24, 1999.

Man in chicken costume: There won't be some other time... The world's gonna end at midnight tonight! Y2K!

Peter: y2k...What are you selling, chicken or *edit* [:P]

Man in chicken costume: Haven't you heard?!  At midnight every computer in the world is gonna fail!  Planes will fall out of the sky, and all the world's nuclear weapons will explode, ANNIHILATING THE ENTIRE PLANET!!!

Peter: NOOOO!!!   Silly rabbit, TRIX are for KIDS!  Darn long ears trying to steal Easter...  I'm sorry, what were you saying?

~Squeek [;)]

Risu no Kairu

But can he see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?


This has been sto—borrowed from another forum I visit.
I need a signature that isn't stupid. :/