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Saint Lucifer follows me!

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Hi all, don't want to worry anyone but I've seen the real darkness in the man who won't stop using electromagnetic forces to cast me to death, he acts like I'm a very important person to shut off from the astral plane of the next dimension, I believe he controls a box is of astral forces to cast souls into with a passage of his musical needs with the media, he even sometimes calls me his son so i get quite worried with this reaction, i know what he looks like but I'm worries about telling people because he a spitting image of someone i used to know, any feedback on what others would do in this situation would be great and any remedies on gaining my own astral projections movement back that'd be great he likes to manoeuvre where i move my astral body and i think I'm connected to his astral box.


What?   :? :?

I can assure you that whatever is happening with you... it's nothing from outside yourself.

In this case, you're your own worst enemy.


So you mean my problem could be my own mistake?


Quote from: Shane150495 on January 21, 2015, 17:27:43
So you mean my problem could be my own mistake?
No, not at all.

Your issue is mostly rooted in your beliefs.  You'll need to confront things at that level.
The best way to do that is to confront it head on.  If you can project... face your darkness.

What we experience on the outside generally tends to be a reflection of what we hold true within our hearts.


I see what you mean, yes I'll give it a shot, i appreciate your feedback a very nice comment, all the best to you


There's nothing electromagnetic occurring from the other side. If this was a real thing with enough energy to affect you, the ghost hunters would have been watching spook TV a century ago.
The equipment hunters use is extremely sensitive and on occasion they may get a possible signal. If this was amplified a million times it wouldn't have any effect on you.
Put that theory to bed, its going nowhere.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


I see what you mean i think I'm not to sure what forces are being used to upset my mind, maybe you can help me with this one, sometimes i feel that I'm being watched in my sleep then i wake up halfway through the night nearly losing the thought of my breathing method basically like someone's trying to shut of my breath, what also occurs is some vibrations in my mind making me lose my balance with my mind to body connection, i can also project and all i can see is a man doing some sort of energy bending manoeuvre, his force is strong so i can't stop him, any suggestions?


Imagine a light around yourself while projecting. Also, your breathing changes with your state of mind. It's well known that what seems to be an accidental or unwanted "break" within your breathing patterns is actually quite intentional. Your body knows what it's doing c:

As we all know, things manifest a lot faster in the astral, so if you can't seem to figure out what's going on, just try and think about having a barrier around yourself. Just try and keep your mind away from straying too far towards any distractions and try to stay away from things that you feel could be harmful.


I will give that a go thank you, I've heard there's some technique with some word of force field you can create with copper wiring and some other stuff to put around your bed at night to stop dark spirits of all sorts, i appreciate your comment :)


I also once had a projection come up around my forehead of a document that he looked like he was going to burn he acted like he was my next door neighbour for a few weeks training me with some sort of mind battle of terminology, we shout boom at the end of our terms and it would make popping sounds in our mind he was very tricky with this random training sometimes making sense the other time using Latin to preach darkness to me, what i did was shout boom with my mind and his body on the projection would disperse in some sort of clear wave like a spirit, after i did that i got blasted with illuminational energy that created a huge vibration on my body and mind also creating three very visible blue dots infront of my forehead moving around in a strange motion, i could also see a vibration of blue colours above the sea when i ran out my flat I jumped for joy around nature thinking i was going to die, using all my might of light thinking any comment on this?


Quote from: Shane150495 on January 22, 2015, 09:09:29
I also once had a projection come up around my forehead of a document that he looked like he was going to burn he acted like he was my next door neighbour for a few weeks training me with some sort of mind battle of terminology, we shout boom at the end of our terms and it would make popping sounds in our mind he was very tricky with this random training sometimes making sense the other time using Latin to preach darkness to me, what i did was shout boom with my mind and his body on the projection would disperse in some sort of clear wave like a spirit, after i did that i got blasted with illuminational energy that created a huge vibration on my body and mind also creating three very visible blue dots infront of my forehead moving around in a strange motion, i could also see a vibration of blue colours above the sea when i ran out my flat I jumped for joy around nature thinking i was going to die, using all my might of light thinking any comment on this?

An all powerful being, someone who can bend energy, distort your mind/body connection.... burns a piece of paper? paper? Think about it...

Your in conflict with yourself, do less of this astral stuff and go outside more

Always consider that you can be wrong


are you sure its lucifer and not andrew dice clay......BOOM!!!
but in all seriousness what ajdin and xanth said is the best advice take a break and ground urself bak in reality and stop gettin wrapped up in ur head
best of luck to u  :-)